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<br />THIS INDENTURE, made thio <br /> <br />27th <br /> <br />_ day of _,__ Q~!2~~-'=--_ <br /> <br /> <br />___, 19~I~, <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />.-RGGERlL~NSDLAND...JEANETIEL_JENSEt4-HUSBANO-AND WIFE <br /> <br />Qr '_l:lalL,____ County, Ntlw..ka, as mortpgot __-s-_____. and Horn< Fed<nl. Sa';... and L_ A>so<Wion {jfGml<lIs!anlJ,"i'~'. <br />orpnil"..rd and exiMing under rM I.vri of ~be United Stat~ of .-'\mc'rka with its principal office -and place of-business at Otand_I_ilii1d!(~:"-~',,-- <br />mon_: <br />WITNESSETH; Tlutt said monsqor __~__,__, fOt and in c"<'tUid<Tati<>n ofthewm of SEVEN. T~QI'SAND"Nlr,;_~Q; <br />MJHl::fIV,LQQkLA8cS_. AND llJUlO!L::.::.::_::.-::_:::-:.::.::.::::.::::::::.::.::==.==_=-Dol....lS. 7~225'.OQ ..... . <br /> <br />tht- ~erpt of whkh t! he1-eby k--k~. do__ >_ ._______~_~__._by th~ ftf~s JrtQttlPJ( and wutan1 ~'11lo said"mon-.... it$;~auct~-~;" <br /> <br />flWC'Vt"!', aU It~ following ~htd r~.a.I ntllte, si{ua~ Ul the ('oont-v 'Of <br />and Slat~ of Nl!brash.. ie-wit' <br /> <br />lOT ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN (118) <br />OF GRANO ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />'h~twr .....Ith JIll ~tt.n<<. ~H \>t,ltd",IOr.dt~, ;;..hlm",;:. ""hfi pJ\lmlnox i-'qu'J)rt1l!<'!1l li.flU h:.;t\lr""". !l\fludm~ .,;..'f'tlt"~, Ilwnmwo. ~t.QJm Wtn~.-nd <br />d<k.on,_ ;;lO(j _mcio- ::ohlll~ "f hllnd_iIl. cL_d nn ',f He imlf~-..:':t<':'llll'-Ith :'itUd ~'n'pet\'; '^hoi'lht'r t~-",,,rt1i- (tt{' *JW kK"4it'd on ~td .lfV1-'lttrty l'lt hereft" <br />piat;."\lt~'tl <br /> <br />1'0 itA\. t: ,\:\0 TO HOLO -rUt:. SAM1-_ 1;,Ii;YUWf .nh;,a,E iH~i "'intt'Ular !h~ tt"n~fWnt'k ht,t,""",j:Us-~ms ~n1:1 appu~Mm''''$ t.hert....nto h..... <br /> <br />i.>fl;Ktf'o.4(, "f ,n ",U),,-,.,__ _Pl-'n..u:1Hlf;. {;'~""..t"'t '1jWl "'.,nHH ,11.- 111\t' !..n U",t" ../lnW ....1tltl BHl\f'jtagfIYS <br /> <br />ht'rphy {'{)\i~oant <br /> <br />with '!mid <br /> <br />n"'-' <br /> <br />t ,..{I <br /> <br />are <br /> <br />dot ,_h,- dt-1:}H'-r.- h"'h',:;!_ rtw i:lwlui ,;""'not-f S <br /> <br />Fl ,t.\'- ,lfl'"ltH",""", 1iIOt.1"'t' t'OU'IoIl>}tld and tit>~"t~, <br /> <br />~Ki d_re_ ,..~ (.f a- ,,;:.:o(....j ~'jj.j Hltj,,>J......lbi~ ;',..-!.-<!Olt" "t Ltl-/:''''''.'' ;h(:-n-tr: ~rl't' l!lntl d..,-aI .., _H ..nnHnh-TIlrn..~, /lnd that tiw,y <br />_UTliUll _Ad Jdt'oo th~ uUt- thett{.u k.f"~',"f "j[.~iht Ul'i:' d41ffi'" ,*-0'\.1 <}NI\;lOO:,> (\1 :ill; !-*f'",/>jH. ... b.>ffl~lC"...-'t'f <br />~.H.t'\'!n":l) AL"' A YS,;too tt\l"'mslf\Lll~t ,""';\r:!