<br />r
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L 24, 1 'iq
<br />
<br />KNOW All MEN BVTIf ESE PRESENTS: That Steven M. Curry and Kathryn A. Curry, husband and wife;
<br />and William Ganes and Agnes Ganes, husband and wife,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />83- 005230
<br />
<br />Mortgagor, whetber 000 or _. in COJJJicIoraIionof!be SUIliof
<br />One Hmdred Twenty Thousand and nO/lOO------------------------OOUARS
<br />
<br />loaned to said mortpgor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebmka, Morlflll8ee, upon 120U slwesofstodcof
<br />said ASSOCIATION. Certirate No, L 24, l59 ,do hereby granl. _ and mortga&e unto !be said ASSOClAnON!be followillt
<br />clescribed real esl2te. sitWlted in HaD County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Twenty Four (24), Sunny Acres
<br />
<br />Subdivision, Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />together with aU the tenements., hereditamcmls and appurteIWlces thereunto belonging, including attached floor cowrinp, aD window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings. heating. air conditioning, md plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, ~ stoves.
<br />refrigerators, and other II.X1ures and equipment now Of hereafter attached to or usc:d in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor Iuu .g,eed .nd d""" hereby agree thai the ""'rl_ shall and will pay aD tax.. lUld ....,mnen.. levied or
<br />assessed upon said prenUses and upon thi. mortgllge .nd Ihe boud ,"",ured thereby before the same shaD become delinquent; to furnish appro,""
<br />insurlUl"" upon the buildings on said prenUses sitWlted in .be.um of $120,000.00 payable 10 said ASSOCIATION and to deliwr to said
<br />ASSOCIA nON the policies for said insurance; and not to commit Of permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br />In case of default in the performance of any of the terms and conditkms of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the- mortgap- shall,
<br />on demand, be entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the rnoJtglJ#Of hereby .usigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br />mortgagee all the rents, revt:nue:s and lnCOfD( to be derived from the moltpged preftli$u during such time as the IDQrtpge indebtedness man r:emain
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee shall ha'le the power to appoint any agent or agenu it may desire for the pwpox of [epeiring said prcmi:ses and renting
<br />the same and collecting the rents. rewnues and income. and it nuy payout of said income all expenses of repai.ring said premises and necessary
<br />corruniuions a.nd expenses incurred in renting.and managing the same and of collecting rentm thercfrom~ the balanc:e re.main:ing, if any-, to be-
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness; these fights of the mortgqee may be exerciJed a.t any time during the existence of such
<br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the same.
<br />These- Presents. however, are upon the Condition, That if tbe said MortgagOr shall repay said loan on or before the maturity of said shares by
<br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in lhe Bond secured hereby as interw and principal OD said loan, on or before
<br />the Twentieth day of each and e't!e:ry month, until said Joan is fully paid; pay;ill taxes and assessments levied against said premises. and on this Mongage
<br />and the Bond ,"",ured theteby. befote delinquency; furnish approved insurance upou the buildings thereon in the sum ofS 120,000.00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIA nON upon demand all money by it paid for .uch taxes, asseuments and insurance with interest at
<br />the maximwn legal rate thereon from date of payment -aU -of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permii no waile on said premises;kecp and comply
<br />with aU Ihe all'eemenl.and conditions of the Bond fOl S 120 000 .001his <lay given by lbe said Mortgagot to said ASSOCIATlON.lUld onmply
<br />with aD tbe t<quitements of the Constitution and By.Laws of ~id ASSOCIATION; then these presents shaD hecome null and void. otherwise they
<br />shaD remain in full force and may be forecl"",d .t rhe option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for lbree months to make any of said
<br />payments or he three months in .rrear. iu making said monthly payments. or to keep and comply with the agteements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and M.ortgagOI agrees to have a receiver, appointed forthwith in such foteclosurc. ploceeding$.
<br />If U..re is .ny change in owoermip of the real estate mortgagotl herein, by sale Ot otherwise, then the entire retnainitl& indebte4oeso hereby
<br />sr:t:Uted shall. at the option ofThe Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, become itnmcdiately due and payable wiUtout
<br />furthet notice, lUld the amount remaining due under said bond. and any other bond for any additional ad....ces made thereunder. shaD, from the
<br />date of exercise of said option, bear interest a.the maximwn legal rate, and this mortgage may then he foreclosed to satisfy tbe amount due on said
<br />bond, and any other bond for additional ad........ tosethet with aD sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Gnmd Island,
<br />Nebraska for insurance. taxes and asses:unents, and abstracting ex.tension charges, with interest thereon, from dale of payment at the maximum
<br />IepI rate,
<br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, while lhis mortgage remains in effect tbe mortgagee may hereaftet .d...."" additional $Oms: to the
<br />make. .... nof .said. .'Bon. .. d. theit assign' or.succes>ors in interest, Whic.b sums shall he within the security of this mo:~.. same as the funds originally
<br />sec:ur<d there. ?' '. ,the total a""""'. .lrpal d~~t ~ Jt any time the originalllJDOUt)t of this morr." . .
<br />. 'i 1/ <lay of -~ A.[),,19 83
<br />:,' i !i.- ?
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />~ I t! day of 3.r: "'_. 1983 ,hef"", me,
<br />
<br />the undersigned,' Notary Public in and for said County. peroo...Uy came
<br />5teVenM. Curry,thryn A. Curry, William Gares, and Agnes G:xres, e~ ~ehis ~lin~\.right
<br />and ' as spouse of each other,
<br />me to be tho ideJrtIc:aI peunn s wJto,e name S are .lUxed to the .bove _rument as mortgs&or S .nd they severaDy
<br />adalowledpd the said inJtrument to be their rolun.ary act and deed. I ~, '/./
<br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the dJlte .fo,-.id. --=_-r- .../ y/
<br />l.\yComulllllWlexpim' ~:;:;-_." -;;'b",;'} ~'4<.P/ 7-:,l\' .
<br />'..,,'! ,."r;,r:: n-"'_o/i' !~.L '.~ ::--'il;,~l'ijblic
<br />.t. I
<br />
<br />
<br />'Onlltis
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