<br />~
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<br />
<br />~tcouldtilJ~~t.~J~8llCUIedby tIf~'~tyInstrument is subject to a law which'setsll1tlXimum
<br />!~..' .and.......'....... .....wat... ..... .......Ia...... .!Il'...........ilf. .......in.......~.... '..' ...... ....... 8O.,.'.tIliI.. .tth. e.m. .teri!st...' ... or...otherl.oll.n
<br /> .. char.. .g.esoon. eeted. or.tolreco. Beeted... . '
<br />m\ivtthtllii'I_WQulil.elI.Wed'~tted llinit& If this is the C8ll8, then: (A) any such loan
<br />"~...... ........' ......DY..'..'.tJitJl8.. '..".IlDI6UD,.......'....... t~...'.......".'.H...to,redUce.......... ,.the... ..~.totbe~. .tti!d. '. Iinlit;and (B.)81IY.. ...
<br />~.~. colleeW'6otn . ~Whicl1:. est!eeded.. permitted limits will be. refunded to. Borrower,
<br />LC!nd....ttIaY~ t/)'mdethis,Pifimlfby, reduclngthe princ:iplllowed under theNotll or by JDlIIcinga
<br />direct~ toBorto!ll'er.
<br />C. PItIOItLlEN'S
<br />It~ det:ermiDee thIltalloJ' any part of the llUD1888C1lred by this SecurityInstrumentare.ll11bject'
<br />t<!...aWm.~,ha3prioJityoVerthis Security Instrument, Lender may send Borrower a notice identifying
<br />thIltuen.BOno_sbaII pIOJIlptlyac:t with regard to tbat lien 8lJprovidedin ~phhfthe'Security
<br />Ins~ or 8baIl JIlOlIlPily, secure an ~ent in a form satisfactory to Lender subordinatirtgtbatlien
<br />to this Security ~t.Fail!U'e to provide evideneetbatLenderbas first lienshallc:onatitutea default
<br />underthet.erms Of'thisNot&
<br />U~ isatnmsfer of the Property, 8Ubject to puagraph17 of the Security. Instmment, Lender
<br />ryay req1lire (1) an incr!luein the current Note interest rate, OJ' (2) an increase in (or ~ of) the
<br />Iinlitontbe amount of any ODe interest rate change (if there is a limit), or (3) a change m the Base
<br />Index 1ilmI:e. or all of ~ _ a llODditiOn of Lender's waiving the option to accelerate prGVided in JIIll'll-
<br />graph 1'7. .
<br />By 8igning tbia, BorroW'er agrees to all of the above.
<br />
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<br />STATE OF ~ .n...n..._.n.....'...m..~.uo..n.......... ,._.."...uo................ County 811:
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<br />On tbia .....,........"....f.9.ro............ day of ..uo.............~.....,..... 19.113.... before me, the undersigned,
<br />a N~ Public ~ ........-"-' and quaWied for said county, pe-ny came ...............-.......................
<br />:~.~~~ii;~.i;~~~~~~~.~r~~ii:d,in,tJie'~,.~;;.;;;;tand
<br />~ the e:recutioIl thenoJ to be ."",,,!:~~!,L,............."....n"".... voluntary act and deed.
<br />WlTNBSS my hand and DOtadal BMl at ..,~...1$J.ard.. lfebt:a~ ..............M........ in said county,
<br />the date aforeIaid.
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