<br />r
<br />83';;;;' li(15693
<br />
<br />(I) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant tot!te
<br />National Housing Act. as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder; or .
<br />
<br />..;.,;,~-
<br />
<br />(i) pn:mium charges under the ~~Ontr~t of iownmc-t' with the- Secretary ~lf Housing and Urban r)evclopme~:t,
<br />or illoothly (:harge tif! lieu ol n-wrtggge ill,'iuraf'tC(' premium I. as the case may be-~
<br />Ot) ,g.r-oun-d rents. u.xes~ asse.ssntenflL t1re and other hazard insurance premiums.:
<br />till) mterest on the note secured herehy; Jnd
<br />HVl unortiZation of" rhe :prmclpal of &aid n01e
<br />/~nv deficiency if! the :unount of any 5u.ch Jggre-galc nmnthlv pJyment shaH, unless: made good by the.Mort.
<br />!ita~Of pri,Jr tu the dw.;' d.aH!' '.,j' the next 'Ouch pJ!'m~nL ,-i.Hl~Hlme .an t"\C'nt of default under this mortgage. The
<br />Mo-rtgagee- may l~-liie-t,;t it .~!ate c.h.lrge" not !i) (:x.:ci:J. t'1~;: i.I1UtS (41l') l,H each Jolla! ($ 1_) of each paymenl-more
<br />than (i(t~n ( f 5) ,--~-<l.\:'s 1ft auears. to- rn\'ei the- extra ~xpense lHvol\'e-d 10 handling delinquent payments.
<br />
<br />
<br />(II) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument ate held by the Secretary of HouSing and.
<br />Urban Development, a monll1ly charge (in lieu of Q mortgage imurance premiUm) which shalibe<mJln
<br />amount equal to one, twelfth (lfI2) of (!ne-half (1/2) per centum of the average outsfanding.6alililee
<br />due on the note computed without taking intoacconnt delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />(b) A sum equal to the ground tents, if any. oc""t due, pIns the premiums that will next beeome due and,payableoll '
<br />policies of fIre and other hazard. insurance covering ll1e mortgaged properly. plus taxes and _nts;ne,lttdl1tr
<br />on the mortgaged property (alios estimtlted by the MOrf,lfogee/less aHsnmscalready paid therefordivide(Hl)f.!he"
<br />number of months to elapse beforc one month pnor to the date when such ground rents, premiums,.taxef,and,c
<br />assessment. will become delinquent. such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground reots,:pl'\1'
<br />mium.. taxes aoo speclaJassessrnent.; and .. .....' " '. c
