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<br />r <br /> <br />". , (I) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />83- I) G 5451 with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act. as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br /> <br />(fI) If and so long as said nore of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a monthly charge {in lieu of a mortgage insurance premium} which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one, twelfth O/l2} of one-half (1/2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without laking into aCCt)flflt delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due. plus Ihe premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />policies of fire aod other hv.arrl insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property lall as estimated by the Mortgagee! less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to dapse before one month prior to the date when surh ground rents. premiums, taxes and <br />a-ss.essments wilt become delinquent. 'iuch sums tn be held /:Iy Mortgagt.'"e in trust to pay said ground rents.. pre~ <br />mlulns. .axes and s.pedal assessments.: and <br />(cj All p.yments mentioned in the lwo !,r,,",eding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the !IOU ~-cured he-re-by shaH be added lo~thcr, .md the aggregate amount thereof shaH be patd by tile Mortgagor <br />.' month in a s-lngle payment to be- Jpplied by rhe Mortgagee to the following items in the order set forth: <br /> <br />{J) premium charges under the <.:onlract t)1 msurafH.:e wnh the Sel'rctat)i of Housing: and Urban Development, <br />or monthly ('har~ lin lieu ..-;fmOrlKG.f:l' insurance prt.-'ffriumt, ~j~ the case may he: <br />{fi) gfDUOiJ rents. taxes. Js.sessrnents. rIre and ~\ther huaed msur:Ull'e premwms.: <br />(fII) imCfest t.m !he !ltHt secured h(;;rehy ~ .ind <br />f tV) ;unortizJ.tmn t)t' the pnnop3J Ilf S,3id !lOU', <br />Any deficiency in the amount (If ;my 'iu("h :l~~rC'gatc rmmthlv rJ.vrn~nt shaiL unkS!> made good by the Mort, <br />gagor prior tf~ thl.' due date I~' the flC.xl \th:h rJ'dH~!d -...,;nslJtU!~ JIl t'H'n~ dl default under this. mortgage, TIle <br />Mtlrtg.aget' illay cnHed .j "btt: ~'harta~" :llH III cX~:~.'eJ :";;1 i.:l.'lH~ PI' io!'i Julku 151 :' (\1' each payment tn_ore <br />ih.m fifteen {I ~'~{;jY$ If' alfC;;US h.i cnvt..c {IIi' n..Ua l'Xpen~ lfl\'tllwd in handling Jehnqueul payments, <br /> <br />.- f1l<ll if th~ rood of th(~ pa~'mf'nL"; mad~' tn. [hp \1ort.l!;'-H!:Of Ilndpf of para!!ravh ;.! prv('{'din~ ~haJl t~xeN~d <br />Ihi' amQun~ HI paymt~t.1" ;J.l'iuaH~ mud.. h~ lnp \-lnrt.tla}ll't' for L;-rouno n'nh~ {~i\('~ and a~~"_"';:-im{>nt!:'- or in~uran('(-\ pn'- <br />mlUm~, a~ 1h-t." (.a....