<-l.;tr<J tL~} dt<-h\~-o'l-,j t... ~'-uh:.' tht> i,.a._~ PlWiil {l(th~ ~umvi SEVE.N ,.Tt:tOUSAN.O-- <br />HID HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS AND NUnOn _____u____ ,",;..",$ 7.226.00_ <br /> <br />"-IU <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />With. ~ {lWnill:>n~ ~~}Iftlli\lltr ""it.n lo\i(-h ~ halJ(t'i> t$nJ ..r1\ ~ft>,:~'",,,,,, i,-'.} 1,.0; Ulk- .ncl p...;..~hk l,-' ..dolt! tno_i.ftj(:~~ urw.i~ th~ t~ltn~ lllwl ;'(lOthti_IOS <br /> <br />Hi trow l>>Vi~~~ ,-"-.:.4 ,:.t' e"oTI'!. J_l~ ~;ft-""-i{h .HW -... ,~,+~.~ l~"'~~H-' "~<<llt~ !',';,- ~....~ H,,_,n..,~t<:,>t ~ [.c l'>4Utt m.."rt:g.;;w, p~y*hffi a.... f:').j.~~"~ <br />J,n 5aJd rwie, lil.Iiid tv ~"\.ln- ttw ;:~tofIt\.li&~ ",j !ill t.tH' t.-...rm", ,un<J ~nta.;l;,t.u,f~.!Io ,_..hl.-....n.<:'I.i tb'rt'-lJ! nw "-'fm.(" (>l slud flut.e- ilf~ ~by tn~'otpOf'ittt!(j <br />!wn:oUl hr thi6 f~k"'",nc~. <br /> <br />lllS tN mLMllJo.H\ .nd ~~ ~..t t~ ~1iU1.-1""" ~.,.,f\"(~, t~;.~ th.;; I:,l>ur\~.~.' ~n.aij "'.i!lU ""'''- ~fl' an~ ItlhUt .-d".JW...s in.a.. to ,,4l1d n....nglif(\)(.$ <br />h~ 104i..oO nk)rl-jl\:a~~, ",-nu .u.) ",oJ.iIlH uklt'tlWnll"""'" '" ""',-:t1n;.Llf, '" dll.' ",,:n~'\.l,[,;: i\\",'" _'-l",~.,~i ....-fni..h ,..H.;. Ol<;:lll"(;H~. ,,! IIt\)- 01 <br /> thNn, rn~} HW.-" t.. <br />'Aod. tfW(,\.;l.&~. i>V"~'Io'.;-r ~-'\-~l.,~.;.~ "'"~~~: ~l! !,oh' h.-a..... Il-i.' ''''.....N '" dhw........~ ; Tn'" Hit,.J!,tiiljt., ~h~iJ !~l1Hlljl OIl flotH IOU_i' anu (,'fh"l.'t <br /> .~'lYlTol..ll <br />1l:k' l-'.n",~... ~hi'U~ and tbl.'U' he~t1:l, J*,r~ni:l.1"",'J";~.l.\t'l'- ,'->'".."'....."I" a~~;~ .,....".,,11'" .;111,; ai: Ilfn.,..u,t, "~".jU,j ht'n'un~h..t, ,ndlldu~ lutUI~' <br />l:lJ\,an,:'t;<,", '<tho' jlllld m fUI; \Io.\th l.!Il~t'ii>l <br /> <br />nw n...lI'tK~~i S rw--J~b} "'l:Hgn (co ..."w..i a~-,~l,::-,:,:" Ilo.ii t"'ill." ~r,,~ ,1""-,,,,-'1' "f\:"lh~ lj,! itn.~' a.lltJ aH {m~ [r<.>tll ~.Utj p~lIpt'fl~ {.Iud <br />l~r.~h~ "\.lU~Hla-t' ~..1d 1ll4ftilt"t::t:lt' or lWO -.,:t'nt. a~ ;l~ .,'t't~d,. ,)i-....,., uH-a4H, :~. :3"".: ,1\.:1li:~ ,if "4ikl pr-t.p"'Tt) ~Hld "\lHud ..11 n'nb <luff :m:(imt <br />tnw-1"tn<U:I lU)(1 a.pp!) tn...> !I4UW lv Uw p.yn)i,>nt ('.! :nJ-f"H.~t pnnG'.~!, i"'"H1Uld' i'r~mlunl", ,tju'-I>. <'I."'M'~Ul<i'nl~"'_ ,VP.llllt,- '.1 Ul...t"\~<nwnl" <br />~t') t.(! kt!ep $&Ad I~Y i-tI trn&.utabk ~litll1JbOtl.,.-'! l{.> OU\4'j' ,-.hct.tR~~ <}{ J-~~tnenw. ;lH'. HW for ~~~Ul tJf La tht n"Ht.- h~irdry ,~:-ur....j rhl~ <br />Nnt. :u;.r.tft:tunoot shaH u.l)Unut' In fot'Ct' until;;:i.... u<'tpo::d h8ta.:l--(~' "t :,.aKi nil!. i" iulh p.