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<br />I <br /> <br />{J) nwnth pi ,or to It!. due dale lilt' HllluaJ rllOflgagr' In~Ul :ilh.:r prClllIUm III order to provIde such holder <br />wd!! rt!!lrl~ if_" f'~!-'/ ~'J1..:h ;::,r<:rmum !'~l ill,- Y..'!..ft'!2.ry !_'r ~bUS.l::b :':iHl LdJ~n DcteiopmClli pursuant (0 rhe <br />National HOUSing Alt, as amended, and ;]pplic3-ble Re~ulallnns thereunder: Of <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />(If) If and so long as SJid nole of even dale and tillS ",strument He held by the Secretary of Houslllg and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge fin lieu vf a mortgage insurance premium) which shall be in an <br />am-ount equal to one~lwe;rlh (1/12) uf onc-haJf (I/~) per centum of [he average outstanding balance <br />due on fhe note computed withouf laking WIt.) account JelinquenclC5 or prepayments: <br />A sum equ.aJ to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus Ihe premmms that will next become due and payable on <br />p-OhCH!S of flIt and other hazard insulance covering the murtgaged property, plus taxes and assessments- next due <br />on the mortgaged property /all as cnimoled by Ih.... IdoTfgagcc,! les.s all Slims already paid therefor diVided by the- <br />numher of mQnth~ to ('!apse belere one month pflor 10 thC' dale when su(h ground rents, premIUms, taxes and <br />Jssessment) WIll become delmquent, SIJC!l ~um-s to he held hy Mnrq.~_Jgre Hl lrust 10 pay :.3id ground renlS., pre. <br />mHlms, !a:~es and speC'lal 3sseS~mcms., Jnd <br />AU payments menHof1\"d In the two prccedmg $UbSCCllOn5 or this paragraph and aU payments 10 be made under <br />the note secuted hereMv 'Shall be a.dded together. and rhe :tggregale amount thereof shaH be paid by the Mortgagor <br />{--3ch month w J. 5.m~e raymt~nl to be .appHed by thi' Mortgage~ to the following Items In the order set forth: <br /> <br />00 <br />w <br />L. <br />_. <br />c <br />en <br />.::. <br />en <br />ro <br /> <br />tc 1 <br /> <br />01 premium (narges under ~he '':'On!rJ,:l 0.1 WSU:r2DCC with the Secretary of Housm~ and Urban Development, <br />Of monthly char~e,;.n heu 'Ii morrr;:agF Insurance !