<br />(c) AU payments mentiOned in the two precedinlt subsections of this paragraph and all payments to.bemadejrooer
<br />the nOle secured hereby shall be added 10!!"ther. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paidhy the MO~Qr'
<br />each month in a single payrnen t to be applied by the Mortgagee to the foUowing items in the order- set- f(itth;_
<br />
<br />rha1 t r ltll' tOL:d UI th~' pa~'mMtt;-;. mad.. hv th.. \tortga!!nr unrl~~r {!. i of par~raph :! pre(:r'-din~ sball exceed
<br />rtw amount ol f.Ht~'ment'"i al'hu:iH} fl'a~ b~ lh(> 'to.rtj!agt~f' for ~round t('nts_4 lax{".:-' and aio.$e$-'slluml$ ,or insurance pro-
<br />m~um~. <L:"i llW t'as{~ ma~' bt~~ ,.::udt t'.:o:.cC-!!JS. If lhe !O;;Ul 1';. t..'Uft(>iH. .-1\ the' (~uon 01' ,he Mort~agor, shaH be. credited b}
<br />lht' \t()rtSl"'~l'P Hrl ~Uh""{.qlwttt pa~ FnVOb h.. t~, mad.:' tn lh~--. \lnrt1!upof, or n:>-{unded to the \loM~agor_ If. howev(1-"~ the-
<br />",(.moly p'4~m-tl""t:." fn..'lde h\' the M.c)ff,~a~Jf under i tIt rara~raph ? ptet:eding w;;;haH 00{ be- sufficient to pay ground
<br />rt'lflt. ta"e-.s iU1d a_:'i..~.-......I,IfH'nl- nr In....unult'f' p-n-'mwm',-, J.. Hw nL..;,4' mn.' tw, v.ht"n tht~ :--am-t! ~h-ati b~t.'Omt~ due and pa:)'~
<br />,thl-e ttwn Ii\(< \'nrt~~Of -halt pa~' h1 tn4" 'tort,llii.t('~~ ilny an~utl€ n-\~(T~:o:ar:. t-t) ma~t' up the dt..ndpncy l nn or before
<br />tf,,' -ciaw ",ht'o p.a.Hn(-nl qi ::o-u:d! cnmmi f-pnt:o-. ta.\t'''', ,1~~,,',:-<";-mmll<'" Ht io:--urann' Pf1.ftllutn~ ~hall t)(' due. If at. tUl\'
<br />i.lm.~ :.hto 'lortc~r ....halt ttlfnt.." hi lfw \\lItt2:.1.,...... HI J.!'t:-Hrd"UKt' "ith the pn}\l"'Hn~ HI iht\ noh> ~H(.'Urt~ hereb\~,
<br />futt pa\'RHml HI t!w i.JHlf(' lfHt{lbh>(;itw~- f"ilrt~,..t"nli~d trWft'ln:. tht, '~()rtt':a~t.~" ~h.'lIL In (:omput.n~ tht' nmount o( ~-q,(ch
<br />jndd.l-(nirk~~...._ (ie-dtf 10 the cH,:f.:t)Unt I){ fht, \ofort~"-H ,11l ;M\nu::-nts m.ldc-- ufu1t4t the ~'Jft)\I~ttlf'lS of (.~J ot' par-a~aph 2
<br />ht.....f'of 'M.ilit'h thl,' \lnrt,j!a.p'I'1" ha;-. not !)t-<-(<nmp ",bl i;Q:ah:~d lu Pii,\ W th.' -'f'<,rplary of HnusinJl 'llld t'roM Dt<velopment
<br />:.md 40\ bahmn' n'..j:ntn~ in dw fund.... ;iccumulah.d undpf dH' P~l\I-lUn~ vI'" / nf ~l<u~crnph 2 twrt:"nL If thert\
<br />...hiiH tw jl tit-fault und..r ~un 01 tn,. tHU\I-.,lnn- of 11'H,~ munQ;ti!t~ rp...uilln~ Ill;1 publtl' "'Jh. of tilt' f'f't'mi:...p,,;;. CH\N'(\d
