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<br />I <br />83.:.- () (I 51 77 <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVF~HNT~. B(lrrower ,.IOd Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />1. Payment of I-rindpsl nnd Interest B'lrrowt:r shall promptly pay when due the principal of and jntcr~st on Ihe <br />indcbtednc~s evidenced by the NOlc, prepayment and late (.:harge... as provided in the NOle. and the principal of and interc"it <br />on any Future Advances secured by this 'r\.-1ortg,lgc, <br />2. Funds: for Taxes and In~urant.f'. Subject to applicable law or 10 a wriaen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the d...y monthly instaUments. of prll1dpal ilnd jnlcre~t arc payable under the Note. lllltil the Note is paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal 1(\ \1nc-twcU'th of the yearly !axe... and as<;essrnents \l,"hich may atlain priority over this <br />Mortgage. and ground rcnls on the Ptoperty. if any, phis one-twelfth of yearly premium inst.lHments for hazard insurance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of aSSCS-'imcnt:s ~lnd hills <till! n::asonablc e~(imatcs thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held il1 all institution the deposit1\ or :H.:count~ 01' which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal- or <br />state Jgcncy (including Lender if Lender is such an instilution I. I.cnder shaH apply the Funds to pay said taxes. assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rl."nt~_ Lender rnay J1(H charge for so holding <lnd applying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />or verifying and -compiting said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borftlwcr intcrc!st \)0 the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such il charge. Borrower and Lender ma~. ~tgree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest \)11 the Funds \hall he paid to Borrow~r. and unless ~uch agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to he paid, Lender ')h<ll! not he required to pay Borrower any inlerest or earnings OJ! the Funds, lender <br />-:;hall give to Borrower, without charge. ,10 annual ;-\ccflunllllg of fhe Fund..; ..howing credits and dehits to thc Funds and the <br />purpose for which c,lch debit 1<) rhe Funds v;a\ rnaJt:. The Funds are rlcdg~d as additional sL~urity for the sums secured <br />hy this Mortgage <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. [ugcther \;,. ilh Ih.; future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the du~ dates of taxes, as_SCSl'imenr~. imurance premiums and gf\)und ft,'lH\:.. .shall e\.-(.:ecd the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, insnr<mce premiums. and ground rents ;h they fall due, ::iuch t.:\.t:t:~S shall be. at Borrower's option. either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to HlIO'O\\'er on monthly in~tallmcnls of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay laXCfi. assessments. in"l1ranc~ premium~ and grollnd rents as they fall due, <br />Borrower shall-pay to Le-nder any amount l1ec~s;:try h) make tlp the deficiency within 30 uays tram the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower re\.lucsting paymellt Iherc()t. <br />Upon paymcm 10 full of all sums sct:urcd by thl" ~h)ng-agt.:. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. If under paragraph 1 t) hereof the ProperlY t.. ...old Dr {he Property is Olherwl!