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<br />PREPAYMENT AND ACCRUAL OF THE FlNANCE CHARGI!l: ..,.... _ 1 <In not have tn pay more than .he regular scbeduled;';""miy payment. 'I ha"" the
<br />rigbtto y the wi1o!e amount OiWingcfo-' ~ or in part from ti~ to .tlIDe. l,f the l~nding institution or ban~ that buys my contract c~Qtes the finanCe
<br />charge .eit_lv paymen., and llwill be h.gher.f! pay late; I also recognrze that any necessary ndJu.trnennn my tntal
<br />.!moo"", .llPwn on the rev."", side fnrtheFi1llU)CeCbarge. TntaJ nfPaymen",andtheTOljd SalePrice
<br />areeoU_hIliedillflhr>lIIstlmJlIion lhatl'O\twllf receiVe eacll<>f thepll)'lllenls exllCtly on ilSdue date;'8lI,n know,m.t<here willbe no refund iflprepaidi.causelhere '
<br />i...""'...... hing.' . rn refu. .nd. if 1 IUD...".. h...arged on a dOl. 'I.y bas. . is. If the. lending instll.lion orhankdneo _cnmpu<e the finanee charge daily, and ifl prepaythcwllPle
<br /> amount, you
<br />will rcfuiuj .n ,roc tbe"neOlnod,portjon of the fuu\nce chor8e (i_II b. the..""uD!ing procedure.lmown.. the actUarial metbnd: and theamouul of,myrebate will be
<br />~~':f,~~~~:amnu"'" of my monthly payment and 001 on the actUal date, and amounts of the prepayments tha..1 paytn y"", I know thata~fund
<br />
<br />
<br />lMPOftTANTNOT1C&AeotrrWARRANTleS.: . . ... . . ... . >', ......... .......
<br />J$I!l.IJN,IT$;()W8~:(WHtCH, IF..oe.,ACCOUPAIHS THIS CONTRACT);. ...... . . '..'. .....'..' ...
<br />
<br />(b)lluivii,-,itldetiW, the "'panI<!"tlMlTED WARRANT'\'" which accompanies till' <on"""', It e<pWnsthe oondilions atId kiri:unistanc..iii ""llll:ll the'~
<br />_ products wUl be repajrcd or replaced, I tal:e nOllce of the limitations an the warrant)', and I pamcularly recognize tI1at any implied wammty which allliUes,lO.ihi
<br />goodsl~""il'''.~''theW_or~il:c_tr.q_ '
<br />SPEClAfAlJU)ER GOODS:I koow.that you .~~ me..ured,my houseand.uopomingo ",that youcan_c lhc~tn fitmy~ull!<~Jtakanoti<;atllat,the
<br />good> _ an; ,,~.......iod for my specifJC noo.el'fObably willllOl fit Ol1yOlhethOusc:s, and lllldersuclrcolldibmlS; T kiIoW'thatl_CllIlCelthis.<:OntnIi:l at any tJllle
<br />- theperiodoftinlo give!ltnlD<. by ",,,,.in wblch tnCllftCCl After that Icplperilldof t;me, I know _11>&.. tlleobligatioclO payyOll infitllthe-,,,,,,C\I,,
<br />OBUGA1'lON8 PE1lTAlNlNGTO MY JtEAL ESTATE:.! I promi", to keep my hoo.. m g<.'<Jd repair and.a
<br />bvbuving o.fii'e rmde~ ~ m!lUl'&llCC pohey_ The 'USUIIIl<C <,ampanv """" be approvodby you, and
<br />~-u..""IO~p0i4ifU-iialolis,rIlci...........~ymu.up"thatrtwifln<)l~mypolicywilhoo'. .' . .
<br />l_.r_yforany Ioso, Youoanchoosewu"'tlliS"'"""""'.pa}'J!1C1ltlOeitherrcpay any amounu I owe yooortnlllpall"JIlj' howe, 2.""lso .. '
<br />_ cl",la p~ any he.. on my real_ ",ithout your Mltten pemuss'nn, J.. I pronu.. '" pay aliI..... ......,.,..,ts andotller <:har3" OD my.~....-....
<br />4.1 prornilie to limel. mKc oil payme1Wl "" my prior loans """,red by my realesrate. 10],,0 pronuse m.t I will OolO.tend. renew or change prior !nans.willHll!!your wtiucu
<br />pcnnissitIn. 5 If! dO n"tt"""" my _ orfulfill my other obIiptlOllslo my real..tlIle, then you can do i, for me ii.you want (huryoull6 rot ha.. tnl, If you do pay any
<br />of these obI~ lor~, I ~ to pay l'OU back ondemondjllu; ......., .t the h'gheSllawfulcomract _ of inleresl, Untllfpay youl!Kk.lhese~.wiII bo;~
<br />to my debt tn Y"" _ .s sect.lJCll by my real.statcand bouse. f _ lIrat If you decide '0 buy Insurance for me m.t yau dn!lOt _ tn obtaIri..y homcnwncr or liability
<br />!nsurance.
<br />SALEOt'MY HOUSE, I prom... "'" ...sclI. "'-'" B". my -.., to any_ until I have fully ....paid my debt '" you.
