<br />I
<br />
<br />-r-
<br />
<br />'. ... C" ( (1,1 rlHirHh prior 10 its due da.l(' the annual nlt)rtgap-t' illSUliJflCC pfl:mllJlll in order 10 provide such holder'
<br />83 ~'" (J ll\) 2 2 7WHI: funds to pay ~uch prcmwm tn the S{:~lctary of lIl1l1~ang. ~nd Urban Dr:veloprnenl pursuant to the
<br />~ NatIOnal Homolog Act. 3S amended. and applicable Regulations tnereunder: or
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />(II) If and S(1 long as saId nole of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and
<br />Urban Drvplopment. a monthly charge (in lieu o/, a morlga/(e insurance premium) which sh_lIbe in an
<br />amount equal to olle.twelfth (1/12) of one,half (! /2) pet W1Ium of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed without takmg tnto account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />(b) A sUm equal tn the ground rellts, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable nn
<br />potititS" of filt' and other haJ.ard ltls-urarice covering th~' rnortg<t!!cd pr ,)pcrly. i,ius lili<CS. :Uld as::essments next due
<br />on the mortgaged property {ail as cstima!!'d by {he A-fonXagceJ less all Sllms already paid lhere-for divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse before one flwnth prinr !o the- date wht>o sUI..~h ground renlS, prernium.s, taxes and
<br />assessmtfll.S wHi bt'(,(}f!1t' delinquent, sut'h sums. 10 he held by Mortpgce in trust 10 pay ~aid ground rents, pre.
<br />miums, taxes. and !;peCiaJ :tSSCS5mt'nt5, and
<br />{c} AH payments l'nentloned Hi the lW(l prC'.:edmg. subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the note securcd hereby :.;hall be added h1gcrhc!, <inti the aggregate amOUnt thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />ea.ch month in a slOg.le paymflll to be applied h} th~' Mortgagee III the following items in the order set forth:
<br />
<br />{I} pr'!mium d~drge"S unde-r tht.." c.ontract uf lBSUf,Hl(t" wllh the Srcrc!ary of H(~i1sing and Urban Developmenl,
<br />uf monthly charge (m ht!fJ t,{ !Tt(Ir!J:a;;p i'Hura~lcl~ premium I, as lhe case may be:
<br />OIl pound lenh, 1.)10.\."". ,1Ss.e<;'SIl1!.'olS. llh' ,lnd l'!!h:r ~i.,l/:Jfd Jn~Hrant'c PI{.'nlIUms:
<br />lIti) 1:1h're51 on the n'Ht" s('"cureu hc~d~L .11\(\
<br />{IV) J:HH.'1IIUllon uf the I1nn..;waJ of sad n{)h~
<br />Any defl"':ICn(~. Ii! the ;HHtH:n: ~i JI1~ :'l~ch JAAleg::llc I1H1ttthly paymenl !>h;J1L uniess mad~ good by the MOTI-
<br />ga~(H pnO! il' the due d;H~ ,}j ~h~ U~\t S\ld; p~\.meHl ':',llsliiUh~ ,W t"vcrH oj default under thiS mongage. The
<br />Mortgagee. l;t4Y tdlr<:t a able (h,'H~,C" !I(.I 10 -t'XI.:r:t;.l ltl(.r ...,:1.11:::' l.l~1 ~nf t:3Cl1 dolbr (S I) uf ench payment more
<br />th.an fl{t~f:n It5) {!:.::.'s P' arrc:J1f> tn Cdver the ~Xlj;l c;xpen~{: mvol\'i"d III handhng dehn{lUent payments,
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />'.- That if 1lw t.otal i'~f thl! paym..-.fils matl(' h~ tilt' \lort{~a~f)f ufl<kr ' of pitr:l~rarh :t prec~ding shall exceed
<br />lh4~ amount of paymf'nl-":' aetu:lll!o madt' hy tht, \wrtf!aQ"t~4' for around rPIH~. (axp::.:, and as~essmtmt.s or insurance. pre~
