<br />83- 005664
<br />
<br />9. CODde..nMioa4 The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection wit~ any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid 10 Lender.
<br />In 11-... event of a total laking of Ihe Properly, the proceeds shall be applied to Ihe sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. In Ihe evenl of a partial laking of Ihe Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />othenvise agree in writing, lhere shall be applied to the sum. secured by this Deed of Trust such proportIon of the proceeds
<br />as i. equal to that proportion which tbe amount of Ihe sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust immedialely prior to the date of
<br />laking bean to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior 10 the dale of taking. with Ihe balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offen to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />malled, Lender is authorized to collect and apply Ihe proceeds, at Lender's option, either 10 restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such applic.ation of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone tbe due date of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amounl of
<br />such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. .E."ttension of the time for payment or modifkation of amortization of the sums secured
<br />hy this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner.
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify anlon;.zation of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made hy the original Borrower _and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbeat'llll<<: by I..e-oder Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law. shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such rigbl or remedy,
<br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of raxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accderate the- maturity of the ind~btedness secured hy this Deed of Trust.
<br />12. Reatedlu Cumulative. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under (his Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />successively. . .
<br />13. Succeaon "nd A...... Bound: Joint "nd S..~ral U"bi~'; C.ptio.... The covenanls and agre""'enlS herem
<br />contained shall bind. and the rights hereunder shall inure t(\, lhe respective successors and assi~s of lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. .>\11 covenants and agrct"ments of Borrower shall he Joint and several.
<br />.The captions and headings of the paragraphs ot thIS Deed of Tr:lst are fDr CC'QVenlence only and are not to he used tQ
<br />,"Ierpret or define the provisions hereof
<br />14. Notkt. E.\cept for any no1icc reqUired under apphc~\bte law to be given In another manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided (or in this Deed of Tru.s.t shall be given hI' maIlmg such notice hy \.~ertified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Address Dr at such other address as Borrower ma)' Jesignate ~y notice to Lender as provideo hetein. and
<br />(h) any nottce to I.ender mall be grven by certjfied mall. r~turn re-<.::erpt requestw. to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />\uch other address as Lender mAY desIgnate by notIce 10 Borrower as prOVIded herem. Any notice provided for in this
<br />I:>eed of Trust shalt be deemed to have been gi\'en to Borrower or t enacr when given in the manner designated herein
<br />15. l!n1form Ilftd of Trust; (;o'ftming I.aw; Se\"enbllit)'. Thl"i form of deN of trust combines uniform covenants for
<br />national use and non-uniform covenants with lImned vana!lons h) jUrisdiction [0 constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />covering real prope-ny. This Deed of' Trust ~hall he ~o\'C"rned t.\' Ihe law {\t the .Iufls(hctton in which the Property is located,
<br />In the event that an\" prOVISion or clause of lhls- De-cd nl Trust or !he Sore ~onftlcb with apphcahte law. such conflict shall
<br />not affect other prOVIsions of thi's 11eed of Tru.'t or the Note whICh (',an lx-- given effect wahout the conflictinfl provision,
<br />...nd to thjjj end the prOVI$fOm of the Deed ot Trmt anu the Note are dedared to ~ severable,
<br />16. Borrower". Copy. Borrower shall be turl1lshed a c{'I)(Clrmed lOp)' r>f the' Note and of this Dc\~;j of Trllsl at the tim\~
<br />ot execution Qf after recordation hereof
<br />11. T........er of tilt Property; A..mpdoa. If all (Ir am part of the Pn'\pertv PI ;m interest therem is sold or transferred
<br />oy Borrow-cr without l..eoder's pnor wntten C(Hls.enl, nl~!udmg I", J the l.:rc-atH.Hl III d hen or encumbrance subordinate to
<br />!his [Xed of Trust~ (tt) the elution (.t is purchuM' mone..- \ccunty mterest h~r n0uschoid ilpphances. I...: I ~l transfer hy devise.