<br />h...r~h-y. ur d tlw \tott~af!"'t' ~('(fJ..Urt..:-; lhil~ p-tl)ppr!\ I_Htwr,q-., ,dU;f !h+U1It. tiw"nncac-pt' -..hail appl)", al ttw lime of
<br />IfW n'mmt"rH't~nlt"f1t uf -,ud~ p-ron-'.'dmt::,.., of "tt fhi- tH1W ttw prH~Wrl\ 1_ nlht;.n1:I-.;,' ,H-'lUltt.tL thl' balanef' th{)n n-mllin~
<br />!fl~ In tiw tu.o-d!>- ,l.lTumuiah'''' undt~r ld [u.r~raj,lh pn'n'{hn~r, -1"-: .i t:r~'c:ill :.u.;atll....t :iw '~rnnunl nl' prindpal then
<br />rt"milHUf\1I unp.:ltti \mtlPl' ~",~d HHh', :.Ult) ..:h,j!1 proprr\\ td!i~-i ~Ui\ I.D\.rrh-~Ht"- \\hlt:h -hall h.n,' hf'~~n mlldt. undpr[,~}
<br />I" ( p'aT~f'avh J
<br />... nwt 1he \h~rtlta~)f <<-Ill r;1\ ~~!,-HHh~ ,'-'H!'- !.n<'> .i~'<.t'""...n\Cnh, ",,'~t.'.! ~;HC"_ ,tnJ ~~lth.~r ~()\-t'rnm\"nla! or mUl'lIcipal
<br />;.;oar~t'-, tme"-, ,l( lmf'l;:\m,~n~, ;"t \,<hh.h pr,~q'd'..in tw-., n,\~ t'~~n ;n;i\,k !l'C'fOI1f->e("f<.", ,nhJ ili tkLn:lt thef-t"'t,! the \h,rt~a~ee' mar
<br />1'i.n the ~;H,..t:. ,md l~\;f~ tn( \,.t;..Jn~t~\H.... !:,i..mp1h ~1dn'l'"f tnt \,.tt(l~d r,-'~'e:pt\ rh-efl:"t-pt!., tht.. \t,)n~a~('c
<br />-.; rh< \ti'o:r1~.;;p,.'j \<oIli v:.i\ .-1H !;l\::~ i.iil'lf..,jl rn....... h' k\'l~u H"'~h the \L:jng~gt'e " HHcre,-,I If) "-;HJ H"&1 ....,ti.iU,' iin,,1 ITnpwvc-
<br />,jJ(-nh, .m~ \l;-hh..'h m~\ IX" i-e~U'"J ,ip;.l[j Hu... !!"ldn~.J-~-C ..r th<' \kN '>-''':!.--.\trJ ht"tt't-\- lfiu! ,,'oj, 10 ttie t"'-Ie-nl thaI "\o\h.'h l~ not prtJhlhJf.
<br />l':\! ~\- b\\ ;~mi 1.;01\- ~(l ,he (\tt'l1! th~'t "\w,..h ...,>1; r,~'l m.1KC ;h!... r.qn ~.l"-U(mU"} hut ehluJH1-w ~tll\ H1t"Hlle r:1\. State Of Feder~li.
<br />unf!"'.he-J \-'0 ,\h'n~8ec, JJhJ ~ti; hk th~ ,,In:;:-I<J.l !t'\.:Clj'! ,,-h-u'\l,m~ ",u~,:h r-.J\f1H."H! ~lth !h~ \1{l:tI~~~C'( t'pnn \'lniatwn nt thi~ uOtkr-
<br />ia..mg, pi Ii Ihe Mort~~~\"" ,.. rn.blhllc--u h ,111\ 1.1'0\ rh'.... .~! tt;:'{-(-.dtt't c\I..hOjo: f,,'m r3\.tn~ the 'o\-hllh.' \_I{ ,\11'\' f'\lrtli.m ni thr aforc>
<br />.....u.i I.li_\t';" 'I.!f Hfl'\Hl the '-("MiCn!l~ \'( ;l;!n ~OlHl d':-d~\- rf~jhjhHmJ: th<'-l'a"mcnt !"!\ the .\t,,)ftga~l~( ~~r .MI\ "U\'-'h (;.t\t", di if ,>ul:h J,tl,\
<br />,\[ l)('l,."f:."(' ~~ft-'vh.i('" th~l ~HH ,~nhn.uH .." p.--tHi r'~ lhc \I'-H-l~,l~'-'f ~r'!",i! he ~ ft"l.Hh..,j ~'n !h~ !;!\lng~~( ,kr.L the \hlng(t~ce ,hall ha\'~'
