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<br />19 .W~:;=::''''T=~tm!~t~~antYD'I!nnette .M~eRi~=n. ..HUSband...andW~~)l':
<br />of't_<"OIIntyof Hall. i. ... u_ . .and$hlteofN"ska,putyofthelitat~herei~...~.'....'.'..'.'.;....'.'"
<br />dlefolol1lleor. aW Super or ,.....rtgage,-.Inc. ., . ... ,.. . ."'c.:,j/;
<br />
<br />"corpomionillJllllized and uistintun4e:rtbe IaWl of Nebraska
<br />party III tfMoseooad part. hereinafler called tbe Mortpfce.
<br />WtTNfiSSETR; That dttuiclMOI'tpp. for and ill coosideralion III the sum of Twenty Seven.. Thousand1i'iVe
<br />lIundred and No/lOOths-------- DalIan($ 27,500. 00 ,.pllidb)'fIIe~'
<br />.....' die recciptofwllidl is hereby ~. has Grallted and Sold and by tlIesc pre_doesGriult.~.
<br />,.m. SdI. C_y and Confirm UtIlO lbe Mortp&ee. il. ,uc<<.sors "ltd assi3M. forever. the:flllll)....j~
<br />rnf 8lale. siluIted in tllc CounlY III !fa 11 . aildSlilre
<br />otNdlruka. to~:
<br />
<br />Lot Sixuen (16) Sass Second Subdivision, a
<br />part of Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven
<br />(11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />0I11Ie $I..... Prilocipal MendiaA. conI......'" in all .c"', ac<:ordi",lo Govem.
<br />---y:
<br />
<br />1'0 HAVE AND TO HOlt> lhe pt.._ .1><',. ...."'rit..<l. ,.1I1t aIIlhe ._"eRa,,", ,1te,....nIO Ilelon(lins and incluclint
<br />all heetm,. ~ ud IiPIllII fBlUtfl and \!CIIIItllMnl _ '" ....r...fln ollaclll<d 10.... u...d in COfUlKlion wilh ..ill rnf "late
<br />uaIollle ~. ud to j.. 'iKCO",," .ltd a..ips. I_v..., TIlt Nor...... tl<ptnl<ftro 10. .ltd cow_t~ with. lbe Mortp-
<br />... dIalllllt MGftIIeIIt hat pel riIllt 10 oeIIand COtlfty ..... pre_.; ,..... tlIcy lie fr<< from ..acumtnnce: ancIlhat lIIe
<br />......... wiIl__ ud Ilefead IIw _ qaImt lh lawful clallM 01 "" penOM ...iloomol<_: and lbe said Mortp&Or here.
<br />by ra....... all riIMl of ~.Iad. altd all _ial """" ..tiM' ... lAw '" ... ~Y. and .11 01..... cOlllilltem ",lereSI' of lhe
<br />Mor1ppfill_lto.aboft~ PfCIl'da. 11M: ~ ~1O"",,",y heftby ."absoIu~litle. infc~ oimple. includ.
<br />....aII.....s of~. ud 01'- riIbt~ ud inkJnl. a. af~.
<br />
<br />PROVIDED AL W A YS.lIfId lIIew pre..,llh an u<<UlCd and lkl"l<fflI upon IIll< follow;", condihoM.IO w,l:
<br />
<br />,.. _~ a,r_ eo ~ eo tM _t.,_. .... order. .IM prlnclpal ._ of Twenty Seven
<br />Thoullllnd Five Hundred and 1lo!10Otha ---- IloUau ($ 27,500.00 I, vitll
<br />1atenat f~ .sa_ at t.IMo ..a_ of. f,91 It Three-Tenthll pool' c:ertt_ ( 10.3 .. poor ._-
<br /><IIi the....,.u balaAc:s ...til 9/1/8t.,'p. ....s tM.....H... n tIM raee of Ten It Three-4luarters
<br />PM __ I 10,75 'I POO" __ ,*,tMt _lel bal..- until paiel. ",. ..iel principal anel
<br />illtenat ....11 be ...'....1. a, the office of Superior Mortgage. Ine. ln
<br />GrllDd Island. Nebrafika . Or at .\IOb otIler pl_ a. the 1101..... of tile note -,
<br />4IMtl...... 111 ..h1ll9. 111 _tal, 1M"l"'.. of Two Hundred Forty Seven and 45/100ths
<br />__ "'1.... It 247.45 I, -ta<t ell' tM fira, .say. of Nov_ber .
<br />1,83 , ... ClIl tMt fUet. .sa, of --" _th ~fta.. ....'11 Sept. 1,1986" anet Tw Hundred
<br />Fifty Six IIlt\d 33/100ths - Oollan '$ 256.33 ) ..-iAq "" tile fi..., clay of
<br />October. 1986 ... .... OIl tM ti..., .say of __ _Ut tIIe....ftar un'il the principal
<br />... t.a~ u:. f1a1ly ...14. .-apt _, tM f1ae1 ....,....t of principal &IIel int....... if
<br />"" _ paid. Uall ... .". .... pay...l. .... tbe flU' clay of Oe to bel', 2013, ,
<br />.u ~ to tbe _ of a ~ ~OIO.., note of __ clate ....._1t.h .ncatecl by
<br />_....~.
<br />
<br />".......... ~_f.uy 10 pfO&eCt die MCtIrity of lhis MClItPIC. ."..e"
<br />
<br />t. .".... .. pay .... Iaddlkdalll. as hm1IIbdtlR .......ided. Pri.... i;; rewn'ed 10 pay lIIe lkbe in wbole. or in an
<br />.......Uo.... _ ~..,- oa'" priIw:icIell..... are ne"l due on lIIe note. on 1M flnl day of any mOftlh
<br />IIriIlt ..........:.~. 1loIrewr. ~ .na.. notice t>f a" inIeIIIion to eurci,," weh privllete k Jive" .1 It..t lhirty (30)
<br />_".MOII~. . "...
<br />
<br />2. ,....;IGlIIlIlIII.... ill ~... die ....., pay_ of ~ aIIIlI iflCetfll payable llllllcr lllIt 1<<IllS of lbe
<br />...............,.dlt...........lOtht ..........oellllt lint".)' 01 eadl_h UfItiIlllIt HitlllOte is fully paid,lhe
<br />....~
<br />
<br />(~ .~ ........10,..... lbt holda ne-f wtdl IIIIIds (0 ~. lIIe noJIt mon.... i_,,_ pmnilRlt if Iltlt
<br />.......... ............ _lnIImId. Of . __ dmp rilt IiftI of. ~ ~pn-
<br />.....,tt__ ...._u.~ of tk1!ulII&tJl4l1rltaQ Oewklpmcttt. II folkMl:
<br />
<br />m If... __...-. of _"*"ltIdlllil__11I ... irItunIlI Of ..uem.ml.llfllk. 1M pro-
<br />-,of. ~HouMaAet. .. __t ~11G -'ale ift 1M halldt of' eM holdl<r OIl\!
<br />
<br />
<br />~.(........ ......._.........
<br />... f......... ...._U..... .--. ......i
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<br />,....,...,.*'~ ....,.....\MM UMjI.~ it............,
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<br />STAn Of..........
<br />J+UO>t214JM 111<191
<br />''''Cl'~mo.l5lll
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