<br />I
<br />,.A1-#t~'~
<br />~ :13':>-005446
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<br />83- 003750
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<br />UNIFORM C~ANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. h,- of PriadpIII .... 1_ Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebted..... evidenced by lhe Nute. prepayment andlale charges as provided in the Nole. and the principal 01 and interest
<br />on .ny Future Ad,...nces secured by thi. Deed of TrusL
<br />2. If.... f. T_ .... 1_. Sultjec! 10 applicable law or to a wrilten Wlliver by l.ender,. Borrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender on the day monthly inslallments of principal and interesl are payable under lhe Nole. until the Note i. paid in fult
<br />a .om (herrin "Funds"} equal 10 one-t"'.lflh of lhe yearly In.. .nd assessments which may atblin priorityo....r this
<br />Deed 01 Trust. ....d JlfO'll>d rents oolhe Property. if any, plus one-twelfth ,If yearly premium il1$lallmenl. for hazard insurance.
<br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium il1$lalfmem. for !llOfl&aSC insurance, if any. all a. _ably estimated initially and from
<br />Hme 10 time by undoor on the basis of .........ent. and hills and reasonable estimates theJeot:
<br />The Funds .h.Jll he held in an institution the deposits or accoont. of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federalor
<br />state_ncy (including tender if Lender i. such .n in,"itul.onl_ Lcndoor slulll apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assesstrIe~
<br />insura""" premiums and gnmnd rents, I.ender may not charge for "" holding and applying the Funds, analyzing .aid accounl
<br />or ...rilying and compiling said llSte"SSll,e,". and bill.. uolc.. tender P'Y' Bor",..er iote...... on the Funds and appl.cable law
<br />pemtits Lender to mak-.e such a c-harp;e, Botrower and Lender may agree. in writing at the time- of execution of- this
<br />Deed of Trust ,hat inlerest on tbe Funds ,hall be pa,d 10 Borrower. and unl= such ",.-eemcnl is made or applicable law
<br />requires such iotetUt 10 be paid. l....der shall nol be reqUlml to pay Borrower .oy 1O'.....t Of eamio." on lhe Funds. Lender
<br />ihall give to Borrower, witMUt ,harte. an ~nnual accountmg of the Fundott r;no*ln-!t c~its and debtb to the Funds> and the
<br />purpooe for wh~ each deb;. 10 tbe Fund. ,.".. made, The Funds an: p~ as additional iOCUl"ity for the ._ secured
<br />by lhu Deed of Trust,
<br />If lhe a"""",t ,." lhe Fund. held by Lender. ,ogelher ""In ,he lu,ure """,;nly i.....llmen.. of Funds payable priorw
<br />the due dRks of rue.. aueument$, iMurance pr-e-mtum~ and iR~und r-enu. ;;,haH c\ceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />:iUesstnettU. Htsuraocc prc.mium'(; ~nd sr.mr-..d fC-r'lI~ a>" iht.;\-' l-J.H Uti'(', ..u...-h \.'_h'~~" '!-haH ~, .\1 Born:.Jw~r':,> OptfOn, either
