<br />I
<br />
<br />83-005731
<br />
<br />
<br />(Open-End: To Secure Present ond Future Obligations and Advances)
<br />KtfO'IiAllMENGYTHESEPRESENTS:Thal MiLlard Abel and Darline Abel . if Individuals.
<br />
<br />jQjQIly.....~y, resl<IiIllIin Hall County Nebraska : anO II a corporation orolhe,businessenbty, "ilhits
<br />~lIlaOorOl__ '0 County. . 1..'_11'" 'eler'ed 10 as "Mortgagor") In con_
<br />liO!l.hll~'s-.o....._._O!llIgaIlon$to Commercial National Bank & Trust Company ,
<br />01 .' Hall. COUnty. Sta/8 of Nebraska CMorIg_, now .xislinq or h....llo' im:urreo. ano of... valuable c<wi<leralionjn hand paid,
<br />_hereby sell and cOnvey 0". Mortqageelhe Iol-.g oestt'ibect Pf"""""" Situated In "_~!,_, ____ County anO Slale of Neb r a s l<a .
<br />-:
<br />
<br />92' x 275' PN in tbe Northwest Quarter (NWt) of the Northeast Quarter (NE~)
<br />Section 29, Township 11, Range 9 - misceLlaneous tracts in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />togItiW wilb 41t of 'mt .rtgm._ i1tte. an4 }nJetesl of 11le M:Oft~r 10 $ani pr.opttrty now OWMO or ~raa:!'rt"!r iCG\1,rp.: and ,Hi Ow!omgs tmprovements, and Illdures 01 any type
<br />ri(N;-Qt -nere.aflet'pJiK!(1 on ~ feal O:~ ana <1;1 easemer.1s ngnlS. appurtltl1,1"nces_ rent'i, foyaiN:'5 r,;i .;I,ll.! gas nghts ana -profits wafe!' _ wafer ngnts. and waler stOCk_.
<br />_ aW !i.!ures, now or ~'eatt.ef anatned to th$ fOr~ng <1eswbeO ~lope-rly Jll {II wniCl'll;'1tlOOl.l'l.q- ~i>f'i",:,,",~:,ts .aM aoomDns rnfrelO. snail De oeemed to be and remain
<br />PM! of the O!O(Jefty ~erEfl 0,' {:')15 MOllQage Ai! of ~ne fOt~n9 prooer!',' snail ~ COHectl...'elY r.'f!{'II\lflel 1\:,'e'rea to as Ul-e Premises
<br />r~mortgaqet$9lV~ntnS&ureJcef1amlJrtml!~snr,t1Qteaalen.____...2!::E_o.~.~E 2S.~," 1?83 ..' ,~Il\eOtlm:ID<i!:-,;1mol ~.l!_~___!:!undr~d Fifty
<br />I~~~~~~~,,_>~.~5t _!l.~l !.O2.="--:-::::-:-.-=:-:-==_-:-----::-:-___---:-.--- L:!J;i;;r::, ii 1 59.,000.0<2 j. <l1d lr!erest thereon accorflltlg to the terms of
<br />-satO nore an(! an1 ..vm a# ~:If~~l:QnS, te-nflriJis Mi';(1.!fKihons Dr ~uMhtl.ij;:OI1'i- rnerWJ' ane €J(;T> a'1d ~e''t deOi '\J.:>>ftty J~ oOj~h{ln 01 every Iype a1\O oestriD-non- wtllCh
<br /> the
<br />~ ~ mw 7"! a! afl)' time- r.ere-after O'Nf: 10 ~~ Mrntgagee \ir-rtfttN!:f suet! ileot 'ldbtflt", Of C{I.lJgJti!Jl, ':,,"1. f,uSIS 01 l$ {lr may De C1rect or t~ec!, "ue Of to beCa.-ne
<br />ewe. &b5$U!! Of tMfmqenl p1tm.\fy 01 ~a-ry :~aijJoa!-tC O! t.;ni1f.!tucalee 01 l{}inl $.ew:ral Of !O<~! ani! se...-lt'i!: <ill 'Suet.. (teNs "anilitIes and Obl~tions an COllectlvely
<br />~ ~!fNrW W;;5- Oehgallt).f'--S-
<br />
<br />r~ toQ.l ~t ~t tlldUSl\lt (rt lmS!'Mt ~ tf'!tf ~!rq.aMns lOt1lI.,1H'lg -a~'" ''livre l1etns Ja..ance-s HJbtilt<e5 Of Qt)41g.lhOnS Mt mCiuOlng nowever any sums ao~
<br />'i~tcrIM[){QtOCtlOOorthePrem!'.Je:SC!!'{n.Muni}'lgef '!,;ntt!t!'SIli'ltretfl shJ.;!"lo~e.t~tetl1he311mG~ Tf~!!_~!!:JE.~_red 1E~usand and no/l<.?O-
<br />_:.:::-..:=-==-:--.:~_-:::~==--_=_==.::~::.~:_~~:_:,::::.==_.==-=_::.. D<J1l.lfS ($ ,}9.9 ~ qo,<? ~._~9.__ r,[D'o'Hled.1'lowever rMI rr3tnmg COnla/ned nerein shaH constItute
<br />.oJ ,ammmnem to- l1r~kt anot!iOJial Ui h.11,\Ht i~:a {X J;:!v",t.--ce-s \I': 4ft} J."OO\.lf:.!