<br />DEFAll.T: I will ~ lndefawt.uadtrmL'H:-untrat.'1 if:
<br />1 l<I<>n"mHnpa~_due:or
<br />'" t breaker prornUe 1 RUldeto)'OO m thisc.ontract; Of
<br />J -Somclrnne dse- bappeM wtuch~)'ou III bdievc in ,(;\(xHalth IbaIl do not Intend to ply )'\1U as ~~ Of
<br />4. J deiauh.onlU'~'(~hptJOn&fUf"'--bteh I am~tn_m)' bomeeC(1Uateni; or
<br />~. s()J.nit.Ihtnlbappemt(lmy~wl1lchthrr..tcrulYow nghts, If any. III it
<br />IF t, AM IN DEF ALL T~ J undenWtd thai YOQ have tbe f.ight to for<<lOk the Mort~aF I have gl;\.~n (0 JHt! ;mj ha..-e nt)- hou~ wid to repay any ~.- ,I o_~ you if I
<br />am mdcfauh undertt&3~ Before my ~ ll-IO-ld. you wiUdo~~tht-ngltw the h.w-,..m.lfyoohireaDattomeytoaut&tyou'o$dtmy~,_.to$ueme.
<br />Of. to prote4't your npu. I agree to p&)' )'ou for 1U'W ~ atIOfnt-Y5' feo And fQJ ocher related ~.1~ :ouch as- rowt cotiU. title aearcba anl,hnoDe)' you,expended
<br />.o~.",y howe. I(}'W"l' oIlowodwcollcc.._ ."''''',,,. by l.w.. ,."
<br />OTHIlItItlGIITS:W~CUl_"'" !Oeof..... any c41h< ,,"'" _lbi. <omnt<t ..often.. We wlllII ~ lnslns-, Or, wc_~ enl'1lte!llg "i~,!Igh"
<br />Wtmoot 1",,",,,slbcm. We. c.... a1w \lit an)' ri~ fW)';ti Of tn me fUltvre gl~en to u. by htw
<br />
<br />~~i~=~~~'t=~~::::i=.I:k~~~~~~=l:%a~~:lur~=~~~:-;~=tr:"OO:===
<br />
<br />..", lie Ii..... fi.. ...clHlel.,...
<br />
<br />ARIltTRA nON: III ~.. . dupulc. or cloom w1lh you ~ tlw ~uan"'y , qu.hry <>, pcrl<.'......n,:e 0' the prodOCb. I undenland !ha. my di'pu~ may be iUbnlitled to
<br />.G.nIj ~ a.;~inc-Ii;! tbc mediaImHifbims:lQtl pn~ tMt may h=lw de'\'C'-I.:JPW tn m)" ~\>tnftlljmIY. l-.ls.o know uw any dcclJii,ion JNMie by an arbtlrator(s) wouldbeenoo '
<br />tered III the~:U<4ft h&'Vt.f'5J~ttofttf\-Wmt Md )'-lU
<br />
<br />SALVAGE VALtJE~ J know tn. tht> WlnOow\, wnudW()f\., -<mdomt'f nw:~~~ that n.\'c- 10 be n:-ms.wed b..- )1"'>\1 tor t.'lis tnMAlhUtOO ha~ 10 ialvage value. \\then you re-
<br />JrIO'W:~. )"\lU-<.:mAtw.them h._v ..-batc-~<<P'!f'P"-!St; yuu t,l<-;,ttlt.
<br />
<br />~~Lsrn.",TIONS,OUo... rlte __'" _ ofllle J""dut15 _ yoo ..11, I....-.-~. l/l.iJ'<<'w i1tua1itJm l/talrc>Ul' RcglooaI Office may have 10 re.icw
<br />jlnd If<c<!,, tht,~. I oitu~_tlm <ale_..my homellldtlr.toyou....l._y""'''''''''hod .uthe"""". Inf","""""",j~",this~:
<br />atQU.fim~ Ijl\-~)'-OIiJll;)'~liJ~t u)' ~.k)u:~ertOt"toUW may r.'ivt'i~ ~ lht blaah ill Uti!!. contnlC1 werecompletcd. .
<br />
<br />I~"V AUD, PJlO~lSlO.~ if -1ft} ~J;OQ of _ ~i..\fltflIi;f'...'4...1ttr Hi'''' and jc\ u:wntt.m.'e3bt~. me ~t of ~ \."oooICtwiU he' \'alKt tf any piJ1 of this contract requirei
<br />!'Oy_of _._than tlw law """""", thee you ....Ii onl, have the n,hI "',,~lcc1_ ....tlw__ ",' ._..l\lch the law allows you locoU.cl,
<br />
<br />(:()MpU""I'ENESSOl'TalSt~O!'<TllA(.,: flu",,,,,,,,,,,. "..,,>aI) bc~'" ,'1><"" "......I I_.n "'-ruIng.
<br />
<br />taoocJ~'~t~~ne~~r:~~=-l~~e::~~.llt~:~..tl~~ ....-~thi"'~QlKnk't l~~\kI toa lj~iAl imutwklAOrA bank. and I should noIn::eth. the iotpot'\"
<br />
<br />83-005728
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