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<br />(1) month prior tu its due date tile annua.l mortgage insmafle-e premium in order to provide such holder <br />with fund, to pay such premIUm to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amcnded, alld applicableRegulalllllls thereunder: ur <br /> <br /> <br /> Ir,) <br /> 0 <br />Ir,) <br />Ir,) (b) <br />0 <br />~ <br />.,.- <br />II <br />("r) te) <br />ex) <br /> <br />(Il) If and so long as s,ud note of evell date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge (in licu of a mortgage insurance premium/which shall beinan <br />amount equal to one-twelfth (l /121 of one,half (1/2) per centum of the average outstandingblilan~e <br />due on the nOle computed without laking HHO :H':COUllt dehnquencies,or prep_aYUlents~ <br />A sum equal to tlle ground rents, if any, ncxt due; plus the premiums that will next Occomed=andpayable'oil <br />policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and ll$Sessmen\SnextdUe <br />on tbe mortgaged propeny i all as .cslimated by the MOr/,cagecJ less all sums already paid therefor diVidedhYt.he <br />number of months to eiapse before hnc month prior 10 the- dat~ when .!ouch ~round rents, premiuil!s. 'tU~ '_ahd <br />aSSessments Will b:ccnm~ dehnquen L '5u~h sUm~ h) ht: held hy Mortgagee in trusl to pay 1'.aid groufitl- r-e-tits'l'-_Pte~_ <br />mmffiS, taxes and speCial assessments; and <br />All paymtrns mentioned in the lWi,) preceding !.uhsections of this paragraph and aU payments to be made under- <br />the note secmed hereby ,hall he added togeth.,. and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br /> month m iit ~Hlglt' payment to be applied by rhc- Mong,-agee to the follOWing lte-tns in the order set '-forth: <br /> <br />(1) premIum chargt.---S under the (onua;;t 1I1suranc~ wnh tht-Secretary uf H~I~lSing and Urban Development. <br />OJ montrJy -eh-d.rge l m IlL~u of mongaxf' lNfUl'G1U'(:' f)f'em:Uf1li, as. the case may be; <br />(lJ) ground rents, t~'(c~. ~S-sc~srnents., fue ~nd nthe.r haz,3fd Ul~UTJnC~ prt::miums; <br />I HI; Interest un :ht' H\)tl' ;.ecU1~~J hcrc~)y ,tilt! <br />OV, .WHiftil.alion nliho;:> pnncq'dl ,d s;:nJ Hllte <br />.\ny denCterK~.' !n the ':UllnUn! u1 ;",0;. ~,u(:h ~~H.'Pl( mu!