-.c acqUIred by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply. no ialcr than lmmediatdy prior {(l lht' ....lle ,'f the Pwperty nr its at.:quisition hy Lendcr, any FlInds held by <br />Lender at the {line oi applic~{ion 35 ~ ~,r~d!t 3gallls1 the sum" I"ccurcd hy thb :\tongage. <br />3. Application of Pa~'Dlents. Lnlc'ls :ipplli.'abk law prl1Yldes \lihcn\l"~, all payments re..:civcd by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 h~rcof :.hall ~t": applIed oy l. clltj~r fir:-,t 111 ra) ment Ill' amounts payable tn L~nder by Borrower <br />under paragraph .2 hereof. [hen to illlcn:.,t rayable- l'l1 the :--O{C, then 11\ Ihl: ~'rmcipal of the Note. <'111\..1 then to interest and <br />principal on <lny Future Advances. <br />4. ('h8f'J:e.s: Liens. BiHW\\C! "h.ill pa\ .dl 1.1\';., d<,,-\';,,,nh'nh _dld \)lhCl ...h.\fgl.'''. tlnr.:s and I1npositil'ns attribulable to <br />the Property which may attain a prl,)rity llVt:r Ihl'. \[()rt~ug:l', ;ll1d ka~d\llld payments I\r ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />provided umkr pttragri.lph 2 hCI(~u( l.'r. :1 nL't p.lllJ 1n ,>uch m:tJH1r..T t)~ lh,rrO\l,l~r mai..lll~ payment, when due, directly to the <br />payee thefL"Of. Borrower ~hall promptly I UfIH.,h hl Lcnuer all nlltJ...:t'~ ~ll amuunt<. dlll.: under lhl~ paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower shall make payment dlrC(lly IhJrl'-'\\l'i "h.1i1 rfll1Hpti~ ttlt[l1~h 1,1 l.cnd...:r rccdr{~ t'\"id~ncing silch paymems, <br />Horco\v~r shaH promptly Jl~l..'harg~ ~my hl.:o '.\ hh:fl ),;j'l prH_lill~ ,'\,,:r J!ll'\ ~lort~agr.:: provtded. thai Horrowef 'ihall not be <br />required 10 dl~harge all}' ..;u...~h ben '>11 I,ll I!!. ,1'> lhl!l'Y.\l.:r ....haii ;lpl'l.; In. ,..ftllng 1\1 lht' pa~l1lcn{ ot th...:- ohhg:uillll ~ccurcd by <br />such lien III a manner ac\,;cptabk !n L~!ldt.'r. t'f :--h,di 10,\.:\)')-.1 !-\lth c.(lnk.,! ."td, lien by. {'f" ddcnd ~l1fllr(l'mt::nt of such lien in. <br />legal procc-eding:-. ""lll~h (lperat~ to prt'"~~eIH Ih.... .:nh)l..:....nh:nt Ld thc hell ur fork.IILlfc of lhe Property (If '-IllY part thereof. <br />5. Hazard Insurance. "h:.l.1l h.:.:~' lhl' }<lil'[(l\l'lllt.:ll!" i"lt'\\ t'\htHl~ 1'1' l1~rc,lltt:r t.:!t:ctc-d on the Pr'-)pcrty insured <br />against ios-s by fire. hazards ifh.:luJl.."d \\ uhtn lilt: knn "n:r:nt..kd ,llld ..t:c!l other hazard\ a,,> L.;m.l<::>r may re-qulrt: <br />and in sUi:h .WlL"'Uilt~ and for si.h...h pcut.lis .j... I cnJ~r 01.1) (l.'yUlf..:, that LCHJ(r "hLlH\wt n:l.lllir\? th:n the amounr of <br />such coverage cx..:ee-d Ihat J.mUlHH I,i ..'I1\'l:r.l~(' h'Ylllll:'Li i,> !!h.' "Un!'- ...(....\lft:d ";. tht'l ~torlgitgl'. <br />The insurance carrier pr,)viding the lf1~tli,llh...C 'ohi-dl hl' hy Bnrrl!\'oL't "ubjl'd (ll approvai by f Crider: provided, <br />(hat such approval ~halI not be (H\lC-~ts,Hhtbl\' wilhhdd \11 pn:llltUflb I)n in"Uf:llh:C Pl)!iCH..'S :-hall be III the manner <br />provided under p;u.agraph :;; hereof \1L ,( 11\'t p.i1d lfi ...ud: mantlel. b~ BI)1 r~l\~cr makmg payment, when due, dtrectly to the <br />insurance carrier. <br />AU insuranct.' r\."\li\;IC~ .tnJ lencl....!!" iherl.',1i ..h,d] h' Hi {dr!l"i .''''(~f;Llbk h. t <:lld';l dad shallll1..:ludc a ."t:lndarJ mortgage <br />dause in favor of ami m form ~iI:,,'<;,;pt,thk 1\1 l.t'ilJ~I, I ~'nJt:1 "hid! h,l\!" tho.: n~iH !l.l twld the pl.llil..'it:~ ,md rcnc......lls there,lL <br />and Borrower Sh.lll prompliy ftlilllSh h) l.(,fHkr ,Ill'\....d llutll.':., ,nhl .!1I jC<.:t:iPb 01' paid r'rl;:mium~. In the event of los~, <br />Borrower shaH give prompt o(lli..:-c ill the 11l::.ULlIh:t.' ":.lrtlt:i ..!HJ Lelldl'l l.-emkr ln~~ fllah.C pnl\'t I'f loss il not made promptl) <br />bv Borrower. <br />. Unle-ss I..cnder and BOfr\.''l\Cl 'Jtht.;n'J;.1,'" .lghY in !,~ fttwg. in"lH,trh,:C t'r,~.~cd,- shall be applied hl ft'':olontion or repair of <br />the Property dam.aged, pro\'iJcJ Hh.:h rcslOratl~'n (If l~p.llf I., l2(\-~lI\Jml":iilly h'a~ibk atid the ,.;ccurit) of this Mortgage IS <br />not thereby impaired, If :..t.lch r~shJr;.1th)n or fo;;-p:.llr i.. lh,t \.'