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<br />83-005068 <br /> <br />9. Condemnadon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential. in ;;onnection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby assigned <br />and shan be paid 10 LeDder. <br />In the evenl of a lotal taking of Ihe Property, lhe proceeds shall he applied 10 Ihe sums secured by thi, Deed of Trust. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and lender <br />otherwise 3sree in writing, there shall be applied to the :sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />;15 is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance oi the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dale such notice is <br />m..ned. Len~r b authorized to collect and .apply the proceeds. .t( Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or 10 tbe sums secured by this Deed of Trusl <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any 'iuch application of proceeds to principal shall not-extend <br />~:chi~~m~nets~ue date of the monthly in-stallmenlS referred 10 in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for p.lyment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Deed of Trust granted by lender 10 any successor in inferes.t of Borrower shall not operate to relea,sc, in any manner, <br />the liability of the- original Borrower and Borrower'') succc~sors JO interest. Lender shall not be reqUired to commence <br />proceedings against such successor or refuse H1 c:uend time- for p.tymcnt or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made hy the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest, <br />11.. Forbe....nce by f...emkr Not a Waive-r.. Any forbearance by Lender In c-w.:ercising any right Ot, reme~y hereunder, or <br />otherwise afforded b.y applicable law. shall not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such nght or ~emedy, <br />The procurement of 10surance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges hy Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate (he maturity of the indebtedness ')ccurcd hy [his Deed of Trust , ' <br />12.. Remedies Cumulalin. All remedies pro\lllJcd lfl thiS Deed of TmsI arc distinct and cumulative to any other nght <br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or ;lffordc:d by law \.)[ equity. and may be exercised concurrently, independently or <br />successively. <br />13. Sorenson aDd A!iSiCns BouM; JoiBt and ~vt!rsJ I.iability; Captions. The covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shaH bind, and the rights hereunder ~h31l inure h', the rcspc-cti-vc successors. and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. All (:ovenants and agrecment\ of Borrower shall be joint and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs. of thi!> Deed or Trust afC for ..:onvenience only and arc nOI to be used to <br />interpret or define the proVisions hereof, <br />14.. Notice. Except for any noticc_ reqlllfcd under applil.:libie law to be given to another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall he gIven by m;:llling ~uch notice hy, certified mail addressed (0 Borrower at <br />the Propert)' Address ur at such other address .as Borrower may deSIgnate by nottce to Lender as provided herein. and <br />(b) any notice to Leenier ~hall he givcfl by cewned m~IlL return receipt 'equ,e~!cd. to Lenders address