<br />r
<br />
<br />83....Q05194
<br />
<br />VO~(1)ij) 7
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />Lt.~n{h:r\ \l.TH,dl i1,grc~m(,'n! Of .1Pplil"lhlc !.:tW. Horrnwcr shall pay the amounl l}f all mortgage insunlnce premiums in the
<br />manner provided under par:lgraph 2 hereof.
<br />4;or amounts di~Murscd hy Lender pUTsnant to this paragnlph 7, with intt:.'rest thereon. shall become additional
<br />indehtedn~s" of Borrower secured hy thi.. Mnn~Jgc. LfnJess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. such
<br />amounts '\hall he r-avl1bk UP(11l Iwtke (rom Lender to Bt1rn)l""I.~r [e(Hlcs.ting paYment thereof. and 'ihall bear interest from-the
<br />date of di'ihllfScment ill 1he ratl' payahle from time to time Oil o't1tstandi~g:- principal under the Note unless-payment of
<br />interest al_ such rate would he contrLtry to applicable law, in which event snch amounts shall bear interest at the highesrrate
<br />permissible under applicahle law_ Nothing contaif!ed in this paragraph 7 ~hall require Lender to incur any expense or h:.ke
<br />any action hereunder,
<br />. 8. Inspecrion. Lender mCl~ make ~)r cause [0 he made rcawmable entries upon and inspections. of the Property, pr-ovided
<br />that Lender shall givC" Borrower nnlice prior to nn)' sl!ch impecTion 'Specifying reasonable C'all5C therefor related to Lenders
<br />intcre<a in the Property,
<br />9. Condemnation. The prcH.:ceds l)f any ~tw;)rd or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />(ondcn1n-afion \~r otht~r takin!! of the Property. <'r part thercnf. or for conveyance in Iic.u of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />:md ;.;hall be paid to Lender,
<br />Tn the t;vC'nt of a lotal laking ,-,f rhe PrClpcrry. the proceeds ~hal! be applied to the ~um!\ secured by this- Mortgage_
<br />\\-it" fhe c\ce<;'-.. if .my. r,ud 1.1 HilHr'\\-lT In the ('vent ,.,r ;l partial taking ~'f the Property, llnle!\~ Borrower and Lender
<br />,)1herwi<;c a!!rce in writing, thCTC' ~h;dl he applied tn the <;ums ..cci.lrcd hv thi" Mortgage "uch pro~rtion of the -proceeds
<br />:1'> j"l equal :0 lhaf rwportion which the amount nf the 'itln1"- <.,ccurcd h\~ lhi" Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking hear" t!~ the fair market v:lluc (If the Propert\' iml1lcdii1!l'ly pripi' to the dare of lakjng. with the halance of the proceeds
<br />raid 10 BorroweT.
<br />If Ihe Property j<; :Jhand(\nC'd hv Bnrrfl\"'(~r, or if. .ifwr nolkl~ '"'y Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />;t/1 award \)1' \cHlc :f ,-,laim for dam,lR.e~_ Bnrrowl.*r fail.. I,) r~",j)l'nd [0 Lender \.vithin ~() days after the date such: notice is
<br />mailed, Lemler j.., authorind to C1111~CI and appi\' the pT0ceed", al I,ender'" option, either -to restoration or rep<lir of the
<br />Prnperry 0r !n the "um~ ...c(.'urcd h\' 1hi, \forlgagt"
<br />links... I.ender and Borr:m'-t'r otherwi"c il?reC in \Hirinu,. an\' stIch arpliGHion of prol'eed~ to principal shall not extend
<br />or Po\tp(,nc rhe due d;:t!c nt the monrhlv fnst;)llnwnt~ rdC"rrL'd in in paragraph" 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />"lIch in>;laIlmenK
<br />10. Borrower ~Of R{'lea~d. Fxrcm:inn ell the (llllC for l':i\'nlCnr elf modifk3.tinn of am~1rti7.<1.tion of the sums secured
<br />hy thlS MO/"1gage granted hy I codc!" Tn :w\" "'[1\:;';1;,-,;.'\1' ,:1 intcrc.;,l ~l( Bllrrowcr <:;h:-s!1 not 0pera[C to release. in any manner.
