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<br />I <br /> <br />Corrected Copy <br /> <br />This form i1 used in connection <br />wilh mortgages in~ur(>d under- Ih~ <br />one- 10 lour.tamily provisions 01 <br />Ihe National Housing Act~ <br /> <br />1 . <br />i <br /> <br />qflhc-CouMy uf <br />Ihe M ort~lgor. and <br /> <br />nlls MORTGA(;E. made :md e,ecllled Ihis 31st day 01 August <br />I~ 83. hyandbelween Mark W. Liess and Mary G. Liess <br /> <br /> <br />Ha 11 , . and Slate 01 Neoraska. parly 01 the firslparl;hereinallerc~lIed' <br />Commercial NJtional Bank & Trust ,Company <br /> <br />;A;n. <br /> <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83..... 005314 <br /> <br />OJ corpllrarilln organ-iu-d ~lOd exi"'iling under the raws or Nebraska <br />party 01 Ihe second parI. hereinaller called Ihe f'!orlgagee. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: Thallhe said Mortgagor. for and in consideralion 01 Ihe sum 01 Forty-eight Thousand and no/l00"- <br />-----~-------------------------'------------------_Do"ars ($ 48,000.00 1. paidbYlhe Morl' <br />gagee-. the reL:cipt of 'which is heretly acknowledged. has Gr:mled and Sfild and by these presents-does, Gr:ant~; Biir- <br />~:Iin. Sell. Convey and Confirm unlo the (Mortgagee. ill' successors and assigns. (orc-ver. the (ollowing;.de!'crihed <br />real eSlalc. situaled in-Ihe Counly or Ha lil ~ and-Stale' <br />(l( Nehras]{a. 10 wil: <br /> <br />Lot seventeen (17), Block one (1), in Island Acres #2, being a replat <br />of Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7" Island Acres Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />or the Sixth Principal Meridian. containing in aU <br />menl survey: <br /> <br />acres according to Govcrn~ <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe';" described. wilh alllhe appurtcnances thcreunlO belonging and including <br />:tll heating~ plumbing and lighting fixtures and c9uipmenl now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate <br />unto (he Mortgagee. and to its successors and assigns~ rorev~r. The Mortgagor represents to. and covenants with. ahe Mortga- <br />gee. Ih.llhe Mortgagor has good right 10 sell and convey said premises: Ihal they are Irce Irom encumbmnce; and Ihat the <br />MOrlgagor will warrana and defend the same agp.insl the lawful claims of all pcrson~ whomsoever: and the said Mortgagor here~ <br />by relinquishes all_rights of homestead. and alllmartial rights. either in l:lW or in equity. and all other conlingent interests of the <br />.Mortgagor in and to the above..tJescribeu premi~es. lhe intention being to convey herebY-:Jo absolute title~ in fee simple. includ. <br />ing.1I righls of homeslead. and olher righls and intereSls a, af",<<aid. <br /> <br />PROVIDED AL\V A YS. anu these presents .:ire executeJ and Jclivcrcu upon lhe- r(}lIowingcondilion~~ to wit: <br /> <br />The Mortgaqor agrees to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Forty-Eight <br />Thousand and no/100--------------------------0011nr5 ($ 48,000.00 I. with <br />interest tram date a.t the _rate of ten point three per centum { 10~3 \} per annum <br />on the unpaid balance until 8/1/86 . and thereafter at the rate of ten and ~eventy-fiKijndre~~h~:- <br />per centum (10.75 'I per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. The said prlncipal and <br />interest shall be payable at the o;tfice of Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. in <br />Grand Island, NE ! , or at such other _place as th~ holder of thll !,!ote may <br />designate in writing. in monthly installments of Four Hundred Thuty One and 'itlOO------ <br />----------Oo11ars ($ 431. 91 l. commencing on the first day of October . <br />19 83. and on the tirst day of each month thereafter until August 1, 1 ~ and Four Hundred <br />Forty Seven and 39/100-------- ,Dollars ($ 447.39 ) commencing on toe first day of <br />September, 1986 ... and on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal <br />and intere.t are fully paid, except that the final payment of principal and intera.t. if <br />not sooner paldp shall be,due and payable on the first day of September, 2013 , <br />all accordin9 to the tern:8 of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by <br />t~e sa~d Kortg4qQr. <br /> <br />The Mortgagor in order more lully 10 prole~llhe securily 01 Ihi, Mortgage, .grce>: <br /> <br />I. That he will pay the indebtedness, as- hereinbefore provided. Privilege is reserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an <br />amounl equal 10 one or more monlhly paymen\s on Ihe principallhal are lIeXl due on the nOle. on Ihe firsl day of any monlh <br />prior _to,maturity: -Prov;tkd. h()"'t\-'cr~ That .written notice of-an intention lO exercise such privilc~e is. !!i\'cn at least1hirty DO} <br />d.ys prior 10 prepayment. ' <br /> <br />2. That.logether wilh. and in addilion 10. Ihe monlhly pay men Is 01 principal and inlere.'1 payahle under Ihe lerms 01 the <br />nl)lesecured hereby, lhe Mortgagor will pay 10 lJIe MOrlgagee. on Ihe first day 01 cach monlh unlillhe s.iU nole is lully paid.lhe <br />following sums: ' <br /> <br />(a) Amount sulfidenl 10 provide Ihe holdcl hereol wilh fUllds \0 pay Ihc nexl mortgage insurance premium if Ihis <br />inSlf~ment -and__lhe Dnte secured hereby arc insured, ur a monthly charge (in licu of a mortgage' insurance pre- <br />mlufn}iflhey arc held by Ihe Seerelary of !lousing and Urhan Developmcnl, as follows: <br /> <br />(I) If and $0 long ,as said nole, of even dale and Ihis instrument arc insured or arc !Cinsured under Ihe pro. <br />visions of .Ihe National Housing Act. an amoun! sufficient to aceumul.le in Ihe hands of the holder one <br /> <br />. {t.h~.~;y.~r.-, h:Q_m, t.he,date hft(e.o!) 1 <br />(35 ,taQn,;..h., [(om _t.he tint pa~'M,l;)nt _date) <br />Ith_, .'1'~~ lfIQn.tb} <br /> <br />-Rfl)fa~~' Fi-f-A~'1~_3M,,Wh-ic_~_ Mav 8! wd' U"!il Svp41v _is '-)th1.lU~I~d <br /> <br />STA fE OF NEIll'IASKA <br />HUD.92143M !O,791 <br />{'?4 ern 100.1 50} <br />