~H~ ml:l\ tN>. .""u('h l'x\:t:ss, It lht: lu-..Ul l~ nlri<:nL _H the OPU(){1 uf the MOf[g:a~or. shaH be t.'rcdued h~ <br />t1'ii:" \h;rt~~"i~t' Hi'! ...:ub_""~'-qtl{"flt paym(>nt...; tH he- math. in dw \hlrlilagfiL .n H'fund..d to ihtL \long-a~or H~ }lll\\'C'\'('r. ttw <br />!'1nnl.hfy pa~ mt'nL;,;; ma~ hy lhe 'tort~a~or undt'f' ot p,ltHi.;-r;lpn -' prn.:t.''(.hn~ shall not he: ~uffiL'ient [0 P.1Y ground <br />ft\nt. UtX('- and a.,""'.....i_~.;.,."Im.~nt_... qr In:--ur;mn' pr(>mlum.., ;t.... dw (:l...t- ma\ lw f\fWn lhp "ltm,~ ...h:lJI bN'UIDf' litH' and pay- <br />ahJt. tht:'n th4-' \lorl~~or -.;hali pay Itl tht~ \1ortg<l~Pt> ~iU~ ,-HrnHHH Ii) makt' up {tit' dt'f1rH'nt'~. till or bt,rofp <br />th... dal,.t' ....-ht"n pa\'lNfli1t of -'Udl g:mund n:'nL.." Ln.'..... .i:--_....p........llH..nt.... of Hl_-UnUU'(' Fln'mlllm....: ....hali tw dUll If at ;my <br />tlnH! ttu" \tort~"4l<tr ....h:111 it'nat'r tu thl> \lonCJ~"~'" in ~-J.n..urriant.t> \\ Ith Ihp prH\ l":lon,- of thp nn(t' ""t't:un~IJ hf.'f\'hy, <br />futi fla\-mt.".fH uf ItW .'otin' 1[1~1~btt"\tOt.!--.. 1"!H'P"'~'nll'd thPN.I.H., lhl:' \tnrlJ,!at!I.'p -halL (fl n.mputlfi:! 1ht' i:lmounl uf ~Udl <br />m..kbtt.$!.4ss, neJu w [hi' ,l...n">>tUH of ~'-;f,- \-i("n~a.flnf .Hi :"I.l;,HHiH... nl,'~,k ilndt:r the.' pro\j...wu.... .11 ,< ,)f p.lfa~raph ' <br />twreo-f whil'h dw \lort;i!, hd~ not ht","om.' Hhlil-!l-lh'tI to p<i\ to_ Hw -""'t'-r-pt~ry ot Hou....'ng 'tJltf l man D('H_'lnptnt..'fll <br />.;md ;:Ul~ ba.iau('t'L fl1la.imnc Itl Iht. fund..; ,u','umUfltt-t'(i und(<r {ht. prO\.I.-HlO'-- of of par.lCr.Jph :! t1Pn'of If ti'wrp <br />..hall tJ~ a tit-faull Und(~f ~UH oi (tit. prou""IMl-' "f Illi"" mOfl>.:J.,Cy ,......u\tH1l! lH :t ~mhllc -J,h. of ;hl' f)r~'ml~('''''' ('o\prt'tl <br />hHrt,>-b,:.. t,f if lht. '\on~a~f'\' an-fu1f'l'''' lht' prfJpt>rt\ o'hN\~I....t. ,dtt'r dd;mlL ttw \h:Jff2agp(' ...hall ,ipph ,1l till' ilmt~ ilf <br />Int. n')mrnttnn'mHflt uf "'l~('h flnH't.~adtn~.,.. n! ;t! lht; ! InH' lnt_' prOpt-'f1\ : - ;o~iH'n\ l...." .K{~Uln'd. till' f).d~~lWi' tfwn f('malfl' <br />illg m tht, fund.~ accumuiau'rl tiOGt'f 01 jHtr~u:r.:tJJh .: prt'n'titn~ d- ,t (ft'dH .Iu;un....t (Iu' .~m(tunt ut pnlll'lpai Ilwn <br />n"m:urufll: l1npafd unO~~f nHt.-:<, ,tnd -.n;-;H IIF'OfJi'rh uiHl"'-f .Hl\ p..;\mt-'m"" ,_\tlldl -hall h~H~' !tPPH math, WHh'r <br />of par-~r-aph ~, <br /> <br />~'h'lf~C~ :~~~t~f ~~'~:~~;~::in~~ 'tIff !'~~l~~~( ~~:fl)~ 1~~,r,11~ ~nd':~ ;~1; ~~:;~IC ~::l!~:'i~:-! ;:f~l::': t ,r,.~.IC,:n~::~1 ~i~;~~:!j! ~;:;~;:~;l:~(~I;~jll:~i::ll~~~\~;.~~! <br /> <br />p-a\- tht' ~mc. .m~i HUlllht \tl)ftga~;,H .....l!j pn.mpfi\. ,-kl!\ct the \l!fk~.l; r~'>.t:":r:"" \ht'!(~I~H !,-' 1h-l.' \11\rt~>i~ct <br />~ rnc \-t.)rtg~,l! v. III r~H ;111 L,'\c' \.fll..-h r~u~ h~ in I{'J 1.:p'-.H1 :h" \fpn~~tjtt"t- ~ tnlne...,I !!l ""-.lI1J !t'a: ..'''lil[t:' d.nd !IHfH\l\.: <br />me-fit..