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<br />83-..., U05114
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<br />9. ('ondemnation. The proceed.. of any ~lward or claim for dalTJagc~. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender,
<br />In the event of a total taking of Ihe Property, Ih. proceed, shall he applied to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />wilh the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a parlial laking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otberWise agree in writing.. there shall be applied 10 the sums secured oy this Deed of Trust such proportion--of the prOCeeds
<br />,tS is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to,the date,_~f-
<br />taking bears to the fair market value- of the Property immediately prior t(l the date' of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid 10 Borrower, .
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borro\\'er that theocondemnor offer.ftomake
<br />an award Qf settle a claim (or damages, Borrower fails to r~pond to Lender within- 30 days after the date such- notice-is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. ~H Lender's option. either to restoration or 'repair- ot~tbe
<br />Property or to the sums 5eCured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless lender and Borrower otherwise- agree in writing. .any such application of proceeds to principal shall nOI.extend
<br />~l~chiZ~t~~hnets~Ue date of the monthly inst,tHmcnls referred-to in paragraphs I and -2 .hereof or change the amount'of
<br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extcn..ion Df the time tor payment or modification of amorti1.ation of the !>ums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any suc-eessor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in-l1ny--manner,
<br />the Jiabtlity of the original Borrower and Borrower's ~ucce.ssor~ in interesl, Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor Of refus.e to extend time for payment or orherwisc modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by,this- Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made ~y the o6ginal Borrower and Borrower'$ successoni'in interest
<br />II. Forbearance by I.ender Not a ,"Vail'n. Any ftlrbearancc hy Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder; or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, .shall not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise 01 any such right or -remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes er other liens or charges by l.ender shall nO{ be 11 waiver of lender's
<br />right 10 acceJerate the maturity of the indehredncss secur,cd hy this Deed of Trust. , .
<br />12. Remedies CumUlafh"e. All remedies proviJc-d 111 thl~ Deed 01' Trust are thSltnLt and cumulative to any other nght
<br />or remedy under this Deed (If Trust or ;ltTorded hy law Of equity. and may he exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />successively.
<br />13. Successors and Assigns Bound: Joint and St"Vt"f3J Liability; Captinn.'i. The t.'(.wenl.lnts and agreements herein
<br />contained shalt bind, and the rights hereunder shall inure tn, the respective succc~sor.s ;.md ~Issigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisi.ons of paragrnph 17 hereof, All covenants ;!I1d agreements of Borrower shaH be joint and- several.
<br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of thi'i Deed (If Trmt arc for convenicl1(;c only and are nor to be used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof
<br />14. Notice:. Except for any nO[jc~ reqUired unlier ilpp!Jcable bw h"1 b.: given III ,mother manner, (ill any notice (0
<br />Borrower provided for in this DL"ed ('If Trust shall he given by mailing sych notice by certified mail addressed to Bor~wer at
<br />lhe Property Address or at such other addrcs!. :lS Borrower may ueslgn;nc by nolice to Lender as. provided herem. and
<br />(b) any notice to Lender shall be given hy .;ewfied mall. return receipt requested. h) Lender"s address Slated herein or to
<br />such other address as Lender may dC~Hgnatc by notice to Borrnwer as providcd herein.. Any notice provided for in t~is
<br />Deed of Trust shaH be deemed 10 have been given !(l BOfnT.-\-'cr or I end.:.-!' when given III the manner deSignated herem
<br />15. Vnilonn Deed of Tru~'; (;oHrnin~ Law; S("v...rabili.~'. I hi" /llrm of deed ()f trust combines uniform covenunts for
<br />national use and nGn~uniform covenants Wilh limiteJ '-.-'ann!lOn~ by jun~dicIJt)n {i.l t:nn~tjnlte a uniform security instrument
<br />covering real properly_ This Di..'"ed 01 Trust ~h~t!l bt' .1;p'd.'rned hy the law pI the lmi'idlction in which the Property is located.
