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<br />I" <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. ....ymenl of PrincIpld ond Inle...l. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges .L<; provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />Z. Fuads for Tues and JftSUI'aIlCe. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shan pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in fuU, <br />a sum (berein '"Funds-j equal to one~tweffth of the yearl]' ta.xes and as~ssments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Propert)'. if any. plus one-twelfrh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one.twelCth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time lO time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable e.lj.timates. thereof, <br />The Funds: shaH be held in an im.tirution the depo!iits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender jf Lender is such an institution), I coder shall :tpply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for SO holding and applying the Funds. said account. <br />or verifying and comp~ling said assessments .1ud bills. unles-s Lender pa\'s Borrower interest 0n the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge. BClrrower and Lender may' agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requi~ such interest 10 be paid. Lender shall nOI he requiTed to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual accountjn~ of the Funds showing aedils and debits'to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds wa..... !'Hade. The Funds cire pledged as additional security for the sums sec-ored <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Fllnds held by Lender, together \vith the future monthly in~tallments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due date$ ot taxes, a..<;'Ne5-."'l;ffients, immrance premiums. and ground rents. sh~ill exceed the ,lmount required to pay said taxes, <br />assessments, in$urance premiums and ground rents .is they t'all due, s.uch l~"{CCS.S shaH be. at Borrower's option. either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments. (If Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />hcld by Lender shall nOl be sufficient to pay taxc~. asses:sments. lOsurancc premiums and ground rents as they faU due~ <br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount Ilece..~s.ary h' make lip the detkit':ncy within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader to BorrO\\'er requesllng payment there-of <br />Upon payment m fun of aU sums secured by this. Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund 10 Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lendzr. If under paragraph I g hereof the Property!.. ...old ..g th~ Property ili otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no taler than Jmmedia.lely prior h) the ...ale of fhe Propeny or Its ,h.:quisltion by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the time of appjjcation as. .a against the sum.. secured by thIS Mortgage. <br />3. AppIkatiou of Paymeats. Unless applIcable law provl>.ies i..therwi...e. all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs I and -2 hereof s-hall be applied by Lender firs! H1 payment dt amounts payable to Lt.