<br />miums. ~. {hi:' t:a..--;:t> ma! ht~. '"'tH'f; excess, d ;!1t~ iu..U1 I"; t.Tirr("nt, ';1.{ the optton of the Mortg<lRor. shall be credited b)
<br />the \tortgugp<, on ~UbSl"'qU!..nt p3ymt.nh W h" m;:Ul1' b\ dw \lortrr;!f'''r. or f(.fundii:d to Ihe .'lurtga~ur. If. huwe\'~r. the
<br />~ant.h.iy paymmll'" made- hv the .\IOt"q;:.lgOf under r ; uf par.\)!t.lph .:.~ pftT'':Uill,)~ ~haH IH.>t bt, suffic.ient to pay ground
<br />rent. ta:\e-!o' and a~St"s:smNtt:'l or mr:;uraxH'(' prpmlUm"-_ ,l~' Ill(' c,ht' nun tH'. \~h('n tht' :--:~!1W ~hal! beeomc due and pay-
<br />ablt'". th""fl: !li~ -\lon.gaf!1lf ~haH p~\. in the \lHrt~;~I~t'!.< ;W) amuunt rli.'{V..,-;/;Y to !Ilak...> up the defieli'lley. on or before
<br />th~ date wnt-fl pllymf'nt i)( stu"h ~roUfpi ff'nt"', LI.\{'~. ;~"',:,l"".:"'>IlIt"nh N !n'Cur~IlH'" pr("nllum"- ..,hail lw dw.', If at any
<br />tilM' tIlt" \\Qn.~a.Jf()r ,"",hall lentil'! h) lbp \i{ln~;lj.tt'\'. Jfl iHTIHdaI\('l' 'l>\dh tilt, f)rO\l,';llH1:' of' tht" note ,"t'curl-"f.i hereby,
<br />(uB payment tjf t.hl! .'nur,' !Od('Uh'f.1nt'-- t"pn'-"lltP;.i HWfVh\, (lit, \i"rt~:;.I;':{"!.' ..hall. In (.lJIIlPutinc the amoLlnl of such
<br />lndchtcdne5~, ,,'rcoH h; the ,H;(U\HH ~.>l thc.' Mnng,lgur ,di !uynH.:H€<, lll.uk \lodt.:r (fa,: pn.JYlSh}t\!', of I ;1) of p"uagraph 2
<br />tH.'f'eof v.:hich tht> ~tort~a,a;(~~~ ha... n.ol iw(.~{)nH' obhjt;a14'd tu fHl\" t.o lht;' :-";.'Cff.tttry of Hou~ing and l :rban OcveIopmcol
<br />i1nd an}' baiance n"nuurnn~ tn lhr' hHtd~ ,h'{'umulalpd unUN th{' ptll\i",iolt~ ut' ft,.! liC p:tritAraph 2 hereoL If there
<br />shall be it. def.uh. under an} nf !hf' p(fH.L"lfm~' of Jhf:'" m(trtg_t~t' ft~;,ult.inL'. in {~J.'uhIH: l:'>alt-' (~r the prernic'I'.es (:ovnced
<br />h~reby~ Of H ti1<<: \tongagee i1TQUfH'~ ttu.s proper!) othi'r",L,"" ait..! (h,.fault.. lht' ;\lufttiagt.'(' ;-;hall uppl) f at the hmt~ of
<br />thit rOmmtmt'*:men.t uf ~('h pf(Jt'(.(~dHlJ!~, Of :it thi' tmw tiH: pfnpNI.} .t'~ Hlht'fWI;:",1' .<iUfUIH.tL the i.J;ilalltt~ lhen remain.
<br />tng in th~ lunds .act'umuialetl undi~t. ,.i of pa.riAtl1aph ;; ptPl.:,'riw~. ,i::-;;i at.dit a.g:alnS( th{~ ~muunt of principal then
<br />r~ain!nj( unpaid wH:h~t ";1iid !'lute, .lnd ~hall p{npt'd,~ J,Jp:",1 ;:iH\ p,,-:-IDt:nt!"< \\hidl ~<ha.H haH\ hN'f\ made untier fa)
<br />or p"''Ilr..pb ~,
<br />4. Th;'l the Mortga$U1' \l,;iH fn~J' y.:J~H.ifiJ r~nh Lnc)., .h"c""'mcnh. \A~t;:-i f"ale". ~Hl.J oiher go\-'crnmental or munidpal
<br />chaIIC;;., tinc:i. or impuMhom" CHI ,*fHt.;'fl pf...'.I.,Ii.Hi- h.1':. n.)1. PC('1l H1;j.J{: hCft'Hlt't~fl~rt". ;IIlJ In dcLH.lli lhereof the: ,\.fortgagee /iljeY
<br />pay the same; ~nd rtuu the MU(lS.4J1,\Jf Yoil; pfHmpd; Jdne:( (he ~dficJ,;;d fC4t'lpi\ d,t:rcfof to (he Motl!::.i;tgce
<br />5, Tbc M<vtgagoJ wul t!a) an J.;i,"e~ whKfl m.-ij: he- le\:iCu u}-)(!!\ {ht MOf1t'.agcc<.. lIItcre,>l Ul \iud feal es.tale and improye~
<br />mcRh. and \\-.hieb may. be k\<~v upon thi) n'ongd~e iH the Jeb! ~C~UfttJ here-tl'f thtH onl). tl) lh( f,\tcnf.lhat ,;.u-.:.h is 1101 prohibit.
