<br />I
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<br />83-005191
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<br />r
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<br />! ~rHk'r"'. Wftl:,-IJ ~lgr(;'I.'IIH.'nt or .lpp!il,."lhlt: law Borrnv.:er ..hall pay the amnllnl of all m(trtga!!l~ in'\uranc:c premiums in the
<br />mannl:f providl.:d lHlder paragraph 2 hereof
<br />A.ny am(lll~ts disOllf\ed by Lender IHlf'illanl (0 this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />jJl(khlcrlnL's<; of Bnrf(nH~r \ccurcd hy fhi" Mortgage. t.r nle..", Borrower ;lnd l.ender agree w other terms of payment. such
<br />amounts sh~111 he rayabk \lpon notice from Lender to Borrower rcquc>;ting payment thereof. and <;l1all bear interest from the
<br />datc of di"hnr"icmcnt at [he rate payable from time to lime on olltstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest ;tt sllch rale would he contrary In applicahle law. ill which ('vent ",lIeh amounts shall hear intere<;! at the highest rate
<br />permissihlc tinder arplieahle law_ Nnthing contained in this paragraph 7 "hall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />:lny action hereunder.
<br />8. Inspection. L:ndcr Olav make l\f L:<II1SC to he madc rea\0nahlc cnlric<; llpon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />Ihat Lender shall give Borrower lh)ticc prinr to any 'illch iJl'ipCC:!HHl 'ipccifying reasonable C:H1\:jC therefor related to Lender'!;
<br />interest in the Properly.
<br />9. Condemnation. The pro\.:~('d... 1)1' ;111)' :Iw;lrd Ilr claim for dama~es. direct or cOIl<;cqucntiaL in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking: of the Prl)perty. pr rart thereof. or for conVeYance in lieu (If condemnation. arc herehy nssigned
<br />;lOiI "hall he raid to Lender.
<br />Tn the evrn! of a lolal taking: (If the Property. the pn-'i..'t~..:d-" ...hall he applied 10 the ,>urns sccured hy this Mortgage.
<br />with the i.:\CC," if any. paid 14) R('fT<l\VCr. In rhc evcn! d a p;Htial I,-lking I'f the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />,)thC'rwi"e agrcL' in wrifing. then'" ...h:d! he aprlied tn the ";1ln1<; ,('(!Ired hy thi" M0flguge ,;nch proport.iCln of the proceeds
<br />;1<; i.. ~'1!1,d to that pr0pc1rfinn whIch the amount df lhe ,Ufll"; "C'cl1fcd lw Ihi.. !vfortgal!c immediately prior to the date of
<br />t;lking bC;lr.. tn the fair market valuc l,r the Propert\ ll1)fHt.'dl<\ll'ly prinr tn the dale of raking. with the halance of the proceeds
<br />pllid to Borrower.
<br />If the ProperlY i" ;th:mdn!lct1 1>y B('!TPwer. (lr if. Aler nnlit.t. r\' render 1(1 Borrnwer that the condemnor offers to make
<br />;111 awnrd pr <.,cttk :1 daim for damage'>. BOl"m\\'l'r fail... III n:...pnnd 1(1 Lender wilhin 10 da\'<; after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender i" ,ulthorized ICI collect and "ppl\' tlw rrncc:C'ds. at Lender'" option. either t(1 restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the <'l1m" 'ocl.;Llfcd h\ lhi" \1\)l"1l1a!!C
<br />l~llks'o I_l'nder ;lnd BOfr\l\\'l.'r ,){hCr\\'l\t' "gr('l~ in \....'l'i!in~. ;In\' <;llch ;lpplic;1tloll pf procced~ to principal shall not extend
<br />()f r(lstrn!H~ the due daIC of the n10nthly in<;lalln1l'nh rdl~rrt."d [(1 in r:lr~~r:lrh" 1 :md :::: hereof l)r change the amount of
<br />"lleh in<;lallment"
<br />10. Rorrow('r ~nr Released. F\tcn<:;Il)1l ,'If the lalle f,.r paVnl('nt Ill' modification nf amOni7ali('\n of the slims secured
<br />hy thl<; MClrfgagc granted hv I_cnder k all\-' "'li\.'l'('\\llr :11 inlt:rt:...t ()f Borrower "hall nol npaalc !() release. in any manner.
