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<br />I <br /> <br />83-005718 <br /> <br />"~ <br />." <br />"(t~'~ <br />\- <br /> <br />~s writtenagn:ement or applicable law. Borrower sball pay the amount of aU mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />malimlr provided undtIrparasraph 2 hereof. <br />Any _nu. 4isbut'ledbyLender pursuant 10 this paragraph 7, witb interest thetenn, shall become additional <br />illdebtedD.ess .of llorrower secured"y this MOl'lgage, Unless Borrower and Lender agree to olber tenos of paymenl, such <br />amowlfs.shal1 be payable'uponnotice from Lender 10 Borrower requesting paymenllhereof, and sballbear Inlerest from tbe <br />. ofdflbunetlH!Dt llt the rate payablefronl time to time on outslanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />in/enolt,.mclI rateWOlJldbe contrary to applicable law, in wbich evenl sucb amounts shaU bear Interesl allhe bighest rale <br />permi&all;Ie under applicable law. Notbing contained in tbis paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur ..ny expense or tate <br />aa, utionbemuldet. <br />.. ....,..,... Lender may mate or callie to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />tbatLellder shall give Borrower notice prior to any sucb inspection specifying reasonable cause tberefor related to Lender's <br />interest in' the Property. <br />9. ~ "The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection witb any <br />condemnation or otber tating of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby asaiped <br />ltDdW1l be paid to Lender. <br />In tbe event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds .ball be applied to the sums oecured by tbis Mortgage. <br />with the ""~ if any. paid to Borrower. In lhe event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing,. thete .ball be applied 10 tbe .ums secured by tbis Mortgage sucb proportion of tbe proceeds <br />as is equal to that proponlon which tbe amount of the sums secured by tbis Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />takilll bean: to the fair marlcet value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking. witb the balance of tbe proceeds <br />paid to ~. <br />If the Property i. abandoned by Borrower. or if, after noricc by Lender to Borrower tbat the condemnor oft'en to mate <br />.... award oroettfe a claim for damages, Borrower fails 10 respond 10 Lender wilhin 30 days atter the dale .uch notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized to colleet and apply lhe proceeds, at Lender'. optimt, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the SlIms secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower oIlterwite agree in writing. any sucb application of proceeds to principal ,hall not extend <br />or pootpone rhe due dalc of the monthly installmenT! referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such ,,,..ailments. <br />II. ~ Not~. Extension of tbe tllne for payment or modillcation of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in inte_reM of Borrower ,hall not operate to release. in any manner. <br />lhe liability of lhe oritinal Borrower aod Borrower', succeo.,o" In interest, Lender shall nOl be required to commence <br />proceedinp Apiust such successor or refuse to e~tend time for payment or otht'JWi~ modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by tbis Mortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower aod Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. P""""""'1oy LeuoIa: Not. WlliYer. Any forbearance by Lender in e,ereising a",' rig~ll or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise: afforded by applicable law. .'ihail (lOt he: a waiver of or rredude t~ exercl~ of anY such right or remcdy_ <br />The procuteml!'nt of insurance or the payment {\f ta:X~ llt ('ther lien~ l.l-r charges hy Ltnder shall not be a waiver ('If Lender'! <br />riaht to accelerate the _turity of tbe indebtedn"", ,",cured by Ih" Mongal!" <br />11. ....... c-.IIdft... ."-11 remedies provided 10 this MortgaJe are di~tinct and ..:umulative to any mher right or <br />remedy under thl1i Mort,al(" or altorded hy law llr C~Ult\.. .md may ~ t.'"'\crcl<;;cd \.~tlnl~urrcnlly. inuepen<<ntly or successively. <br />13. llooe~.... Ato/iat ~ ,.....t ... Sennl 1.IablBty: Capdoas. The <lwenanlS and agreements herein <br />contained !Shan hind. aao the rights hereunder ,-hall inure to, the ~pective socce<s.~)l"'\ and a$\igns- l\f Lender and Borrower. <br />subject to' the pro'fis..~ of paravspn i 7 hereof "It co\-'~nanh. and ag.r~~nh or Rorn\\\-'Cf shall ~ joint and several. <br />1'hc Captl.>M and headings ot the paragraph"li of !hi~ Mongag( arc ({\f ":onveOl~rn.'t" nnh' and are not t~\ be used to <br />interpret or define the provision. hereof. <br />t..... Nedce. Except for u)' not~- required under applicable- lilw to be )tJ\'en in amtthe-f manner, ta) an)' m_ltice to <br />8c:>rtowef provided for in tb" Mort,.,e waJJ he gtven by matiing ",uch n;,:\tlce hy o:rtdied m.a.iJ addre!l~d h-' Borrower at <br />the- Prope-ny ^ddreu Of ilt such -other addf'C'S'S at Bor-rov.