-. ..nd wrm:h HM\ t~ rn'-l-t.'-d ufl'.~n !lll'\ rnt}:tt:.u,te "; !h<: "kt~l '-c,:ufe-d ~nd'\- 1r-UI ,'Iii\- h' :h(' ~\!~nt thaI ',\11.:11 J.\ rhlt rrl~hlblt <br />t'\l ~\ hJ'4 J-IlJ t~oi\ !I~ Ih<- t~\I~m lha! "'v...:h ......d :1-pt Fl.tit' Ihi'" ',',lll tb\lfhJU"~_ j~ul t.'\'..-h-iJll1l-' :U1\ lO\,;PfRt" L:\. S::llC pr I"t:'dc-Ld <br />fffip\.l->..:J 1m \h_1flg.a)l.t(,', dUt.i 'oIo-11I I!I( Tnt.' \.rlldd; H..",:c-:pf ~ht:" ifI).: "'Ud1 p,t) !Hem \ll-lltJ !hC' \h'rl~~l/;H~'t' i 'P~'!1 \ltljalh'n I'l lh,,, lHh.1cr. <br />takm#~ I!r It" ihe _\h~r1lGtgt'r I" prohlPIlC{j \'\ ,;n\ j~-!", fhH\ I'! hl'f'ri\fl('r ',4\I,Un)! (rl'm \1.t\ In): !he \A h.t\h,- 1)1 ,lfl\ pPr I HJ!l tit' the- .~IOlt,.', <br />..;:nd la\t"~, or UPl.'!'O the fC'ndermf! III ,,In\ ..\Juft ;Jl'Ut"t' rf\)hJ~tttng the f',!\ !lit'nl h lnt' \'dlt~R}.!.,,'r.H ;111\ >.ll,.:h 1,1\\.'''. ..( If ....w..'lt I;j\.\ <br />,)( dc~'rC""t' pfO\lde.... thal ,tn\ .liJll"lUIH "II p.Jli.t f"l\ :ht \h'r{p~\,lf \oui! ht.' ~ ft."Litte\j \Ill !he fl1ltfl~...I~e debt_ llw \'t' ...hall h,l\ (" <br />th(' flfl-tH h..1 ~'v(" llItlC'lv da\... ~H1U('(1 rhJlKt.~ e,1 the \l\\:nCf ,.f the mnrt!:-,l~t'..i plt"fnl\'n_ 1{,'qUlflilft HIt' Pil\fJlt:'flt lit The lllllrtgagt: <br />dent If ~u(h nntK'c ~ gJ\'(,IL the ~..wj lId'll ,fMil t~I.:"Hnt' Jut;'. p;j'-,tNe- ..Hl\l (\.!ie..:llf1.k ~i' the (.'\plfalll~n I)! ,.lIJ nmel\ J'l\" <br />r" That :\fk).ukt he fad h~ pa\" am' ....urn ,If j.,ccp .to\'Cl"'(:'f1CirH rrl.l\h.ietj fl'f if'! thl' \hmgn~e. then the "1\lrtgd~t:t". ,d 11\ ~)P <br />!Ion. ma) pa~ ,'r perform ta.: .."une, ..ut-d .111 ~'pcndltuf(," 'I.I m~1Ue ~hdi! Mt' ,1J.IJCt,l h.! !Ot' rrml.:tp:'jl "'!lilI l.~\+dng dB the ,1r.t'\.t' fh1te. <br />,hall be ~cured her~b~.....nd ...hall hcdr IOtCT<''lT a~ the Lift ~{'! h\fth m Iht.' ....oJ OI.H(', untti f'l<iitl <br />... That he hcre~,~ ct...,ign"', tran~(('r'" .HM.l ....~i.. \l\('f h-~ the \hH"!g,a~'Cc hi r.e .Jrrhe:J hl'AiIf'd ltle p:'l\-rnent \If the liule ;JnJ ;.1:1 <br />,f.nn-." ~C''':Ufed ~feby Hl ~a~ \', ;t Jef:m!t In the ~ri~lrJnan1",':: ,I!' sn\ ,-,I the I('fln~ "to\! 1.:Ufllilihln., nf th,,, \h).rtg-ii~e ~lr :hc ....liJ <br />nute, all the renh. r('...~nu-c:~ ;.Inti IUCl)me- hl ~e tien\e'J fwm tht' rnl)n~~eti rn'flll'(''lo Jurtn~ 'llt:'h Hmt,' ;t" the nhln~illlt' InJl:'MteJ. <br />De\S- ~h.a!! remain unpaid; and tile \tl.,ln~<<- ,h;J1J h-:J.,,-\'" p,l\\er hi dpp1.Hm :.Hl! ;t~('nt or d~t:rH"'" !l 11M! J('H\\ft' t;ll' the rIJlr{)~e ,>1 <br />rt'palnRl-~ pre:'IU~S and \J[ rentilll the ,ame- l1n-J ...'i"llt:'(.tlng fhe ~(nt~_, !c,,'('nuc.., .10<.1 in..'onlc, .~!ld II m<i\ P;i;\ {:ul \~f ....tIJ 111- <br />,:omes aU ('-xpens.e-s l,-,f tt'plainng ..ala prcnllM;'~ ,UW ne-t:e).~r> \.:nmml'~~iOn~ ..;:nd -t"pen\e~ Hll.'UH-eJ In rt..nun~ ilnd Il1<lHaglO~ tht' <br />'Wlnte and o! Cl~H:c:tmg t-etltals ihe-H:trvttl, the t1a!.ani.:e roemainu~, It an). In ~ ,~pphed hH.