~nder by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. t~n W mte-rcst payable nn tbe ~Ok:. then !o the princ!pa! of !he Note. aad then to interest and <br />principal on any Future Advancrs. <br />4. C-barces: lJeas.. Borrower ...hall pa\- all t,IXI.":-. ;.""n~mcnt:; and "ther I: hargc~. tine.. and nnpositions attributable to <br />(he Property which may a.ttain a pnoricy lwer thi'i Mongage. ,md leasehold payments or ground rents. if any, in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. !f not p.ud m ".uch manner. bv Borrower payment. when due. directly to the <br />payee thereof. Borrower ~aH promptly turm<;.h h~ Lender ali n(llh;~;., o.j ~HllUllnts due under this paragraph, and in the event <br />Borrower 'Sh~H make paymeni dHCi.?I!Y. H(~Ho\''''.('r ",hall pr"mlptly tuftll...h to Lender n:ceipls cviden.:ing such payments. <br />Borr~'er ~ha11 prompd)' dftcbargc any hen \dut:h hih rnont~. ova this :\-Iortgage; proVided. lh;lt Borrower shall not be <br />required to dtscbarge any .such litn ~(l jon~ <l.$ 8orro-y,-er ;.,h:.\1I ;tgn:e In .....rHmg tn the pJtymcnt ot the obligation secured by <br />soch hen in a manner acceptable to Lender. \lr _",h~llllH ~H,,_\d I,uth -;,:onh.;\l such hen h-v. or defend enforcement of .'Hlch lien 10. <br />legal proceedings whJeh operate li.l prevent rho: l:.u[\)r1..':cment oi the l:e:n or forfcltur~ of the Property or ~my pout thereof. <br />5. H-azant htlvl1tRff~ 8oITowc:r -,h;lll keep Ihl' lI11pnwCmcm" Ihl\.~ nl~{lOg (if hCfcaftJ:r cTcdcd on the Property in:->urcd <br />dgaulSt rOM oy fire. haza.rdS' included Wtlhill the term "",-"\lended LUVI.'f;l1.!C' ;-md '\uch other hazards. <t!i Lender may require <br />~t.i in such ,Utl-Olmt.s and (fir ~w.;h permo;; .... Leno;;:,; m.l" !(.'qWn..', pl<;'Vldcd, that I.clHkr ...hall nni rcqlllfc that the <.i1l10tlllt 01 <br />such O';{,l.....c-rage exceed that a.mount of ((h-crage h~4u:r-cJ hI p-Ui< tht.' ".Ilm,> ...eulri:d by thIS MOrlg;;lgC. <br />Tbe msuranc-e CitCner providing the iIt.:iuranl.:e ..hajj f~ ... tH..l'len oy Borrower SHOJCl.:{ to approval by Lender: provided. <br />that .such 3-plm.)val ~haJJ I'wt be l.nrcln(l(lah!y \\'tlhhdd All prCfl)lum::. uf'! m~ur:.JIK~ pojj(:les ~hall be paid Ifl the manner <br />provided untkr 2 heretll Of, if nUl pauJ In 'lotl>,;h manne-r. by Borrower making payment. ~hCH due. l..hrecrly to the <br />Insurance carner. <br />.~ insurance poJt,:~~ -anti rene...ah. theh.~-lli he HI form .........epl;lblJ.: {(i I.ender ~nd shallllicludc ;'1 ..t;wdarJ morlg.lge <br />clause in !a.V\)f (\f and In fOIm ac,.cp(;cthie III LI,,~ndcl l ~fHjCJ ..hilil h;)\:t~ the tight tfl hold fhe poli{,:it~.. .Ind rent:w.d~ therc()f. <br />and Borrowcf s.tudt promptly turnis.h h..... L~ntkj 411 rcnew).ll nOfl-.:6 ,Hid <lll re(.:clpts (II paid prCmillnl"i In the event of loss. <br />Borrower ~haH !l:tVt; prompt notKc ro the In'i-Ul~rh':e ~arnt:r (trh..i L~nJcL Lendr.:r flIay make pIOol pf l{)~ it n0t r11.ldc promptly <br />bli Borrowcr. <br />. lJn1~ Lende--r dud l:klHowCf olhe-r"""'\~ agf~C III w ntmg, m"1Uf<ilh,:t; pH>>::ei.'(J..;, ~haH be applied 10 resturation or repair of <br />the PNpluty damaged, provl'I.kd );uch rc~h.Hatl(\n ...)f fepair i:>. c","l."wffif.cally fC<\Mhle and the sCI,,;urity of thi~ Mongage i" <br />001 tbereby impaned. It "'lKh rcs.tO!>lthHI ..1r >cpall i.;;' not el.l,llwmi,--ally lcasiblc Of Jj the s,c'::llrHY of Ihl~ Mortgage wl)uld <br />be implUred. the m~urance tJf\,lCeeJs ;;,haH be applied 10 the ~um.'l, sl:l.ureJ b}' thIS Ml)rtgagc. wnh the ~.