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<br />r <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />834105530 <br /> <br />the property otherwise after default, the Mortgagee shall apply, at the time of the commencement of such <br />proceedings, or at the time the property is otherwise acquired, the amount then remaining to credit of <br />Mortgagor under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit on the interest accured and unpaid and. the <br />balance to the principal then remaining unpaid on said note, <br /> <br />4, The lien of this instrument shall remain in full Ioree and effect during any postponement or exten" <br />sion of the time of payment of the indebtedness or any part thereoI secured herl>oy. <br /> <br />6. He will pay all ground rents, taxes, assessments, water rates, and other governmental or municipal <br />charges, fines, or impositions, levied upon said premises and that he will pay all taxes levied upon this <br />mortgage, or the debt secured thereby. together with any other taxes or assessments which may be levied <br />under the laws of Nebraska against the Mortgagee, or the legal holder of said principal note, on account Of <br />thia indebtedness. except when pa)'TUentfor all such items has theretofore been made under (a) ofPlU"a7 <br />graph 2 hereof, and he will promptly deliver the official receipts therefor to the Mortgagee. In default <br />thereof the Mortgagee may pay the same. <br /> <br />6. If he fails to pay any SUl!l or keep any covenant provided for in this Mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />its option, may pay or perform the same. and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum <br />owing on the above note. shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the <br />principal indebtedness until paid. <br /> <br />7. Upon request of the Mortgagee. Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes <br />for the sum or sums advanced by ldortgagee for the alteration, modernization or improvement marle at the <br />Mortgagor's request; or for maintenance of said premises. or for taxes or assessments against the same, <br />and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shall be secured hereby <br />on a parity with and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note first described <br />above. Said supplemental note or notes shall bear interest at the rate provided for in the principal indlbt- <br />edness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments for such period as may be agreed <br />upon by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum or sums <br />so advanced shall be due and payable thirty (30) days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no event shall <br />the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of Ihe note first described above, <br /> <br />8. He hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of <br />the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and con- <br />ditions of this Mortgage or the said note. all the rents. revenues and income to be derived from the mort- <br />gaged premises durinit' such time as tfill mortgage indebtedness shaH ,...main unpaid; and the Mortgagee <br />shail have power to appoint any agent or agents It may desire for the purJ:Xl-'Il' of renting the same and <br />collecting the rents, revenues and income. and it may payout of said incomes all necessary commissions <br />and expenses incurred in renting and managing th... same and of colleeting r...ntals therefrom; the balance <br />remaining. if an)'. to be applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br /> <br />9. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance. of such typ<o or types and amounts as the Mort- <br />gagee may from time to time reqUIre. on the llllpro""ml'Clts now or h,-rpafter 011 said premise.a, and except <br />when payment for all suca premiums hlll! theretofore h<>en mad" ulldn I a) of paragraph 2 hereof. will pay <br />promptly when due any premiums ther...for. Upon default thereof. Mortgag<'(' may pay the same. All <br />insurance shall be carrIed in companies approv..d by Ih" Mortgage.. ,\lid th,' I'oh,',t's and renewals thereof <br />shall I>l' held by the Mortgagee and have attached Ih"reto loss payable "lauSt's in favor of and in fonn <br />ac,','ptable to the Mortgagee. In ev..nt of loss Mortgagor