<br />In the event that any proVision III d~tU~l' uf lhi" n~cd oi Tnbt {.!" lhe 1'.f1!C (~)nnj":l\j with applicahJc law, such conflict shall
<br />not a.ffect other provisions of [rHS fk-:J nf TrUSl C.'r the ~NC: \dll\.-h \.':.\.1) b..: ;;ivcn clrcet \',;itr-wut the enntlicting provision.
<br />and to this end the pro-vision.s u-1 the DceJ lA '} fwH ;:;nJ the ~oIe arc d("d~1fcJ tu l~ ->cverOlbie.
<br />16. Borrower's (:opy, Borrower ..hall be lunll,hed ;t nln!nrHl\.'J CdPY pi Ihe Note and -of this DceJ of Trust ill the time
<br />of cx.ecution or after recordahon hen..~f.
<br />17. Transfer uf the Pro-pC'rt.)'; Assumption. If ;J!i ,'r anI" p.lXl pi th... Pmpcrl\ llr an inh:i'l:~t thefeJH is 'Iold or Iransferred
<br />hy Borrower without L\~nd(:r'$ prIOr wnHcn ~:(ll1'>-CHI. ~''\.,,~I\ldn1~ (.1' tile (fcati~in ,-'f ~l lien or cncurnhrance subordinate k-"
<br />this Deed of Trust. (b) the creation d a purch~t:.,t- !!l\'Jlt:V ...::curil) lli!r:rt'~1 f..l[ h(\usc.:holJ appliances, (c) .:t transfer by dcvi!>e,
<br />descent or by operallotl of law upon the death l){ a p,'lnl t,,'nam 01 ' i I l~11 !I"~'ll f IJJl un oJ j' 11 'Jl:t" tnTJ IT ~ iJ 1 ili
<br />.1 Hr" " JAB ElR Jfl" 1n Lu ,. r -\:t- U1 1 CndE:f may < .d t CfH.ict'" oplJ~\l\. Jcd;j[C all the sums 'Secured h~. this DceLi of Trust to be
<br />immediately due and paYahk. Lender :.ha!l h;1\(; '-'<_\\\l"d Wdl ~'ph;li ill a;..cdl."rJ!~ d. prio-r tll the sale l'r transfer. Lender
<br />and the perStln to whom -.the- Pro~t1y is to t>e ~\;ki ur ! f;!li..f-r:rr~~ rL"~I.;h agree-men I m writing that the acdH l'[ such person
<br />is s-utisfl1-ctory 10 Lender anu that the Hi!~h.~t r'.l}ah!l~ plI Illl' "Ium-., \......ufl'd h IhlS DceJ 01 Trust ...hall be ut slIch rate a~
<br />Lender shall requt..~l. If Lenuer h<t:J. waIved the OI'IHll) fi' :"..;'df..~f;.I!l.' prwdded In thi_, p~lrugr;lph 17. rInd if ROfmwer's successor
<br />in interest has exefO:_ul-cd ;i. Wf1;!ClI a5.SUl11r~j(m .Jgn:cmei\l ;l-':I,:~rtt:J 111 1.\ fltlng h~/ l.c!ldcr, l.cndcr :-.hail n:l~a~c Borrower from
<br />aU obligations under thiS r~d of Tru/)! and the NU1:e:
<br />If Lender exercises sl.h:h o~v.I-on tn ;'H..:;.;e-l~r~dt':, 11,~nJe; "h.d! PIa:! BOl rUWCl notice of ac..:t'lerauot) in accordalH:c with
<br />parag,raph 14 hereof. Such uotice ~haH. pro.\!rJc ~I paj("!,d (,1 n,,'{ th.w .\0 day!) trnm ,Ihe dall; fhe I"')ti~t:: i-; mailed within
<br />whi~h Borrower may pay the ...umi; J~l,..i.iHcd Ju.:_ It Bnlhh\t:i_ It' 1':1\- :'!-w.;h ">(Im, pr.wr 10 the C.\PlfJtllm of such period.