<br />
<br />~~ M-ort~ tlfff$il' .1H,l,MS ~"'...d1:~,~ l~&\Ir-~ rn ;nil :nOfi~ re:al j)n1Vef1~ ~t'lll:l .>,::ii {h'-~e~n '~l'- h\!e aQ<llrlsl a;1 (!21r1',aflfs whQmsoe'ie! ana II rehnQUlshes aU
<br />l"~' 9: ~~ to \Jm rrtft\i~ iM tJ)1;'ttlJ:nts i:xl a9J~ "Ild-f1 Hie Mortq.ajlte ih !\I1'~~
<br />1 1", p.w \!rMfi~e.!it! u..n \:otffi'$ ~IS VI .as~-s~'~ Wf'HC1'l ,"'1d't' ~ '.:\w";;cy J:',se~,-ejJ l<':;clL,!c,ll":? ~'i'mJSI"-S J"'~ :rcf '~nt.a:T c'":,lH;es uoon any leases JSSiqned
<br />J!; -WOd1(>r,,f; ~\l-1,t~' ~$-' !1'li~ ttlOrtQa9t
<br />
<br />~, : (' :<';$-';;f! .me ...tt:n lM-!J'~ ~~t Yttm!'$t$ anI': ,~~f \!11p1~!f'Jt"t"1t;;; 'tOW U1" (I' 'oIl~,{!1- '':''./1" roe'~:3!!;>~ :;{' 'i--J{'tO ,:-, ,,~,~ ;-'eznjSt'~ !;J me ~a!Is.laclron
<br /> of the MOft9.1g8e
<br />:..tr.; pot!(.~ t'-~tC~r'i~ j1JCt! l~i!lCf )n>Ni.b!f ~\ft.1 \"ttf1'! a !1'!Of!~ lCs:, ilcl:yat>>fo P.li.l~ .lopr::)>.'M ti..,- <'!::r :fj '<IV':! '.'t MO'lq3get .If';Z dtOOSltec .....Ith
<br /> the Mortgagee and:
<br />ritl-a!fi "'~5 !-'1e"~ to-i:lI p.6,at_ i0-IIQ!(q.aQ8f .u ~M OQl.i';;1"! n'!~ Yon~ ~\.;rrt'-; ~;:J f~e,~~:,h V:)'q<l;Jt'f -0' YOt~Q--tQC, :'l"J'o- Of' U"$ffi to pay lor recOOS!ruchcn
<br /> of
<br />Int ~i1''OVtO P~~s.ft C-f ~'t>Qt ~u .l~'t'(f may' .It!~ :>(!JItY.! {!f t....f M~~~gee t;!~ -al-~Oll{!<::r ,f' t}.Jv~.,j :"11 Jr... Jt!h~ttvn-s '1'>J~u.tO D' ~,I'l.m(thHt'U St!Cl.lf8'(J
<br /> O-V tnlS Mortgage
<br />:; ~~ "ftP iA Ou..~Il9S OCC~ .lilC I'>) .}--m rtp.i!J ;!l'\(j U} f~!fal~ from l"~ -::~'5SlUn -:!' ,Jfl'f iK'<' ~ ,1;'-1''''")\-,,: -CtmC'll!on [m:lJ.1!~11 01 Inti Pfefnf5e" not to- cut
<br /> or
<br />1~ :Y ptfrM ~ etC\l.J \I<'!~ 4:,'1)' *-000 ~ htrtDef ~'om s:a>O ~eM pHJOenV d~ f;\l:t \~ 'OI't1~~t ii' ;ce'l;' , "~)'i .o~st! Of ,rr'lo;um<enl m me "i4~ at lfl:e 5etunlv: to conttn.
<br />iiou'\.... pi',Ktl(t! .ap:fJ"~ ~''S. ~ t,t!"~"1 cr-:'i ~ n~~'5. !'D P~f'l:t ff'O-s_er itr:..c !~ Wfto.>w .,t .,c~...~..s. a0{! ~,l'--J9t!lg ~eeC) d~~ to preserve 1ht- teftitlty of tne
<br /> SOt!