~r may doignah.' bv fl-t.'lttce ta Lender as pnwided herein. and <br />(h) any notice- t-o Lender shaU be gi'\'en hy ce-r1it1cd malL rerun~ t'itCC1tJt ~uested. t_o 1 endrr', addre5$ stated herein or to <br />such other addrus as Lemxr may d~n.U' b~ tKl(K:e to 8orft' M pn.wuied ht-re1n -\ny nOI.k.'"e pro\-'ided for in this <br />MOI1&'-aae- mall be deemed. to ha\'~ bcfll gtVcn to Borf("~w-er or I.('rnkr v.hen $1'>''("0 in the herein, <br />15. UaII.... Mortpce; Go......... Law; St~. Th~:. f,}tm i,,)f mo.r\.I-aac .:ool8ioca uniform ('o-knants for national <br />use and non~unjfQrm (;o-veoan~ ~ith limited VilnaUoru (rr luri'Mlll:tkm to Cf.'lO$tnmc: a UQJform \e4;udty inMrument cO\'ering <br />real propeny, This MO!tgqe shall be governed hy ,he ',a,. ,'I ,he !uriadx:tlOtl ,n which the Property" located. In lb. <br />e'Y'Cftt tbat any pt"o'Vistoo Of" d.lBe of tbis MOf1ga&e ..-.r the ~OIC ;:~'\nf1k:h with applicable- law, such confticr o;;hall not affect <br />other- pru\'~ion~ of this MO-rt.&.&J:C' Of the- Note wnu.:h ('an he: ~t"'en dIcet \li-unout the conflICting provision, and to this <br />eod the prOVioiorlS of ,he Mortg.... and lhe ,""lie are de.:!""" to "" ",vcrahle. <br />1-6. ~.. Cop,. Borrower uu.U he (urnloiOhed .-t .:(~ni,-)nlk'd \:"\')py (,;f 1M No-t~ .uw ~"f this Mortgage at the time <br />of """"utinn or after "",ordation hereof. <br />17. TnlMfer of.... Propwty;~. If all ,.f ilOY Jl-4l't .J! the PruperlY Of an mtern:l therem i\ sold Ot transferred <br />by Borrower without Lender., pelot wrtnen \.-'Qnwnt. exdudjng t.a' the J.:reatton of Ii lien or en...umbrance -suoordinate to <br />this Mort,... (b) the CR'4tton of a puichase ll\(.)Jtt'y SCt.':unll mttr'e'il f\lf ht.."luschold appliances, lC} d nansfer by devise. / i,!"" <br />descent or by Gpt,U'atloa of lAw upon the death of ill jamt tenanl ('T t 111.0 .tlnt If 1liR: 'I Ilk 1<1 - 1urn1 of dUIJ: 8IUllU 1..,',\-'" <br />~t1 ir'" . , U~'I 11 IT rr ~T 1 tender may. at Len~r\ (~U'llfl, deciar-e aU the sum" 5<<:\lred by chis Mortg. to be <br />immediately due and payable, lender shall h..... ...,ved ,u,1> opllon tn aceelero,e If, prior 10 the __Ie or "an.fer. Lender <br />oDd the penon to whom the Property is 10 be .old or lransferred reach agreem.:Ol in wnling that the credil of soch perwn <br />is $&lis(a<:tory to Leftder and that the interest payable on lhe "1m. secured l>y ,hi, sh.lI be at such rate .s Lender <br />shalt teqUC$l. If Len4a haa waived the option to ilu.:eicraht pr(w~ III rhi'i paragraph 17, and if Borrower\ ~UCCCSlOr in <br />i_has _utcd a written _pilon ",r_t accepled in"'g by l..nder, Lender shall release Borrower from ,II <br />obIlptioas UtIder this ~ a.od the Note.. <br />If Leftder ~ suca option t-o &\4~ktr.te. f ,e-nder -s-haH m~ul Borrt.)wer noH'Ce of acceleration III accordance wlth <br />panIjRPh 14 heRo€. SUch notice <hall provide a I"'rio<l "f nm I... tba" ~() day. from th. da.., the n<>lice is mailed withon <br />whidt Borrower may pa)' the sums declared due. If Borto~e.r fads TO pay ~lKh 'luau prior to the exp-ir.uion \"f such period. <br />~ IDA}.. witbc>ut further noti~ or demand on Borrower, lovok,(' any remedies permjUw by paragraph 18 hereof. <br /> <br />,# <br />~ <br />,j <br /> <br /> <br />iii} <br /> <br />NQN.t1m1'O&N C.QVI;HAWU. Bon"""", and tender further co."""..t and "ll"'" as follow.. <br />1" "tu.v", I --..... ~.......Y\deoi Ie........... 17 hereof. _ lIono..e.'. brcooclo of ...y eo_1 tlt <br />...... o<<.~ Ie .. Moo:tpp, ........ 1_ ....._ to pay ....... d... ..y _ by tllll M......e, <br />~ .... Ie ......... ... ... IIOIice Ie ............ .. ......ic1e4 .. paracr-apIl 14 h__ ~, (I) tile Imlaeb, <br />llt..~......-- __ "'-Jo; (ll a.... ROt ...1.... JO" r..... 1M cfaie 11M noti<:f: 10 mailed Ie .........e.. <br />_....__,....._ .. ..... ... (4) IIllII ,.... Ie ".... sudo hruclo 011 0. Wore Iloo dala lI*iIIed !to the AOtfee <br />..,.__. ......... of _ _ ....... 117 dIiIl Mor1pa.. l'vnrduoun by joolIieitoI ............. """ .... of the ~. <br />n. .................. ...... ____ of Iloo ...... to f'OIaotMe ...... JIC........ ... lhe ria_ to _ In Iloo ,~ <br />......... ..~.....,. of . ........ '" ....... *'-. of ......... Ie ~ .....~, II tlla """"'" <br />II ... __ .. _ W- ... .... ........ III ... ...... LeMw at 1........ ....... IIII\Y dedan .. of tile _ _l1l>I4 Ioy <br />........ Ie .. .... "tll) ... .... .....,..... ....... ,..,.,. ...... ..... -,y r........... by judkW......-... t...... <br />....._ ........... eolIIclill .-It ........... .. ...,... of ............ .......... .... _ Ih8iId .... <oota or l10eamentary <br />.......... ---..... ,....... <br />it. ............. Ie........... Notwitlwtlln<lit>l l.eodet'. ""~,,..nt_ nf the ._1 _ured by this M"'li'llllc, <br />Ilor_ Ma1lllaw. U. rllIlK 10 """" any pt-.1inp boa"" I>y l.c"""" h' enl",,,,,, th" M"rIll'll. d....",nllrt',.,.j .1 aily un", <br />