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<br />I <br /> <br />83- 005181 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />9. COIJdemnafion. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct Of consequential. in conneC.fion with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, 3re herehy assigned <br />and shall be paid 10 Lender. <br />In the event of a total takin~ of Ih~ Property, Ihe proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of (he Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is: equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears fO the (air market value or the Property immediately prior 10 the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower, <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower faIts 10 respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to coHeel and apply the proceeds. :H Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or 10 the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writtng. any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the monthly lOstallmcnls r<."ferrcd 10 in paragraphs. I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. Borrower Not Re-Ie-ased. ExtensIOn nf the orne for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender 10 ;}ny ~Ucce'isor Ul interest of Borrower shall nO( operate to release. in any manner, <br />the liabilitv of the original Borrower and Borrower'" successors 10 imerest. Lender shall nOI be required 10 commence <br />proceedings against s.uch succ-essor or refmc to extend time for payment or olherwise modify amortil..ation of the sums <br />secured by this ~ of Trust by reason of any demand made hy the original Borrower and Borrowe('s successors in interest. <br />11., Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiv....r, Any Il)fnear3nce by !~cnder in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded by opplicabfe Jaw, ~han not he ] waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such righl or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance or Ihe payment of taxes or other liens. or charges by Lender shall nor be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the in(khtedness ...("cured hj' this Deed of Trust. _ , . <br />12. Re-mt'dies Cumulatin'. All rcmedll:1O pr0vldcd III thiS IA""Cd of TnJst are distinct and cumulative to any other fight <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded hy la\\' or equity, dnd may he exercised <:oncurrently, independently or <br />successively < . <br />13. Successors and I\~DS Bound: Joint -an~ ~~'eral Liability: CapHon.ill. The covenants .and agreements herem <br />conrained shall bmd, and the rights hereunder ....hall Inure 10, the respectIve slIccessors 'lnd assigns of Len~er and Borrower, <br />subject to the proViiions. of paragraph ~ 7 hereof AI! covenants and ~lgreements of Borrower !i-hail be Joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Deed (~f Trust <Ire for cnnvenience only and are not to be used to <br />interpret or define the provisions hereof, <br />14. Notice. Except for any notice reqUired under .ipplli.:ahle law to he given In another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for In this Deed of Trust shall be given hy mailing such nn.ticc hy. i.:crtlfied maii addressed to Borr?wer at <br />the Property Address Of at ;.;uch other address a~ Borrower mav designate by notice to Lender as provided herem, and <br />(b) any notice to Lender ~haH be gIven hy certined milil. fe[Um lL~ceip[ requcsted: 10 Lender"s ad~ress sta~ed herein. or t.o <br />such other address as Lender may designate by notice 10 Borro\vcr as prOVIded herem. Any notice prOVided for 10 thiS <br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given 