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<br />I <br /> <br />M .Ilk' h .,il. 'I.. I . ,83, - 005314 <br />ilL Th;ll rhe (lflga}o:tlr'WI rer 11C tll t I11gs upnn sau prL'mlsc~ In !!tIO( rcp:IIL arll n('lI H~r l'nmmtl "(" pcrmll W.I\tc <br />Upillt S~t;J ,1:1f1l); Otlr'sulftr'the !\aid premise's In he used (or any unl:lwfu' purpo~e, . <br />11,_ Thaf 'if Ihe pr(,nli"e'i. elf allY r;J'rIlhcreor. he: contlcmned untlcr the power tlr l"llIinc."nt dom:lill. m .u."quircd-(or a puhJic <br />U~l'-, Ih\' dam3ge-s awarded. fhe proceed-s (or the_, faking or. or (he con'iidcrOllilm for such ncqui"ition. -to the extent of-'tht full <br />~lOh1'Un{tlr indebfcdnes"nrnn this mortgage and_the notc'which it is gi"'cn III 'i("(tIre rClnaininl: unpaid. .ire hcrchy aS$igf!clJ by the <br />. ~t(j-jtg"f;nr_-IO'_the -Morlga~e-. and shan b( paid, forthwith (0 said ~hirtg.lgce to he arplied by the-Iaucr on ac(ounl- or tn-c"nt_"t <br />m:tltlf1nt wstafJ-mc-flCs or such~indtbt-edl1cs5. <br />f2._ The__ Mortgagor further ag,i'ers that should this' mortltllltc ;md Ihe no~'e sccured hercl"1y nQt-- 'be', ':eligibf.~:,:(or-_-'-in~ <br />surancl' under the N:Jtional Hou~in* Act within _ _ _ from [he datt. hereof (wriU~n statement C}f ::l~yoffi.~~r_ <br />or the Department of Housing and Urban Development or aulhorized agenl or Ihe Seeretary.orHousing.and~Urban; <br />De-vcla-pmel1I dated subsequent to the ,_ time fromlhe d:lIe of [his mortgage. dedini,ng-I'O 1~s~re;-,s;~,~d_" <br />ntHt and ,this mortgage~ Oeing deemed con'elusive proof of such ineligioilityL the Mortgagee or-, holder - of- 'the>- note <br />may. :ifit~d)pt-i(li1. declare alt sums securred herehy immc,Ji-ately due tlnd payahle. <br />Ll. That if the Mortgl.lgor fails to make any payinenfs of money when (he ~:lIne hecome due. or fiiils lo conJnrin to-,and <br />"'Olllp!y wirh any'of lhe-co'nditi<lns or agreements cont,l;neu in this mortgage. or the nole which it '>ecures, lJlen the entire, pdnci~' <br />l'aJ'sum__and:accnfcd-intcrcst shall at once bccbme due and paynnle. at the rh.:clion of the M6ngagcc:_and Ih'i's:m?rtgage:-m~y <br />IlwrclIPtln he fureclost4,f:immcdf:He!y for lhe -whole of s:tid nwney. inf~rest, mflnlh~Y payments. co.;-ts.. g.rOl,lnd rcnts; t;rx~s_ an.d <br />111l."-cus! tlf eXltnding'_lhe l.lhslracl of tille from the dOlte of thi... ltJ;111 to the time- of c()mmcn~'ing such rurednsure suiL_,and-a rc-a~ <br />sonahle attorney's r-ee-~ all of which shall be included in the decree 0(- !foreclosure: and the corHract embodied:;n <br />,-md Ih<." nole secllred- herehy. shall in all respects be governed, com.trued and :ldjudged by the laws of Nebraska, where- the <br />~ame is mad'e, <br />Thl' L'ovcn;mls hl"rein contained Sh:lll hind~ and Ihe ncncfil~ and atlvalHages shall insure ll'. the resflcc:tivc he-irs.. ,executQrs-. <br />admmi"itraH1rs. sUCcessors: and assign~ of Ihe parries herelo. Whenever used. the singuhir r.l.Imher shall i"cI\!de the piuraL---the <br />plurallhe sing"l.r. and the use or any gender shall be .pplicahle In all gender<, <br />TIle foregoing conditions. aU and singular. J:,eing. perform~d _~ct.:ording 10 their natural- ~md-legal--imporl~ this- conveyance <br />shall he void, and said premises released at the c~pensc of the Mortgagor; be and rem3in in rutHorce and-_eff(ct-. <br /> <br />'N WITNESS WHEREOF. the Mortgagor(s) ha ve <br />~lh(i\--C: ......rilte". <br /> <br />hereunto set <br /> <br />their <br /> <br />handls) Ihe day and year first <br /> <br /> <br />In presenee 01: <br /> <br />Jerry A. Piper, <br />Vice President <br />Commercial National Bank & Trust <br />Company <br /> <br />/h"a L W ;;I ~AL <br />Marie W-:'LleSS . <br />/Y? ,,~' .2:/ ,-7 ( f '()/.J <br />Mary G. leSS <br /> <br />ISEAL) <br />ISEAL] <br />(SEALI <br />{SEAL) <br />(SEAL( <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />} " <br /> <br />cot: NTY OF Ha 11 <br /> <br />On Ihis 31st day or August <br />Notary Public <br /> <br />. A.D. 1'183 . "clore me. <br />in and h\f "i~liJ rOunl~'. prr,\(in;dl}' ("me Mark W. Liess and Mary G. Liess <br /> <br />hl ~ the_identical person whos.e name 5 are <br />gOlOg instrument as Mortgagor. and they <br />..<eution thereollo be the i r <br /> <br />. pcr!oonalJy to me-known <br />aftixed to the above and fore. <br />acknowledged lhe said instrument and Ihe <br />voluntary :H:t ;md deed. (or Ihe purposes therein expressed, <br /> <br />In testinHlny whereof. , have hereonlO sel my hand .nd affixed "y seal al <br />"n the day.ndd.telasl ahove wlille~......,...... ...~'...~.r. .........=-.........'W. T....,...... ........~.' ,~~~ .~ <br /> <br />. .-............. ~PuhliC <br /> <br />STATF. Qf NEBRASK^ <br /> <br />ss <br /> <br />Filed Cor record thiS <br />at o'clock. <br />fC-L;tlfded'ln Hook. <br />!'age of <br /> <br />day or <br /> <br />A.D. 19 <br />~L and entered in Numerical Index. and <br />or MOrlgages. on <br /> <br /> <br />Regist~r of Deeds <br /> <br />~P9 ,.h.t;> <br /> <br />Huo.g:n-4JM (9--191 <br />