stated herein or to <br />such other address as Lender may de~Hgnate by notice In Borro....el a\i proVided herelO, Any notice provided for in this <br />r>eed of Trust shall be deemed to have been gillen In BC'fff'Wer u[ Lender when given in the manner designated herein, <br />15. Unifomt IHed of Trust; (;ovt"rni~ Law; ~V('rability. rIll'\. brm of deed 01 trust combines uniform covenants for <br />national use and non-umform covenants wiln lunited \'.lflallon.. hi' iUfisdlction il' constilute a uniform security instrument <br />covering real propeo)', This Deed of Tnl5! shall he giJvt>rned hy the'law of the p_lfisdu:tion in which the ProperlY is hlCatcd, <br />In the event that any. prOVision or clause 01 lhls D~ed {l! T.ttlst (Ir the NfHC \:onfh\.:ts With applicahle law, :'ouch {:onflier ,shall <br />nOI affect other prOVl$jons ot lhls fA"ed of Trust or lhc NOlt." WhH.:h !:,J,O he glYl""11 etlecl Wllhout the confllCtmg proVision, <br />and 10 this end the provisioJU of the Deed of l:rust ;md the ~otc :HC dcd<lrcd h) be- sc...,:rabl.e, <br />16. BorrO"fl'~5 Copy. Borrowel- shall be IUIlH~hed ;j "...1l1tormed U1PY 1,lt the NOle and or this Deed of Trust ;-.l! the time <br />o.f execution or after -Tecordati<:m hcreoi. <br />11. Ttall5ffr of the Property; AllWmption. If ;dl (If ;l!l~ P;'Hl of lhc Prl)pCriy \'f .J.n jntctcs[ lheretO l~ sold or transferred <br />by BorfOW(r without Le-ndcr's prior wriHen ;':i,lil:.cn1 c....duding 1;J ,\ the ~)f ;1 hen ur cn~\imbrance subordinate to <br />this. Deed of Trust~ (b) lhe: cre.1lion ot a. purcha\c ,HI,mcv 'S-c..:unty Inl('fC_~;{ fM h"lU~chofd apphan<.:es, tc) a rransfer hy devise. <br />dticent or hy operation of law upon rhe tkalh of J. ;_\1111 ICHam (lr l d l the gr,tn! 01 olll)-' h:a~hold interest of three years Of lcs,') <br />not conlaining an option 10 purchase, Lt~I1(Jer IlM':;, ,II ! eoder'" opt:on, ;Jed.He ;ill the !:>ums ,'fe..:urcd flY thi~ Deed of Trust to he <br />ullmediately due .md payable, Lender 'i.hall h,,'..(' '-'.llVCtJ ""u...h ~}plll.~n ll\ ac,,:eh:r;l[t" if, rrior fn the :.alc or tran'Sfer. Lender <br />and the- person to whom the Pro-pert)' l~ to he ,:;ulJ tr~tfhfe-fn:ti r.:a,:h .agreemenl ,n wtitlflg that the credit of sUL'h per!.!)!) <br />l~ satisfactory io Lender and that the llliero-t p:l:yahk .HI the "'llIH~ 'J':LUH..d by ;:hl:' Deed I;1-t Trust shall be at sUl..:h rate a" <br />Lender shaH r-e4uest. 1f Lendcr ha-1 wOll"ed the opJI!.}1l h~ ~l.:-':Clc'.tl': r-ro",Jcd ifl thill. p.afilgraph 17, ;tad if Borrower\- 3-UCCC-S3-Of <br />m inluest has executed a written tlssumpttOfl dgr('ClT'lent a(;(~pleO HI wrttfOg My l.ender. Lender \hali release Borrower from <br />:111 obligations under this Deed of Trust and the Nute <br />If Lender c~crc1~ !)uch (;puon to ac>:deralc, Lender. ."hail nHill BMrowcr ooti;;:e ot ac~e1eraflon _in ac~()rdancc- with <br />paragraph 14 hereof- Slkh nOIll..-"'t' \hatl phwHlc i! r~flod \-'1 \\li: lC'.,;.. lh~w 10 day'!. lrom {he date lhe nohcc is mailed within <br />whiCh Borrower ma} pay t~ mms, declared .Jue, fr 8-f\[WWe-f I.!lb III f"ay ~'J(h. !)um.s pnor w the expiration of such period, <br />Lender may. Without further no{u:,(' or demand 011 BOrrO'Nef. 111h\I..C .HI} relHt'dlc~ permitted tJ'l' paragraph 18 hereof. <br />NON,UNH~otc.M l.'(JVF.NIHHS Borrower "md i enJC:f lurth~t I.',}\cnan{ ~illd agree a!