<br />de\ccnt or oy operation of law upon the death of a !t)ml tt'nant or l J. The grant vi ;;Hl~' lea'!i.chold interest ot thr<< ye<\fS or less
<br />!lot containing an optJon to pur-chuc, l_e-nder may. :Jt 1 ender'~ optii.ln, I.kdare all the ~urns secured bv thiS (ked ('of Trust to be
<br />lOUTle\,hate1y due- and payahle. Lender s.haii ha\c ....al...'CU sm:h optlon t.... a..:-ceJcrale If, pnof h--' the sale or nansfer, Lender
<br />and the person Ifl whom the: Pwperty IS (u b~ iMIJ. Df !fan~fcrr~d rea~h agu..'eON:nt ;n writing that the ..:'rcdir of such person
<br />!S ~tJs!&Ctor)' to Lender and that the internt pay:tble f'fi the :o.Uf1b ;.C'Cured I-n ih:~ Deed (\1' Trust shall he at such rate as
<br />Lender shaH request, it Lender has waived the tJptltm hl a.(;.;:ek-rah~ prc\--Jded in thrs paragraph Ii, and if Ik')rr-ower's suc-ceu()r
<br />m inlera.l bas ~),.CCU(ed a I,.\'(ltten assumption iSgnxmcm .)ccepted In '>\ilttng hy Lender, Lender 'ShaH rele~ Borrower from
<br />:.Ill obligatio-ns under this Deed of T1U!t and the Note
<br />If Lender exercises mch option t(1 ace-derate l.ender ~han mad BQ-fWWe-f n(ttlce of 31..'l..'deratlOn In u(.:cordance with
<br />p;li'd.graph J 4 he-reo-1. Such notice ~hall prov!de a pent..\d t,t onl ]t.~~S thafl _~n day~ from the date rhe notice io.; mailed within
<br />\'\.bich 8o-ffower may pay the ~um~ dedared dU('o If B:orro....er Lids li,) rii~ :'.uch sums pnor W lhe cxplt<'ttiun of such period,
<br />Lender may. wnhout further nouce IX dCflUtnd lH~ BorrO~'(,L l!\'",}j,.e am remedte~ pcrnuu-eu by paragraph I R hereof.
<br />NnN-liNlfOltM COVENANTS 8orrowef and L('ndcr turt~r CtWenxnf ""oct agree a~ foUows;
<br />1M., f\l~t"Ieratioa; RI'~ .:I.ct"pt aD. proviclnt ia par1II.raph 17 bt'ftoof, upon Borro",",r'~ bnat:b of any co\'t"nant or
<br />.I'<<Jne:nl of Borrtntt'f in lhm IRed of T""-i. indudine: lhe ,"'o'en.nb tn pa~ ""ben dut' am, sums RCUft"d b)' fhis Ileed
<br />of TrusI. Lender priut" In IK'cm,..liun ~J mail fH..k-e 10 Borro~("t 11., Pto"iMd in palIracrapb 14 heN:Gf !ipedfyin:: 0) the
<br />~h; 'l) .bt- Ktioa r~uil't'd 10 curt' !luch bl'f'Kh: t.H a dalt'. not ~... than 30 day~ (rom IhoC' date Iht f\f)tkt is mailed to
<br />Born)""r. b~ wbkh lI-tu_'h brftK"h must bt- t'urt'd: >>mt (4) Ibal failure 10 ('uno !tm:h breaA'h on or bdol"r' tbr dale spedfied
<br />in tbt notkt' ma)' rn.... in al'cekration of the- W~ Wt.'uffll tn Iha" f)red of Trust and wdt' t)f th~ rropen.\'. The- notic~
<br />shaD fUr1twr inform ROlfo"'~r df t~ filht 10 rt"iA"'a.~ at'tor j,K'tdf'ralion and the r4thl 10 bring a l'uur1 a('lioft to as.""r1
<br />tM non-e&ldt"RCe of a dt-fault Of an\ ot~r dd~o~ uf Bm-f\"~e-r to a-n:df'radon and ~t'. If Ihe brea~:h b nOI curl"d
<br />un ,;i' bdin" ;tw- ~~ ~i:itd in ,he' ~~. L('nckr Jill i.~"dt'r.. option tna~ M("htn ail of Ihc- !IIUftt~ M"l'uft'd b) thb, Uet"d
<br />nf 'TCU5t to ~ immcdhttr-Iy dtk .nd p.)ablC' ~itbout (ur1MI' dt'nland and mB." i'Hoke tbe po,,'u of ~It' and an) other rt'medi~
<br />pefDlitted by applicable law. Lend<< !l>hall _ ~nlitkd 10 l'oJkCI an rt"1bOoablc- l't)Oit~ and t'\.pt'flSt"!t incurred in punutn>>=. tht,
<br />n-me.clift, pro-,'idcd ift tbis p.lI1I2RPh 18, inclMdiBlt, but IV>> limited 10, rrasDmlble attorp~}'~ f~,
<br />U tM po..el of sale is in.vL'tCl. 'TrusI<< s.ball r<<oni a putin' of ddault in c-a\:h ('oun,> in ~'bkh lh~ Propnt)-' or !lome
<br />part thereof is loca.~d aOO!dIall mail ~ uf such notk~ in 1M nnlDDU pc\'s....ilwd b} applR;abfe. Jaw to Borru"'t:f Bud to Ih\'
<br />otHf peJ'llJiOD$ prn;.:1'ibd by applkable I.,.,. Aftv taw. lafMoe (If ~uch time a'l tna) be rt'quired b~ applicaNt< la,,". Tru:t;te-e !ihaU
<br />XJu' puWk notice of .wdC' to tM JM'~ and in thf' manMe pf~~;I'l~ b~ applicable ta~'. Tnl..'ttee-. without dt>-numd Hll
<br />Borrofte:r, shah idS tb~ Property at puhiic auction to thf' hi&hnt biddt'f at the tim~ and pl...:e and und~r tht> term, dt"~i1fnat('d
<br />in the BOUt't of_We iD OM or more- patt.'-els atwl in !llh.'h or.r as Trnlllf'(' tua) d~tf'nftine, -'-n"'1<< Ina)" postpone !oale of all
<br />or .aD) pat'ffl of lhe Proper1}' by public anftOUn("t'owRt at Iht dme and p.lacf' of Itn,. prnioust} M'b('duJ~d ~Ie, Lendn tH'
<br />I...~.. duIc- IR., pur<:a- the Proput, at aft, wok.
