<br />83-005724
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<br />r
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<br />the sumssecufedby this Deed of Trustsball continue unimpaired, Upon sucb payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed o[
<br />Trust,and.the.ob/iptiQll$secure<ibereby'shall.remain. in [ulItnrce and .effectas if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />2O.c..A~of~~..ofR_lver;LeaderlnPossession. As additional securily hereunder, Borrower
<br />herel>n...itlns'lo.Underthe. rents of, Ihe.:Pfuperlyi. provided. that. Borrnwer shall, prior loaeeeleration. under paragraph 18
<br />h"""lfor.a~of.the'Propeny, haveth<>.rightlocollect.and relain suchrenls as they become due and payable,
<br />. .paragrapb .18 hereof. Of. abimdonment of the Propeny, Lender, in person, by ag.ntor .by
<br />, ,shalLbe.;!Qtilledto enter upon, take possession of and manage thePropert)' and to collectlhe
<br />. . ... . ;int:llI!tiitg.th_pastdtte,Alhenl~ COllected by;Lend,:r or Ihereceiyershallbe applied first to pay~ent
<br />ofit!llo',,'OltS.of'ma,nagen1;lQtofthe,PropertylUldcOlledlon.of rems, lDcluQing, but not hmlledto,recclver's fees, pfllmlums
<br />oo:~s'bondsandre&s<lmlble':attorney~. fees; andtben to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender, and the
<br />receiVt\rshallbeiiabIeI0'8CCOl.IUl.onfycfor.lbo-.e rentsaelUally received.
<br />~L>Y_A~ tlponrequeatofll9rrower, Lender, al Lender's option, prior totullreconveY'IDceof tbeProperty
<br />by Ttust...!O Borrower, may ItIake Future Advances to Borrower. Such FutW'e Advances, with interest thereon,sballbe
<br />secured. by Ibis ,Deed 'of Trust when evidencedbypromissorr notes slating that said notes are secured hereby ; Atno. time shall
<br />lbeprin<:ipahmount of lhe indebtedm:ssse<:tlfed by. this Deed ofT rust. nOI including sums advanced in accordance Iierewilh
<br />10 prote<:tlbesecusity.of this Deed of TfU$t, exceed the original amount of the NOle plus. US $".....,55,0l}.,(}(L... '.....
<br />12. R~ tlpon paymemot allsumssecured by this Deed of Trust, Lender sball request Truslee.to reconvey
<br />theProperty'andshallsurrender this Deed of Trust and aU ROt"" evidencioll~;(lebledncas secured by this Deed. of Trusl
<br />to Trustee; Trustee shall reconvey the Property wilhout warranty and wilhout charge 10 the person. or pers<>os legally
<br />entitled thereto.. SUch.pen:nn or penonsshallpay aU costs of recordation. if any. .
<br />23.. ,StdIsIltuteTrtlileee. . Lender, at Lender's option. may. from lime to lime remove Trustee, and appoint .asuccessor
<br />ltusleefuany TrusteeaPRO. inted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Deed of Tn.s! is recorded,
<br />Without conveyanceo! the Property, the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duti"" conferred upon
<br />rheTtuS\CCherein.and by applicable law.
<br />14. R..- for Nodea. . Borrower request. that copies of the notice of default and notice of sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />addraswhich isthePropeny Address.
<br />
<br />
<br />IN WlTNESSWltl!llWF. Borrower has executed this Deed of Trust.
<br />
<br />....,...0 cl'~~;"""""""""""""
<br />
<br />Hugh U' Brandon -B~
<br />
<br />...~~~.f:,4~."",.."",.
<br />
<br />Frances A. Brandon -ao_
<br />
<br />SrUEOf NEBlUSI(A,... . ,.. . . ., .~. .. .,.. ., "" ........... ,County ss:
<br />On this "..4Ei1;l;l, , , .. , , . day of. . , ~. , . . .. 19.1N.. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified r.... said "OOllIy, personallvcame.... ....,....,.""..,...,."."'.,..,,
<br />il.4&Q ,lh.l!.r!l.~q~."'ll!i. f.r:~'1",,~,-:\,'. }l.r~'14'?llL !,!-I,s,l!~~,<;1?~, ,:,.l~,e",...."".. to me known 10 be the
<br />idenlical person(s) whose namec.) are subSCribed to the foregomg inslrumenl and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be, ~ !le,l.r: . . , , . . ' . . voluntary acl and deed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial seal aI, . ,~~. l.f>~', ~<!~. . , , , . , . , , ,in said county, tbe
<br />date aforesaid. . . \ i')
<br />
<br />'" '""""""'" ~n-"",:,=~., .. .~ot;~,............
<br />~1If____~'~ _0';"
<br />
<br />
<br />To TlttlliTEE;
<br />
<br />'The uodersiped is the holder of the nore or nOlCll ><<ured by Ihis Deed of Trust, Said note or notes, together
<br />with allothe:r irJdt:btcdnclu 5eCUred by tlli. Deed of Tru~l, have been paid in fulL You tlfe hereby dirc<:led to cancel
<br />said .- or n<lleS and this Deed of TntSl, wlric:h are delivered hereby. and to reconvey, willtout warranty, alllhe
<br />estate now held by you under this .Deed of T~t to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br />
<br />Date;....,.,.,..,., '.".'..,.,.,.
<br />
<br />-........ .................................
<br />
<br />iSoece e.kJw r,.l.~ ~'Of' ~ Pel R~)
<br />
<br />
<br />W. 4t:. lIl1 ~l bIplo,...,t Oppol'tlltl1tyIMf1t'll11lt1l1e Action ElltpJ.oyer MIl'.
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