<br />I
<br />
<br />83-005242
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />NOTICE: TilE SI'.ClilUTY I NSTltlll\lENT SFClllnS A :-.ion: WIIICII CONTAINS
<br />A !'IWVISJON A1.LOWIN(; HHI ClIANI;!':S 11"11111'. 11\"1 FllEST ItATKIN-
<br />
<br />
<br />'I his Kidcri, made this . ~Ol~, ' day of . . S!!ptef!lbeJ:' ., ", . . 1 'J .83, . , and is incorporalcdimoarid shall
<br />ht, Jl;'tltlcd 10 amC'lIu and !>up(1kmcnt lh(,! t.1onp.agl', \)l't."d of Tru,1. P! llel..'d to St.'cure Debt (the OlSccu~i~y Inslru~
<br />inent") or Ihe same Jate given by lite undersigned (the "Borrowcc")10 ,c':'''e Borruwer's NOle to .T~!!. .~ir~:1;.....
<br />N~tjO.I1i!T B,'l.n~. pf. .Grana. Islana.. .GranctIsland. .Nebr.aska .' .. ... ..,..,....,...............
<br />nhe "Lender") of- ihe ~ame- <-hlle (the "Note") and l'o\'crin~ the prOpL'fiy dC:~J.:ribcd in the Security Instrument ,and
<br />I....""led"r... ,..??P.5. ,West. Anna, .Gri!no.lsli!od.,. Nebras.ka6880l ......,................ ............
<br />
<br />J'fI"f.'t'n)' ,..\;1,/'1'\\
<br />
<br />Mudifications. In additiun In the (OV~nallts Jlld agr(,cl1lcnb li]i1dc in lhe Se~urily Instrument, Borrower and
<br />I.cuJa further (ovenant and ;'1~pl'C as follows:
<br />The' Note has an "Initial Inh.'rc-sl Ratl''' of J].,.. 500/0, Tht. NOll." illll'fC,>1 laIr m;lY he inl..:rCllScd or decrcased-on-thc
<br />1 ~~. . day of the Olonth begilllllll& Oil . J:~bu.a.ry. .1. . " I 'l,?? . alld Oil thaI day of Ihe month every
<br />. J? mOf1lhs therearlcr.
<br />Chang('S in lilt" interest rate Jl(' g\)\'t'rl\l~d by dl;\ngrs in all inlell",[ fait,' IlldC':x called l!let'lndex", The index is the:,
<br />j( !'In! t"'l" t..." 10 tntl/,'uft' Inoll" I
<br />II) U. "Contracl In!l:rt:~i Rare, PUf~h;hl' or }lfl'viollSly ()((llPicd I hHlles,
<br />I ,{'t.'" Df LcnJcr:-," publi~ht.d h', :11(" "rJcralHnml' Loan Ballk Board"
<br />, (2) ~.U,~. Jreasury Se~uriti es-Qne Year Treasury Bill.
<br />
<br />National Average for all Major
<br />
<br />11 1'),.,,, "r.t t.-ux- Iv "Uhi'UIt' Wht'iht"r Own;, Il 11'11' nJl.I.lInJum <'1'1111 \111 chl1l1)"t'J Ul tIJ,' HI{Cl,'\) "illt' 011 (',tch {"jHlJIKf Dulr; if no box IS rht'ckrd Ihert
<br /> wiU
<br />t.," r.ll maum-lim 11m" un eJlUn/:n. I
<br />II} ~-J There 1\ no ma",imuJl\ 1111111 on ch..lllgc'\ in lhe intl"rl'\{ r;\ll' at any Change Dale.
<br />i2) Xl The lll\l:rnl r;ltl".' cwnu[ b~ chall~l...d by 111t\1~ illaJl 2.0. jll'lcl.'lIlagr.: points Hl any Change Date,
<br />It Iht Intrr,"~l r:nc cllang1,''l, I Ill. :unuulll of l\tH'rO,I,Cf'" illOJilhly p.l)'llll.'!HS Will (hallgc as provided in the Note. In~
<br />,H",l'ln III the il\lcrnt rat!' wi\[ ll'::.uil in l1ig.hrf pa\lIlClllS. Dl...(fl.'a\l'.... ill IIH..' inll'ft'\[ rate will result in lower payments.
