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<br />83-1)05402 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />UNIFORM Covn...\N]~. Borrower and I.cndcr ;,;ovcnant and agree (.IS follows' <br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Bt1rmwcr shall prompll)' pay when due the princip~d of and interest 011 the <br />indebtedne~s cvidencctl hy th(~ Note. prepaym(:nl and late t:har~e~ :1:-' provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Adv;mces .secured by this M(lftgilgC <br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insuran(~l". Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shal1- pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly lOstaJlments of prindpal and infCrcst are payahlc under the Note, until the Notc-is_paid-"in-full, <br />a sum (herein "Funds'") equal t(~ one-twelfth nf the yearly laW~ and ~ssc~sments which may attain prjo:ritt over' "this <br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Properly. if any, pili" one-twclflh of yearly premium installments for haz-ard jnsurance~ <br />plus one.twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage ins.urnnce. if any, ail as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of .1s-ses....rHt:nts and bills anu reasonable estimates therei..1!. <br />The Funds shaH he ~ld in an institutil\n the d~posits ('I' ;..H.'c(!unl~ of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federator <br />state 4.lgcncy fincluding Lender if Lender i... ..ut::h an instltution), I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxcs;.assess'ments,- <br />insurance premiums and ground renb. I cnder may n{lt charge for \0 holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said.account. <br />or verifying and compiling said asses.smcots .lnd hills, unless Lender prlYS Borrower i"ntert.."'St on the Funds and -applicabh(law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge Ht"lrr(}wer anti l.ender may agree in writing at the lime of execution of; this, <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds "hall he paid tll Bormwer. unles.s s.uch agreement is made or app1icahle law <br />requires suc.h interest to be paid, Lender ~hun not he relluircd to pay B0rrower ;my interest or earnings. on the Funds[. Lender <br />shall give to B0rrower, l.",'ithou[ .:harge. an annual accounling of the' Fund.. ;"howing credils and debits 'to the Funds and the <br />purpose tor WhKh each deblt 10 the Funds was madt;'. The Fund~ art' p~eJged as additional security for the. sums secured <br />hy this Mortgage <br />If the amount tit th~ f\mds. held by LcnJer, lngether "'ijth the luture monthly m,taHments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due date~ of iilxe... as\Cssmcnt\, in.