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<br />83-005244
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<br />Il~IHk'I"'. '.\f:il_ll ,,~!rl..~em\.'nl O( ..1pplil..' tole law. Ht'rrowcr shall pay lhl~ amolllll of alllOortgagc in<;ur,tm:e premium... III the
<br />manner pnwl(h.:d under para~r~lph 2 hereof.
<br />Any .lmOWlf'i. di'St'ltl(Scd by Lender pur.'\lIant to this panlgraph 7, with -i,nterest thcret)n. shall become additional
<br />ind"\.'ht\.':dncs'i ('It' Bonnw\.'f o"l.:cured by Ihi~ Mar/gage. \ !nle<is Borrower and f.ender <Igrce to other terms of payment. such
<br />amounts .sh.tJ.i r'l..' p:lvahk Hpon notice from -Lender t(l Borrower requesting payment thereof. and ~hill hear intc-rc~;t-fron:fthe
<br />date of \lishllf'Cment at the rate payable from lime h1 time on o(ltst~nding principal under the Note unless payment" 'of
<br />interest Ilf stich Talc would be c(~tlt-rary [(l applicable law, in '.,-hie-h' eV'ent such amounts- shall nea-r- intere~t -n! the highest rate
<br />permissible unda :Ippficablc law. N(}thing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action :hcreunder.
<br />8. _I~spectjon~ l,cnder may make or cause to he mane reasonable cntrie... upon and inspectioM of the Property~ provided
<br />that Lender ...hall give Rl)ffnWC-r notice prior to any stich inspection "pccifying reasonable cause therefor rdated to Lender's
<br />interct,.- in the Property.
<br />9. _Cnndemnation. The procccdli, of any award {If claim -for damages. direct or con~eqt1ential. in -connection with any
<br />l:nndcmlwtion or other taking-of the rr0perty.- ('!r part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby 'as.;;igned
<br />:Ind :-:hall-he raio to Lender.
<br />In. the evenl- of it rolal ulking nf the Pr0pcrty. the proceeds "h<ill he :'lpplicd to the slims seclIred- by this Mortgage:.
<br />\.vjth the C\(.'C'''''_ if any. rJicJ [,1 Rnrrnwer. In lhe ('\'ent ()f :1 p:lftial taking pf the- Property, unless Borrower and Li:mdei"
<br />1.llhcrwi~ ,agree in wrilin!!. there shill! he applied In the '>umo; "icc\lred hy this Mortgage "'lIch proportion of :the proceeds
<br />;~s iot' equal-ri) fh:H rrop0rtinn 'khich the ,l11l0lJnt of the 'iurn..; <;ccured oy thi..; Mortgage immediately prior -to the' date of
<br />laking hear\;; to the fair market value pf the Pr('pert\' immediately prinr to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />raid to Borrower,
<br />If the Property i<;; ;thandol1("d tty Borrower, (If if. after no-tice hy Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers- to make
<br />;I(l award- ('r :-,ettk ,I claim for damngc.., Borrower fails to rC'ipond 10 Lcnder wrthin 30 days after the date- such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender j~ authorized 10 collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or tn the '-urns. "c<.:-urcd hy this 1\.1orH.!.i\QC
<br />UI~ks" l.cnder and BOrW\liCr 0thcrwisc agr~c in writing. ,my such applic:uion of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone tne- due dale of the monthly installments referred to in paragraph, 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />'Heh Installment".
<br />10. Borrower Not R...leased. Extension of Ihe time fN pavrnent PI" !11ndificalion of amortization of the sums secured
<br />hy this Mortgage granted hy Lender to any Sllccessor in interest of Borrower "hall not operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the liability ~,f the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not he required to commence
<br />proceedings against sllch ,-;ucccssor elf refuse to extend rime for paymcnt ('If (lther\..rise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured or this Mortgage ky n~a~on (If :illY demand made by the original Borrnwer and Borrower's SHccessors in interest.