~"l ~ h.. :.l~tn,.:: ,,1 il<'''''.-'::'"'''J''~' tWH'u~}>k-! ".i'~ll; 0, <br /> n., rHill.l.lL\" <br />;\f,"'<l--t.'-JU. (.. rutatd "",Ul n~~ ;:u trw \-u-~.t..ot:; ,)1 ~ .......n."'- h'\. i'i-~f:"':'~'''''U(~' elf "U"W-..~, <br /> <br />'-'!'itj,)S <br /> <br />L~lH <br /> <br />\\'-.u l.r,,( _;~, <br /> <br />i <br />I <br />~ <br />!j <br />~ <br />i <br />II <br />;1 <br />ii <br />~ <br />11 <br />:1 <br />HHJl <br />; "'"..__~, ~.;'. .:._If <br /> <br />fht-~ hlllin~ 01 the m<Jrtg:..g~"1 ulll~t IUt)' 'Jf!u. t.;!:h!_o.; h...n'ut'td1-i Ii! M'1~ tlm." "'htiU n.,A I"" p'>n"tnJN1 d_" 3 ~ai""llf of It" fllo;':ht {(I ~'<;' tilt' <br /><;,OlNW ilL any uu.(':r Unit\, ,llJ),j t,(, l!tii$-t tlpvn llnd ,'nhhi,~" ,!~;,-( ,<rr;phifUl." ...,Ul "E th(' li:'fn:... ~lTh. pnr~':<"I'Hl" ,\, .,.-<.tl H<'l-P <.lnd~': thl~ !1li"tt:ii-jo;" <br /> <br />Ii wtd tl)Qrt~f S o;h.aJ.l <;ll;\Uiie L(} tw_......~ h. "iW.i rn..,ff"'li';~' ~t'l\l- .-"tilt' i\n~(fuilt 0q,: tWl'nHtLtt'1 -,nd ~.n.1t.t .h.' ,ynll" ;HHi pro\' ,...It),"'; <br />Q-f M-td t~ ~y :'IeI\:;.o~, IJX:1u4l.A8. futltl.h' ..J....a(!.~. tl-nu t'li:\ '-'-_~I\_~.~.n'" ..,r f!i"t..,...'al-. \h.'H...,j HI d"ul'1;11h'" wJlh i.M :nl:,-, ."'hI 1'1'\.1\ 1'>,'\:1"< <br /> <br />t~~. illUUd_t~~ S 1<hail.(:(lCnpi)' \.qlh JIB {tw Pfll\l.-'HQ::'iJ' ul -",.1lI".:l n.o~' 4nd ;,: dH!> ltinll~Iil;';\", lh~lj d-..:__ ph-'.dd' ',lh.H j,,' ,,,,,I <br />t~'" to ten'Jil,Ul-IQ hill hN'ce ~ t!lf<<\..od s.a.v.i UlQJ1..gagrt ~na.g tlot' ('_n-t.!Ued tH ttw i-'o(.;....,"ot.'!>.:-)i..l!l ul ",11 ", ~alij p~tV'rtJ, dn,j nw)', at l'l"", ',{-'I <br /> hH. <br />~ the.boW of Mid tlIU &nd aU \e.~~'" ~~nl.t'd lhf.:rt'b} !i~ b... lH'..nwdllllt.'l} ,-j~H.. ..nJ. PQ)'ct<t." Ml.l nlii.~ f<m--.: in.'W tiH':~ l:'l,,!i.;.:,.,g" <br />(}f tMe .n)< odllft' .iIi ti;+Uon U) p:t"Ot<<t lt6 ~t Appr&l.!llt'-n)tllt V;.!$.IVt:"d <br /> <br />ThU! !oortg~ ~U hi! hir.dl!lfl upon ,ulti it-th$.H ~flUh: t.u tht- t""'H~ht j'l! U'''' h~u"", "",,,-q;\w ". <br />~ti\'~' pon. h~l.u <br />,(...-rs~TNt~~ WHt-,:REOL "-Iud M~-l(.t.tii"", S- M ve n""I~<'-.J))~: their <br />~~t~, '} <br /> <br />1fff/'tit ';E~$E~t.~-..~ <br /> <br />a<t!t;lnl,':j;l,.t"~" <br /> <br />:--'il(-C~~"'''';,,('' ,,u,,l .1-l:I,M~;t!,... ,,' 'i" <br /> <br />_~.\ .,~,_c tlt <br />~ "... 'r -'" -' , '.. ~ -~' '" <br />'J Ntl It t., ,;L\i)tN <br /> <br />.~' <br />r' <br /> <br />\.-. \ \~->- <br /> <br />.,~~~~...".~.......~-*"'*~"..~~~;,:;~~w~~;;;-~_",~""~.?:~,:~,,'J;,,--...;r.;>.;!~it>L_'.-,'r~.~~_~;.t...'.,,"-~i:,".::',,;c;;.::~~-::~':;"',,;.~.'.::-~ <br />