<;ur~li1(c pr~l'l1iums and grl'ulld rcnts, ~han exc.eed the amount rt-quired to pay said taxesl <br />assessmenf<.., insurance rremium5. and gr<..)utld rents ;.to;. they i..dl dut, :'>1I\.'h {''(cess shall he, .It Borrower's optioo. either <br />promptly repaid to Borrcl\.l,.e( or credited In B('frl.lwer ,)11 lll(lll!hly lfhlallml:n!s l,r Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender "hall not be s~1ftkiem to pay taxes. a~"cs,m('nts. H1Sllfan~c prcmlllm'\ and ground rents as they fall. due, <br />Borf(~wer h-haH pay to Lender ,my amount ncce~~;ir\' Ie, mLlkc up the <.kth,'l{.'nc\ within 30 days from the date notice is mafled <br />by Lender to Borrower rcquc-\tJfig pa~ men! ! her~ot <br />Upon paymem 10 full of all sums ~ccur(:d by Ihl:o. \h,n:g:,g<.:. I cod::r ,.,hall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held hy l..cndcL It under paragraph ).;.; her~O[ Hll." Pr;'pcn\' ;... ~,I'ki ,oJ. th\..' Propen}' L" l,therwi~e acqnrred by L~nder, Lender <br />shall apply. no la.ter ih::m lnlmediJ[.;h pnnr l(' !h<..~ ..ak d :hc f-';(lpertY Llr n'o .H':yUlSiuon by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the IttTIl:,: III appbcation as .! ;,:rcdir ,lgllUlsl [he :ilHll"l <..c<..:ured hy till'. \1nngagc, <br />3. Application of Pa}menb. 1.....!1],:.;;:- ,~pr!h,.:ahk lit\\" pft\\ HieS "th.....l"\\ j"t.'. :111 paymcms rC!.':l.'ived by Lender under the <br />;\Jote and paragraph.s .1 and 2. hereof "hal! he ~lprj;~d hy I first Hl pa\ IlH:!H ('I all10tUlIS pay;tble to Lender by Borrower <br />tinder paragraph 2 hereoi. then to !tHeft'':.l l'avu.hh: ,'{1 the "till' :h\..'i1 !,' llW pnnl.:ipal PI' the t':(I{C. :tnd then to interes.t and <br />pnnclpaI on ;tny Future Adyuncc,", <br />4. Chall:es: Liens. B\lrfl.)\q'! ,fu" .-,,\ .di . ~\.. !~<"I.:~";ndlh ,'1',1 l'lhcl ~ hdq~'..'~, 11m:... ;lnd impl....l~ilWIlS attributable to <br />(be Property which may ;lll.llll ,\ pr;j)f;!j ,~Vl'"r !!t,... .;!!d k<t..,~'I)\lid !),I\TrWnt;,.,/ ground rem'!., if any. in the manner <br />provided undC'i' p,tragraph ~ hern\l pr, .r nt'! !lunn~i' i" H('nn.,-\..:i ll1:d.;.m:,: p;n-.mCJlL v.hen due, I..!lrcctly to the <br />payee I heft'(d , BOrrO\\Cf 'o;l!i p(\mtpiiv :\' J !;1hk'[ ,ili la'lh,-..', I,j "llltlUnb dUl: IllHlcr 1111'> paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower ...h,di lHa~c p;j~.mC111 Jll~..:1i\" Ih'~ n'\\~-l .h,IU ptPi1!P!:t )ql!ll"j; j,\ I t'f1l.kl r~.I.:t.'ip!' ~>\.ldcJlClfl~ .'>lH:!l payments, <br />Horn...lwer ,haJJ pn.'mptIY dbdl.I1~i,.' !,c.n ',j,J..h ':.\- i'fh\[;h 1l11" .\l\)llg,;~c ['rt".hkJ. that H,lrrnwcr \h.ill !1nt be <br />reqwl'ed. to l.h~l.;h:HgC ;.Hl) "lIt'it ]H.'fj ',' ;~ 1.\..H;,'~';'::! k' {hI.: nd~meB! (i[ lh,,' PbJI!;<Hlt,n )L'(un:d hy <br />\uch hen III a m~HHlc:r a~("t:p!ilhk ~" 1 ,~HJcr, .'1 .,h,l!l 1ll ,.:"".1 I ,:!~h I. ,'n\\"~! "d~ h h\. dl..'fcnd \:.nlllfCI.<lllclIl (>i such lien 10, <br />legal pr('(cedmg~ WhKh ~lr~r;t!C ill pl\:\f.:nt efn ,'H!"hl.:JltUH ,'i h1ltcllUfI: ,.)\ lilt,' Propel[) (\1 :lll) part Ihereof. <br />S. Ha.tard hl,'!Ufanu:,. H<..)r!"