<br />n. Forbearance by I.ender Not a Wnher. Any f\)rhearancc hy Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise :\lTorded by upplicabk law_ 1h~dl Ill)! he a ';.~'<livcr (,r \lr preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of imuranct' or the pavlncnI of f;t";C-" or other liells 1.)r charel'<;' hv I endcr "hall not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accdcrate the maturity \If thl' im_khtcdnl''''' "\'~lil\'d hy lhi... :YIMlgag...... -
<br />12. Rt-medics CumuJath-'l'. All n~met.ljc~ nfll\Jdcd Hi thi" \fi.lrt\!a!!C :11"<.: Ili"rind ~ll1d cumulative to an" nther right or
<br />rcmcJy undcr this MOrlg:1f!l' tH aff1.1rded h. bw'~lr ('qul!\'_ ~!nd 01;1)' b~ ~~\eri.-i"cd l.-(lOCIlITenl1\-. independently' Of sllccessively.
<br />13._ Succe!lsors and :\s...i~n~ Bound; Joint and Se-H'nd l.iahilit)-'; Captions. The c,wcnants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall hind. and the righb hereundef o,;hall Imlll' h). the n:"pcl.:livl: sw.;c...;.....l'rs and :t""igns t,f Lemler and Borrower.
<br />",ubject to lhe rrovhion5. of p~Hagraph 17 herl'~ll ;\ll elWCIl.lll!" ,iJHI :1~rC-Cll1CTlh \)f BorrowCf shall he joint and several.
<br />The captions and headings t..,f tht' par,lg:raph-. o! thi, \-J(lrtg:ag.... al.... fl..,r ~.1.1J)Vcnicncc l\oly and ::Irc not to he lIsed to
<br />interpret or define the pm"i~ilm" hen:l'f.
<br />14. Notice. Ex.:ept for an\" n(l!h..:c !"t:-quin::d undt'r ,Ippli..:.d~lt..' l:m t":l be ~ivcll in another manner. .(a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided f0f in rhi", ~hlf[!!af(e ...hall \-..t' g:l\t..'l\ h\ lH;ii!ing: "u..:h IwtiJ.:c hy certifieJ mail addrcs..ed to Borrower at
<br />the Property Addrc...s ~)r at such ~)Ihcr .Hldres, .\" B"I i't'\..er m;l~ de"I~!:rl;ItC' hy nOlice tn Lcnder as provided herein. and
<br />(h) any notic~ to Lender "hall he gi\cn n\ CCrlftlcd m:lil. re[lfrn l\....:l.q'l requc-.ted. hl Lcn~kr'" addres:'. stat-ed herein or to
<br />slIch other addn.>ss as Lender ma) dl';;ig:nate h\ lh'li,:e 1.' Bl)lT<.I\\Cr ,ts. pnwidLd herein. ",-ny notice provided for in Ihis
<br />'Mortgage shall h~ deemed 10 hai..-c beell ~j\'en H'" HClrrl.lwer or I t.'nder \\ hen gl\'cn in the manner designated herein.
<br />15. Unifoml ;\-lortgagr. GO\-rrnin~ La"; S~\"Crahilit.Y. ThiS fnrm nf morrgJ),!c -.:omhines uniform covenants for national
<br />use and non-unifllnn C(1venant;;, \.. ;th IimitcJ Vdrt;ltil-llb by illl i"di..:tion 10 --:i.'lhtitfil.... a uniform sC(UrilY instrumenl covering
<br />real property. This Mortgag~ ,ha.ll n..~ govl.':rn...'J lw the Lm ,-;f the iuri"ldi-ction in which the Property I'" located. In the
<br />event that any provision or (.:J;.lt,,~ ..of lhi.; ~'Iortg..lge ,\r Ih.: :--;'\)te "':~lnni.,:l" \\ ilh applicahle Jaw, -sllch conflic1 ~hall not affect
<br />other provisions \)[ this MOTlgag\-' or tht' ;'\J(Ht,,> \A. hh.:h (;'Ul h~ given dr~(t \o..'ilhout the \::onOicting provis10n, and to this
<br />end the prodSi...'lls of the ~1("'rtgagc and thc '()Ie are declared i(l he "cvC'rahl~.
<br />16. Borrower"s Copy. BOrrll\\C'f "hall be fllrni"hed a ~lmformcd copy oi the Note anJ of this !\-fortgagc at the time
<br />of execution or after recordation hcre~"'f.