<,;\lih>IUI;.'ally !t:.I~lbk or it the \l.:cunty of IhlS ~longage would <br />be impaired, the insurance pw;;ceds shall be app!it.'d t(. the sum:,. ~~\':~lTed b) thiS .\-Iongdgc, with lhe c\.ct:ss. if ~my, paid <br />lO Borrower. If the Propeny i~ .1barH.}(lIl,:-J h;. BOfW\-\l:f. N il l:hHTl'\\er lad':l ill f(:spond to I cnJt:f Within 30 day::> 1ro01 the <br />date notice rs mailed by Lender 10 Borrower rhJ.t the insurauce ~:a.ffjt.:r '-lHer~ [11 ~I."l!lc ,\ claim In\:.urancc henctits, Lender <br />is authorized to collect and apply the in::.uranl.:e p;:l~eed;, ;il Lc-nJe('-, tlpiHln either to resroraIJon or repair of the Propen) <br />or t-o (he .sums si..~i,;urw. by this ]>'lortgagt,;-. <br />Unless Lender .and Borrower othef\\be dgrCL: In v.ruing, <In} ."llt..ll ;:tppljl.:~ttJOn 'Jf pHh.:~ed~ 10 pnn....lpal :-.hall not extend <br />or postpone the due date oi lhe mOlllhiy iU:<.Hl.ilmt:ols n.:t'crn:u h) in par>.igraphs J ant.! 2: h~rcllf or t:hangc lhe amount of <br />such installments., If under paragraph 18 hereof the Pn)perty l~ i.h.:<.julfeJ by Lend!;!". dll fIght, title- .:wtl. inlt.;r~st oi Borrower <br />in and to any insurance: policies and in anti to the pn)(-cc-:Js {hereot r~:-.uttlng frem damage to the Prt.'})crty prior to the sale <br />or acquisition shall pass to Lender to the e_x.lcnt (If the ~um5 ".:cureJ by this !\lortgdgc immcdlutl'ly prior l() such sale (lr <br />acquisition. <br />6.. ~",atkm and 1\laintenaDce of Property; Lea.~holds; Condominiums; lllanucd Unit Ut"..t'_lopmcnts. Borrowcr <br />shaH keep the Property in good repair and ~hali not commit wa:..te (If permn impairment or deterioration of the Property <br />and shaH comply wit.h the provisions of any lease It thl'> .Mungagc- IS on H kasdH.l1J. If thi\ Mortgage b on il unit in .1 <br />(,.'OOoominjum or a planned unit dcvdopmcol. Born;lwer \hal1 p;;:-rh)rm all of BOHl}\\-Cr'S obligalll._lHs under the declaration <br />or covenants creating or governing the i,.~ondomin-ium -or pl~nncd UIll[ devdupmcnt. lilt: hy-Jaw!o. and rcgljlation~ of the <br />condOrniniu.t1l or planned unit develQpment. aud constituem d{;fI.:lJIDt:tJlS.. 11 d climlol1linjum or pl,mncd unit devclopment <br />ridel. is executed --by BorrQw~r and _re~orded wgclflcr with th_IS Mongag~, the ,.;oVI:UilUls and agreement!> of such rider <br />shaU be .lll:(:.OtPQt'1l1c-d ,into: and ~hldl amend and s.uppkmcnt the r.;l.,Wcnants. anJ agreements \..f thi~ MO[lgagc as if the rider <br />w~r'a I'~ ""rwi. <br />,,. Prot~ of'_ I...eude..~s Security.. If Horn.:n\er faih It) perform lh~ >;ovemmts ami agreements ("~'l1ltaincd Hl rhi~ <br />}J(q-rtaagc, or if any action or procee-di~1S i\1. commt-llc-ed \v'ht~h mate-fiall)' aft'€-cts Lcnde-r\; tnterc"it in the Property, <br />in.f;.hJtun,~ but no~ Hm_lted tOf eDline-nt domain. insolvency. tod~ enforce-mem. ...-,r anungctnems i1!' proceedings involving a <br />bankrupt or d<".edent, then. Lender at l.ender's oplion, U(X111 nt)~icl,; 10 BOHOW,:r. r'l'lay n\al...c .'~Ui.:h ~qlpC'.aTam'e~, \.n~hurs..: such <br />!tum.~ Mid tak~ li,1(:.h 3i.'ti\'>>1 M i$. M'cc'3-wry \0 ptutC{.'1 L-cndc.(~~ Jnkrc,'il, lndudmg. but oot IimiH;d to, (ltsbun.cmem (If <br />re-..tSOti~le :iiuorne)"-s f(,.'\(:$. .md entry Upi)11 t.he Pf-Op.:-Hy to {nake ft,;P,lit'S h LcnJ~{ n:yuireJ t!hHtg4gC imura!h':<: ,l" ;j <br />COffi,htion ~~.t. makin. tht- jO&!) ~-I.:"!Jl'Cd hy thi,~ Mpn~gc, BOHo\-l,--Cr ~h;l!l p;,l~. fht; pr-cl'niulI1;., ro,.qUlfl..'J It; rnainl--i!11 ,\u("!1 <br />lmur.rn..~ in ctTc"r Uhhf ~H,h 6~ ~'& the fe-quir~m'-:;H f(if ~u-:,;h m>;'Uf~j'h_~i: l~'rnH~Hh;:,> m .t~~":,\itlan\'T WIth Bprw\\cr>~ and <br /> <br />r <br />