\CC~S. jf any, patd <br />to 8orr-owcL Ii the Propenj L\ aband\)ncd ~I (i()fw'Wer. Dr ,t 8orH_H+cr lalh. li.l rc:,p,)od to Lender wuhm 30 days J rom the <br />date notice is mailed by Lender 10 Borrower thaI the ln~Ufan<.:.: ":~ltneI ~llTer"S 1<i ,-cnlc a chllm for insurance henefit~, Lcnde-r <br />is aUlhorized to collect and 3ppJy the-;Ufi:iUKC procet.~s ~lt Lender.. uptlon either to restor,ilian (If repair of the Properly <br />or to tile S:~ M:~urcd by tbis Mortgage. <br />Un.less Lender and Borrower otherVti~ in wIlting. ,tny ~\J~h app-licalion of proceeds tt) pnnclpal "hail not extend. <br />or pl)$lpOne the due date of the monthl)' jnslaHment.'i referred In in paragraphs ! and 2 hereuf or change the amount of <br />such insuIUmenn:. Ii under pIlr""dgI";tph Hi hereof the Pn.1p.::-n, h fH.:yuirc-J by Lender. all fight, title and ilH~resi. oj BOHo",cr <br />in and 10 any itbUf4UCe po-Itc!C:?i itud in Oto-d to tm p-ru,e-ed.-.; the-Trot" reliuiting from damage to the Propcn:y prior to the :-.alc <br />or acqw$-ition sh..U paa to Lender to the t:\lem of" the ;\lUJ"US !-(;.\..:urcd hy thJ~ \-tong.agc Imrncu.juiCiy prior [(J such 'laic l.)f <br />.cqttllition. <br />6. Presenatioa aad ~taiatt:'mwce of P~rt); Le-aseh-ojds; Co-lldomitJiun~ Planned Unit l>e,'elopftlents. Borrow~ir <br />~ k.fep the Propert)'. in good rc:pmr and $haU ne! comnut '"vas.te lH penun lfnpaHmeat or dctcrit)fatjun of the Property <br />;snd d1ail comply with the p-TO'ltl,jtow. o{ any IciQC Ii th,\ Mort~agt: I... (~n iJ leasehold, ff thIS Murigagc i'i OH .{ unit In a <br />Con.daminiOOl or a. l)hmued umt dc\'dopmem. [iun-uwer "hall ~rform ail ul lh>fWI.ld:(!i- obllgJ.{WOS under the ded..ra{wll <br />ur ~-CYcna;nu creauUj: or the t:~")-ndtm1mium Of pi;mncd nnlt Je\~k)pmcnl. lhe b)'-law~ ,-UHf n~glllation-" of the <br />c~onunjUln at ptan.ued. unit deve.lvp-m~nt. ,wI.! l.:ons.iitucn! Jocumel1!~. If)J ("L1n....klfTlirnum P[ planned llnlt development <br />rider- 1"i e~ted b)' Botruw-cr .and rcco-f'ded w-gel-her ""'-1Il! rlw" M..-Higagc, !he .,:O"'I.O'!MtltS. and agreement$. ,,( \lKh ndcf <br />n.&U he j~aiJ:(1 inti,) and ~U -amend u-nd 'j,uppkm.em the (Ovtnan!5 and aglcena~nb of !hl'Jl MOflgag,e ii:>. ~~ rhc nder <br />'ftte a palt hcrcot <br />,~ ".,...... of IA8I.ier~1 .s.curity~ If B9nower bul.. to l')(-t!nrm the n1ven;tOh :mJ agn:emcl1ts ~tmHuntd HI tht, <br />Mot~. 01" if an.)' ~tioo. or prOC-eedUlg 1$ commc-ni.'t,:d Whldl malCfJa.Uy ",tft.>;t;t... Len-Jtr's lntcrc:->.t in the P'(\1X"ny, <br />lnt:~ but _ll:(.tf l~mi~ to. eminent domain. mwiyency. ;;:(~; enff',fl..'{'..rB-t:'nl. (,r ,urangemCnL'i ~\r prtl\,:~eding.'.l WV(!i\'ing a <br />buttr. or Qoi;~f~ dlen ~f af Lendcf's !'!ph--Uti_, up;m flj.lH(:.f; in Rtuj'p\\it,?_\'", rna.:.' such app<-'4rilncc~. ..h\b\.HM' ~u~h <br />Jl#nJ- ~ 1m ~h a.ct~'" ~\ it tleU'-~1l 1-0 ptnllJ:'(t l..enGeJ\, In!.;-r~c I'h.-::!udmg.. l~ut nt){ hf11He-.t W, ..h;.,hursemcn\ ,'lj <br />r~ .Ittor..y~~ tK1- and entry U~^Jt'l !ht: J"ropeny !g liHi~(, rtp_w~ H Ll;'nder r-c~uireJ m~)J'tgtlg(\ tn'j\1t.'11h~c ,~., .i <br />~ of mj,kcinj !-~ loan ~t:iued hy IhlS-''%, Bu:rr~')wn lihllH Pit} lhc rr~rnH.un~ rt'qUJr~d !i\ n1ilint~t!n ~\h.-h <br />~~ in ~4~t Uhtu w..:h time 4--' the rt'qU!ll7mc-m tvr ",~r;:h mJ;~if,anc--e t,::rmHt-lil~i':'\ tH iK..~ntda.n-J.."c- ,..tfh Bmruv,.'Cr'" .u~d <br /> <br />83-005157 <br /> <br />