<br />Lender may. wilhout further nottct: or ,kmuod t'li fin. flmer. Pl\ d.c anI, r~mcJll.'~ pcmu!ll"d hy parJgraph I S hereof.
<br />NON-UNIFORM CovtNANl'S Borr(w.'er ami 1 cnJcr i\lnh~f ~~wcn;lllr ,In\j ;igrce ;l~ !oIlDw~:
<br />18. At:('elentjOfl; Relncdies. Excltpl a.. pro tided in paragraph 17 hereof, upon Borro\,"'fr'!i breach of an,.)' ~'Q\'enant or
<br />.,.meat of Borrower in tbu. Oetd of 'husl. indudin2 the \'o\euanb to pa~' when due any sums Re-urect by,this Oeed
<br />or Trusc. Leader prior to a<:cele-r...tiou ~haU lIutil nvtite 10 BOHH\"H:r jlS phn-ided in pluagrapb 14_ hereof specifying: (1) the
<br />bre-acb; (2) the acrion required to ('\Ire :such bn:ii{:b; (3) a dale. not It."'!,> th3U 30 da:fs from the,; date, &I." .notice_ is mailed to
<br />Borro"'cr~ by wh":h !Ouch breat.'h must_ be ('uud; and (4) thai failuf{' 10 curt suc.:h breaeb on or before the date SIHH:ified
<br />i~ the notice may ~ult in at:t.:eleratio-n of lite- ll.lUm !il<<-ured by (his nf'~d of Trust Bnd sale of the Property, The notice
<br />sbaII fur1iaer iDform Borrower of the "<<ill In reinstate afttr accclt-l'aliol1 and the ril;ht to bring a court action 10 as-flert
<br />tile ~xis1eace of a default or an\ other de-fense of Borrower to acceleration and !tale. If the breach is not cured
<br />OG 01'_ before dM: dale spedfied ijl the ~'(lrke~ Lender at l.t:'uder'.\ -option mil} de-date uU of th~ ~ums :!oC-cured by this Deed
<br />of TI'Uit_ to be.i.rnmflliately due an-d pa,)"able Klthout further demand and nUIJ im:ake the po-wer of sale and an} other remedies
<br />pe~ by applicable la,,'~ Lender sun be entitlt-d 10 eoUC'd uU na.wnable (osts and ('x~nses incurred in punuing the
<br />~ provided: iu tbia paragraph-IS. iududing. but not limited to. reasonable attocne)'s fees.
<br />If tile pow-e-r of sale is m\'okt>d, Tr-uste~ sb.aU r<<oed a not.icc of ddault in ea~h count) in whith the Property or some
<br />~ Ihc-ROt is fflcalf:d ad sua mail t:opifl; of such noti4.'e in ~he fnanACf pftll'fibed b,- applicable law to 8ornn'\o'ef and to- tbe
<br />oIMr.......... p....,rlbetllty applk:abk law, Afler lit<! lap... of ,ocb time '" may be r.qulr.d by appUcabl. law. Tm'l.e shall
<br />live pIihIk hUtke of sale- to lhe persons DDd in tbe UlanM':r pn.scribed bJ applicable law. Tru..fttee. without. demand on
<br />IIonOweE~_--5b... sed tbe Property at p.uhIk auction to rht' higheM bidder at fhe time and pl.ace and under the terms designated
<br />""_1'tIe notice. of sale 10 one or IftOR _pa.r('e-ls_ and in ),'lU'h order att Trn.~ee mal' de.ermine. l'ru-ste-e mal l.ostpone sale of .U
<br />qr ~ ~ of the .PJ-qpe-tty by' public uMoiUlceOl-ent at thf: time- and place of an)' pre\-'iously !'cheduled sale. tender or
<br />Lemler'......~ ""'f..-Iutie the I'ropefl~_aI aay sale.