<br />
<br />.0: ! ;\&t 4;1 ~ ,,"'.0 ,f1IIitd:i GI~~ as C<W..~ {1' (~Y~1(1'! tl;ti ttlr !All~nQ Q'! M~ to Qf ~),,~:.e~,;-'D:"'~! C"-;y. Cj;1':..l'~ !o In, DCt!':).."!: oi the Pr~ffilSM bv reason
<br /> at
<br />J6'((;o.~, ~ /)O!!'~r; U!:~ 01 <;,;llOe ~ ~f P"~y $t"-.a.u, J{!!'It l)Ot.;w rf! t-!"te U<J~t~ ~!ff p.am;o!l1:!!- \4{!l!9M}M, ;al"lQ sucn moneyS anti awards 4fe
<br />n.tfeCr,.~ l~ \Aot,~ ~ :OO'1~t tt!~!i!:tof .,n,a}< bit tt~rec ~ t-a,,1)I' ~ "OOq.l~ ,J:i)(j .~i1 j.~'O ';;~'i t>f; \;s-eo .\f ,I:; oot;cn !o1!ioJ!o!he paYme1'lt of the Obligations
<br />sec-ui<<) ~;~ s:;.:C.n t/l~ (!f~,mtW:t IS ~ !t'\lf06Jf!JOf ~i.~.;:it S.t'~l bt JsM,a, :1<; opfiU.... ~Ot t1.IVfT"t'nl O! :Yes d;;.~~'iSf'!'er.iS, repalts ~ other ItemS fOf the
<br />~ O.~ whlf;!l !!'>~ \f-Or"~ ~ ~.i'i 1KVtJh, .~ t1't 'S.1mt N> thftl aue I!f n{lt .iOO'!' .1.'..>(_!- y{)t! (u- ~ntH ~s MOf'qa~ '!Iii',' ;:it!t&fmme, ana .a:r.-i amount no( SO
<br />i,iWd j~ ~ r~ ~l!t'If ~~ W ~ Vort~ S'.JCh ~~!s:h-1 t't :f>UM" ~rtsl not t~;e ~ .~fl'- ;Jo, ~aui! 'Jf 1-:;tec;(t":N,H-e prOt..~t''(tmgs '" the event M-ongagee
<br />~ *-~ ~Uf) 'C~ \10" ~s~ l!'1 t~lQt! ~ !"Nttfl'J tv Q!oceeot>lq V!Y.1qaljlCf ~~t?-1b~~IlU!JttlUltJ~11ne!ewlttl j~tudtn\lCNl not 11f1\-
<br />~ to -Ift~t"JtlT\ 'ff"J- "00 c~11 re~t~ ~f:--c ~m':\' w ~ $.l.;;:'n, ~~, 1IIilfr. m~~'ni at ~~ 1"-of .:,,~-:.._:: .:,~<-...'~ S -secufed nereO',' to
<br />s~1! ~ C" \1'00 a\ YGr1~ :'\"..ty \!M.'I't lJi ~mmt "-d:v-~:f!<< t.~!,! Q! ~~~ 4t:~.(:~NtIIl ~ is- a daf't -~eoi
<br />'i !~~&~~~~it:inl~-e-",~i"''f~~ll~ f'!f~.llt'\,#~...-;.i)fl~' !tees,iU~lS.Of
<br />~~ ~t1i.'V is.~s.o ~ lllif?r~ Of UriS m !;~n!';!;fl"'ISilJ';jJ>';~e AS ~~~t pi'lMOeO M-or~ m.J\' m.ah.e SlJCfl Oa,~nf Qr p-rovtde WCtlIflSUraIlt8.
<br />4JlO Jflt ~nifSj ~ !fI\W~ sfl6*! beCOmt . 0;i(1 V-i if!,f \.-'t~.y.,"~ sec1,nKl ~t~y ,';;~ ..,.0- ~,-~~ >!t\~-. cii'\C ~fI.a-~i !If.ar !"'Ieres.l .Ii t~e rate rn , 1..2~~"Q~t
<br />pet ~ !f(jm.i'~.a; me ~ tM t.tuft~ m.t1lf5, ~'",,-'t'" PJ;)~
<br />-5 T~ ~ thl rtlJflt Y'OrtfilQQ' det.w.., ,,<x lrw ~ f!I .tn.- 01 1M O..~s Oi Q-t~,. lr.f:e{est ~eott ,it Hw f;mr *~f1 !~t" ~dfflt' snail be Cue Of WI'''' respect \J any
<br />~ or ~ .'*.. ItwA it 1....1JC)!lQf\ (Ii WOf1Qi1911l me-~. ~i Sf(\tttd flfltOy Shall !.O~~tn DtCOf!'\~ aue dnd I!iiyabte .iflO the MOrtf)a:9ft may 1m.
