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<br />r <br />83~ 005622 <br /> <br /> <br />UNIFORM CoVENANTS. Borrower and Len<ie( COV~I)t.liQd ~as follows, <br />1. ~ of PdndpaI .... 1DIemt.. Borrowenhall promptly pay when <I"" Ihe <br />indebtedness evidenced by Ihe Note. ptq>aymet11 and lale charges as provided in lhe Note. <br />on any FutUre Advances secured by Ibis Mortgage. <br />2. ..... fer T....... ~ . Subject to aPPlicable law or to a. ~tten Wl!~\ly <br />10 lender on the day monthly installrnenlSofprin<:ipal and interest are payablC'lJIlder the.lII~.. .... <br />Hum ('h.....'J'uI1<ls.')equalIO~ftfioftbe~ taxes and _mei1tswbkhlilay ..... <br />MI>/1pIe. alld pound. nnla ontbe~. if any. plus,,-twelftIt of yearly premium illSlalfmenJa:(cjt <br />plus _tweIftItof,'eU'lypremiumimtallmenl$ for mort~inturance, if any, all ~fCU(lnablyllstilJliiltd. <br />time to time by Lender on the ~ of assessments and bllls.and ... . .'. ..... .'Y' <br />TheFuftlls shall he held in an inStitution the deposits or accounts 'Of wbiclllU'eiD$~Ol: &1!lU'!lDtl1!Cdlly <br />state agency {including Lender it Lender is suchan illStitution). Lender shall llpplytheFurids to pay:Said~ <br />illJll1'8llCe premiums and ground ","11 Lender may nol charge for so holding an" appl)"ingthe Fun<is.analyzitlg <br />or verifying and compiling said a-.nento and bills, un_ Lender pays Bon-ower interest on tbeFliluls <br />permits Lender. 10 make such . clw'ge. Borro_r and Lender may agree in writing atthe.tirn&;ot <br />Mo"~ that inlerest on tbeFunds shall be paid 10 Borrower, and unless such &JtCt!lIICntiSllll\lIoor: <br />requilu such i_I to be paid, Lender shall nOl be required to pay BofTower any interest or earnint1son~~. <br />shall give to Bo~. wilbout <:barF. an ammal accnunhng of tbe Funds showing credit! and debits'to IbeFlInd& . . <br />purpooe for which each debit 10 the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for'the sums~" <br />by thio Monpae.. . . .... <br />U the amounl of the Fundi held by u.nder. together wilh the luture monthly insuillmetltS of Funds payable pri!Jt'to <br />the due c1atco of ,ues. _ments, .nsunoce pr<:mlUm, aod grournl rents, shall exceed the amount ~topay sai~r~ <br />aueslIIIlents. insurance premiWl1$ and ground rents as 'he,' rail due. such e.'cess shall be. at BorroWCl"soption, ei(bet <br />promptly repaid '0 Dorm_. or credited to Borrower on .monlhty installments of Funds. If the amounl of the PUildI <br />bekl by Leader 5hall not be .utllcient to pay ta._. .