<br />t'pon r~~ (If pilynwal uf law pr~ bid. -rl"\blft' ~ ddh-e,- ht the:- v-un.~ba.~r- Tru.....ee':-, dffd l't>>nt">in~ In(- IJr(lpcf'(~
<br />~" nw. redtak in the- TrusIC:e'~ d-t1.'d shall bt:- prillUl rack t:",'ideUf.:e of tht: truth uf the 'i(alt'tUt'Dl~ nuuk tlwrrin. frU!'!h';;
<br />shall apply the ~ or tJw ~ in tbe foJkndn, order: ;aj to all r\"a~libk l"'()S1s And C'~"M.'~ of ttw !'oCtle. including. bur
<br />ROt Umited 10~ TfU5ke'S, f~ uf Atl4 mort' ttutn 1.-;1: of t~ uf lM g~'\ ~k prkc. r~ble aUurll\')'~ ft"\"s aud (lnb of Hdt: t'"idem~;
<br />(b' to aU MIlAS ~ b) this I.lftd ofll'vM~ ami to (~t'xl.;e~. if ..I), to Ow: ~r"on or pe-r!W)ll'i kg.U) t't'titJed tht;ort'hJ.
<br />1'. Borr-o-.u's Ri&ht tu kriaMate. ~()I\A,!~h\-w.ndm~ L~;nJl"r"\ d.:...t.'k'La!h~n (~I the- :.um\ 1~n1f(:J h\ !Ill' Decd ,if -f :~y,;
<br />Bo-rnlWu shaH have the right to have iiI1) rf~lt:tt\.hnp t~gun hv tender i,-l >':l1f',\{(':1: th!:'. lkt-.J d 1'm..l d!,>..;'-tll1l11Hfl.'d .11
<br />MY tltne pnot to the <<rher to OCi:\Lf ~A (t} lh<- fifth ..hl:'-' before (he ",;;tir:: of the l'r('p.en~ ptlf'\UMlt h'> the p\l\\.el' ,li ..ale ...-,lll1,ll!lt'd
<br />m lhil Det:.d ufTrUM u1 (u)enlt) of it judgment t:l1f~li1..:mg thl" Deed 01 Tnn~ If taJ BHrtO\o\Cl p-ilY" ) >:IH.kr ,ill \unh Wlll('h \\.ullltl
<br />be: r~n Out' .under thiS ~d 'Of 'JrU").1, Ih~ NO-lc .'-nd flote.... ~e\.Hnng Future t\dv~H~(,-'>, J! ~HW, \I;td ~{' .~-<.:;.:del.l\h'n ,~:uH1L'~L
<br />!h~ Bon-uwer ~'lH'cJi, aU bre.(:hQ vi ..ny othe( I.;uveniluh Of itRfc:emell(S nt ih}fHH..;Cf L~('ntam('d. n1 trll., Deed d T !"ll'\t
<br />f(j B.:tffOWCX p:ii)'s .an J'C"a~H'mblc t'\~nKS irh.'HHCd by I e:ndci and "1 H"kt' H~ cld.Hc"nlot tht l;.J"l',U;lib- ,111<.1 .\glt.-cfHcnl~ ~,l
<br />8otro~'('t \:t"Cl~,al1l~ tn thu. lX:cd tot!" Tru\,{ .HH111~ cnh.>r,ong LeoJ~rs. ,H1J rnl"\!et~-" rt'mt"JK'I- a'- rh'\l~h:d !fl f\.lr~~raph :.'"
<br />h-trwr, .ndudio&. but O{>t hauted to, rfa_M)n~bk aHt.Hnoc-~ 'i- ft't'<": .i1nd ~dj HOffl'l\.~'ef litl.e'S. "'Udl "-I.:Ul~1I ;,{!l L~'mkt m:i... H.-'a",)!1..hl'>
<br />ftqU-lr~ it) Ir>>!t..yfe t.hat the- hen uf thu. f)ceJ nf l"fu\.L I ~'nJc(\ mlt't'c..l; !rl tnt' P'f'\{);(::rlV .HHI BnrT\l\.4,U " "hll\il.ltl\'1\ t..
<br />