<br />~.. iOrKiou: ff1i11l19n011t Of ~f~ue ~fit I)ffW .~ ~ ttllftllCt,' if"! lhe.' Mfll Oil .iPY .lCtton {)v td~ te e-iHOtCt' ,00l<<:hOO ot "ny of me Ob.fJOnS wtured
<br />~. the ~ ~ tNf '"" hptftM tfC~ ~ lsfMibCW; JttGr~. !en.no cost$ l'lCIoIH1!IO 11\ tl)nrntcW}t! int1~lt'l Of mtuutc2 Ie procurt 01' utend an
<br />~ of __ ~ """" I!!l'CU{fflO Of f)IIG trt ~, t<<Qrtte <1 patl Of tne VtIi~~ ~iJ(eQ -hffeby alld Sfi~1\ ~ ;).ll(l 0, ~onij.lgo( 10Qt1iltr wl1tl all 01 tne luabWJ
<br />COlIS CII_.._
<br />r that m- me.....'" artIftn ~ btllllgN to kAtlaM m ~ ~ Jli- or MtJ" 1li\.!1 of lhl ~ secUfe6 ~ toe- MOllg.igee snail be enhned to Irnmecbale
<br />~ ~ me ~~, inQ N'tt COroifl. Of , tuCOt tMf'"' '" vtYAbOn N'f ~ aM the Ucr1gagor f\efeoy ton!.eflts. to me 3UQOmfmeftf or a (ecetYef to tike
<br />~ ~ 5M ~ to-~.~ l~ 'ems __ ~ ~ t~ ana tram ~ montY5 so ~ !Q pay Ux~, pt-o'tl<te msu.riIlU. !T\lil:e needed,....
<br />*" !O.~ ~ _~. .... ~ il'tJ~t:I<< ~ti 1t..1nOOltG rty t!";;f COIPl. at'-.Q ~ .any $;Um riBff".alt>>fl'; a:rw tne paymenl of :Wen authonzcc ex.
<br />--""'~
<br />$; rt\at ~ OI-oRy Gl' ~ W ~ ~ of -itS- r..-.t1 Of ~~ 0Il'C tnSJ'S1 \.i:Nn -strICt pet'fofm.lnce of a~l' cover.ams 01 !Qfet!~nts of MOI1gaanr tontalf1.
<br />.Il'l_ ~ IbAil: ~ NtQMII'\tIClU......... o! iI"'f t~ Of ~ 01 \Iort~ Of f1'Qfl1 {K ~l;lmI!Q-.,. m Yortgaget': cool-a:med iO Of based Upotl any ot the
<br />.....~. .~-Of~$atlM"~Ot...""t-~~M
<br />9 r_ *U$e Of.... an _~ Of""'. _~ (It Wl c:..aseot ~ CJ ~ot an., kin. ~ LJ.1;, .nSUfiACe, \;CSl, OlItJl.OI:MI, Sit(t
<br />........__....~, _ ~....__.,....u....-. III ""_""at_ of __Off""'t !orSUdlflltllQaliOns........
<br />__... _..-. ...,llolllil__ __ """"".,." lit.... _.. the...... 0blIqat.... he<ol>y '"".,... aoo ,... Mort_.1Yll
<br />_.......lOraoy......._"'..~
<br />10. ....... -MStIM 1Nt.... .._ ~.. !tQiM. m.. lnt". ~ cemano t..~ ~ to r.rn:! M10 j)f~ ot tne Pf~es anc -Qol:S ..ls!>>gtl to Moo~ aU
<br />....__~...................O1 Gtai, IlOddOlS ~ ~ W ~ i.00 ~ -kit illl-rents Mort!}i:gCf 111!tlCt! oi\ftenants. to-pay f!Ol OUt Of
<br />"__IO~.I._oI""""""'''_''lJIlIlgMJon$'''''''''' _ T.....~I..... "'" __.....o.........utt" """'" in tho
<br />_. _,..............., .._............ or... __
<br />" It'''''l!I'Itl!!ot''''-.._or__IlleP'''__''"''' __. ""'~ ""~" "'''00".,,,,1 ,,,. ......_ ....._
<br />~____""""'~_llt_""'_"\>Ir_6""" at '... Mortgago
<br />
<br />
<br />It 1....______..._...._____._
<br />
<br />None
<br />
<br />').", ....__........._. _Illt ll''' ...- <_OI~. """'9Ill8 '" __...._ ,,,. P,,,,,,,,,,., ..-, "to _ l<l bo on
<br />__.."""_._~_..61......... ._. ...lI<t..~_...._.....""p.t~....a""'p"''"_I'"'' ~_bo'"''
<br />__..... '" ___ t... ; .. _ ""'.....
<br />l.' nw.......... .....1iI,.".~_ __, ~ W:C~Pf~1#lMM~$tOI1.iM It<)1n j~ ~~'tQ: polWI~ l4d liiW! It'! ~".y
<br />........... ..-......
<br />~._;f.*
<br />