<br />the 1i3hiliry Ill' lhc nrigin:tl Bon,mer ,lnd Bnrrnwt'r'... ~.dl'..:C""\~'r'" lf1 !1l!t'"fCSI f ~ndcr shall not be required to commence
<br />proL:ccdings against "l.Ich ~_tlc(:c<;~nr .'f !,du'.;,' It) t'xtend LIlli.: f'lf p~t',"!llCnf PI (~thcrwi"e modify amortization of the sums
<br /><.ccurl.~d hy lhi~ :\h)rtgage h. rt~a"O[1 ,ll .:n~' demand made l'\ ,he {'fi(,loa! Rorrnwer and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. .Forbe-arunc~ b~' Leuder I\;l){:'1 Waiu"r, -\n, f,'rh(';H~l1h.__C b\ ! cndn in t~\ercising all\' ri~ht or remedy hereunder, or
<br />ptnclv/i'lc atfpn.kd l...v ;lpphc<tr-!e i,IW "h:d! 11;'1 11,--' :1 ,1";11\-l'r ,-'l i'l" rreclude lnc \.'\crci~c of anv such right or remedy,
<br />The pn:)Curemcnt of imunllcl.' I,r !he p:i\-nwnt d L\'.,'-... "!" ;'1h,'1" Len"; nr ,.~haq!I?" h\- '_cndn "haJJ not f,c:! waiver ("'If Lender"s
<br />right Ii) m:t'ckrate fhl~ m~lwri:v ,~( i~W i'h.kh:L"dn,''',> ",_.,-"n.-d ,...\' lfl;... \1._)rtea~e
<br />. 12. Remf'dies Cumulativf'. -\l; rL'nled,I.'''. N,Y. :.tni i_~ thi", .\l\1rlf:l~~ ;lll' ,ii"rim:! ;Hhi \".urnuiative w any 0fher right or
<br />remedy omJcr thl.... ~1{1rt.!.,H!C \>r ,Uf.'ftkd h- 1;"t\\ l'.!" ~'~HHt\ ,.nd H1i\\ h.' ':";r~'i'l.-,d ,--\'lh:mrl'ntly. indcp-endcntl~' Of ....ucccssively.
<br />13. Succes~ors ;md A-s.<;;icll\' 8mllld: Jj)int lJnd Sl;'H'nll I iahiJih-: Cnptiom.. rlw <.:nvcn:!nt'i; ;md agrct"l"nents herein
<br />~ontaif1cd ....Iull hind. ~il1d the !iuin'l hcr-':hndn 'ill:!!! :ntl'l' !", :hl" 1,--'<'pL'~'n'.,' "-'h_:......:'...I'r' and a"l,:,ii!.n... of I,Clll1er and Borrower.
<br />".\lbjcd hl lh~' rHl\-i,ion" ,-;1 ;',~r;~t:.r;li"h i hen'l"'j \11 u'\'l:lnnh <lfld (It Bnrn_'w;;r "hall be inlfH i.md several.
<br />me l'Up!IOfh ,!nJ hcad;ng" ',;! !!ll' ;'.J.I;:~~r'!l'l1-. ;! t1li" \1<~11U:!W!: ,If"l' .,.'n\'enlt'OCC fUll\' ;,IHl ;l!"C !w! to be u'icd to
<br />inferpret {ll' define 1h' rrl,q-'lPJI" :,~rt",'l
<br />14. ~ofice, F-xcert f<~f ,ill"- r..nti("C .\:qi'.ll'd 'Jhk, "ppk,d'k b\~ I., h,-' gl....l.t! in allnlhcf manner, (;1) any notice to
<br />Borrower rf()vid.t"ll (,1f if] :hi... \1\'f!)..;;:n.:e ~hiljJ f,,-. .'1:iliiq~: ..'I~.h t,u!!CC 'l\ ~~,rtlfkd m;lil ,ltldn~ssed to Borrower at
<br />the Pr0pc.rt\' '\Jdn:-"," ,If ;H "~l....b ,'Illcr _,dJrt>-. _l'\ H, d~:""gll,t[\' h\- nnli';;l: ltl J ~'nd~r ;IS pfI,vidcd herein. and
<br />(0; :In\" norn,:>: ".l f.>:ndcr '-h:lll h: h, '\.'I\l!k-,i .""t.'l'<' "..l.jIlt:...ICU, ,,1 I cndcr"\ ;ludH"" staled herein or to
<br />-.;uch _\ther ;1(jdrt's-; ,I" f I..'Jt(kr JTl.I\ dt..it;!nd.l~' h i"lh']' .1\ Pf\l\llleli ht:~l'H\ \n\' n<\li,...'c rnlvidetl fl"'of in this
<br />MC\rtg~l~l.' "ih.ail h.' dt,'l'mcd 1.>) h:t'''' t"~.\,.n gl\'-t~1l Ii' HPlt'~\-\<.'l d ! '.-ull;;r '\hl"ll ~:\ell in th~ manner dt"~ignftle:d herein.