10 Borrower '_ll" l.emler '....ilen given In the manner designated herein, <br />15, lJniform Deed of Tmst; GoYt"mjn~ Sto,'er-d.bility, Thi, form of deed vi tru\t combines uniform covenants for <br />national use and non~uniform covenants WTlh iin1ftcJ variation:', h~ lunsdlctwn to t.:onstl!Ute a uniform sccurilv instrument <br />covering real property. This Deed of Trust ...hall he !.,wvcrncJ by ltH~'Ii-lw pf the )tIrlsliEclion in \vhich the Property i:-. located, <br />In the event that ~lny proVision or dau:ic of lhf~ Deed nt Tru~1 or the Note ...:onilicIs with ~IPpIH.:able law, such contlict Shilll <br />not affect other pn.v...isions oi lhis Deed of TrUM \-'f the NOlc wtlH..:h (;.In he \.;IVCIl dfect Without the clmf1icting proVision, <br />and to thIS end the provisions l}l the Deed of Tru~1 and the ~(){e ,arc declared In be severable <br />16. Bonowerj-s Cop)", Bon-ower shall he furUIS-ht"d a cOfihxffiCd ',:l~PY of the Note .and (If Ih", Deed l'f Tru.'il ar the lime <br />of execution or after recordation hereof. <br />17. Tnasf~r of the Pro~rty; A~U-ft.ption. !t ail t-'t ;in':" rart of thl' Pn.lpcrt~' Pf ,Hl inleres.l {h~reH1 is sold (ir transferreu <br />hy Borrower without Lenders poor wnn~n r.:nll\t:llt. (',duulng (.1; {he l..'r~aliOlI of ;J lien I-ll cw.:wnorallt,:e ~ubordinate to <br />fhis Deed o! Trust, 1 h) the <.:tealwn of J purcha;c tl10flCr ...c\.:unty tnterl.~l for hOll~chold ilpphaw.'~:', i C J a transfer hy devise, <br />deM.:~nl uf by ope-ration of law upon the dC;ilh llt ~I jo.:ll/ll h:-fwnl {lr i d j th~ gran! III illlY leaschohi Inkrest of Ihree years (lr le:-.-:-.- <br />nO( contaming d_n option 1-0 purch.lS~, LeJlJer nlUY, <It j coder" ~)pril~n, .kl:iMe ,ld the ~ll!n~ ,)cl.~llI'cd hv this Deed of Trusl to he <br />Hnme\iialely due and payable. Lender "hail ru',c \'\":.)""l.~d sll~h ~lplit.)n 10 a-.:~d~fatc It', pnor l\~ the ~ale or tran~tcr, Lender <br />.'.Inti the perSl,.m to wlhml the Propt:tly 1\ to he ",jd \lr I ran~feHcd r~a('h ;tgtt.'l:HU,'nl In '....'fIling that the credil (..If su..;h pcrS~)fl <br />IS salis(aclory to l.ender dOt.! lhal fh~ i!ltt:rc~! pa~",hlc ['11 (he ...,urn., ,:.:..UlCJ f", !hL-; need oi -f rU.'it ~hail he at ~lIch rale a., <br />l.ender shall reques.t. if Lt~nder ha~ w<llved the \'pllIJH l~' ~t'-.:l'Clcf ~Itc proVllkJ III lhb pari1graph ! '/, and if Borrower":,; ;;ucceSSOf <br />111 :raerest ha!l. ~\ecuted -J wniten a!l~umpUon ,lgf(.'l.~m":lIi ,H.:ceplcu :11 ....Ollflg hv l.cllder, Lender 'ihal! n;lt;asc Bormwer from <br />all obligations under thl~ De-cd of Trust ~md the NOle <br />If Lender cxernsc..\- ..uch oplion IU _1<.\':clCf..\tl:, I t.'nder ,hall norn_-'~cf notlct \,t ~cLdt'ratlon :n ac...:ordafH.:c wilh <br />para.graph 14 hereoi. Su\-.'h nvtl~C" ~hal1 pn.'l'o';Je a_ penlh.t ill !l\l! k.~,> \0 Jay:. Iron! the dah.' the notice- i~ mailed within <br />which B1.)HOWCf mar ~MY the ~um~ Jel.:Ltfed duf,,', If BflUt;,,,"'(.'J f .\11;' it! r:.t\ "u~h Wllh prllX I,~ the e.\pimw,)j) of SUl;O period. <br />Lender may. \\'ithOUl !urther {l\)ltCC or JemanJ ,_~n BlH fP\I\CI, \q\ ~\l,~ ,lll~ relncdl~''l permitteJ by pioiragraph 18 hereof. <br /> <br />NON~U"'1l0RM ('O\'I-'N.c\NtS. Bnrr...\....'t'l ,wd LfI'i\kr ;unhcr \.:ovenJ;nL ,11l0. agree: ,I'. i(JlJ...~w:. <br /> <br />i8. AC4:eltcation; Rrmedie"l--. }<~x..:ept a.... pnnidt'd in pl:lraf,W"ph l7 hnt'uf. upun Borrower's brcacb of an)' cO\'t~n.ant or <br />agree-m(:nl of 8onoVil:c in Ahh. l><<d of Tru~t, ;ncIudin~ iht' t.'U'Cflant.s to pay lo\hcn due ;.in}' sums secured b)' this Deed <br />of Tr~. Lender prior to at.:c-ekratwn sbaU mad noiln' to Borro"'t"r .b pnuided in Jtaragcaph 14 hereof specit);iOJ;:,~ (I) the <br />bna4'hi (2.) t....e il'.i.~"on n'quirt.