will giV<' imm."liat" IlOtlce by mail to the Mort- <br />gagee. who may make proof of loss If not made promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurance company <br />concerned is hereby authorized ,md din'('ted (r; make payment for such loss dirt'Ctly to the Mortgagee <br />iusu,ad of to the Mortgagor and the Mortgag....' jointly. ,md thf' insurance proc.,<>ds. or any part thereof, <br />may be applied by the MortK8ltN. at Its option ..ith"r tto the !',,,Illction of th.. ind...btedness hereby secured <br />or to the re$toratlon or repair- of HH--' propt'"rtr damaged, In f'H"nt .,f foret'.!oRure of this mortgage, or other <br />transfer of title to the mortgaged I'TnJ,,'rty in .-xtinlCUlshmpnt (If th.. ind,'btedness secured h,'reby. all <br />right. title and intert'llt <)[ the Mort!t8l<<'!' III and to any mSU,.,ulC..' policies th..n in force shall pass to the <br />purchaser or grantee. <br /> <br />10. As additional and collatt'ral security for th.. payment of 01" note dellCTlb,,,J, and al! sums to !ll'come <br />due under this mortg&l(e. the Mortgagor a",uRnS to the Mortgagt't; ..illeRs,' bonllses. profits, nlve- <br />nUell, royalties, rights and other benefits Rc'~rl1ing to Ih" Mortgaltor und..r any and al! oil and gas leases <br />now, or during the life of this mortgage. ,.x......uted on saHI prt'mtSt's. w,th tht' right to reeei\'(' and receipt <br />for the same and apply them to said indebt.>dness as \\'..I! h.-for.. as aft"r defauit in th.~ mnditions of this <br />mo~. and the Mortgagee may' demand. SIt<' for "nd !'ct'o"er any such payments when due and payable, <br />but shall not be required so to do. This assignmcnt IS to h-rminate and 1X'<,ome null and "oid upon release <br />of this mortgage. <br /> <br />11. He shall not commit or pemlit wast.'; and shall mtlintain the pcoPl'rty in as good ('ondition as at <br />prt'llent, reasonable wear and tear t'xn'ptt'li. {'pon any failure to so maintain. Mortgag<'('. at its option. <br />may cause reasonable maintenance work to l>e performed at the cost of ~Iortgagor. Any amounts paid <br />therefor by Mortgagee shall bear mten...t at the rate provided for in the principal indebtednt'ss. shall <br />thereupon become a part of the indebtednel\S 8<'Curro by this instrument, ratably and on a parity with all <br />other indebtedness secured hereby. and shall be payable thirty (30) days after demand. <br /> <br />12. He win not eXet.~ute or tHe of ~Qrd an)' In5trum~nt which irnpo.."le8 a n':stdctloh 1..ipvfl l-h~ 8ai~ vi' <br />occupancy of the VIUV€rt:;" de:c:-ibed h~!'t"in on thi:'"$ of race. color or ereed. <br /> <br />18. If the p:remises. or any part ther""f. be condemned under the power of eminent domain. or acquired <br />for a public use, the damages awarded. th.. proceeds for the taking of. or the consideration for such <br />aequi"ltion. to the extent of the full amount of the remaining unpaid indebtedness seeur..d by this mort- <br />gage, are hereby &ll8igned tu the Mortgagee. and shall be paid forthwith to said Mortg~,,'. to be aj.\pli..d <br />011 aeoount of the last maturing inatallments of such indebtedness. <br /> <br />14. If the Mortpgor fails to make any payment.. when due. or to t'onfonn to and eomply with any <br />of the conditions or ~nt.. ,'Ontamed in this mortgage. or the notes whit'h it sc<:ures. or if the Mort- <br />PeW' be adjudicated bankrupt or made defendant in a bankruptcy or rl'Ceivt'rship pr<>t-eeding, then the <br />entire principal SU11I and accrued interest shall al onee become due and payable. at the .'l.~~tioll of the Mort,. <br />.....; IlJld thia mortaaP may thereupon be fored<.>6ed immediately for tlw whole of the ind,'btedn,_ <br />henlby MCUT'I!d. ineiudlng tbe cost of extending the llh9traet of title from the date of this mortgage to the <br />u-ot llIId\ auit. a ~le attorney's fl!<!. and any sums paid by the Vete!'all8 Adminislra- <br />Ucm 011 ~t of the guaranty or il1aura~ of the indebtedneSll securro, all of whkh shall be <br />ladltded in the decree of foreeloaure. <br /> <br />1/), 'l'ltle 38 United ~ Code. and the Retul&tiona iaaued thereunder ahall govern the rights. duties <br />... ~ of the __ bfteto. IlJld MY proVWoCUl of this or other illlltruments executed in connOlCtion <br />with MId J~ whieh are i_ruUtlWnt ...ith said Title or Regulations are hereby amffided and <br />lIVppNm.mte!i to _form thereto. <br />