<br />IS. Uniform ~tol1~~e~ (~'m-t'fnin~ I_a\~: S...lerahility, I'hi'> "1 mllll~af)1.' i,.-\lmhim:"s ul1lfmm Cl'venant" for natioO<ll
<br />\t~e and t1oo-tlnifofTn -!.:l'venanh "nh iimH\;"l > ,,[ I ,H),>!\-. 1..\ ll('f) ;" ~:I.'lhll\\lk ~\ undurm ':>,:":lIfllY in<;trunll:nt covering
<br />re~ll rf\)r~n\ Thh \It)n~ilf.~~ ~h,dl he ~(H~'ll!l:d n ;IW :.t~;, " !h~' iiill,,~I!l'fH'n if, V.-hldl rhl.' ProPt."rty i~ In!.:ated. Tn the
<br />eyen! !hal any pr~'VI\h'n ,'I' '-i,\(,....... '-.'1 !~\:~ \1\ln::'"I~l' . - <h,' ....;'!l.: ,.,)!d\).,.!', ~\:ill 'lpriiClhle law. ~uch ":oollle! "hall not affect
<br />other prl.'\i,-;ion:-. ,--,r !hl~ \1t'n~;I~1.:O \'r thl- 'i<IL.' "l1hi' '\-l'jJ C~l~""':[ ,,!!hf)ttl Ihi.' ~"'l\l1il'tillg: provi"ion, and to this
<br />end the pn)\'l:,>j~m:,> ,'f (h~ \hIHt!-ag\.' ;1\1.] 1~!i.'- '.,'k .1I"e <it:,.-i"ll~<i !.I ill' ..t.'Yl'l,\hk.
<br />16" Borro\\it'r's Copy. .Borr~lWt:I "h:l~l h' ("";I',,j-\\,:d "' ,-";1fl'11l'it'd -""1''' III Ih~ NOlt: Mil.! pf th:~ ~-l('1n~age at the time
<br />l'( (~.\t'L"tltion i.1r .llh.'T re....O/"l.,btltHl hcn.',-IL
<br />17. Trallsfer -of tbe l'roper1)'. r\s"iull1pHou. Ii .,;i .'r ;,'1\ p.l!l ,'l !hl' Prllp,-'ny ,~t .In Inter;:Si tht~rern I" 'iold or tramferred
<br />hy BOrrl.1WI..'r \\itholH Lt.'lldl..'r\, rn\lf \\nttl.'n 'l!;'l.'nl ~-\~I\1Jin:!" lh..:- i..fl';dh1{) "I " lien l;r \::n~tlrnbralk'c subordinate to
<br />thiS Mortgage. (hi (he Lr{'ati~1n A ;i i1i,l!H;:\ '-(.:<.(H((\ :nlClc,>1 f"f hClu~ch"ld ilppli;uh.::cs, Ie) a tramfer by devise,
<br />dcsc_ent or hy {lp~Tation o( lil\.\ t!pnn dCii.rh I'f .~ _hill,: !(:tlal1{ l'r -j'- 111' ~r.:a:1l l'ia . 10'11: 'lnhi il"lW~' If lRI'ClJ :.Jl>tf~ bjr hUiii
<br />"it J''''lt ltRill.!j ~ p. T 1- f r' nil- J 1 cndt:r rnd.~ ;i! I t:nJ('1 .. ,\ptH'n, de....Lm: "Il ;he .,Un1'i- ..ecUlcd tw Ihis !\'fortgl.l.gc to bt"
<br />immcJi.nely due .'tnd paY.lblc f.cndt'!'" ~111 bav\,' ;<l)i.'t:d ~l;-..-h ('PlllH1 In a;,;..:der;t{~ d. pri<'r 10 th~ ~alc 1.1r transfer. Lender
<br />;md the pcrSi..m fO ,,\hl:>rI1 the Pn'pt'rty; h) hI.' ~oi,j (Ir Ir';Hl~j,,'rr~'d fC;J,;:h ,j~,ct'm...m in wrlung th:H fhe credit of such person
<br />is salisfach__>ry w J.~ndt:r ~ind th;!! the in[~IV"{ p.l~.lbk ,'f} th~ \iil1l.. ~"'I-'[ll('d b\ thi.. \fortgug..: t:.h'3tl he-at slJch rate as Lender
<br />shaH re4uesl. If 1 eoder has W.l!\'eJ the ('Pl:t!il 1d dCI-'~kL-I:l' pro\lded in :hl.. paragraph 17~ and if Borrower's successor in
<br />interest has ('xe~llted n \".nncn .:s:'>ump{jon ~\grC""OH~1l1 d(("t:ptl.'d in '.\riting by Lender. Le-nda "hall reh::a_'j(: Borrov.'cr from all
<br />obHgations under [h.is Mortgage and (he Note.