<br />cd by.law and only II} tlie- (-.tent that \u.:.h ""iH 1101 m.,t.~e thi\ lv..n u~url.JU~I. but e\duding ~Wl 11Kumt! l,p" Stale or Fcder~l.
<br />tmp\>>ed.Nl MOftpace. 4fid wW fi:~ the urrku! t~~lfH 5ht;twH.~ )t~~h piJ:ymeut v..ith the Murtgagee l)pon vll)lali~n uf fhi5 under~
<br />takj~. {.)f. U the Mortpsor is prvhlbue-u by' .:m} jaw nuv.. VI. hae;iHer.;: 'i~Hng ~r;:!m p;l~lrl~ the whoJe Of any portion (i~ the afore~
<br />s..ilJ tu..$.~ or upon I he- fendering i~f ill\) .;;oul1 J,:cle.-(:: prulubHltJg the payment by the !'.hJrtgagor 'Jf ,HI)" ~u~h lax.e~. or tf such la\\'
<br />tJ( d':Clt't pro\kks lbat any amo~m M} paid hy !ht: Mong~VJ ihalt oe (ft:dl~erl on [h~ mong..gc d~ht. the M()rtg~lgec shall ha\c
<br />the. ntht to ,'\'"e nlMty da)"ii' \Hutt:O l1-ulii:( tu tl1t t.Wdi-\::I of thoe Hwrtg4ged rHt:mlj~:>'. requiring the payment of the ml)fi.g.agc
<br />dc.bl. Ii .$u,h notice be gi~cn, lilt' \.....0,1 uebt shaH bccvm< due, iJ-d}'.;thh: ..(1J. .;:\...!iccohk iH the expjf~(i{Jrl of 5ifJd nJnti) daY:i,
<br />6, That should be: fa.d lc.pa)' #R) \U-fIl i,.f ~<<p any ,,:wvt.'>nantp.rn\ilued for \fl thi\ Mortgage. then the Mortgagec} at its op.
<br />tWA.. 1'!l3)' ray ,v pc:r/cfn\ :he: .i.l.l.me. anJ all (',\.p<-nditufcs ?;.,J made ,.,h:;aH be iJ~idcJ W the prinCipal .~um ml.'ing un rhe above nole.
<br />s..haU be ucUfltd hc:l'tby,.and -tha.li hear inlU~\t;l{ the l,Jt( _i.~i f(Kth In 1.0(" 5.-aiJ n(~h:' < unlli paid
<br />:'. That he; berch)' as.~ipl~.. tra:u.{en. a,no ~elS i.)\..er t.u th~ Mungdg~c. to be appiJe~ {(f\4.'arJ the P<1~.I~}ent uf the nole and .ill!
<br />i.um~ s.e-curec ~reb,. tn cas(' of iJ dehuh In the performa.Ha of Mi:',. j)f lht t....;m.. Mh': ~'l}fiJilion~ of lnl~ Morq;;igc uf lilt _~ajd
<br />001e. all the tech. re\.'et}UC:i .\\JuJ ir.(:l'HIH' {{"I be de:ti....ed from {he mong.,gcd rrcf.n,'>C~ Jwmg s-u(h lime 4:-' the mong,jige inddHcd-
<br />~$i s-haU rt'm<lm u~1d. and. the ;\lortgag(';(' .!iohaU h~v.e [1\.\\1,"(:.1 to .appU.lOi :an} J,;..ciH ~H agcfH'llI iTlJ.}' d.c\ife for the purptl~e of
<br />r:ya:n.n; wa ptcnu.ses and tlf tentln.g the 5.J.rne ~md cnl!t-..:ung dH: renh, 1t"'.cn.w:<:. :.ind in"':{)nlC:, <i.!'lU Ii. m;ly p~] ou! of 'J;!id in-
<br />('om~:i. a.U txpcniCS of repaifi"i ~~d premiti'l:,) and neces-safY comnU'joShJns .Hid e\pen~s Incurred in rentmg and mdna~i1i& iile
<br />y-me aM of coUe~tin, rc.nlats. therefrom; th: halanl.:;(: remaming, if any. t(l /::It ;;pplied {D\l.1I,rJ the \!l\ch;jrge Qi \3id monga.ge
<br />indcbtcd"Cu"