\'\-\.l.;f "h,!1i ~.\:~p ltk 'nn l.'1 !ll.'ll.',dlt'r t."tt:"dcd ,Ill the Pr<lpcrty Insured <br />against l(l\.l. hy the, h:tLard" Ilh.J\h..l...,i ~,dhq\ lilt ".k:...k,' ~:i.:h t'<lhL"r h,i/.Hd... ;1\ 1 ;;!H.h.:! m~y reqUIre <br />and lU jU\.:h ~tnh\Un{.j ...dH.J I~'r ....Ui..!: i'~;l,'d" .1'- !....:'ek .',:ciih. .'U! i ..'ihh'l ....hJ.llll\.t n:quHl..' rhdt [hi: anlOll!1[ 1..\( <br />s.uch ;;\)\'t'rd~~ ;;.\~Cl'...t thi1.i ,1l1h'~,jil ,.it ~"'':,,1'':\: !\.'~ 'd':d ;.' ~..,l\ !:cd /'.1, \!..1[1l!"i\!<': <br />The m;UHtnl.l;'; .....>.tfncr pr...n-l,j!n~ the ,ib~,.Hkl. .!i:df h' M.'ik.h'." .,(jhl~'~1 (,\ ,i(.lp~\!\';d 11) I.e-ndcr; pr(wldcd. <br />thai Slh.,:h apfll\wal "\.haH fhl{ he .tf\ic.i,>,.'(l"t>h -\I!hildJ \j) pt;.'!Il:uHI.... H\~iH,dh..:":- /"1,,111,.1\:" ....hall (1,: p;.tid iiI thl..' nli1nner <br />prOYH.leJ under p<tragraph 2: iH:I".-.:t t.'.. ,; i1d p.hl In "'.h:n l~'l,B;tld ;~~ H\,!(,'.,~":I j]lil.~nlg pJ\lnCnL V.h':il due, d;rcdly to the <br />in~ural1.;;e ..'arner. <br />All iO'!"Uf,i.U..T Pt)h~.\c~ .tB,] 1<.'Hl"".lt\ lilL'lt.'.; !'~ ~'I1;J\ <br />dau!>c in t.\li,)f ,11 ~nJ m h1cm .t":":l,.'p[,tr~l...' 1;' I UHlc; I,' h.h.( <br />and 8(lrr,)\\'~r ~iuU ph1mpfi:- 1urnJ_..h L.' l,"! ,df ;,.11\.:>-'\,-1\ ihj;,,-,", <br />Borr.\v.CI ~h<=1l g\Yl; p.\,HllPE l\t..!(;...',' :bi..; ;:):-UJ,lh\: . Jr.;..."; dud I <br />hy B\lrr,"lWer. <br /> <br />the p~~~~) L~:~~:g~~~ ~~~I;f\~l~~~l~' \~~~:;~j ;'~~:~~j.:7:,~;~ :;,~ \: ~'[~~:i;' ;. :~::'~i;::I;;I~-t~I;;~ ~~'~!,:~;:;;;~!i ;il~~ ~t:~~:;_/(~.\I,~lt.~t~l:~l \;[~):'~:~~~ t:: <br /> <br />!lot thereby im.palrc(j, If .,lkft tl;~t.)f~ll.."H ,-il :.:p.;,/" .:, ij,'mh,.,!!\' I'."l....!hk .:'r d the l,)f thL" .\h)rtgage wIllild <br />be: Impaired, the msuran.::c i=H\.h.:t:cd... '\h;jJl b-c ..ppih.',i 1'1 lhe ~W1l\ <,:(;\;:.1 l'~ [j))'., .\turtt::~l};t:, [h~ l'\....~\:i. if ;lny" p:'lld <br />LU Borrower. h tlK:- .Pr~jp.:n\ 1'" ,1.h~IH.l,\rt\.:J h:; B".j't,)\\..::. ,'1' j~ H~Ht";h"l tad<.. ,,', ,r,>pdnJ h', i ~fi\..k'r 'J.lthln .~o Ja}:. If,)!)! the <br />date nolh:e IS; m.HIeJ h) L~.ndel' h' lk'!h)\\~l :h.II thc ln~ur.!lJ..:,: d((:,,;r .>!lc;.... ;,; ,,>:uk ,I ....]:Hlll ll.ll :~hlll.1Jh.T beodib. L~l1der <br />is authQnz.ed W ':ullect ilnd ~!PpJ) rhe !l!',.llr~\ll":,: i'fuct:ed::. ..It l.l.'nJl;'f:> ,:>pl.l<in t'llh..:c hl rc:!.hH.ltlon i.lf !l."'pair IA the Pt'l\.peri} <br />or to the sum~ ':.~(tlreJ. 0) ThLS Mt^\rlgagc <br />LJnles~ lender slld Borrower .,tb:n\ he dgrr::l' in ,\./ ;llB~, ;tIl) ~"l,,"n ,lpplh..cltHH\ llf pr,',.>,:cJ... (Il pi ilh.;Jj.',d ...IM!! nlll L'_\.it.:'nd <br />01 postpone the du~ date. ~lf the lli~t.tlJm'ilh ;..:rLfI..:d L' !;~ ~\ala~!i'.tph... f .I,hJ .2 JH;fCl..}t l'l ...:h;lHg~: lh.:; anhHlfH o! <br />such ms.taHmcuts, It under hercof [tit: PI.)~n:-. i, ~H:L!