<br />promplt) "<<'P&id to Borrower Of I,,'reditcd to B.,"1rrnWef tm mtmlhly jns;tan~h l.'lt Funds. If the- amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender ,hall not he ~wn! h) ra~' t;.l\:e~. n~ment'i-. m~uf~nce premlurm: and ground ~ _ a..' they fall ~ue_
<br />Borrower s.ha.U ~y to- Lender ;iny -unoum tlC(,'C'S'tAT\' f(t mule up ,~ de1k.i:MCy ",.ttun 30 day~ from tbe dat.-e notice is ms.tled
<br />by Lender 'n IlorTowet' requost,"I pal'JDCnt Ihe_L
<br />Upon p.aYfMftt in full of aU 1Um\ ~<:ur'e-d by tlut t~ "f TfU-.C Lende.r shall p-rl..'tfllptly retund ~o Borrowct -any Funds
<br />hdd by I -e-mkr_ If undef pau~taph ll't hereof the: PWrc-M\.- .<, ,...'J.kt ,\t the Pr(lrcrW rl,il'tlwf"Wi'!le a\::quuoo by Lender. l.ender
<br />~I ~ppI;y_ tKl i.t-(:r than, mun('dilfdy- pnnr hl the ....l~e- (~t th~ Property ~g I!S- aClfUl'\lIu.,)f1 b\' Lender, any Funds. held by
<br />Lender at the ntnt: 1..1f apph(j;j{iOtJ ;u a ,,~t: _Jam:tl the ;.\Jm'i. ~utC'd t:t-\' tt-ut. lkcti ef 1 rust
<br />.l.. ,~of..,...... l'nlc-\~ .ot.prlf(ab~ Lt", provl<<;o" '.lthcr""r~(:, a.U pn-mt'fH~ f<<CJ\'W hy Lender under lne
<br />~6tt .and r.arqrapm ~ iinG ~ hereof ,haU he a-prilCd h-.: Lernkt tit\-! n; r.tH'r~nl ~'~f .mountli. payebk t~,. L(:nd-c_r hy Borrower
<br />u.ode, pan-Iuph 1: hn"cot. then tu tntc-r~f {'t;)'.'ahtC' on the ~ot~. ,hen h\ !ne rnoc1pai ,\t the Note., ",nd then 10 Interest and
<br />prtlK'fpaJ on .ny Future t\dvaJK.eS
<br />4, ~ 1Jeta- 8<wt'"o__n '\-hall p-a\' .an J~"e". .}\J;C~nh ..n-i;! ,,!-ther ...hu~> r1fK~ and lm~tt.tooi -1.UrtbUl4ble to
<br />ttte ~y 'Whkh mal' ;i;tUir. ;1 pt'*tt1;' ~~~r ,tw~. ~J d T~t~L 3.rki ~a~hcld pav-me1\:U (\f J;n:R..-m't ne-ntt. 1! any, in the
<br />maaatl' p1'oVlded -under pa.ttJraph 2 bett"of \~c l~ nof p.ui1 jn i-l-iCh nunne:f. tw 81..H\\",,'C"r makmx p;lymcflt, wMn due:. duectly
<br />to the pay. I Mte.o4', Bo4'ro'W"Cl' \h.u p1'ompdr ftulH'\.h t(1 , Crk1er ,\U Il(lu("e, ,"I .unOtlOl\ ...h~ under tht\ pa,.,nph, and in the
<br />CYtiD-t Bot-w.'e'-f thAiJ ma.,"-C' paymct\~ ~,hfecH'f. lk"lfflJWN 'l;h:.H rrtlmr4t)- iutonh h' 1 cndc.r r<<el"''' -('~"'tJ<.rn.:mg such payments.
<br />8or~r s.ha.U f'n'lllJptt~. duck.fIe itl'1y hen ....hl<l:h h-iU. ponnh .",,1." 'fl,.. I~ _,t lllai:, pr",,,,,,''\-ded. thaI liOHtJ""t'f ..hall fl(14 he
<br />rcquued hJ d&:haflC' a-nl' !'iKh !)r.:u ,"1 k'tif\g J,., Borrower \h.all J:J;rtt !l1 \"''ltm~ ;'_~ loe r'-\-!llCtll >.'f t~ ,"hh~atn,'n 'lC'\:ured hy
<br />\UC:h hen In iI: mafinE' ao.;'i:""CP1..* t.~ 1 ender. ~\'t ~.h.aH W i'_W:)oj hl!h ,,)t'l-h;"H '->l1..h Ltn My, <'i ~k'h~nJ l'nftln;t'"mc-nt \It 'H"h hen .0.
<br />qal ri:K:eedMJ~ *hK.d'I OtpCA'~ to 1'fT..tmt the nUon.'C'm<:-nt ~~l .ll( Jl(:"ft pI !.,lte-HW\'" p! th< P'l'oper1:~' ,'~-' any pilrt the-reef.
<br />~.... na..r41--.... 80fTO*Cf ...h....u "<<--r ~flc: lmrnn~tt~nt\ f)i)" nh.tHlf ,.l't hi':f"c_J:fltr ~rf'\-t('d 'loIn lhc i~r~rlY m5llf~
<br />.m~ toa "" fitt:, hu.ank mdud<d wfdnn the: t"e-tm -C''\t('ndcd ~ ~~o-('"t.;t~ oln,J -;.tKh ..~thcr ha.l.att-h .!ll I ("oder nu." fC'qUlff:
<br />~ m \.OCh ~b .and fOf -s.\JL'h pctK'Ch ...." t CJ'I\.xr m.,- r-cqUH"!: p!>Y'n\k'lo1 lh.al l-eutkr ,h.dl fl,lo( rCQUJf"C' that the amf,.lUfll \~l
<br />uach t"\l\'ef'"ate e....;:oed tll... ~:m m (:o"n'~''-." r~uifcd It\ p-.a~ the \um.. \oC..-u~ r.'i th~, ~ of Trn'it
<br />l1w- u\t.ur~ ':-Jlrne-f ptOvidlq dw U\:~n.~-r ..h.U ~ ;, h-l',"l~(i t<v tkltn~'\l!,'<'f ;UV;'f'('l h) appn.hiil t'i" tender. I'h)Vltk-\i.
<br />(_ IUdl appn:rw-at -dua1I not blC' unr....~ .l~ .'\U premtUfm t)f) nl-'J,-tlt.s~c pPftt:ln thau he paid Hi the maADef
<br />J'fO'ftdId uodet para-.papb 1. hct"t'OI' t\r. If !'k-'f patd In \.\Kh m#one-r r,-...' IkVf~~' nld.~Jl. ".yl"t1otf1~, whlrn dW!, Jireo.:tlv to thco
<br />I~ c.atnef.
<br />^Il UlSUBQte pobcin.oo ~ne"ah. r~~"1!t "'Mil k m f,~fm "...\.!:ru;tI-k '" t ~r;i.k'r "00 ..!lilH Hldud< '" 'It.nd.lrd rf\orISa.c
<br />",-iautc m t.Y(K -Of and me f~",m ~,,""rpolMe" f-i,) t ~1 I .("de1" ,,~l h......-c' t~ ! l:ghf tn ~~ tlw p.,)jtt;:l<< and l-enc:w{il, ttserNL
<br />.aad Btv~...bAlI pr..i'lMpti:~, tunm,b- to t cndc-r- 'ii-U !~f~.l [4,14K:M 400 iSH n:>;:t;lpt" ,..f ",;ud pt"t'mauft"> Il'l ttK C''''(nt (l( t,~\
<br />______~~~~~~t _!~W ~pt notb(.C h-' the :MUnUl(.c i...lu.ct Jlld 1 rmhn I C'll...ie, m,;ll' m.aL.e pn.lit"lt~)/ t.:~, If oo! m3de- proM.pH;o.
<br />-~ -uQ!;; i_.cndet uMi Born~ t...~~tW "J'ttt tn _nhn,. ~ftl.UI~~ fn...~ "hlaH ~ ;tppltCd~:-,~t:'r.u;;'tn-~; r~9;f ~~-~---~.
<br />lhe: Propeny damaf;.'Cd.. pn.YI'~ MKn ~-o-f1d""'w 'Vf rC'~lf " t"",l<fk)fllh,.;lH.. :_.t'd\-ihk ,,>-,-.j the K(;\lot,l ",t thn t>rt-d {If TrUll 1\
<br />not l.hneb-y t.mpatfN- 1f ~u.;;h ~<<.bOft. Of t1fPWu l'lo nili cc...W\tm1~..lh U."lbk VI if rh;e >,,('''~!tHY of In.,,, l~d pr 1 fH\,t "'ould
<br />he impatred. tbe fmuraACC pt~"<"'CdI !:haU __,appt1C'd hJ!M nun" ~-ur-~~, H,,~ t~ of TrOt!_ .-ltt, the \":'l'C". Ii' ..0.,. P.'iu.t
<br />Ii) Botn;twc-r- If the Propcrt,< ." -4~1 tty BotfL'1'WC-f. .,)( It 6mhJ'Wt"f Luh H' fe~pund- h) l.emkr ...tth.m :10 (by" from 1nc
<br />date DOtKC ." maded by t.end<< k'l' Borf\)'ltIo-ef tnil. the- Huuto1t\(.-(' ..~ff"",r ,,-.ff-er; "\l1 ~ttk oil "hll1m tOf 1O'\1tfUk'C t"t"ttellh, l t'ode:r
<br />n. il.utholu:cd hl ~uUect .ad *PP'Y the tMUf;lQ\;e J"'UI..~ ;It t ("odet -, <~pH.Jrt eIther h.l rnmNlhon nr rc,pan t"!f the flfo-peny
<br />'" to I!oIt __ ~ by th.. Deed ot T.......,
<br />Umc. l,~ aDd 8ot--n.wter -04twnrrliM ;ll1ft Hi _ntlft&. An) JoUt,::h -.lPP'K~UOfl tJi rt'\'....:ceds ,,1< pttm:tpai l.h.aU not e-..tend-
<br />ttr postpoae the due date of ,he montht~i iMUIUtnr,Ul\ rd~ffN to 10 ratq:n.pb\ 1 .;md ~ hc'<<of or ,ha.nee the ~mounl ('f
<br />~tM;h t....ta~ If UIIll.'Ief paraaraph III hn~)f the PfUprft~ I\. 4~-'-tU1Hed h,.- t ci"\dm, oIH flabt tllle ..-Ad tnlern' of 8&"lrrC'l,*cr
<br />tn and to .oy ~&ac:1r pahcicl and K1 .nd h.' the rn-=~l ttwn:'Hf fe'\ultlnr tnltft d.t.ftUp:: h'- iht- ProPft'tr PO,"f h) the $alc:
<br />,~ -KqUl14tion shalt pua. Id lcadet tu the. <,l.lCft1 l.lt tbe ~Un'\<j .ccUf'C'li! ~~ thK {ked ut I' f\At lmmedulteh pnor w '\uch ),ale tn
<br />~
<br />6. PI~."'''' n" . . .. "" ..........,': IA~ ('VRjUIlW1 v-<:J" ......... ti.. (~.~. BorH~'et
<br />...ha.U t-up tM Propettl in ,...~ Kp<llr .lnd ,,"h~H rl<t~ u\4'tHlHl "'"-ute ,0.: perm-II llnp.aHmcnl ll-f Ikl1:'rr"HJdjtwl Hi ttw f'ropc{t\'
<br />.lad dtall Q?lRtXy With tbI: pf\W-I$IOQS of .n,- ~ It Ibt\ t)eed ~~f 1 tU\.t t\ ~)fl.:t kbehoid It Ihl' Deed t.)f Tnl$t l~ on a untl In A
<br />,~ t")f Ji. planfwd unit dt-v:ek--'pment. Boft-'&.~--c:r ~H pt:tio:m ~ii '"'"t 8orfO*C"f") ob'hlalfl),fl,\ under t~ dc'd,ualhJn
<br />-or c~b CJa;fml o.r p'emm, the \-(~n:um ,"~r rt;,l"~ u.ftlt ..Je'lr~k'pnw:nL !l:tt h\"-iilWll1. ;uw rC_UhUh.Hh d th~
<br />l~m;um Of pl.mncd urnt ~h...~L aad I.A"lfU-l_tUf:tll \i.,x.un~h It,;t t:t..Jfu,il:'lRUtUum t\f plann<<! umt dc...dopnKttl
<br />rnk:c)>\ ~~ by Bor-rowe:r .ad f<<\Yda! ,~the-i ~Hh th~'!. r~ ~'f 1 fih!. tht- (-I.wC':tUot-l 4nd -<lgteen~nh nl ~ud~ lld~r
<br />~J ~ i~lCd tmo .Ad lhalJ amend: .IlrW wppiemcnt lnc ~ty\-('ru:nh AtW 3Cfffment\ I.'tl th,)' (lcc-li ..1 -1 rU'-l ,n !f the.- fl\wr
<br />..... "' I'Uf hIInIof.