-.ment,.. insurance pt1lmiums and ground rents.. they fall. due, <br />~ sIlaJl pay to Lender any amount neceuary to make up the deii=ncy withln 30 days tromlbe datenotk:e ~ nWIed <br />by 1.eader to Borrow",. pay"",n, ,herrof. . <br />Upon ""y"",nt 10 full ot all .uau _ured by .h" Mortgage. Lender $hall promptly relund 'n Borrower any FuntIa <br />held by Lender. If undeT paragraph 18 bcreof tbe Properly" ;.old 01 ,he PIGpen\ is othelWllie acquired by Lender. lender <br />oball apply. no later thlUt .mmedulIely' 1'"'" l(' .be .,aJe ." .be ProperlY or ... acquISition by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at tbe tnne ot apptkadon as .a \:reait agam~t the .mms. se-.:urcd hy (hl'~ ,,-.tortgage. <br />3. AppIkatIoe of ~ Cnle.. apphe.ble law p"wide< ".bent.j"" .Ii paymen" 1",-",i\'Cd by Lender under the <br />Note and parasraph.. I _ 2 hereof sh.U be .pplled by I ender fin. '" p.,m.". 01 amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under p&C&JCaph 2 h:ereot. then 10 m,efe\l payable tm the NotC'. then h.\ the pnnclp.d of the Note.:, and then to interest and <br />I'""'''pal on any Future Advarn,..., <br />4~ <-'-I-;........ 8orro\A-t'1' ,hall p~y ,-Ill 1..\0.::.'. ,h'"-'::'''f11'COh ~tfN..i I'lhe; ..'hat~.._ nne~ unJ Impositions attributable to <br />(be Property which may attAIn a pn-O-rtt~ over ihi~ .\t()rt~4~, .uld it-....'\oChl--"JIJ r.Jym-c-nlt nf ground rents. if an)', in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2. MR'Of Ot, If t'i~lt p~uj in '\\Kh :n.zt1lhet. tl\- 8,,1r;{lWn m,,\:mg p.aym("nt. when due. directly to the <br />payee- thereof Barrow<< rd'taU Pf'()fflpti)' furnl"h to Lcn~r all nc>tl4:t;:'. Dr .unounb due untkc thts p.aragraph. and in the cw:nt <br />Borrow~r s.h.&li make- paYfJl("f't dm~~:t1~-. BorfO....Cf "haH pfl.:~mpth luml\h h" Lc:ntk-r r~'dpts cndcncing sucn payments. <br />8or~.. "nall Prompdl (luctu.rgc an)" hen ....tu-(h h.u PPt)fl!Y \-''''Cf !hl" :\It""lrtgaRe~ pt(l\it-...kd. (hat Botrower "haU not be <br />reqwrtd h.l dliChAtac an)' )ucn ht:n 10(} h.ln,.u Boffo..!;r "h.aH ,(tlte-c Hi '\Hlfiujt l~\ the p,,)mc-m of the \~bhgllfli.ln 1ecured by <br />!l.uch ben in II n:uuuwt' ac.c.:pt.bie t~~ Lendtr. nr 'J-n.aH m ~{)('f.i t.llth. ,.:("'I! 'Iu;.:h hen h)', N ~j.deml enforcement of such Hen tn, <br />ietaJ pf(lC<<dtnp WIduch {~r.uc to ptc'\'c:-nt {~ enhlf\,.cm<m ut iht.~ l:t"n. ';'f t~)fteltur(" ill the Propc-rty Of ;:IUY rart thereof, <br />5. Hazard..........~ aono-~c! "hail ..cq." the ,mprt'\'-C'mcnr'< n..