\Ha::J h~ !.C{lI.1t;'T, .dJ nght, litk ::tfld !nlcrcs! i..d Horrt.w,c.f <br />in and to an} in~ura.o....c fX.,Jid-e~ and in and. III th.... pr...;;.:ccJ.. thL'fl,;\.'l 1!lH11 J,1.m4g.: 1:1' ih~ ProperlY prlor ll) the ~;\lc <br />or acquisltJon s.haU pas..!! !iJ LcuJer (0 tbl: t...!:;:n! ,,"1[ th~ :..Lm..\ \I.:\.:,H <"'w j-,~ \101 tg,lgC ;lnm..:J1J.ldy pllt.1f h1 'Beh ~~dc Of <br />acquisjtion. <br />6... Pi'utnaUon and ;\.Iaintenauce of j"lwpeny; l_('a~('huJds; Condotniniurn~; Planned Lntt l}.c\dopm('nt~. B{)ff\}\\i:[' <br />shall keep the Property in good repair and ~;hail not l.'ommj~ \~ .1stt; t1[ pcrnlH imp..:Hfmcnt or dctL'rioralH..m of the Property <br />and shall c-ompJy with the proY:Sl0m< of an) ka~ d fh,'~ .\.t'-'l-tg'lgo: I.. l)f1 d k..i)d1l.)(J, tI Ibb ;\It1ltgagl..' i:>- ,,)Il ..l unit in ~t <br />condomiujum or .\ pJaufi('d unit dcn..,il}pml....ui. BOHt;"'CI :-.h;'ilj PCdl1rHl ~J1j ~)J' B.l)frc';\.\(.:r'~ \1hhgai.;;,lflS under lht; I..kdar.f\(Ion <br />or coVenan;~ crcatini or gpvcrning the ({\t)t!llminium <..'. pl~ID!it:d tJ!,'lt de~-~h."pm':j)t tht.: h}',bw" iH1U ITg:d<tlion~ I,ll" ihe <br />\'~-ondominium Of planned unit. dcveIopml.'l1t, ,Hid ,.(l'[lSlllucnt dv'-'unH:nl.... Ii~, ",\lhh.'ilHllillffi Of pL:mnc:d I1IHt dt.'vdt1pIHl,'!1t <br />dder is.. elccut~d by Borrower and n.'"1.:-t"1focJ t<J&i:th~f ~':Jlh flll':. MI,}r1p,~I.g(', !ik ..:,,~'t:Il.HH:-. .Hld ;fgt';,.~\:'nKflb d su..:h ndct <br />thall be lnc\)r~rate4 into and shaH amend .lOtI suppknWIH !he I..'I;lq.'HM1!\ ;lI1d a~IC-\;m;:llb tA lhl~ Mortg;lgC J~ \1" Ihe rider <br />w~r. a pan h.r~. <br />1. Prot<<-.tion of 1..e-lMiu', Sct.urity. If Unrn)Wi;; hi!.. w rx.rl.1ftrl the ,-ov(,l1il.nh .H1;J ;\gr<.'cinl."n:t~ ~.dllUlU.l~d HI lhl~ <br />Mortgage, or if ~.ny ;Jctiofl N proceeding 1"- >..:.-.Hl1mnKl.;'.d wnj...;.h malcriaH, ;itfc;,~f\; Lc-H.;.h::r\ !rHcHi':>f in fhe Pr'\fWf1Y. <br />iw..'Iudin., but nt~ Jim~I't'd tn, ("mincaf d.(}matn~ in-;.ujye{..l,...~', ,:odc- enforcement. *)I il.!'r.ingcm~;;I" ,U pro<.'{'c..ilng<. irlV(lhin~ ij <br />bAnk.tapt ot d,,"(:\Cdt:nL then Lender :It 1.cnoer\. \~pli('I1. \.If'>!\n n(,ti",-~~ 11~ Run,."....n "tt;,'! ;oak.... '-\.J'.:h ;.rpt'1HitHC':". d::~hHr..\' 'jH~'h <br />~un'tt 300, 'Me t.uC-h 3t;~jN:1 ~,-r. IS nl;'>.''\..'''o!;.il-f:~ f<'; tHT;~l:X i f .C'n~kr',< <rHC!i::S.l, b~l! ;;d! l;mlle'.1 h\ dhhu"",:mer:! l'{ <br />rc~lhk, JiH-ornt:f1\ ffies and ".n!l~' tht. Pr:,;~pcrly to fH,.~;: rq:1.J.lf lO<;l\f,;i\,:C i,', ,. <br />':duditMm {}( trl~t,i6j the tp,H'~ lhh Rl.'r~'n.\{t ~h:..d! <br />m~ijU,'H:e it!. t"ffcd .1..HHi~ 'HH:h t1J)'k ,t'i fhl: '.;Kh ,ns.\1! ~W...T <br /> <br />..i" ~t' I (1I'];:i ,d"itl ~iI,\jj Hklud.: .i \\.Hl..l.lrJ murtgagc <br />dh: Ij~)U I,' 1,idJ rin.' {1<..dIO,,'''' .lnd p.:nL""';th thcr~,-)f. <br />,:!i 1"..~'jrb nl !,.iid pr<::HJ(l!!l).. In ihi." t."\;.:nt \.\( 1.:1""', <br />~ l';)~;,:; nlL'] :; Ph',\! ,I! io".') 1! not Hl"JI.' pfllmpll) <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />