<br />I
<br />
<br />recei,'c,d from grantee. does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />The grantor CLAYTON PETERSEN. INC. 83-
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />a corporation organized and e:l:isting uuder and by virtue of the laws of the State of NEBRASKA;.
<br />
<br />in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuableconsiderat;iol'l
<br />
<br />INC.
<br />
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real pr0pert7 in
<br />HALL
<br />
<br />.._.h....,.............................~.h.~.. County, !'-~€braska;
<br />
<br />A tract of land comprising the easterly Fifty-
<br />Six (56.0) feet of Lot Eight (8). Block
<br />Forty-Seven (47). Original Town of Grand island, 'HEO
<br />~ebraska. STATEMENT ATTAC
<br />
<br />
<br />OCT 25 1983
<br />'$Ci!&'~
<br />
<br />T,) h.i:H(' and til lHJld dlt~ itb~l\-.~ dt':~t~rih61 pr('!m::o.es !u~ethN' wnn all tt'nt'ments. hereditaments and
<br />appurten&l1ces thereto helonging ~IlHn tht, f!rantt'{O and to J!rantee's heirs ~nd as..'ii~s tnreVt:!r.
<br />.-\nd the grantor for it_~lf !iud it~ "Hi't'es,sors dnNj hereby eo-yenant with the grantee and with
<br />g-ru.ute,>.jiO tH~ir-S and n~i~nb lbat ~ratllor ~-.., bwtuBy ~t;'J~'J l.f ~du;i prenllses: tJlat they arc fn~~ from enCUlll-
<br />hran-ct~
<br />
<br />that t;'Tanl-Or hu good right and luwful authorar to I.'O-u\'-ey ~h~ '."UIle: :~nd that ~rantor warrants and will
<br />defeJHl the title 10 said premises Rtfainst th~ iawtul <'l,t:nt:t of ill! pf'rsnns who~oever.
<br />In witne-86 wilt-reo!. g-rantol' has iH'r~unto ";lU",..,j l!-- ,<'!q~(lrate ;"';'il1 !') lit' uffixed ;Iud t.hrse
<br />pre~~nts Signed. h~' it..~ President.
<br />
<br />Daft'.!
<br />
<br />April 11
<br />
<br />1\1 79
<br />
<br />STATE OF XEBI~ASl\A. ('''''"l}' ,.f
<br />
<br />
<br />i>iK~"""l)'
<br />B:.~~~.:jf!!di,6;)(If... ...................' President
<br />.......'. U
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />Before ille. Jl ""ta:ry public 'l',....f,ed it! "".u ""'''"S. .",...on..Uy came C1 ayton Petersen. Jr.,
<br />
<br />P,.,,&ident (If
<br />
<br />CLAY TOft PETERSEN. INe. ------------------- ------------------ -- ---- -- -- -- -. . "",pornlintl.
<br />k1w..... Ul _ t.. u.. the ~"nt and ,uIlIlWla1lM'",on who .ign...l tho fore~ing 1Il"lrnment. "nd ..elm.)"-
<br />~~-d~1 Ute of-xt!(!ut.iotl t~~Dt to hf! hili voluntar)' il~t and d~f'-d aN su<.'h (lffit'!~t ilnd the- \.'(liant-firy ~H.t ~Hhi
<br />"!-i"t<-tj f,.f S:iO:d f'9J1l<lJt1lhuD aud that ttii (,~(jf1.-lbrate "-~.1 ""a~ tlu:!reto llfflX~ by Jt8 nuthoTlt.,v. .
<br />
<br />r l ' -----,
<br />'II ,~ .,~.-
<br />~ '( "1,. .
<br />
<br />W,t......llly t..end 1m.! ""WllII ~e.1 "" APr,il,~tL.... ;, .,..... .. ...,.. 19
<br />--:::"~1,.,~ , ~ > /..'
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<br />79.
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<br />. ".,'./...'.'..,."./" _J . _..... <~.
<br />:-vl:,-- ;<Mnm-!M\tHl f':t.ptr#l~ .-; _~~~ .
<br />
<br />Xohlry Pnbho.
<br />!9J>.L~,
<br />