~'A t''\I....rlflJt or htf\ e-f\'"~ted on the Property Insured <br />tlaunst Iou h~' 11ft'._ !u:.urdi indu-dc-d "\;\--tIhm the tt:tm "t:''\tcnde:,J ...",>('! ..lgc .ifh.i \ucn L">thcf hazard" ;a,~ Lender may reqUire <br />.;.ad m S,1,Jl;."A amoonu &nd (or:w:t;h }'>("twd\.l~ 1 ew..:kr J1l-a." rC'4Uilt', rh,.....Kk.d~ :hit;t 1 enJe! ..h.lU !lot reqUire that the :lmounl of <br />l.UCh (Q\-ware -clC-erd th~l a.:nou:H of .;o...t:fa.le [<:i.iUlrrC h~ P,t\ ;~: ,",\i1H~ ...Cd:rnj h. !tWI MO.r!G3g<' <br />The u>>urancc t:,'une-f pro\'idwi the m)UU:I1"C- \h-.lU tw: ;. hdt'H h) H(JHn\\-~! \Hh}-('ct tu .sprlo..'al hy I en\.ter~ pro\-'ided. <br />that Siuc-h apprO'''''.' -shall fl("t be: tlnrCiuo-mibly wHhhdd '\1; ~'\-fc-!!Hum... '.~H m..ur.ln(;~ p!...~ln.:iC~ .,haB bt.: p4id. lf~ ~hc m.anner <br />provtded. unde-r 2 hC'..twi vI. d t! m \u..:h nUf\flCl, b~ lk\n~)~-et rna~mg payment. \l,-hco due. dJrectly to the <br />I~ C&ftiCtf, <br />AU intufam'-C rotk:-lb arW!l, 11lcn:\H \h.t.H t"t Hi hum ......".epLlhh; !d { t:n,Jct 4nd ",h,;di md~ldt:' ;,J. -,t~Htd-ard mortgage <br />,;lause 10 b,,~w or" and In tt.'rtn ~, h} LcndC'l i t'fhl~f "h;lli h.;t..t; !ht' rlM;ht ti~ f1~Jld lh~ r~lik:lc-' .100 rcncw.iih thereof. <br />and 8orro~f ~h.ll promp.!.i)' tUHulh h,.' tender aU l{"n~"'dl :10Ii\:C~ .tau ,~ll it;'Cl::lrt'" ,)t p;ud i'rrmHlm\ In'he 1:\.:nt (\f los~, <br />Bom>we'r \n.aH gl\'C p-'Of!1pt notJ(-e h.l tlK lH&.ur;:n,;t" ...MiICI ,Hhi I cn.Jct i t'fhh;! [ll;t\ m.du.: i),,~!l d l.,J'U it npt m,tlJe promptly <br />by Ilorrowe. <br />Unle:M I,t'ndc-.r and Bono''';'(J otbcf\t..\4: .gt(-l: In "!llln~_ m'lur.llll..': ,11~'~CU'" \-h.J.1I he ..tppilcd :.\ f\"h,lf.lli",111 ur repair pf <br />the Property d&m~. prtlY10al \1.b.:h :-t"~t0nlH.'n ~~r f'l:pAil ;, ..;....\):h~mh.4Ih h;4!>.tbl(' .Iud Ihe 'Xl;.'ut!t:. ot thlS Mmtg~c 1\ <br />not tbe.rcby unp&U'lKl. It !lUs.'h r~'\h..')catH')f' ...~r r~p;:Jl! t'j :\"., (u-.n',-'flll'\-,,,,dl\ !c.....lhk l.~:-- ;1 fhe ~el.;unt~ pt rbI''' \t(lftg<tt!l:- w,)uld <br />be unpalred, the HlIUfUl<;C. p'H)(~ ,tuB he 4\pr~hcJ 1<.... the Hum. :-.e..-lIn:ti b~ thiS Mong~gt'.. \\jth the e-\~C\S, it any, paid <br />to Borrower. U (be- ProperlY jj a.rnuwflflC'd n" B(lHl,'\H~ 'i'f l; ik',np",c( tad" h. ;~p<mJ t,l Lender \\'llhm 30 d.ay~ !rom the <br />~e i:\ rua.tied by Lc:n:der- 10 a-ono-~-t:r th... ;;--...:- ji";,).U!;;'n.::;~ ";.;irr!;-:. ~..tter'" t.-} ;"t:1l11-' ...I l.:hmH {PI ;lhuralh:C hencfits, Lcnd~r <br />J~ authotttcd to ~'oUect .and appl~' the Hl1lJ.rano,.:e rro\,."'<<Oi .H I tnlJer''"!< ...'ptu.)(l e~thcr 10 resh)J;.!tu..1H ~lr f~palf 01 the Property <br /><>f k> the ....... "",ured by this Mort..". <br />U.alcu and BOrnn,.