<br />lhc: na:hf h' ~1H: oWc-t\ d~\... ~nH('n n~~h(e [,) me t1j/l,1\('f \It the m,-ln~4t.:cJ NCHli't", f(\.lUlfHll{ the- pi.nmt~fl( ot Ihe m\}rt~p:g.c
<br />je-t\t If \lh.:h lli\lh:-C N' ~I't"n, the ,..llJ ;:1(';..! ..h,tl! t\(',,:~lmc J.:e. p.l\.,lhlc :flht ...:\lik....unk;;,t the C\pif;1!Wn \.11 ,.Il-J nmel\' daf\
<br />t!. rhal "h;,luk1 he !;Hl h, pa~ ,1!H '!1m dl -.ccp ,.to\. ,':\ l~l~dll~ rf\l\tJt.'J !df m Hu... \h~ltta~c, !hen the :\-1\)rt~a~et'T ,It lh \)P~
<br />!too, In~", pa~ tit f\('f't.\Hfl the ..,,,ant: _ ,lnu ~'ll (\f'('ndnuce.., ...-\~ ;tl:h!t: ..t\..a.H ~ added to [he f'rmclPai ..um \'\\ H1~ on the.' ahOVt' I'lpti;',
<br />,hall he ,("LUfN he,d", ;mu ..h.all N'-id mtt'f~..,t ;I! !.h(' f~ife "d k'rth m ttw "",;uJ nl~lt:. until p;.ttt.i
<br />., thai he h('!C'~\ d_"~lgn'. tr~m...ftPIi and ~h- ~}\('I h\ tn< \i~}rt~~C't', h) he .Iprl~u t-vw.uJ the p,,:Iymt:nt \,1 The- rwte ~ln\j :111
<br />~u-m'!!o ,.c":I,,lreo ht-rdn-' iH l.~"I(' .,! it Jet:AUH in !fk prrh'rm..'lll\..t A dfn d ~he 10m,,- ;lfllj ':~..rHjHhlrh f,)f tht~ "toffgagc tH the ...;.~!lj
<br />!)(He. .tlt the r-e-nh, f~,'("nue-~ .illd m(YHn~ t~) be dern-e\l fh"HH !he nHHt5l4~\'I prem~~!:C"\ ....hmng ,;;,Kh tHnc "''- tht~ mMi)!.a~c 1I1dcbktl-
<br />-fl:eji;~ s-t-..aiJ remain u-np~ud; And fhe \h:~f~~~t't.' ..hall thn.e r,.t",er It' .tPP(Hnt ~Hn ,l~{'m ,If .l~enh II n!;.t'. JC\lh" !tlt' lhe purro'lc p!
<br />fC'P3tft1'l' wW Pfc-m)~~ .:rid H' ttnu!lji lh<- 'MU~.1lW d'He..:un~ tilt' f("nr.. .l"\t"nuc.. ;1n(lln...-~Hne. ,,Ina Ii m:t\- pJ~ otH nl "':~IJ in.
<br />...:-otne-" aU C)L~n..;.e., ()-f rt-Qturmg ~id NenH~., .dlit ne...c~~fJ -l.\)mmJ\..hm... ,lnJ l'\.pcn\.C) !w.;urreu Hl n:ntHl~ .and m;ln.:i~!.lnj1: the
<br />.'.4!M Clad \.1{ ~\~k-\,'tlfli renuu) tnetdr-mu. [M h.i~ar-~-t: ,.cm;:Unt~, If 4(;"-)-, h' he -ipphed tiJ\\-Md the ul~naq::e til \:Jh:! mOffJ;tagc
<br />!!lO"t>tlld",,"
<br />~ Thai. he wdl k<<p the: unpf1}"'(m<nl~ tk.l" ("",...uug or hc-r('aftcf ctl:ded on the !f\ung;~<J r-f\!p("rt~', 1I1~iJrc:d ;{... m;l\ ht,
<br />ft"QUiltd fHlffl ~Hf}(' h_. time tl, the \to.ng.iqtei'" ;Ipm~l !,-''')..... h-; tire ,~nJ ,.th-Cl' h~\lttn,h. i..J.-'$ualttc... ~liH.i "~lmHngenCll'~ 111 "d.h.:h
<br />aJf'OUfth 4ftd-hv \ar.::b plrrioch a~ ma~ he requnw by the Mun~~('e ,Hid ',.\-Jj! p.n- pnlmpll\ "" hen Out'. 'ow.: prermmn'- l,n 'lh.'h