<br />the liability nl !he nrigin:d Bnrr\,wcr :md Rl1ITc'..\'er.... "'([I.-'<,:C"-'I'I'" Ifl interesl Lender "hall not he required to commence
<br />prot:ccdin~s again'>! "neh "tlCi;C':;\(lr <'r ref,!...t' fl, l.\tt'l1d !~mt: f,)r 1\;L\"!llCnt I'r ()!hef\\-i"L' modify amortization of the slims
<br />\cl..:ured h~. fhi~s ,\f(,rtgagc !~\ fl.':l<;nn ,'f I!n dem,ltld rnade h\ ,he"lrii':!I1aJ Bnrrpwcr ;lnJ Borrower's Sllcccssors in interest.
<br />11. -Fnrbearanc~ tn' Ll'uder 'Of a \-\'~inr. '\ll': {,'rt>cardlH": b\. ! ender ill L'\crcisinc :lnv r!l!ht [If remedy hereunder, or
<br />()then",i<;c :dfprded hy ,j.Jlr1ic:l!->!c :;IW ...h;lll 1\('; he W:il\-l'l ,.! ,'r preclude ;h~ c\:cr~isc ()f ~1Il\. ~LJch right or remedy.
<br />Thl.: procurement \1f in-';tlralKI' dr thr.: ]'"':!\'111\:rn ,>! I-I\t.'''' (If <l!her I'l'!)'" llr ,'han.!'..."" by r endel ...h;111 no! he ;l waiver (If Lender's
<br />right In ac~.(..lt.'r;l!(, (hI..' m:.tlUrilY ,'f !ht' :ndt.'bl('dne~'" --..l':rl'd i1\' ihh \L~rfl.!al!l'
<br />12. Remedies Cumulath'{', \11 n.nlcdrl..... P1',I\ ld,'d ,:1 ihi~ \1(~r1~.I~1.' :Ife di-..tind ;il1d l'ulllu!:ltiv(' 10 any olher right or
<br />remedy under ,hi... MOr1~:lgt.' ()I' :dfllrdl'd ~,\- !;l\\ !'f vqull\ tnd flU\- f'l. '-.'\\.'r..;,'t'"j ,,\l1t.:mrt.'nth llHkpcndcntlv e.l' slIccc"sively.
<br />13. SmTl'SSOni and _\s-siJ.:."" Hound; .Joint and S('\{'r:ll I iahilih.: Caption.... rh(' ,.tl\'cnanls ;lnd a~rl'ements herein
<br />cnntaillt:d "hall hind. ,;nd th(' :-i1.!hh hl.',,'\!:ldc-r ...full ':lill'e {,1, thl.: :(,"jH",'t,,-li\C ...tl\."'("~.......lr... .1l1d av,i~tl... l,i" 1,cnJcr ;jlld Borrower.
<br />...ubject tu th\: pnn.i"JOn.. l)! 1""' hcrl.-'\)l \Ii ,-'lWt..i1dil!S .1:1\1 ll.!f\.'l'llll'!1I'" L'f Hl'tl\\wL'r ...lull PI.' il\illt ;md several.
<br />The I.-'aptl\.ln~ .Intl heading" ,1t p;n,!,tr,lph" ,'I ~i,i... \1"!H1a~,-' ,Jf~. 1,'1 ~\'l1\~nIClh:C '""111\ ._~nd ,lre rh){ to he lI"cd to
<br />interrrt'l or definc the pnv,t-..i.,!\,. ~'t..[\.'I'!
<br />14. ~otkt". Except f(w an'" \l~'l!L't' c\"'lll:irl'd :l1dn .,ppli~, bit... I:r\l ' , h' ;11 :uH"'llhcr manller. (a.l any notice to
<br />Bora)\ver pr('\-iJed fnr ,n :hi" \t("lr!.l.!,!~L' ,it,d! h' "1'lIC,: ~L"fl:ficd nud ;tddre.....ed In R()TTOWCT at
<br />the Propertv _Addre...... (If :It "'Ul..h ,.the!' ,tdd~"" .1" JC'IE!l.r!l' !n lH,[it'(' 1<1 1 c-nder :t<; pro\'ii.k'd herein. ~tnd
<br />(h) an\ notll."'C In LtTllk"f \h;jl! he '.~i\t'f; h ,-('l~dit.'d t..:qll\.....rcJ. ~,l I t.'1](1:..:1"" :lddrcs'o s!al\.'d herein ()r to
<br />"l1t.'h l){hcr addrc.;;.;: d'i 1,':H.k' 1\1.1\ dt.'...t~Pd!C h'. "If::c,' B"i,"\\:i"' h l'!"'''!ikd h'ft.'rn \n\ !l\)tin: rrtwided for in lhis
<br />\'tprtgage \h.lll he deemed IC~ h:l\l' ht'Cl1 ,l!.t\';:l' h\ B.'rf'l'\'\Ci "r I \.-illkr ,\ tWll 12! :,-'(l iq lho::' maimer d~,;ignated herein.