<br />II. l.[)l\~ UIAKGES
<br />II ,t1uhl t1C lh:.at the h1,Jn ~l'UHl'd by the SC(\l!lly In~lnll1H'1l1 i... \\l\1Fll 10;\ law which sets maximum loan charges
<br />,1IH.l I!I;,I i.J\\ ,... inICljHCII.'t1-s.l) :h,1t I hI..' 11\11.,>11.,':'\.11.)/ {'1{l\n In<ln j,:h;ll}.~\.."'" t-{llk\.inJ (If 10 be- cullected in connection with the
<br />,1.JH 'oII-l,.luIJ {>.\-(l,.'L'~1 pl.'rJHI~ll."d liltl:l\ If tlll\ 1\ I he r .1'>1.', I ht'n: (:\) dny ',ll\" 11 1.lan (llal t,e "ihnll bt: reDuced by the amount
<br />ld<~ "".."ll) li.) It:JlJl.'(." 1I1e ..:11;1] gl' t.) I il,,' Pl'lllUllt."d IlllH! , ;IBd (H) ~lll Y ~dllll.. ,Ii; (",Ldy colln:!tu r rom Borrower which excced~
<br />c~! p....ll1~IlIc-J hUlIh ,\ill bC31.'!unJI.'d Iv lh)fI0\I,I.;L Lelll.kr may Lhpn\c in 11\;lke this H.-funu by reducing the principal
<br />,.....(.'11 \lUijt~1 1111: No{l;,' or by 11l;I...ill(: a ..JlI\.'(t paY1l11...lll !D BlHrtl\\n
<br />(', l'IWl~ I.IL'iS
<br />\1 1-:llJI.."j dl.'h..rmint.'~' 11\:',1 ,dl Ui ~\ll)- P;Il[ of lh,,' '111111\ _';l':;.'Ull'd h)- lhh Srdlllly II\~lrUl1\cnt arc sllbjecl to a lien
<br />v.! :,\1 11.1\ prltHny I,} \-'1..'1 lhl\ St't'\llily 111~lrtHlh:l\i, [I.'{Hler m;IY '>\,"Iii.l H\HfilWC{.1 noticc ILlcIllifying thalllen. Uorrowcr
<br />"!I,dllHl>lllPil)' .1<..'1 v.llh f,."",.ard ;(\ !h:tt liell .1'< 1'!,iUdl'd in P:!I<lt?.l.\ph '. \It' 11\\: SCC\HiI)' l!l~trll:nent or shaH promptly
<br />..t<,i.i!1,' ;nl ;1t.'fI.'t'Il\l,'lll in ;J IU[1l1 "',llhl,t\.'ll..llY ID i t'lldl'f ~Ilhtlrdill:tllll)!. Ihal \1\.:'11 tl.I thi... Security Instrumcnt.
<br />II. I fl.A~SFEH OF '1 liE I'IWI'IR 1'\'
<br />II tllt'h";,\ ;11!~1J\~fn l)f llie 11I\.lp~'II}' !-.llbjl',.-l 1\ll'i':.f,lgl<lph 17 \d Ih,: St'(\HllY In\ltumCnl, Lender may require (I)
<br />.1!l1l\\Il',I\l,' (;I lilt' L'tHtI:lH Ni,llt' llll<.:il'-:.t r alC'. or {~j an ilh'Il'.I"'C 111 {Ill Icml)\;d (if) ihe- IJ[llit 011 the amount of allY one in~
<br />h'lt...! I ,il l> (h.lllS.C td"llH.:tC' i~ a Ill!!it). ll! t)) a (hang\" III the Ba~l..> Iluk:< li~U!e, UI all of lhc~l', as a conuilion of Lender's
<br />'" ;ll'nll~ lite optIon t-o 3\.'l,:clci all> 1'11..1\ iJcd III P;ll .\gI aph \-/.
<br />B)'_:,,>\glling Ihls, lhl1r,')\.\l'1 ;1~~I.'l'~ in all 01 1h(' i.\thJVC'.
<br />
<br />
<br />t,. . ,',:<< .,,~. \. 'I
<br />~W-""-- i~x< - 1 ;J.!;j-?
<br />Patricia. Bartel s~Uewa' .'.,.,.. t ...... (Seal)
<br />\ -.BorrowC'J
<br />A~ /I,a414.,.(Seal)
<br />
<br />Denn is P. DeWa 1 d -Il<>rrowt!
<br />
<br />;- N, ," _,.t 1".';;4 ji"-" t'(~_. ... ; !'Ir.'~~d _~" I) !'" r,.,. " ~"~~"4,4";j, V.;.J L ~'"il'_. """I II,." ""r' d" j.,,,,. - '" ",," ,,~;c.'" m ""lIilX. Ih~ IF'" 1>J!1-rrl' !lil"'l~.t
<br /> Wlil uppl,
<br />AOJUSlA8H RAH lOAfI,fllOER-Hllll"MC 0""0'... IN.J'UMI~1
<br />