<br />t...... ..-lpI. . .. of pay_ of Iheprlce bid, Tl'lIS!ee..1ud! d.Uver 10 lbe purrbllSer T......t..'. deed ron..ylng Ibe Propert)'
<br />..... n..RdlaltIIa 1M Tnulft'. tlftd 5brIll be prima fade ..idem:. of tit<! trutb of Ih. .,tal.....o" mAde Iherein. T",,1ee
<br />... ....,_.... ... ___.. . ..of doe. ... .Ia. lb<<lolloWiJl.IOl'.den (al '" aIt .._bk r...rs ami ..,...... of the sal., Including, bul
<br />.... 'ttllOtee'" '- of_N>l mo.. ''''''' l; L. of 1.,. of lbe gr_" pmr, r.aso....hk 0110'''''1'5 f.... ....dr...'" uf
<br />!l>Jto all...........,""'" 1>) lids Deed of Trw.t, and Ie} the e....... If .ny, l<> ."" person or penonns 1eglllly enlllled
<br />
<br />L
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<br />.,... ~,,_", Rich' '.0 ~lt. N-(..~twiths.t.tl)dins, LtnOc:r's. iKceter~nJOn ~)t. tfl.c ~Wl1~ M:-;;:un..J hy ltus Deed of Tru~t.
<br />8o..-ro"Wer m-U- bav('. t~~ fi.ght to ha\'~ _tmy proceedin.as begun b,.. LcmJer to .enforce thj.,~ Deed nf rn..l;;t (,h,s~(intmuc~ .ilt
<br />all1JUM pttor__tu the e-ad~' h'J occur ~.,( (0 th-c fifth oay beforc_the ~Ic of rhe P~ope.rty ptH1iuafU to ltw- power ...f ~-ih:: contuwc~i
<br />4t,th,",~c-f Tf\u.t -"f(ll)tnV,)!~)i i Jtt-dJ.ment enfordnfi; (hb. De.cd of Tnu.r IL {;~} JiOff'(}'A-t.::.r pa~',,,, l-w"ier- aU sum.li whtch WI,Hlld
<br />M tM.n- due' under th;;i De~J IR Tnt\k lh~' No~c i.i:nd ftVlt-s -.cC\,HTnJ FUHt-t'e .'\dvl:il1\:c". ,f fmy. had no a(~denHH.i-n nc~unL-..J.
<br />lbl ~h,t.,.,e,t tu'~;\- _ ~H hfC.A;;~j. 4rf i\,ny l1-lher C(Jh'ilanB. ~H .:-t,\!:f\;,'CIlWnt-'i '-'~ Ihn.roWi.'f -I.:,~nlall1cJ in thb Deed .:,..f rnl'it~
<br />k~ 'Bu(t<t"~l" V:aJ\ .i.r! .f~-:lii}O;l~$.: (.\.~tJ.;';-"\ m,i,;U_ffCd h, Lt:tmitor i!-od _ThgU'-{:' Hi ('ni~0l:-~mg If-K< .....'\<~H.Hjh ~nd a~r\~c!nen~-\ of
<br />flqt--m-....~{ ~'~mt~/;ne{t in th~~ t~;d nf hthl lHlI.! _1ft i;1'!.foKI-ng J-.~nJt:t' '" Hno h(p,lC-~ ~ h-""1=l\:~he'i- ;1',. p:~}'iHk-d m p;Jf.<tgr..ph lS
<br />ht:1WI, ~Jud;n$_ ht# ix)f h-rrHtC",~ 'h), fC..\lWHahk_J:ttf-OffH:Y':'I f~-'t'1" ~lnJ.l ~dj U~!H'HW~,( ic."c"- "ath ifd,HH.;):'; j .:nd-cr S'r..1>\- n:;j~-nnahf\"
<br />f~'qHU~ ~,,;;, -ilW\i.\lf-"lt that. au.: h'fU rd thh r~'"tl t.Jf Tt'n~t, 1 (Halet\- ilU_n"~( It! \hi: PntjN-fh ;lnd lk"I'f\1-"-C,"" ,~h!tg-au\w f>.) P._i~
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