<br />17. Transfer of tbe Property; Assumption. If all ()r ..HI)' p.-.rl of !he Property or an iorerest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower without Lender's prior written cOlhcnt. e,\r;ludillg Ld the cre~!tion of a lien or encumbrance suborJinate to
<br />this Mortgage. {hl the creation of a pur~hase money o.;cl:urity interest f\,1' hOllsehold appliances. (e) a transfer hy devise,
<br />descent or.b-y operation of law lIpon the death of J. joint t~nanl or (j~ tRil grn~t ~ BR~ IrrooJh_ulrl iRur9st Elf thTliIil, ~'ISIBr[i er hIE!;
<br />A~t,nuntn'R" D_,_IlR__i,Jiijl ~:r _F- nnr11' Lender may. at I.cnder\ option, declare all the sums ~ecurcd by this Mortgage to be
<br />immediately due and payable. lender shall have \\-aived such option 10 accelerate if. prior to the sale or transfer. Lender
<br />and the person to whom the Property is to be sold or tran~fcrred reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person
<br />is satisfac,tory 10 Lender and thai the interest payable on the sums secured hy this Mortgag~ shaH be at such rate as Lender
<br />shall request. If Lender has waived the oplion to accelera.te provided in this paragraph 17, and jf Borrower's sLlccessor in
<br />interest has exe-cuted a written assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lender. Lender shall release Borrower from a11
<br />obligations under this Mortgage and the Note,
<br />If Lender exercises ~uch option to accelerate. Lemkr shaH maii Borr(.\\\-t;r notice of acceleration in accordance with
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shaH provide a paiod of not Ics'>. than 30 day..; from the date the notice is mailed within
<br />which Borrower..may pay_the sumsde_c,lared due_ If Borro\\'er fails 10 pay such ~Ilms prior to the expiration of such period.
<br />Lender may. without further notice or demand on Borrower. ilH-'okc any remedies permiucd by paragraph 18 hereof.
<br />
<br />N()N~UNJFQl\M COY.E.k-ANTS. Borrower and Lender further co\'enant and agree as follows:
<br />18, ,A.t.~~...; Remedies. Exc~p. as pro_vided in pardlraph 17 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of allY covenald- or
<br />~""en.f,of~Jn;!:wer illlhls Mortgag., including lhe co"enanlo tn pay when due any' sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />,~ ~ k!:""e';"'ratI<1J! shalllt1llil,nolice to Borrow.r .. provided in paragraph 14 hereof specifying; (I) the breach;
<br />'(~tIljo.~J~lJIIlIe.dI",qu:~ such brea<:b; (3)0 date. not Ie!" tho" 30.days from the date the notice Is mailed to Borrow.r.
<br />,,!u: .. ",\Ife!ld\. "'wu he eured; IIIId(4) thai failure to .cure sueh hreaeh on or hefore the date specified in the noliee
<br />"DJ!9' ...~aliOll}lf thesu"", ..,euredby this ,'\!ortgage, foreelosnre by jndidal proeeeding and sale of th. Property.
<br />''l1it':ftiitlt.rl!il:lJrmB<>rFOwerof lherlght toreins."le ofter acc.lerallonand tbe rlRhl to assert in the for.elos"",
<br />,JIO..,Xl.,Ie",'''fa de.fa"'t. or allY otbtlr def..... of Borrower to aceeleration and foreelos"re. If lhe breacb
<br />.!I: orbtlf,,~ Ihlo, date. _peellled In. the notke. Lend.r al t.nder', option ilia)' de<;lar. aU of th. sums secured by
<br />..10 he "n...04~i")' du.and payable without further delll8nd and lOa)' fured.... by judiclsl proeeed1n&. L.nder
<br />II> eo\kot>lJn !iUl:,h proce.ding .Uex,,,,,,_ uf fOr'CMU", II>c1udlng. but notllntlted 10, "osts uf docurncntary
<br />",""c..,. .... and tltk"'l"'rls.
<br />Ul.. -'-,rowr!"", ~.bl to Rntl5ta,te! Notw;th.$t\l-ndmg l.('ndcr'~ ilu,:eh-.:tat_:o-n of !he "'tall"- ;;t.".cur-eu hr Ihh Mortgage,
<br />llorfOw('-f s-haU have the ri,ht 1(1 h~lYC allY proci:edings. begun h)- Lcndcl fo I.,'r]{,on...( l[W, Mortg<lgC dt\l.:t..mtmut.'u al any tlrnc
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