--c:r (Me""J~ oi.ghX m .....uHng. .w\- "'U;~fi Jppl1":iiHon ,1{ f'w..:t'CU!'ii It) j'finC'iMi .,hatl not e'\.tend <br />Qf ptW.tpOOC: {Iv: due date (tf the nk\f':lht) tnstaUmcms rderred. h' to paI~~r<1ph'\ i .tllU :. hercDt or ...:-hange the amOlJot of <br />web iMtaiJnlCGb. It under petacrap, 18 nCl'wi the Pr0pern' Jt> .:4~l.iu;:re.j h} Lel'ldltC ",H fight. title iiod HHe-rest OJ Borro\\'u <br />In a.od. \Q &0)' UJSvr.~-c poiiclt$ and in .'too to the P-!,--~.eed~ th:(-r~~Jt r~-tufmg twrn damage t(~ the Property poor to the )alc: <br />or ~bOD ~U pBI '-0 1.r:.nder to the e,\.tent "-'1 the "'IJm~ M::J:ur~ h~~ Ilm. \h.f!!i.Jgt"' :mmedlalei)' pnor 1<; ~w.:h ~~le {.j <br />acquiIttioo. ' <br />.. "-"'......... ~ of Proport); I.~~ r~u",,, Pinned Lnit l>evelep_n... !Jorrow<1 <br />..... k.., d. Property itt aood repair and. 1thali not ~ornmtt "asw: (Jr ~~lt "'.~\atrn1ent tW de1cnouhOtl nt the Prope.rt~' <br />-Urd.abaV (~ with. fhe ptm'K10ll$ vf Any 'eue }f {hIS Mort.@:-lige 1$ (Hl ~ .;,;~M:h0jd. If !hf" .Mortgage Ii '-.Ill it (Hill 111 ., <br />~m Of A ~ UtUl 8o-frt;n~.ei :!ihilli perform aU ;}{ R~,}rnlwe-t-'S L>hllgahOns. under the:: dtx:l"utwn <br />Of ~ crabnI -o.r Iv\feftUng tbe ":..:)b<k."ffHIHurn Of pitilnnetJ unit i.k'\-'c:ktpmcm. the by~ii"'-' anti rcgul.aiitJn:'i of (he <br />:C'~imum- Q1r ~ 'l.uUt Oe\--elopmcnt. and \:,muituc-nt l,iQ;;;umcnh. It ~-i <.:t.m.J.omi.mutn tiT planneJ tlnH d~H"l(\pment <br />ridIr... ~ by ~ ami roconied t.;;~hcr wun thl~ MO-rl&",~, the ;,:.OYenanh Mld agreenlt'llb or :>uch nder <br />....... ~ WIo and oball omeud .utd '''i'pkment .he ""'..nam. .1I1d "Jrec:mClll. "I. th" M"'1gase "' if tho ridcl <br />_.patt.~ <br />'i ~ of ~~. If lklfl'\)-v.ier (",ib t(~ perh'Jfnl fhe C-OVe,ftQnts alto agreen~nl$ ~\mtat,te-d in lhl~ <br />~, or 11 illY alltiotI "" ~iDg " comtt>ttI<:e.l wh,ch matuially alkch Lender', '"'''"''' 10 ,he Property, <br />~ llut not limdect ,... Mli_ ~, j..ooI..",,{ c<><le ..*""e"..",.. or ar....nltO""'A1. or pro"eed"'I' Juvol"". a <br />~ Of~" ta.n t~ at L~\ fIPll()fi, upon n:Qtu.~ to &mowc:r, !l~Y i11atc ~U\.'h ap-pt'.f"4tU:-~, df~tnu~ ~\K'h <br />...,.~. ......... ~. .. A ~ to ~( ~r" lrt~rC$L lIKludu18.. hut rn~ lurnted tt.), df~bu~.m~n( .Jt <br />~ ~. let *-'Y1tpQl'> the Property 10 milk. ,0""'''. Ii l..<mder l"'!(!Ired mortgage in,,,,olleo "' " <br />"~ of ~ UW ~ _!lAd IJy lha M~, Bom""'", ,h.U pay the pftlOn"'''''''I",red It. ",.in!"", ,ueh <br />......- ill ~ \Itttll _I> timt a' lbe i'equil'l'l'IW41 r", ,,,dl mm'A1ltt l_ma,,,,, !Il ""cerd.",.. "',Ih 8<""0_<" an.! <br />