<br />lMUf'lll1K-C prtW"ton ,for Villyltlt:fH of "",htl.:h n..."ts r)ot ~fi m<J.lie he-rcmhefott:. ..\if In'WJ"ft\.'c "h~ill ~ ;;i~fned tn ,,:t1mr.in1f''' ;w
<br />Nc-'\Ie-d h" the M~lft~ and the p\,itcl('~ 30d f('fl('~a:h, t.tkrt~,i ,h;;tH he hdd in the ,h~n~j,~tl,' ;lnJ 0,,1\(' <fH~-H,:ht"d {t!('n'hl in"-",
<br />pa~'lihk dau-)C_~ m fav\)f of .:uKi in form <Ji.:ceptabk- to!he \h:~ng'.;1ge~- in n.t:'llf ~lf 10.... \to[(~agpr \.i.-dl-i.;lH' IJllfflt"t.!t;;H( fwU;.~t b\
<br />nt.IU_ ll\ 1hc ~, _'A'bo rtH,l) mucC proof H1 IfPi~ ,t not ma.de prtJtl1pl1~ r.\ \-l~lf1~..tgO{_ ,Hhj (:,l\;h ifhttLtfh,_t' ..."mp,Hl\ .:IH1
<br />';:-cfftctih~ ~ authur1144:and dU'('\:i~d tV make p-a~-U1cnt {(lJ '..u.:h- li.t'\1<. .1irf'>'::ih fl, the \tnnga~e-c Ul,te.h~ \~f t..! the ~h\t'l~H~H'
<br />and the Mmtfl*l,'<< ,fll-intl}' , ~nd the tmlUmtk;:~ pf;.)i;'eN:>.. ;)1 .;,in) piiH lbt't{'>"r. m~\)- be arrhc-d h~ the \h~r1fli:l~t'(' ;11 lh l)pllvn C'llhc.'f
<br />\4- tat ~'1tQ4 of- the -ffidebkdn("-S,,; brttby ~c.,;ureJ Of to the Ht'!ihJr-"4tum i,}f re-p.ur ~)t' 11le prOJ\elf\' .oamag:ed _ In c.. ('nl tit tnrr~k1'
<br />~t': of tha mufl&li:lC ur olMr tr-'att-dut:tf ttt~ (u lhe-mrtftgaged p:npc:fl~ If) ~\lin~iU..hment ~lf 1m; Intlt't'tt"\Jnc," \{'..'uf,~d htr('t'\
<br />..an ~~ titit and inle--r~'1 of the MQftPaO'f n'l and tn a:,n IIhUtl:tni.,"t' pH-h~le\ !h<>n in h~r((~ ..hall pa-.., h~ iht" pUH.,h-il",-ef Hf \~:!;HHt-'~
<br />~ That i?i ad4ni~ a.nd \,cllBt<'ta~ "'C~I,\-HI" fpt the fl-i1_,'NiCJH oi thf:o U(lti J-CS\ nj-\cd. 011d ..Ii 'tim.. h\ h\"\.'l\m~ dUl' llnt1t'f du"-
<br />fDrtlfl~" UK- M,)t~ twcr-tb} .I.-\~H.n\ to lht' Mtl.n,nge-t ;.H P\'tJtth.... [(-t'(':oue-;,. !'Y\~1:il~..., lighh .H1d ht.~ndJt~ ,jl.\:nHn~ hi ttlt'
<br />M~' U""f ;lOY antJ aH ~14fid ~.a~ k4~~' "n ...,U'd prC'mi"\e"'_ 1\\th !he filthl h~ r{'Lt:l.'C ~lnJ fl':"c;~pt ii~~ tht: """UH' ~HlIJ ,lpj"m
<br />~htm k'l '-lUd ~b4NUt:''i~ n~- .eli Pot-fure u) ",her &C;"fault m tnc i:vrnhtio.n\. l'!-f thl"- f!1{lnptajtc. (,lfh.! lh<' Murt~.ljl:~\.~ mal' -.:JC'malh.L 'He
<br />hlf ~ .t'e\;.'O"'t'f ;\.t\) '~<h paymc-nh ......hcn th;.t: :MW- fldylitbie, hu1 ~l finf be reqVH'ot,'.j ...._1 to' \!-o':, Dw'" ;1'""i~flnh:~nt 1.. hl rnmm:lh'
<br />uv! ~(~ m:rii;aM ~(n4 tjpun Itit':~~ ;,{ thi:!i< m~ltt-ItU~
<br />
<br />9:::,':4,lM <<..1"'1
<br />