\'-~rd tht> JI',\.har!!t" uf ....~iiJ nh)rtj;:i1~e <br />.ndt'ble<l....", <br />K That he wdi keep the inlpro\'emenh O;.Hi e.\.l"hn); \:..- hCf(O,ihcr eredeu I..n the nh)fl~l~eU rfOp-c:ft~ _ m"lure-t1 a.. fllay f">-t' <br />requued from time hJ tUlle- I:-\' the \tt.Htgagee ;4Plin~l k'~-'!o~} nn:' .JnJ ,ltheT hjl~:lrd..,. "':'it\lw.itic, ,-tnci I.. \.In(IIl);!~!Kh~'- l!l "l.h.:h <br />an'h.fl4At! and far such pcrR>ds. as m.~' he re-q-uu-ed by the M{\rtg~_tgee ...lo..i \A Iii p.n- prnmpth when Jut:. .:wv pre-HHum... pO '1Ili..'h <br />iru.w-aA<<" pr'iWfMoo f,-ll payment of wh:w..-:h tuts not ~n miWe herembefore -\11 In~Ufan..:t' ..hitil ~ ...:;lrm:'J H1 "OfTIr.Wh.... ,ip. <br />Phwed by tbe MOf1~ liM the po..)ilClC~ and feut",,"-<ib thcretJf "hail t'le held hv the- \h'rt~a~ee ,-mtf tU\1;.' '-\Uw..:hr:tJ thC!Ch\ 1,)...... <br />pt\fi:tAe i;hiiilte~ ill fa\Vf ...1f G'-uu: in f..ltm ~;,'ccptab~ t{~ tilt:: \-tvng--d#eC In <:,'\('nl \If l(l....... \tOft~ag.\H \\ lH gt'.t: HlmlCUI;,~tt~ ,wth:t; t', <br />tnad_.k) tbe ~, Wild may make pI(~f ,}f h)j;i if not \"n~e pT\..~miHh h" \!urtgaJO!" ,m-u ~i.H.:h 1n~1l!"~!H.-"" \ ,\mpJtl\ \:,In. <br />cer8$l is ~y iWdklftted and dlfe~ted to m.;it\e J.'a"'m~nt for ,-u~h 1\),,, Jm~f..tiy h.l the Mort~e~ W\\ca~t ;:11 hI the \1~)[i~a~-o1 <br />andtht ~c: !(){fllh' , and tt\( m~uran~e pfu4.:ced~. \)1 any part thcft'l:.IL nUt\:' ~ ;;Ipplied hy the MVfl~agt'~ ~tlll" (lp1t\H1 C'llhcl <br />ttllbt ~tic.tndf U1;C mdeNcdnr'u, berttll- "e~ured Of to $hr r-e",hJfatK>>l l\l fepair {)t the r(-()rCrf~- damat!:-ed In (''0 eO( of lOll'\. h' <br />~t"ll ~ f'lN.~(Jt (ltber lIlUl~fCf'O-I UtJc to lhe mo-n-pgt"d f'h;pe-rlv' 10 t:',-ungtu"tbmt:'nt of Ihe i!lJel'lte:un-c.,... "t'>(uft"d ht.'l-t<t'\ <br />ill! nPt~ lltk.and mlut':sl of the Mottpj'().I' H\ end to .an)' m~Ufjjm:c p<...h"~lt"t;, {hen in (O-f\,'(' ..tudi r~l"I" ht lit(' fH1f\:h,i"f.-'f ,\f toH ,\nh:,,(' <br />9_ Tb:a.t a~ ttddi-t-kma! and ~()Uat.eud i.('~U1th' fm thr piH'melH t;! the n\.~(' dt-saihai. ano ail, w he-..',nnc dut." 1lIl\,-kl IfU.. <br />~. the M\.lftW'Uf ner-eb) a.'i""B~ tu lite M~{: .1H pfl.'i#tt~, .c"i"n-u~~. ;-.,}'.i:k,.. n~~b ;.~::ti b'lm~~!~!~ -3",-'J~!m~ hI Uk <br />M:m~'V U-OOct aU ott ;j$:-nd gal; l~a~-t... l)t} ~KI flrenww-), with the nght to re't:l\t' ~~HJ re-\.t'lt'l tOf the )*'lme an..! ..qtpn <br />__ W- \#W mdc:bCcdM-,,,''''''!> ,,;~n hti,l:t<e- <\51, ....ttef debuh in the i,'ooJitioft\-lJf th-h m'U't~tg(', ,mJ the \ttu,ga1<'rt~ m-'1;\- dem>ifnL 'He <br />ft>> &Ad ~W'~.-et M', ~ pa~~nb ,,'hen \JUt" ,~fld pil)'abfct. but 'S-haU nut he requll-e-d "1>11 h) ;i-c, fhh ,i_.......f!!tnf!'!t'nl !" h) tUtfitt\.itc <br />_ """umc..wl and ....., Qll<ffl <eluw "j !I>>, "'on_ <br /> <br />1-f'"JO~-;:lh\::;M in__,,!! <br />