<br />s. Tluu he: wtil keep 1he impro\'tiTicnb Ut)'" .;::UHmg in heiCJ.fta (!edcd (HI lhr: mnrtM.:igc...l pH.perl) ifl",Ufl:{j ~l:" rna}. be
<br />ft~UJ11:d irom llfnc Ii;} tint: by IDe .\ioflga;ge,t ~g.amljt k)')", h'f {ire ~wd lltber h;l.lA,J~. ca:"}uJ.ltu:\- .HhJ ;;:I.HHHig~I1t.:Il;:!p. tn !.u,;;h
<br />~~~l aad f(ij' such pertod~. ~-s nt<i} bt' 1cquircd b)i the Mnttgagcc ;.tnd wdJ p<1} promptly, when due. df~Y prcmiurth o~ su~h
<br />iftWtan.cc plQ,\<'i$iion 1iM Pi-yment of whit."'h has. not ~-(n m.aJ( here.mhe!nn: AU Jfl:\-Uf;ln.;:e ",h;1H t.X: fJrned 10 ..:.;omp~mle>; ap-
<br />Pfu,,~. by tbe MYfl~e,-e- .and 1m poh;;:.ic\ and rcnewai'i lh.(reo! s.hail P( hdJ h; the ~tongOit:t:c and h.a'.-c ;Ht...i.:-hed thcfel~.l I()s~
<br />p:~)"abit,,,,.b..uRl w fa\'(:I(l' Qf <).od m fQf.m d.i.:"e.p~j.e 10 the Mon~.ef~ ill even! ot hJ~~) :\ionpgol wil,! i1-i'loC rmmedidlt: rtotk.c by
<br />rtUt:t fj) lht N()1~~,. wil"Q may mait.c .pruvf vI w~.) if not mufe pfl.)mp"ll~, by M~)j.tgagur. -l,1nd t;t(t} iO:!.m"H:~c (ornp.~wy (()ft,
<br />n;.tM4l~ btf~by iulbQtiz.ed afN,dif-t\:ied tQ make payment fj,.)f 1!-Udl hlY~ din~.,:tj)' Iv fhe Monga~(e instead ,)f to the Mofl4!tagm
<br />imddK ,MM~e J~rith. ~nd lM in5:~tan~c pttJ~eei:h, l~ .my p~Hi thereof. ma}' ix' ~wp}jcd b). the MtH'I.t.:~f:ec ~it fti) ONion eHhe'i
<br />t~H:.k r~~vf t~_t!ld.tbt~.d:n.~:J.~ h<:.rd;} \C'.;un:::d Of t:u the rt'$WH\.Uuff or r~paJf ..~1 the ph1p.en} ~afll;.lt:.c4i. in cve,fll of f~Jfi::.d~l.
<br />'.Mtt P!f.thh.m~ Q1. j)thc:f Vau~Jl:r(.Jf hOt tn d~ mottgaJe:<i propefl} m e~tinglJj1i>hment of the fndehtcdtlt'~.~ ".c".ure4 ttC"rci1)
<br />~!l tiafu.. t~ In~hnl~.lt,\t {:4 dtt MUf1H\.l'f UlAnd h) an, ln~tH.;m.,;.t" ro~j'J"\ th{:n Il1 f,m;..c ",n.JH POl,-", h~ ;:h~ or t!.i ,ilHCt
<br />1. in., lB. ~4i~ktt1.a~ jUd t':o1J>itte.f;l1.i ~(,u.tUr in! the J'.o Intlit ~~f thi1 Hi.,k l;k.,,,,!tr-e,L ,Fhi ,111 'q,i,W\ 10 ~tw: ,Hl~kl thl'..
<br />~lPtci, Uti(: MQH~.ot n.tJCnl .~nitllli t:\,! :1\< ~~h:IH~K-ct "Ii prviib:, rntnw;-... t"":I,dlll."'- dl1:d h\~I!d1t... ;I(~.!u.m.~ in .h.'
<br />~t1<rt~f und("{ _1$)' ~ftd ~H ~"1'ii. Mf4 ..~U kas!;-.. 1,'(1 Sal? p<trnht.'." .;:.tih the- k..t foIl tht: ",-.lflle 4'll..i .'Pi<'
<br />f~:m h) .'+4ii<<i _1't4tt,tI:4nt1:? A.~ ~,~H [J('f,p~ ~t~ ",f!n t!-tf;wn !f: ~ht' ~~f,ndltH..lf"'. m~:n Je n:,i-nd,
<br />rijf $.-r.:4 7>'il;h P.J.(iitf;q:;:~t,'; lO,t,'n', dU"i ;,H"j f.';))';~; k.~ ~,-,~; ;:1'iJ.\i rh" h,: p j' ,n;I>i!!;;'.l! ;>, ;t\
<br />"p~tl ;'::("'jY, ;j~ ~h.f"'- ffll;,{ICll'f
<br />
<br />1.} ~ i'.,
<br />