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<br />.. ~..........''''............................N..'''...'.............................
<br />~{~~l
<br />. - , -'
<br />,~ -, - ., ,- !
<br />
<br />83- 005724
<br />
<br />Loan No.
<br />
<br />54641-1-18
<br />
<br />~'~{)FmUST.~>madethiS,.. ....4i?tb..,... ........ .day of ..... .~........... .
<br />19..~.;.allllJRgt!lCTtUSlllri .Hullb.D."Brandol1. and.J?J:ances.A... .s.ca\ldoll. .J:1Asba\ld., and lor.lf.a... j91ro:ly
<br />~,~aetl;iA;t~tr; ololJi.cigbt. H . .. .. . .. . (berein "Borrower"),. .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. , . . .. . . . . .. " ,.. .
<br />~.. Jo.....h.H"lJadw. .... . ... (h. . "T ") d.th .B. .6'
<br />. .... '_ ,',- _._~_ ~'~_~......::~..,...C7 .....'..._c:',:. '.' }......-_._. '. _~_'-~'_..-:~:.......:.- '..":~-.'. ,..__..~ _:~ '. .. ...... .....~ . ".' . . . ~... ..." . . . . .
<br /> . . . . . .. erem rustee,.. ' .an e. ene .~I~ary~
<br />. /J .~~.~~.~~s. '~f.Of. IJNOOUi., .... ..., a corporation organized and
<br />, . O. A~""';';;'.. .i.~~;"of. ... ' .'. .. . erica h. . ddress' .1...." .....,..
<br />_---:_..:...~~~-\UtUer_:~I<<"'3- ~ _ ...~........,....,w-osea .is.. A~...t,..J3l......
<br />.&tr;"l:..lJ.nCQlo,,~. 68SLl&.. . . .. , . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />
<br />Bo!utOWER. in consideratkln of tbeiqdebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created. irrevocably grants
<br />lIIlCiconYe)'$ toSrustee. in trust. with power of sale, tbe following described property located in the County. of
<br />J1A.l,l,..;... .................. d........ ..StateofNebraska:
<br />
<br />'lbe westerly'Ihirty (30) feet of Lot 'l\4o (2), and the Easterly Thirty-Five (35)
<br />feet of U:lt.'Ihree (3), in Block ~ve (ll), i.n Parkhill Third SUbdivision, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />whidl h& tllo acIcImIs of., .{~7~. "'1t,II.t. .~I!-~...
<br />
<br />. . . . . . . . . . GH!l!i. .L.s. ~4M. . .
<br />
<br />i'SttMIl jetty}
<br />.~ll"'f'lljql. . . . . . ?8AA~ . . . (bcrein "Property Address");
<br />t__J"'~
<br />TOOt)"Hlla with aU.lbe improvements now or hereafter erected on the properlY. and all easements. rights,
<br />~. rents (~however 10 the rights and authorilies given herein to Lender 10 collect and apply such
<br />RIllS), tIl~ mineral, wand gas rights and p~ waler, .....Ier rights. and ...."ter stock, and all fixtures now or
<br />beri::afttr atta~to the property. aU of 1I\fhich, induding replacemenlS and additions thereto, shafl be deemed !O be
<br />lllI!1l1lQll1in apart of the ~CQYc:n:d by Ih", Deed of Trust; and aU of the foregoing. logether wilh said property
<br />(w tllli: lcasehoktestatlliftM Deed of Trust is on a leaseh<lld) are herein referred to as tbe "Property";
<br />
<br />.allSllc~IO~(a! ~repIlYlUent of the i~~ ~vide~ ~ Bor~~'s nOledaled .Qctober. 2G,
<br />. ....... ....(berela . Note ), m.theprincipahum of. ;..~t;JL~h::. ;tn.o.Q'l4Q4. r~. A JN04r\'il..a.ll4 .iNt H>P.
<br />. H.b...".. "...,. ......... .. .. . .. ... ...DoUan. with int_Uhereoo, providing for monthly installments
<br />qfl..\OjI.t;allll~ 'lrilb..t1lebalaneeof the indc~ if not sooner paid, due and payable on. . .
<br />~~t;'~. 4.~(}).3,; . ',d.. .... . , ...; , . .. .; the pa~ oC-1I other sums, with inte=t lhereon, advanced
<br />m ~~~~~~pto(Cet the Kl:l.lfity of thit.Deed of Tru1<t; and tbeperfornmnce <.,f the covenants and
<br />lIIli"\!M.m~~~~;llnd(b).thueflllYmauuf any flllUfli!ad\'llnCes. with inlerel thereon. made
<br />~'.~... .... ....~.I~~tto.~21 bw:of(hereln "FulUfli! Advances");
<br />" - - - -- -
<br />
<br />~~_8onoww illaW{\Ilb'~d of tihu!Iltaltbereby ~'OIlveyed and 1m thcright to grant and
<br />~....~ty,t"'the~Yil~,llnd th1lt.~ wiU WIImnl and defend generallytllc
<br />~~~~'.~,..~~ ~...S~ loan~4<<jlInltic!ns. ClISl:11lCt\1$ <>r foorK.1i'lnS Iisled III II
<br />~'''~,1&~mAAYritIe~~poIio:y~ l~ndcr'sUltcrM in the Property.
<br />
<br />... 1 io.t""'lf~,ftllMtt"IlUllllf"__1
<br />
<br />F'ont84,S
<br />