<br />15. Uniform 'l()rtl::a~c; GnH(fIin~ 1.:1": Sl'H'nthilit."- -Ihh i.Hfll11! ~'",'rnhint.." uniform 1,.'(I\'~nilnt<; for natioO'-ll
<br />use and non-ullifnrll\ ~(HC[1:-\n:.'" \\llh InHlh.:d \.(1'1.11",\1... t,\ I,. ;t ullJ1,1rrn ",:L.l!rll\' inqrllment covering
<br />real pwpert) Thi... \-lpr!!,:d!!l.' ...11,\]] he h\ \Ill' 1.1\, .h~ LU!i...dl(lrl'll 'j) '.thil.'h lht' Propt.'ny i... lc)(.'ated. 1n lhe
<br />c\'('nt !tWI al1~ !11.1\.iSlt'!l ,\1 l.l,w"e ,'f ..,llh law. _~llCh \..ilnllid "hall not affect
<br />lIther pr\.\\-hll'n" \.'f tIll'.. \1[\1 !!!.-t,>:t: l.;f(-,,! ',",~ :hc ~.(Inni;,:rin~ prnvi..;il'n. tind to this
<br />enJ tn,: pnni"ll,'n.. ;"If Iht: ~'lc"n~a~I.' ,111') !hl.; .....,'1l' he .",'\\.'r,d1k
<br />16. Bornm:er\ COP.\. H(~i'!:l\\t.'l ,h.d! he ::!;\l,...tW1i '.!i: ")11<:,1 \\'P\ ()t Iii\.' ~l'h: <lnd l)i lhi_~ Mortgage at the,time
<br />I)f t:_\ccution l'f ,it'tt.'1" rt'(t)l"(bri,'n hert.'ltf,
<br />17. Transfer nf tht' PrHpert~; ",,\,:-,ulllplion. ri ,'Ill!\.' Jlrol''':!!\ ('I In inlefc~l therein is ~old or transferred
<br />by Bornmcr willwu{ Lender"" pril)! '.HIIlen ' l. ;ll~' ~-r\.';llil)n (It ;1 lieH \II' cncumhnHlCc subordinate to
<br />!hh Mortgage. ihl !he (rt.'atii.1l:) <If d .11<l,;1'~ 'CL.d;!!" nlnt~...t r~\r hdU...t:hillll appli;llkl'''. Ie) ,\ !ran<;fcr by devise..
<br />dC:,,>CClH ,)r hy op\,.ration of Lm UPI.)i1 je'-ith ,q .\ ;\)1\1( It:!ldill l'f . J lh - ~I- l' ,"', 0, lnrJRGlIJ iRt~r3l;t of tknlJ ~'Jlin: liH Illtl'l;
<br />~'i?[ ]:"nniv' l! I Jln. . I fJ.Rl-J ! coder m,j\. 011 I cld,','", \lp(l,~n. d("dan: ,Ill lh(. ...\lm... <,et:urt:J b~ this ~lort~agc to be
<br />ImmediatcJ) due ,\Od raY;.thk I t.'ndcr ..h.dl hw.\l: "',u.\t'J .~r;il)li ;,1 ~lcct.'l('rdlc ,f. prim t,) rhe '.ale nr transfer. Lender
<br />and Ih~ person !l) whl~m tht.: Pr('j'l:tt\ i" h_\ hI: "llld llr Ir,ilh:crrt'd fe,h.h .tgft'l'fllOl! (!l \\rillng that the cl"edil l)f sllch person
<br />is satisfa.;tor~ Il1 l,('ndt::r :lnd lhar Iht: jnltrt.:-..t i".l~dblc "1\ the "'('l1h ...e,,"'lllcJ b~ [hi., \L1Il!!;lg~ _~haH ht.: at sll..:h rate a" I.cndcr
<br />shall rcqu~sl. If Lender hil::> w<li\ed Ihl' l'pth.J!l :11 .\-..:..:-I.'lcr.!l,,' prll\llh:d 'll th,,, paragraph 17. <ind If Borrower"..; slIcce!'sor in
<br />Interest h.J<. ::xecllt~d a wn[[t:f1 ;lS...lllHp,wn .lgn:t::nh.'lli .(....-:cpred in \1 ri!:Il~ h\ I t'"nder l.t'rll.icr ,...haJJ rck:..t'oe Borrower from all
<br />obligatic'O$ under this Mortg.agc and the ~Ne
<br />If Lender C.\CH:i<;,.:S such Orin.)!) l\.' :t.;:;.;derdit.'. I t:'hk: ~fj, il ;n,iil H;;~l\'\h'r Iluti;.."',,: ',11" .h.>.__~!er;J.ti(ln in ;t(:('ordance \'lith
<br />paragraph J..J. here,.lf. Su.;;h n(tri..:c "h~dl pnl' :J,~ ,-J
<br />whil'h BOfl<Jw-cr ma\' pa\ lh~ \lH11.\ decI;lrt'"~l due H'-'r:-l''-',~.r
<br />Lender may", with..~i.;t (tlrthcr rlL111...:~ \'1" dt'"lnanJ p;, f-hnhl\t;:( ,'1\\1\...\.."