<br />1. ........ of ~ SM:witJ. H 9c-rrower ~al" to peth,nn ;he ,'ov<t"nanu and ~nts. ;.-.,mlam-cd In lh"
<br />geed of Trull. tV if atty ~ or ~fOJ. 1\ ~om~fh..~ wtuc::h rn.atenaU... :lrf<<ts L~ndt-f\ Hllern:t U1 the- Propef'ty
<br />I~ buI: DOt l\:JnQed to. t'tfttReftt domatn. f~enc). .:ode enk'fCcment. or afTa~t,~ ~'f ptOt:~mp ift,,'phi:nl 0)
<br />~ Of~. t~ l~.. 1~'1. tlf'IlOn. upon nOtlC.e w BorTO'Wu. m~y make nsch a.ppcanm~-o. '~'!lhtl-fW \\h:h
<br />NmI and ttke iUdt action a IS ~ to. protect Lender-, !ntc-re\1. uldudtn.. hut not limned to, JI\bul'\einent of
<br />f~ auoray',- lOtS .-l catty upon: dw Proprttv to make ff:p.Uf~ If t,c-ndc-f r~rr'Cd m>crtpF iu:\uul'tce ;}\ <~
<br />~ of-...... ~ )ou ~ by tbn. [)rc.oed of' trmc, Bot'f'cwer ~haU p.a.y the pnmuLinu tt:'quire-d t(~_ numt.t~ ..u~h
<br />~ m. dfect U8ht IMCb tIme .. tbe requttemeftt h.v osuch uQ,u:raFtC~ fcrmmaln m .1t;1;ortJat\l..'c vnth BornlVl-cf). ;nld
<br />L......'t- .... .......... or- applicable law Ikvrowef ~haU pay fhe ;unount (.'l( ..U mortPIC' nnuf.n\.~ t'f~mlUm' il1 t~
<br />_ ~ __ llUlIll<Jtpb 2 ltcfto(,
<br />A.ay ~ ~- by l.cadrtt punuall! to lhu. panJt'apb -7. With ;ntCTbt tMf1~'()n, ~h.H f~'on-l( 4J~'-H\.Wlal
<br />~.II''''' tl1 of BotrowV ~ by dlit DMd eot T~. Vnleu Borrmw'ltf and I e:nder .,f<< 1\1. other t('rm-_t. ~Jt pa.~',"en(, 'Hk.:h
<br />_.. he....,... upon JlOI.... 1_ I.cade< ", ~ _"... payment ,""reo(. .nd .hall "'.r m,.,.... ,,,"" .he
<br />__of.1 J l J 1 t.. die _ par.... from llaw 10 1_ 0.. ."","ond",. p...",,!>., under the Nt>le llole<o po)......, "I inle,"'
<br />at ~ '* """'*I be ~-.rr '0 appit<... I*"", i.. wit",,, e_' "",h _01\ ,h.ll he", HlleFfil Al ,he h,""" ..Ie
<br />~ tlIIIIItlt ~ Law. NOliIitte """'..~ In .11.. ""ra..."" 1 ,h.ll ..","'.., I.e"'" 10 'ncur aoy etpo_ '" ,aU
<br />-.......... ~,
<br />- . i.'.......... IMlOMt _ ..... or <au. t" he..... ...~ ..,t.... .""", .1Id ....p<<tJ._ of ,he Pn>porw. 1'1"..,.,,1<.1
<br />=~~:::.::-~ ~ priof Wo an., web ~MplCUOn \.~""m. reu.ona-btc ('~\W ,herda-r ''C''.-t~ t(~ I \:n-O~~( ~
<br />
<br />
<br />