<br />If Ll'nder exercises s\J~h 1..1ptiofi !O aCi.:eler.Hl:. r l.'i1;.1..'l :_h,dJ fl1<!.d Borr~h".-:;.'r r1G!i\.'(' of a.(;(e!enulllf1 in ,Kcordancc with
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such notlC;,'" "hi.l.il provld~~ ,: {,f n'l! k-." t~:~m 10 lb',., frQm th~ Jarc ,he nn~i("c ii> maikd within
<br />whkh Born'wer may pay th.: "um~ dcdarcJ due BorrO\-~,-'r t,lIl, t{l pay slId1 '-,Hn~ l'li()r tll the C'LpirafiOn d such pt::rioJ,
<br />Len~f may. without further noth:l.' nr Jl."_m.Uld ,Iii i-}')'-W'ACL ")\'('h..c .my r,~nh:"die~ pt'rmlt!l.~d lw ~'aragfaph 1 S hereof.
<br />
<br />NON.USIFORM C(lVr:N",~'IS Borrower ;wd i_endl'f further '--'.'\ t"ll all f d,nd Jg.n:~~ ;1\ !!.)llow~:
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />18.. At'<<"~; R~dies~ Except as pnH'irltd in p..ra~raph J7 hereof. upon Borrower', breach of an}' ('{}\'enant or
<br />~nt of BorroYfn in th-~ \tort~age~ Indudi.ug Ih~ t.'on"mmh to p-a) when du~ an~ sums w('ured by thbt 1\lortgage"
<br />l.aacler prior'o ~lol1Idon shall mail notice In 8oumH,"c 3!<o prHl-ided in par..~raph 14 hereof specifying; (I) the breu(:h;
<br />fl) lite aetJou r-equin:4 to -CUR :'tudt br-eiKb; (3) 3 date. nut l~ than 30 da}-'~ h-om the date the notice i;,; mailed to BorrowtJ~
<br />by whkb Jue-k brradi must be. ('(ued; ilnd f,*) that fauun:- to l'Urt ~ucb breat.'b nn or before the- date spt!dtied in the notice
<br />~. <<:wit in aA.'ce-ie..1ArWn of tlw sum, ~i!'<:urt'd b) thi~ 'tortJ:~t:. fUI"('4"m:urt: b} judiduJ pfOl\.~e~ding Dud ~Ie of tbe Propef1J',
<br />'1_ notkt shaD furtht!r infonn Borrower or Ihi; r~ht to rt"in~tale a!te-r 34,'cdcraUun ..nd the rigb( (0 aMeN in lit\' !f)rec1os-ur~
<br />prOC:Mmc the ftOa-Cdstebu 01 a ddaufl or an) Hiber dt"fl"~ oi Buno'\\-u to iKn:lernti-on aud hm.-closure. If the breat'h
<br />1.\ fWJt {'OM Oft (K beJ.on tilt: dat~ ,-pt;'dlied in tbt' notk\'_. l.-ttultr at Lt'tlder-\ o-ption nl~)' duluf'e uU of the st:un..." ~(urt'd b.~
<br />tWa. Mq.cr tt)- he j.JUh1f:dla.~I, dut: and pa,able ~hhout furiher deniand and ma, rUffdf)~e b)- judicial pn.lC,,'edinc. tender
<br />~.be f!fIrkte4t ...-, niUrd in ';,.IX'1t .'.fo\:t't'dinl nil e\pc:u~... vf forrdH~Urt.. indudin~. but uot Hmited 10. t"o"!o.b nf dOCUiUf:Jlhlf)
<br />nf.dt-uU'. ~*'." and titlt- ('t:'~ub"
<br />1.9, 8e,.n)Werj!\' Rilbt to RdnSl1ift'. "q'l,qlh_"'!'tf:tl.ni~ ! ~'n-tkl
<br />&iJ-rf~':","~;r ~J.~!1 h~<;'T rht: dt:h; t" dll\ JHi.l-\:t"u!iH~;" 1"1:,t~UJf i', 1 U,Jl"
<br />
<br />;~f .J!'..'!'i
<br />
<br />lhf: ~1.Jln" "~:,,:~H\.'d ;,\ 11;(... \1.1.1~.1f,:1,-.
<br />dw~ :\L,n~,;,f.;t d,,>-,---,.;\(.fj\I\.;,j ,-i; ,i!~:V [Hih.:
<br />