-'femlUml, a~ the ca~ may be; <br />(iO ground rents. taxes. .JS:.CS-'imcng< (lit" and ,'lher hala;d :nsuranc-e premIums:: <br />! un Ul~eTest on :he nott' se-c~;fed hereby. J.nd <br />ff\'l JrrHJrtllatlor: '-ff the p:lflclpai \}! ~.lId flute <br />\ny detlcltncy ~n the amount "f :';i1~- >;u:,,"h J~~!{,~3tc ~n~HHh!y payment Sholll, unless :nark good by the Morl- <br />~_agm pnor to the dut' date the 1Jt:X! -..u~:ij V.iHiH",; ,.j-ns.~:{ute- In t'~--Cnl ,d default under tiltS. mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee- may l(i!ie(! a ";.ne ..:hJ.!gc" no! tq t'xccc_d !. v ,-::nts Hll) fUf eJeh dollar {S! J nf e3ch p3ymC'nt more <br />,Man fift~n (15) t;ZlY:'ln Jrreu~ W ,-'o\'er :he eXHJ t.':\pense involved In handling dehnquent pajrments <br /> <br />That if Hw ultai of tht" payr:qp-nts mad~ by Ult' \lortgai!or und€"f : of pa.r~raph ~ prec~ding shall exc~ed <br />thto amnurll of pa~'mf'nL' Qt.tuaHy made hy the \ton~a~e-t" fur ['fTmnd rent.... t;l.\f'S and as.....~ssment.s Of insuran('e prf'- <br />mH.un~. :J.~ th~ ca..~f' ma.\ b..., ~ueh t'xCCS.S. :f ~h(> ino\n 1<:; CUff{'nL ,It the nptlOf1 of the Mortgagor, shaH he crcdire-d 0) <br />thE" 'tort.~a.~{'t. on ....ubsequ'.nt paym-f'nts 10 bl' madt' b\" th(' \t()rq:'ii~or. or rf"iund..d to the- \tortg:a.gor. If. how('!ver. the <br />f'I"luntht) pl.}menb mack hr the" MortJ:agof under of par.J~rap'h _~ prC"t..'edmg ~hi.lll not be suffiCIent It) Pft>. groond <br />rff1t. taxrR And tlS~~Ssmi'nts.[lr ln~uralH-l' pr{'mlUm:o-:, a_So thr (':1..",(" ma\' bt', ;;.-tlf'n !hI' ~aml" ~hafl b(~t~omf' due. and pay- <br />;luh', th..n Uw \lor~l.R{lf ...halt pa.\" to tht. \Jort~a.A~" an! .:tmount nN.{'....""\It\ In make up thf' deiiclt'n('y. on or be-forf' <br />{ht" dat(> ....tam paymt-nt III :,uc'h ~round rrnB, taxp.., .l;o.':H~.....,mt"nt... (If I""'urant'f' pnlmlUm~ shall hE'du.-, If at an\' <br />lime l-fit' \1ort-'ll..ffor ",haU tender to th-r \t()rtlZa~..t'. in :1Cfortti:lllC,p ""Hh lht" pro\-I$.lOn~ of Uw notfl set'uretf ht~reb):. <br />full pa~ment of th~ t~nll(t' mdt"bh~dn~'>..... rf'prr...,mll.d IJwrv-bv. lh... \lHr1.~a~t'(. ...hail. ;n (ompul:nJ! UU' amounl oi such <br />InJt.btC"doC'-ss, cr~dH to the: iK('Ollnt \Ii {Nt' \.1ongagor ,Iii P~!~IlH!nt.., m.tJ(" under the- pnn-lSlOOS of ! l:J of paragraph :. <br />h..r~r ~'h~('h tht. \tort~a~f't' has Ilnl hN..omt~ obi q~ah~d III va.\ 10 th(' .