~ to (:un: ~u..'h brta~h. {J) a datt', not le-,s than JO days f..-om tht' dutf' Ihe- notice i~ mailed to <br />BofWWfl, b)" ....-hich _"'U(:o brca.;h must 1>< dlred: and (4, thai failure 10 ".ure ~u~:h bre.aeh un or before ihe dale specified <br />in in.: ooti("<<: maJ n:suJI in a"'....terat.on or the' ~um,\< M'll.:ured b) th~ l:teed of Trust and sal~ of the I'ro~l1y, The notice <br />shall further inform Borrowc.f of flu.- right 10 r-dn...tate- after act.'deratiou .,nd the fi~hl (0 bring a (..our. 3("fjon to a~crt <br />the I\OD~u,ble'n('t' ~Jf a dr-fault Of an\ other defe-nse of Bono",cr to 3t.'l'cleration ..nd .'rule. If the breach i..1i not cured <br />on w before tbe dste speciMd in Utc "nutiet'. L~nder .at Lender\' opHon maJ declare aU uf dw f>lUIIS sc(.'urcd b) this Deed <br />of Trust to be imrucdiatt'll dut" and p<l)abh: Voilhout furfher demand and nut)' in"ok~ l:he power of ~ale and any other remedies <br />penn..lUed by .applkvb!e la'ft-. tender ,')haJi be t'uaitJed iu coUei--t aU reasonable 1,.'051., and expenses incurred in pursuin2 the <br />remedies pro\kkd in ibis pD~f''''pb 18. indudiRK. bot nut limited to, reasunable atlO-mcJ'" fee-s. <br />Jf tiw IWWU Gf ~t" is itHoked~ Trus1ee shalt record a no(kc fif default in ea..'h count} in which the Propert.~- 'Or some <br />part thereof is loealed and ~haU mail (opies of !oui.'h nt,ti(:(' in the nUlmier prc.s.t:ribed by applicable- fa\\' to Borrower and to Ih~ <br />other penultS prescribed by ~pplkable law. Afler tb...1a~ of such lime as may be required b) applicable la", Trustee shan <br />give publit: nutlee of ,salt" to fb.e pt!n,on~ .and .in the manni'! pn.~'fibed b}-' applicable Jaw, Trustee. without demand on <br />Borrower. "ban sdl tbe Propert} at pubik JUl.thm fo a.e highest bidder at tht' time :md plan" ;tnd under the tl'tm.~ desjgnuted <br />In the nutke nf wt: in one or more partd:'\ .and in ",u('b 1)f'der a~ rru~iee ma; de-tennin\", Tll~h:C' mOIl)" postpone !lale of aU <br />ur an} ",.areel of 1M Prupt.'rt)' bJ public anfU,UJKement at rhe Hme and pt:i(:c or "OJ prnioust)' M:heduJed ~ale. Lender ur <br />t....l:nd~,.+~ dnicGt'e- m'l)' pun-t~ tbe Propert) ;1I an.) sale. <br />{)pm-, nct'i-pt (If paymen. tlf ilK price bid~ Trustee ~haU delh-c-r 10 tilt: pun:ha..,er Tru.'>lec\ deed (.'on"e}iu~ th~ Properi)' <br />S9ld. The ref;ihtl"i in I,tit Trus-h.'t'!< rlred shan be priOla fade- t'l--idenc~ of tbe rruth of ih" -..t;uemcnts made thncin. Trustee <br />.. ..ply the Pfuc<<dt,; of thi-_ .1f4l1t: in fbe ordett (~} tQ all n~.....t)Jlable ":m4~ and n..pem,t".5 of the ~:th:. induding. but <br />not nmJted to. Trustt'c''i ({"ex nf Do-I mOU:,UUU1" _ ~-.-O _ % of_ the- ~rQSS ...alf" prire, te~o-nabk ;dlorncy's fl'e~ and cos_b -of <br />tJf~ t-,ciden('~~ (bJ to aU \ut.m ~urt'd bJ f,hn. need of '1 n_~t: and It;:J Uw l'h't!oi..\, if 1m), to Hu:: p~rMm or persons legall) erltitkrl <br />ll>em", <br />19~ IIoITtl""rr"'1i Rieht t.o Ri'in~(ate" N"iv.llfu.tMldmg Ln'tder\ ,h.:,.",h.^I,i1Iurt ,.: !hi; QH1l'. hv l!l;'> DeeD ,;f r ri:....! <br />lk~trower i'oha1\ h~'i'<( rb~ fight 1'0 h.t"'-.) ;my prc";:,~t.'din,g.. ~t~\ln h) Lend;:: I,; ~,-i111';;.J_: {jIb I fll~l "h:liG)lltHlIH.:d .~l <br />,wy lunc pJh>f 10 th;.' ~4,lIhe; W (.....:..1H uf ~f,l ih-f.' fifth d4Y h-cf\lle Hw '..ale i1f the <br />!~ tbi\: lk,t~~;j "j Tn~H or (!ii <.'HH}' ,)f ,. jl;t_l~n1cfi! thi.. J)""~~ d Tfl\'H if <br />f)e then -dw: ~mde{ th~1} tk....,,t <iT rlu<.;j !he Ndll.' ;jf1d H,l{e" w,,;nnj1,1it FUlun:: <br />~,hi >>iU"t'."'\4'I..~f (,Jitc- JoH -;oj any j\lhi,,~f (.c,'.';.;Di:ln!\ ,)l ~ <br />Bi..tH"~-l."' .i;U <br />if I HW~ <br />but ~H)~ ;,rtd.t:u <br />ljh.tIBf{' b 4.~:\9t>t, ih~l the h4t'l 1,,1 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />',d,\I:.i!l-,ltj "~I ~'/ <br />