\thh- p<J~ menl ~h<lll, tlnk~" ;lladl.' ~uod hy the Mort~ <br />! pOOT It, the du~: <.i.Ht." (\1 th( ilJ..:'.t Slh:b ~'.!' n\\:~;!. '..,_j:I:\t1lUll~ Jll t'VCnl I.j !.kLtlJll \illdti this. mortgage. The <br />MQrtgagc{' may; ;nHe-:..:t 3 "IJle rlU!~t''' nnl 1\\ t'xc..~'d !;\,;: ,lOOt'. (-i:i) lPI t'a..:h doHar iSl} of each payment more <br />'han fifteen" f 5 J '.I~y:;. P' JOt'aB !ll ~ ,lV~t !jJt~ t';t t'\nl'n$\.~ t11v~\lved III handhng. JdlU4Ul.'f1t payments, <br /> <br />rhat If tilt' total of tilt' pJ.~m('nb madt, tl\ U'" \1urt~a~Ot umit"f [!-I of para~raph :! pr{~c('ding ~halt exceed <br />tht-" amount Hf pa~~mf'nb :l{'tualh mad.' by tht' \ion.?:il!f"l' for !!round f('f1t....;. ta)Op~ and :L-.:--(.....:~mt.nh v~ in~urancc pre- <br />ntlum~, ~~ lht.. l u.....~, ma\ ht.>, ::.uch eXc(:~~, If lht, han :-. -current .'il lflt' optilm of Iht, Morq~ag-or, sh;dl be credited b} <br />tht' \10rL~';H!t"~~ un ~Ub'-!<f~qUt'nt pa~'m('nt... tu h(' m:td., h~ !hi' \1ortg;j~or, Of r~'fllnd4~d to tht< \lurtga~r if" bowt~\'er" the <br />",nn(hl~ pa~!lWnl:-' ;HOlde h-~ fh(~ _\1nng.l~nf uoJcr ' "t p.H.i~Uph .' prn:Cihnc ....h.,ii nut lx, ~UfflC'len( to p~y ground <br />n~nt, til\e:-. and J.:'....~~~$.m('flL.... m !n~Urd.iJCI. prf"mjum.... .l~ lilt' ~ a~t' ma\ ht" \\-hpf\ tlH' ...amt'" .,;hall hHcomH due- and pay~ <br />abit+. thftn lnt' \,m ,~tulf P:1\ Iii dw \tllrl;'_l_:!~.;' ,un .inWllHl IH'\'\"'.-ar\ {., m;l~I' up llw'icfK). on or bcrorr <br />lht> daw "h,'n paymt>nt iA ..,uch :-.'nllHld H.n!..... L..\('-. :i-.,....~.-....'"'.nl.. nr Hl'~lit:HH'" pn-mlUm- ...hall ht" dul' tr at any <br />t~mt. tht, \1()rt;.!a.;liH ..hall It'fHh'r in ttw \luHJ!.l.!!:t'I', H~ ,H't OrdaJH I: v.!llt tht, pro\ ~"'lUn;-. l)! the;> nott' :-o.e('unltl hereby. <br />fut! pa\lTwnt of ttw l'nhf1: lndt'hll.dIH'''- fl'pW"'('!Ht<d ilH'fdn. 111.. '1."1:< I!"T ~h;dl. III 1 (Imputing lilt' amount or su(~h <br />mJ(;'h(f:dfl-C"'~. ncJIt Iu lhe .tU..'i"'''''B[..d tilt' \~Ilngaitl\r :dl ,',H:::cnt... In< 1Hhkr ;hc prU\I'-dt.l!lS of ftl} uf paragraph 2 <br />ht"reoC -wtuen th(~ \\Oft~~~t>f'- ha."" nol tWCttfnt' qhhj!~Ht'tl to P;l\ It: Hit' ....f.~~ft'1:tr~ of Hnu~lt)~ and l'rban Development <br />and an~ halan{"(' rpmal","!!: in th~' fund... a~:{'jJmulah'd UlHkr (hi> IHn\ f....wn- of of paragraph :; ht!r~f. If there <br />:-.haU It-t- a. default undV'r iU\~ of tiw ~}fO\ I~um:,:, of tfli - nH.1rt1!d~t' n....ulllog In j puLla~ .....;.tlt. ui tht-' premi,..,~s ("ove-red <br />hereb~". or if tht> \\ort:f.!,3.l!t't> iH'qUiw~ ttw protH-rh otht-f\<.\"'-t:- ;\fh-r l'i,elJ.IJIL {ilt' 'ftlft~a~p~' ....hall appl) I at th(-, time of <br />tht' ('Qmmt.->1l('l!fttt"01- of ~{~h pwt:N:tHn,e-, a( 41" tlmt. lht" prop~-'rt~ I.... n{ht-r~.-",t' d{-'qttlfNI. lh~ balanct~ then r(~main- <br />lng in lhtf rund~ ~u::umaiaH..d ufHit'r pf parai;;'.r.lph .!. pfl.~.t'dme, ,i~ ;\ rf~-tiit ~~'\tn--,l lilt' ~mount or prindpat then <br />remainir.ll11npaid unUl'f ....aill !Illh:, .1nd --,h.tll p(l\p~-rh ;ldju'-j ~U1' pj\m,,"'-... \o.l'urh '''-hall h~t\-,(. hpt'n mad(. undt'r (Hl <br />of pa(~raph :: <br />.;. nUll !h, Mfl-rtga~m \.qJ! r;.. P'_'UfH.l f-:ilh :.~\('~ .""lA",nH'f,t-., "".Iil- ',jl-t'-. ,~f'id <llher ~(Hc-n~mC'nt~11 t1r rnUIUClpal <br />l-h:ug-et.., !Ul('~. t){ Hnp._hHK\-n!o, L.1[ ~hH:h r;-""''''''+,'i'; h.... n.H f'<~H rn.h.}>: iH,;i"'!:H,<,L.~t. ~nJ!A Jt"t<!~-ih IhCf!:O! th--c ~t\.:lflg.l~-CC- mav <br />ray lhe ,amt~ .md {hat !hl" \ltH't~!:!!.H ~l!; ptPlTIpt!> ,f1( "ffh'Ui H':",(jph :h(fr!,jl III the \tllrl~dgeC' <br />~ Ti"K MtH't"..gnr '.\dl1 ra\! t;,n~~ ... fih.h m:i\ he inlr'J UfH';'1 ifll: \hHa:;j~C~ ".hlt're..! In '.JIO real c\t31(' dod Improve:- <br />mt-n!~, and whll.'h nu\- he k't-l('U ,lpl.1P ill!\ nh;n~4:( !'T !ht;' ,id'l .,-",ur..'d fh'!d,'\- lblsl doh \.. lilt' t'\tciH lh,il ,>urn I'. rwl pwhtfHI- <br />cd by la\l,- .,nd tml}- Ifl iht" c'\tcnt that \U",'f; \.qlJ l)'~: tht., "'.in ,,:'I.(Hhl\.l'd, ~~t;l chiul.Jin~ ~n\ Ifll,:,1mt" t.l\, St:itc or ~cdN;ll, <br />Jmro~cd on MHrl!=.JgC'-'. Jnd ~ II! h;r Ihc : t'~'elp: "'11~'\~ m~ '''.:fl ['.1' men: "" lltl the 't'l-1lt:4~CC ( pun \'lOlauon of Ihi". under, <br />lakang. o!' if th~ M\.ltt~~ll:nr I" PWhlP-Hc=J h\ ;&.11\ ;.1'/' [\\'.... _'f h~ft'.lttcr t\l'ltn~ tr;'~l1 ~J\m~ Ihl;" ",-ht\!t" or ~tn\' rH)rtton t~f the :.tfor~. <br />s;.w:1la.\.L"~, vr Upl..ln the rcndctln-.: .\~ .tn\ ,.~~u; \ ,1;:....: t'" pldtHi'lll!1~ the !'.1\ melll !>\ IlIt: \i.\f Ig.l~tlf ,If ;In\ \u-.;h IJ\C\, I.'r If ~u(h 1i.l\4 <br />I)f d~crte pro\'tdt~ that ~tmOUf1t ~l' ~',HJ f'\ :ht' \t\"n;.If,':tII ,j..d Pc c fl::dlkd ,Ill !ht" mlJft?