<br />
<br />k-..~,
<br />
<br />,h,::\ ,f) .i,l\ ~ fr..m lht" \lJt.:: the n\)lk.c i", mailed within
<br />.,) P,:Y \u,__h ~ul1h !'rl"1 In the t'\:piratlor: l!f "llch period,
<br />{ct1\Lijit''l f't~OI !HillCd l,~ par:igf~lph j S hereof.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />No:-,:.U,..nr-QRM COVE:-';A:\T:o._ Bt'rmwer ,l!h.1 I t.'nJn !Ur[he, ,..y....n;llll .111\.1 ,1t:1t::C;h !;J!k\\\'s
<br />18. Acct'lenuioo; ReU1edit's. EXn'pt a~ pfm-idcd in para~1 aph 17 ht'r;:uf, ilJhHl Uonowcr's hreach of all) l:un~nant or
<br />agreement of Borrower in ihb \lortgag(', itldudin~ ihl' UIH"nanh tn pa,\ \\ hell dul,:' an~ WinS sct-.ured b~- this :\Jortgage.
<br />Lender prior to ac('eleratiQIl shall mail flotan 10 Rorro" l'f ilS pnn ided in paragraph J 4 heceof ...pedf} in~~ (1) the breach;
<br />(2) the at'lion required to CUfe snch hrem:h; d. a date, nol ies.... than 3U du~''\ frum lhe ~lafc the noth:e is mailed 10 Borrower,
<br />b)" which SUt'h bre-ach must be l'ure-d: and (.t) thitl failure- to furt.' _""H.-h breadl un HI befM\.' the dah' !lpct.:ified in the 110tiC~
<br />ma,)' result in: a~;,,-'ell'nttion of tt>>.' "UUl'> '\it'\:urcd P) Ihi:or, _'ttJrt~a~l'.. fun'dl)~llf"t.. h-~ jndid.t1 pru(l'C"djn~ and saIl' (If the IJropert)-.
<br />Tbr nOli'l'e !i-haU flintier infor-m ROHH",,'r uf tlu.' riJ:ht lu retm,l:Hc ilfter acceleration ,and (he dghl In 1l_..."-t'J1 in th~ foreclosure
<br />prcx.ee-ding tbe n01Nt'\i!;,H.'no:'l' Hf .. ddllUH flr .mJ oHlt'r fldco..t' Hf Born,,.\ l'f 10 .i(Hh:niriun aud (ufl'd(Hiun.', 1r the breih:h
<br />l~ nut ('ur~ (~n uf bt~ro.rt: U~ tillh.' "'pt'dhi;'d ill tilt" Hulin., I t..nder at I,(,fide,'.., option uta~ ded.:trt. .ill Ill' the :>UIn." "i(:-(ured b;\'
<br />this \10flat>>gt to be Intnu~dia{d) dut' >lnd PQ)lIhh.' \'Iithuu! furtht'J" dt.mand and fm.t~ f'lredn...4.' h, judkial p-nJl'ct'diJlg, t t'lUtcr
<br />!iihal1 be \'otitlt"d iii ~:unt.'{ J in \Udl IHoH"ediuj.; .dll'\JWH"t'.... (,( fUll'dmiHl'. in("'hItUn~. hul 1101 limtll'd In, \-n...h -Itf dOCUlUl'iltur)-
<br />f:""d;('Q{'i', -lib\l,t'ad.. ~od Iilh... fl'vurt~
<br />19. .Rorrm"er'<;; Ri,ght to Ihiu\lak t, d h \l,lr!.j.;.l)-:'
<br />tit'lri'""~lf '_h'l\j kn.,,, lh;: "ighi
<br />