~rr("l,ary-' of Hnu:.qn.;: and l :rban Deveiupmen{ <br />and an~- babuu'('" n.malnln1! In thf' fund;>> ']ceumuiat('u un{h'-( '.hl' PW\;:-'I(m~ o( t)f para~l.lph :! ht"r(>(}f. If thf~rt" <br />-;nllH bto.!:l defauH undt"r atlj t)f tht> prO\I"'lon~ pf thp, mortC:lj!f' H.''''ultinc!n d p-ubIH. '"-.ait. oj tilt' p"" co\-err-d <br />hM"i"h), or ;( tilt' \iortglle:N" ;H:qUjf~'" lh,> pwp"rt~ nu,f>rw\ ...t' ;tiit"r dt"fault. thf' \tor!c:a~~'(' -..hail appi ~-, al lhe timE" ur <br />fhf" ('onU'I'W!H"f'mtl'nt oi w{'h prou:'f'dmc:<-., or ;H t.tH' (!mt. alp prnpf'rt) I"" Hihf"r'Al"~' ii,t:" qu I H'd , tht" batann~ tht"n rpmalO- <br />H'l~ In tht" funds ac('umul!lu~d llndt.r of paril~f::IP-~ } prf'Tt,{Ln.It. .l~ a i rrdlt ae.a:n...; tht, amount Hf pnnnpat l.~en <br />H-.,naJnW~ unpaid undf't "'-111.1 !icU('. J;nd -....hail .!dJu"; ,I.n, p;nmt'-nl-.; "'hit h ~,hall ha\~~ bN:"n mad{l' 1I0dtlf fa' <br />,,( pat"l!raph ~ > <br />4 Th.u;h-e \tortpgv)' J..d! ;'"n ~;.f\'i.HH.! :C'f\!\ ejl.c-,-, ,!\~::--....':;t.;: w..lh~'f :.t!(\_ ,mJ t-'Iher ftr.-eInmenta! ,1t muniCipal <br />;.,har&!C''io, ilnc-~, ,H jmp-,)"'Hh~n~_ ~df >tfl:h.'h ;:"!\H':-';,)r1 h;i\ ;:,H t'-!::~n n-J.Je- t1~iclni"-eil"r.. :J!ld n1 oe-l.l.U:l !h~rettf rhc \h)rlgaj.:ce may <br />:~4} the: ".mc. .WQ !hal th~ \1drtj;:,.:t~~'f "',;; ptlJrnr:h IJc:l'>cr tne ;Jih"::L!, c:e_l""I'!\ tt~t!d'-H t,_, the M-lHtg..~('~ <br />... The \iong3ltH Wlii j';;~ ..d! :,~\(''' -Ai1l1,,:n [f'ij) N' :e, !ctl '<:~;' ~tl~ \1i.'-r:~;.1g("t ~ ;;Her("\! Hl \alU rt'ai tHatt' M1UlrtlprO\("- <br />mcn[~. and "'tH~h mar- he( le\ ~J UptJU :hl~ ~Wrl!,::!gc ,-'I U)t .;cN \c... .;~,"J h~;>:tl\-- !!"Ul '-lni.. hI the- t\l('nt !h~H 'ilJ(.:h IS fiOt prohlhlt. <br />;:d b\ !:J\Io and ;;;ttl) [~~ lhc (,-t('it! !hal >1,,1' "~IJ ;'lll m..1A.e- 1fT< u'-:.Hl.nU';i, :'ul r\.uudlot:: "'1. mfU!1l.:" l;i.\, State tlr fe-tier",," <br />fmrU'-t'tl Ht1 Mortga.~t. :inti ~jil hie I tHo "itH-I.jj ,f'" Cw! \hp~~ H)~ -"'H..;\ f';j '> il)rfH ... :111 !h(" MUI !,ltagct p\lrl \ lolaHOI1 [)f dll", tlflt!Cf" <br />laktntt.ol If the MNt&a&O! I"; pHlhrhHtd f'\. .HH 1,J~ n~_HIo \'1 1;t'rt','il1tl t'\I\llni: f(iYlll..1\'m~ ;he \It-huh::~)f ;Ht~ pC'ftlon \I( the _tfl,nt'. <br />'\.:ud ta..C'~, ;)( upon the rctldt-rltl~ n; at\\' ~ ..~~lfl Jet.. ftt l~fVhlhttlf1~ tor p.:". mCfl~ t1'-, tht \twtgag()( or ~tn} \u>.:h ld.