-:.t~C Jehl. the Mt)n~agt:e ., havt; <br />the nght Iv gIve ntllct) ..1;&):,' Ioiifl!tcn hHh.~ td lh~ ,'"Htf ,'I the ml'Jlt:i\~\:'~! ra'I1lJ,e'", lC\JUUIfIJ,: the pd\rnenl \)f the mortgage <br /> if su-.:h lllltt.:-C \'>(' given, Ihe \.h::b~ ..hall t't'1. ,'fllt' ,jUt. P;q .l~)k <Hhl ~ ,dk... !Jhk .n Iht' t:''.PILllltIH \)f ~;jHj Olnet \ davs <br />6_ Th:tt shouW ht' i.ul !l'P;i\: ~!.n~ 'i.:n '<-H ,",C(P dn~ "'I.'t'rHWlrr\HJJcd !,l{ 1l1lhh \1!\rttM~e. Then the .',.-1ortg'-lgcC,.1t It.. oP+ <br />lI(lft, m.~ ray Of perform the sam(:', "md ..Iii c ,-pcnul1UfC" .,\) rn;nk ..h~li; be ,'1\.h:lel.l (" !he Nlfh.:rp.JI ..urn to" ing t.lll (he- at'lovc ni){e, <br />shaH ~ securcd herth-). and s.haH bcaJ ~nternt .at !h(' r ;..te ~cl i~\f'ih 1:1 the ~,HO n('1h:. unuj paltJ <br /> <br />,um: ~~~~~d~~~~;~:~~!~:~:f ~~\~!~;~ ~~~l ~!;l~Jt~~I ~~~~~~[r ~~~~~: ;t::~:!~~t; ~~' tt:~' ~~~~:~uJ ~~::~~~~:):~:~'t~.i!~;::~~';~;~~::ent~I:Ctt~;l~;:~ <br /> <br />nOlt.:AU the- Ttnh. ft'''~nut\ ;tnci m\,.'~\fnc- h) he: derlvcd tlnrn \he !Yhln~~l~t"li p,'mhl...' .tIHHl~ ~th.h llllit' .1'> {he' IlH\f't~dgC mdehled. <br />ne$$ ~halJ rema1f\ UDPaKi; ano \hat~g<< s.haU ha\'e ri.l\loC'f' lei Jppmnt dn.. .ij,:.t'fll OT acenh I! m;;\ J~\IH~ Illr the purpm.e: \11 <br />ft"painng "-aid pft'ma('~ and of r("ntlil~ lht' 'q'!fle ,lOJ ~,dk(!ln;: tn(' ;cnt\. ~c-<~.n~it'\ .Hid Wi. ,'f1H.'. dnJ II lH.11; pj\ I..~ll{ 01 \,wJ in <br />'Omel aU eApens-t'~ of f~Juunng ~.ud ~femt'!le~ and ncc('~,af\' Hlmml~~II.Jn\ dud e\pt"'C''' lfh:Uff('d In rtnUn~ ~:nd man;,t~in~ Ihe- <br />\.aIM.and ot coliC-'lln, .rc:nuus. thercft-om; ;:be l'iJlan\.~(:' remaining. If jjn\ (., h(' :1rrileJ hlW~lfd the J:~\:harge I.)i ,.lId monga-gc <br />lllddJted....", <br />1_ ~ he ",'111 k-c('p tht' unprOl,emenh i"H)'\Ar ~"l~tin~ ~,r 11crt--Jilcr t:-;;('t~tl ,,:, Jh~ m;.'n~<I~e>J (1,.)p;:-f!\, In\urtu .1) iF;)\ b(' <br />re-qutred from time tn rime ~\ the ,~h\np~cc ~l~djfn.t l~)'..." t;v fire ..lnd Hlh{'" h.~/,ir(h. \.:t\uaJfln ,;1Hi ;.:..HtlH~~t'n('IC' In \lh:h <br />amount! and f-or .su:\';h pc't10tb a~ may he requm:d ~~- the M(lng:a~e-e ~JnJ Yo Illjw\.' prompt!'. \\ he!: dtle, .'lnY rfc-mlurn, ,10 ~U\.:~ <br />n\:$Ul'~ pfcvi"Km ivf pa~<mt'n' of wh<<.-h MS !;..or heen made h~it"'in!-,(,-t'()-re- "it m...urjfh:r ...h.ln h(" 1. ;\rrwtl ill i,'~WlraI1lCS J.p- <br />pt-olte-d h.)t the MOf1~e and the p-ohcse-s ~tnd rcnewals the-reol \O;.ji h! hdd r-v the \iOn~;1,1.:e(" "H'll h;t\cc .dtat-hed fh~ft.~!(, hI"''' <br />Plt.bk elau_in in fav~)f of :and in form J.i,;ccptahlr H.l the \h)rtJ,:::Jl{cC In ('.-< \,f ld'" ~hlrlglt}:t'H' \-\l1! gj\t' lmmcdwlt Jhlli,'(' h <br />rtUtd 10 tbe- Mortpte:'t. whv may mak.e pr'Oof of h)s\ jf not made ~tOfljrth' ~\ ~h~ng.tgor. ~nd {',Ie}, llI'\t:. In('t ':'(Imran'l i..:t)H. <br />c<<ned is ~frb)' authotn:t"d i.nd dtf~l...ted hl m~kt pa\'tnf'ot for :ouch l~h" d~fc;,:l'h h~ lhe \h'-flW:;l~(,t' lO\!C,'1J ,If h' lht \h'r[,I.:.lgIH <br />>>Ad the MOftPlt-t' Jo.nU~'. and rht .n$uran~e pn'h:e-ed\. ,)f any part therrof, rna\ h(' lippht"d hv the 'h)n~~1-J.:t;'l' ,:if It<. \Jj'!lh1n t~lth(,f <br />H.l ,he rroucttor. of tbe- u\tkbtcdne:!l\ httet-y ')t'~ufed ;"tj iF ltH: te~t-nraUon ,If ferali' "t [he t'ldpt.ft\ 1l,-im,t~t7J !n t\'('fH ,It t'c1fc(ltl <br />\-Ul<<,of tj\t~ mutt'''''')f' 'Other 'fn:nde-r Qt hUe 1(\ 1M mmtti:l!l:-t'd rror.crt\' in l.'l.tmtt\n~hm,~m f.f the lnd{'h!~,:l~t'" "-C('lH(\j hi"ft'h\ <br />"u ",itt. (}t~.1-00 iftkre,-1 Qf the' MOHfq.or if) aM to <tu,!, HlM,u.lth.:(' fluhnn tnt-n 1t1 hr,.:c- ,duH r.:i'I'--- ;,' ltlt ptH~'h.;"..n (II gLHH~':C <br />{j That in aMUK-\'D..! -.lnd {:OHttl(ui ~('...~uoly f(it fhi' I':lVH.-cnt oE the n,;.k ,k..., rlt"'<,! _ ,ilHj ..lj "Hll' 1., f,('.'\):lh' '.hl!:' nlhh'l !h,,, <br />mut-~, tM M()'lt~.ilj:(U htfC'ho\i .l\!('- fht' \h"'lj~tt.u:_t' ~Jl-l i'~otlh~ rn't'IWt.">, :'i\-;lhh.<"', ;,~hl'\. .t(h.l hen-dn, ,il:",rlnHJL :\' lht. <br />:\if-t\tlptt'Hr tHl-Ut't 1\1\" find ~n ~\Ji :i!)d ~:a'\ h"~H('iJ ~)n \~hj ~~f(nH"C~ "'-f~h lh<:, 'Irill l;' ;'_."_', n~' dlhi '~';"r~pt j"f Hie <,!Hi..' .in.! _l;\j:~'\ <br />r~m n.':; ",__.d tnd.f':bu!dn~~, 3\ ~tl1 . 'f~ ll\ atl!" dd;;mili!i ~h~' \ :\fl~h-iH:<th.;t IfnI; ;1'-,,;11';'01\;":(' .gh~ \~\)!1~,1~t'~. m;n "Kflund \\I\: <br />ft."-f -4t1'\d U'.":'(5-'1't'! an", ~,;h t~~nnv h-:-n iJUt' .H,'; ).~Oi~-,d"i~, 7';_Ji ",.h.l}) n,li '0'- H:,..'lHl' - ".i..:~.I~m~-,;' 1', I,' U'!tptn 11~ <br />k'Mhct~t: ftllU iU'~ ;.{Hd '~r""'" 'h~'~ t~h'r~~~ji!.~ <br /> <br />; ',~ ; -, ..) <br />