<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />~
<br />~.71..., "...e
<br />~
<br />
<br />Loan No.
<br />
<br />54991-1-18
<br />
<br />
<br />83~ () 05310.
<br />
<br />
<br />:tHI&DElttHjFtI~:-()S1; iSJl1llde this., . :. .... .:39.tlL ..... n. ..~.dayof.. .. ~:,:......,,,:.
<br />1;9.~;3..~.altlol\gthetrilStilr. S.tephen. J... .GrifHn.and .Jlinet, M.. .Griffin.,. .husbana.a.nd.wi,f~..j.O';tutly
<br />If' owrLx.1ght,;.. ...;... .(herein"JjoiTower"),. ......,.......". ,. ......; "',,'"''
<br />.J .. ;.. ......; ........ ......,' .,.".... ,...... ,,(herejn"Trustee"), anathe'!'kneficillry.
<br />. SAVINGS ANn: toAN ""'QI"r^",TQ" 0'" Ln.,pn.. '" .. ... '. ft', . "",,' .ed.' d
<br />(Y.&O-. . ..., .". .......'.,.. ....'............ ............ ..' ........ '.. ........ .... ....... . '.' ,,<}'lY Y." A+;'" .,. ... ".'~ "". "'". '. .... ".,..'.a. ...co. rp.o. rll...
<br /> ....on... or......lz. .,a...n.
<br />W'~exiSlirlg unllet' the laws Of._..... ... ... '..... .. ,. ". ~r}.~.a.. .... " " ., whaseaddress is.. .l,2,a!i;",'~W.....
<br />.s:l;J;~~1l.. J,;;I;n<:Ql1l-'..NJ:as '.68500...................."......... (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />8dRR6WER, ill consideration of the indebtedness herein r.ecited and the trust herein. created, .irrevocablfgtants
<br />and conveys. to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, tlte following described. property located,jn the.Cq\Jnty'of
<br />Hall.. .............."."......,...." .,StaieofNebraska:
<br />
<br />lOt Eleven (11), in Block Five (5), in College l\ddition
<br />to West Lawn in the City of Granel Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />wl1jch h;lS the I!9llress of. . .2408.N~th .L;a.fa;yattll... ' . , .. .. ,. ,. .... .... .. GrB.I].d..lsland. .. .. .... .
<br />(Street] [City]
<br />~b1;<!,l;~. . ". '" ~.Ql. . . (herein "Property Address");
<br />.t~~_t<<t an~-Z~p-:Cot;tttl.
<br />T()(;,ETaER, witl1all the iljlPrqv"ments noW or hereafter erected on the property. and all casements. rights.
<br />~PI1W1.~ces' re.n~ (~ubjeqt hOWever to the rig!1ts andauth()r.itiesgiven herein to Lender to collect and apply such
<br />~l'.nts,~"fl)Yl\llies'll1ineraJ;oilandgas rights and profits. water. water rights, and water stock, and all fixtures now or
<br />I!e~~e~ atlllR'c,d.lpthe property, all of which; including replaeements.and additions thereto,sha!lbe deeljledto be
<br />'Ml!i,~1!!, a~ of thI',pr!)pel'ty qovered by this. Deed of Trust; and all. of the foregoing, together with said property
<br />(ot t~ICIlSehol<!eslllte ifthis.~ qfTrust is on a leasehOld) .are herein refencdto as the "Property";
<br />
<br />... t'QS!>c:;IJi!.litp ~1l<l!1! (a), therepaYll1entof tbe. indebtedness evidenced by Borrower's nQte date4~~. ;30,
<br />c,' .~~~..; '(~tei!l "N:Qte"), intheprinciP'!lsllllloL F'Qny. Tw(). :]:'pouaand' S~ven, Hun<!.r-ed.ali'" no-l.100
<br />.,:,.,.. ':.\.... ... . . .... ....... . .. .. .....:QQlIars, wii!> int.,..~ thereon, providingformpntbly installmentJ;
<br />Qf,~~~il!,fi!lte.r,~t,~ththeba.h!nceoftheinQebte<lness, ifnotsqoner paid, due and payable on.., '......
<br />,. " ;:;.. . ....... . . ,., . . . . . . .; t\1epaYljlentofallother sums,withinterest thereon, advanced
<br />l().1?!;ptr;ct.iIle~UJ:ityq( tltis J:>eed of TrtiSli and the . performance of the. covenants and
<br />.. c()l)t!lm'19;an~(b) t!>erejl"yment of allyfulure advances. with interest thereon, made
<br />.!l~t"ntt(),Pi\"'~lll;l.2Ihereof'(j1c,rein "F\ltu,re A.dvances").
<br />
<br />~91V.!1!is}\l1:V!ll!Jyse)sedpfthe.estate hereb}' conlleYed and has the. right to grant and
<br />.. .if.~~c,\\!\1J1lired; and that Jj.orrower wiUwarrantand defend .generally the
<br />11l1t~gAe~!I~~subJe~ toanyde~ali()ns. easements or restrictions listed in a
<br />~<!~~(i1initl)Y, ti~inWflll)CepoHcy.insurinlLender's inte,rest,in the Properly.
<br />
<br />FQxm SA5
<br />