\~:\, or If I,uch 13\\- <br />I.)f t1t'crr~ rh~""Hie~ lha! an)- .imuunt 'I.,' P,iHU t'\~ ~llt \ft-.Ht~<.Ig\'~ ,_rIJ;! h~ ,'f('Jitci.l ~lL {!ie mu!tg.a~e arbL the M~Hlgagce ~hJII n:nc <br />:he- n,ht t(~ .:Jv'!: nUlct\ J-a}:\' v.-rlHcn notH.:' !e tht li~fltr ~.,: It1( i1H.HI~..tft~J prtffil'\n Ir4UHIOjt the pnment <l! thc OlOftgagt <br />Jtht Ii )\I~h fK,llh:r he 'I\-t'n. tnt ''''-\l Jet-l \hail tic.. l}nte JuC'. ;1,;1\ ..1f!!C Jfld ..:dj~1.11tlle .11 :he t \pHdlwn t~t ;;.oJ rune-f)' Jay.. <br />'6_ That -s.huurd ht fatllo ri~ an) ,"urn \,)[ ..(tp "Il~ ,--'-.\"er\.w: !..H In Inl\ Mf\rtg;.t~C:, totn !he M\lrt~;tl(ee.;1! It<. or. <br />Hun, mal pa)-' -l):f rcrfi)cm the ~amt, Jnd all e~pC'ndllurt~ ~c nU.Je ,h,di t"t.e aJJeJ 10 {he rrHH::lpaJ );Jfll l.lWln~ un the ahO\(' note. <br />..halt be s-tcured htrtb~ anti ~h...H ~J;r '"Ierc~l ~! tr-.e ~ 3te \ct !'<--'Uh In the UH! !'Iole. unui patd <br />"7 rha: ht' hcrctt)., asugn3-, Ir3n)te-r~ J.oJ 'it'B \.1\ r~ ft) Hle Moftg,agc(;, to be ;tppileu !I)\'\'d.fd the ra~ menl {if :he OtHC and an <br />~umt. secured neft-by In (:.i\(' ,J( a dtfauH m !ht perf,'\rmancc ;Jf .,n~ of the term., ;;:.nd \,:ondltIon\ 11( thl'l. \1ong~lgc (It the '<lid <br />!l\1te.;iH the lcnt!, te"-"cnut':fl- .md In,,:o!J1C H:' bt IltrI'"eJ fn"m the ~nt.'nga~ed rreml\(":'lo Junng \u..:h lime .n the moflgage mdebted- <br />ne~\ ~hait rrrn.11r. unpaId. and the ~"iorlg,agce ..naB have pO""'Cf t\~ -JppOlnl aflY atgeof "if agclH\ II t11ity de'.llrC lor the PU!PO\C of <br />fe-paUmj prrmts-es and...d ftllhn.g the '}dm~ .lnd .:o!ie\.Ufla !hc !~fH~, re....enut' ,om\! HlI.;i.Hllt:, ,lOG J: mA) p,n \>i.H of -:..uu 1f1- <br />(:(ltnt.!> aU e\~ns~~ t'( rep.-Inng \.4td pfrml}e3. .and nei:euar~ ..'tHnml~""IUn5. arllj t'\p-cn!.cs Im,::urrej,j In ftlltmg dno managmg th~ <br />, and {j.f co-l!~'tH11 r~ntals therdrom, ~ht" ha.!;,m..-:C' rem~tr:lng, d :ion}, ~u b~ apphed [o\Af",rd the Jl)chaq::c \":If ,did t1wttgallt <br />'''''ebled..... <br />ft lllat he w~U i.rep the: HnphWtm(_nl~ :kn~ C'tHfml~:H' ntrt.lhtr er-e'tcd on the iTIorlga~et.i pruDen)" H1S.Uftd 3~ m~~ t-.-c <br />f~qUlrtd from lime- to Bm~ t} the M(lnJi!g~C' ~pH1~! !;)!l-S tn- I!rt i!nd -!,}:her h.alanh.. "'-Si~uaJun J.nd ,-O(\-niH'i~e-t)t-ln m \lll.'h <br />iitmQUnlJ- .lOO fot '\\u\:h pc-noos. as m-a) hot r~qu1t<<i by the Mo-rtj;;ag(t' and ....'IH p"~ prnmplly, when due, any prenlllJm\ on \u{h <br />U1SUfiUK,c rfO"'.!lptt fur p-'.I) men! o{ wtu(h has. not Oee" m::tde- ht"Telnt)('fot'(: .\l! !n\Urant;e ~h.llJ be ..:arf!cd 1ft (.'o01p3nt(' ap-- <br />r-t()'lit--G b~ tbe ""Uft~t an~ the pOlti:'ltS and fcne""als thcaof \n::JU ht- held t>v In!" MoftgilRc-e :md h.aH~ JIt~H.:hed !heretu 10\\ <br />r&y-ab'k dauU'\ In b\'Qf 4.1' J.n--o III form .:;:c.;:tptabk tn the MIJrtgdgct_ in ("tnt nI io~:" r..k'lrtgasor Will gH'C: Hnmttll,Ht- notice bj <br />~l\41i to thr' MUft-PI-ct, *~ mitt m.kc- rn:'+oi of jo~\ J[ not mOidr promptl}' hy Mortg.igO!, jjnJ l"-J;I.:-fl IOslH~m\"{' (Omp3f1)" \'()I\. <br />tt'tMd (~l\eJ'tlb-) .authoftzcJ OJnd dfreclc-tJ' to m-akt' pil)ment (ot \,u,:h los\ dlre(tf~> In iht .1\1{\figagt't m:stead IJf W Iht \(orlgagOt <br />aAii (be JOUlth'. ;tiled (ht tf\SUf.Hl;,:,~ P.fOC-<<i!s, t)t ~n) part I ht'fC'<.!( . rrH!~< hoc ..pphe-d bv rhr'e> ;1t l~'i ,'phon tltn('f <br />tt'l the rWU('1I(1fl 01 tite tMC'ht-e-dnt'Sl hetdn' \c(UTc-d (}f 10 the' rr.,hwatwu Of rc:pau t}f tlll" prup-rr1\' dJ;m"'gc-tJ in C'~enl ,.\1 f(lfN-ir, <br />,"Ufe 01 t,hn moft~ or lJlhrr- tr..ndC'f ()f utlt' to 1M mortt..~d r~nptrty in tlfmgui,hmt'nt {'f lhr- HliJeb(cJno"- \e.:llItd htfC'h:, <br />ttiJ H-Pl, tide.t'd. tUitf<<!lt of thf' lfl ..1M to .an\-' In,,ut:tk't' rKl!tors, lhrt! .n tor;.: It \hail P3\\ 10 ihe fH.H(h~'..(:'r nr iU ,wlce <br />l"j That.,. ..ujdHk,~i lit-id (:otl~uer:al 'i.t{.unty fot int parmt~{" of the HiHc Je-'.;.:rrt,eJ. .fno 21~J ,\Hn, 10 t1if'cnme- ~jut' tlndu Inl'> <br />~'rl~. fhc- Moo~Df herct'-) OlHJ,-fh. hJ th,r. Mvng3jittt' ill! ; ;,AltL te-\:("fH,iC..., ;\.\-'tij~lH!'!,. ngnb. .1no hen-dlh ;'II,.dun1fi \(1 th~ <br />Mo.n,.,l \1>04.1 JifH ~1'k1 .;)It (uJ :JI,fW- *'~\ ~t~!J;(\ tltl 'l'J:Hi j)re-mJ-',{ ~-Hh lht nghl ~~) t.;''<'ti'wC ..rid .!(cJpl fpr lhe ~;~me 'l"d Jpf'!, <br />thc>:~ W '~~ ~~hkt4MH &". 'il-(lj bctm.f ~~ att~l .Jd~,-d~ th 1~ "., l\~l!tl.on, d lh" ,<nons:af,l( _Hi'; lh~ \'k~-nt.;t~c(' m.'l\ "h'm,HH,! \H(, <br />fw ~ tt'i;.~..t'f -fll~ ~u-l.-h pJ:!,m,<'tHt \4ht't! dut" ,tllJ ;\~),~hk. h~1 ,~.,!g !h,'! h(' !eqmrC(1 ;,_, ~ij- ~k; ;'i'H'~ ,i."\Jlo:nlll!'o, I~ ;., tffflll1\,Ht' <br />i&rl:d be-(ntl,~' ftMH 'tt*.a \''\--~J ~~P<l-m It''f-t-"f1<t ~li ~nn. m(;;r~I:~"JZ< <br /> <br />,q1'4~.~~ J') <br />