> 101l0w\ <br />f 8. Acce-kraUolI; Re-uudk\!t.. -":Xc:ept a\ pro\'"itkd in para.raph 17 hereof. upon Borrower's brea(:h of any ('O\'cnant or <br />acl'<<-llleRI of Borrower in this 1h-~ of Trust. im:Judjng 1M OHelUlPb to pa) whe-n due any; S4:'t'ured by this Deed <br />tN l'rusf. I~"'r prio.. to Meekrat..n !l.balI "taU nutice to Borro\\-f'f Jb. pnnitkd in paraerapb 14 hereof speeifyiDl: (1) the <br />breacb; (1) the acrioa Ftituirtd to ('un su.,:b bftacb; l.l. a da.t!". nol les.<ii than JO da)'!!. from th~ date the notic~ is mailed 10 <br />BOlfown~ by which- MK'h bffa('"b mtiSl bt- i.~uu:d:. and (4) tha' faihlf(, to ('lire !tuch h"ach on or before the date specified <br />in .~ DOlin: mal' lti-wt in .c('~kcatloft of tb~ ~""' lI>('('und b,. tht- Otltd of Trll'.. and we of the Propeny. The notice <br />swt rurtbi-, idorm Borro~er of the riCht to reimtate afler s,n:ek'-ralion and the right 10 bring a coun action to ~rt <br />the OOIH'xhceAU: of . ddauh ur .any other defenw of Bonu~u.r tt) lK'.,.elention and salt. If the brncb is not cured <br />Oft Of _lore the- date spc-dfied is tbe nutkC'f LtruUr 31 Lenderf's opliou may declare aU of the sums- secured by this De~ <br />of 'Irust to bt illUllflliatdy dut- and paJiabk ~itbout fUf1Mr demand and nUl)' i!nok~ the po~'er or sale "-od ~ny other remedies <br />pern1it:kd by appIkabR taw. I..emler ,dtaH be! ~ftlitkd 10 ('uUt-C't aU rf'asonable L'OSts 2nd e1lpenR\ incunf'd in pursuing the <br />rf'mcdiu prodded ill this paracraph 18-! iududiRJ:,. but not UftlitC'd 1u. rCfI,\Onable- attorDe_fs fen. <br />If the po~~f of ~ is ja,"'~ Trtitu shall record -a notice o-f ddllulf tn ...a~h count)" in wbich the Property ur some <br />part .~of is kK'at" and .shall mail copm o-f ~U{"h nu'Ke in Ih:f' manner pnS4Cribed b}' applicable law to Borm,,"'ef and to the <br />aChe-c pcnoas P.ffi('ribed by applkablr law, Aftf'f tbt." l-a~ i.' Ill.u-cb time ~ ma)- be required by applicable law~ Trustee shall <br />Rive p-ublk aoti<<- of sak to the pe-fS,QA'!i and in JM manner p~~r-ibed b)' applic::abI~ law. Trw.1te. witbOlit demand Qn <br />Ilert-O..rr. .... see_ the: Prope-rt)' at pubL1c 9-UCtKUl to Ihe b-iKbN bidder at the time and piau' and under the tums designated <br />hi rIM: DOtKe- cJ sale ift ODe -ol mon parec:b and in ~U<.::h o-rdu b "fruste.. nUl} dete-nuine,. Trustee may postpone sale or aU <br />01' .., pattd of the: ~rty by pvblk aRllUUP('t"Uk'ut at tbe time and plal"~ o-f any previously '\ehedukd !late. I.endel or <br />lz_r'. ~ ""'Y ....n:_ the Propor.y al....y sak. <br />Upoo receipc of pa1mt:m of the prier: ~ Tf1i:AH ~baJl ddher 'u lhe pun:ha~r Trmtee's deed conveying the hope";- <br />said. -nw f'ttitals ita fM TlWkt'~ dttd ...._ be printa fack nidrnce of the IWCh -of .h~ sta<<e:ments made therein, l'ruitt'_e <br />slllllh.pJy ."" ,.....,.m 01 t"" sale in .Ite fullo...iDl order: .a) '0 all r""sonabl. <:""', and ..penoes of the ..Ie, lnclodlne. but <br />DOt...... to, T.....H.1 fft'5 of not mo-r't than.. _ j_' ";1r,' (~. of the g.rOSlS.saIe' price. r-tasol\1lbl~ attomeY.Jii fefi and c:o~b of <br />Ildt ..ilkac.; lit) to aII..._ by this Ol"\:<f"olT.....a; .nd trl 'h. ..r.... if any, to 'h. pe.....n or po........ If!\C3lly en,ltled <br />tlluft.. <br />.9. Ionvwtrll JUabt t9 Kriadale. Ntlt'\>lottl\-tanding I..efHicr\ ..H.:celcr~tlidn 01 Ihe \u'!l''i ':t1.'(:Uf"d tty tlus DL"ed (II TnlSL <br />8(<<n'?'W~r ~~H have the right to ha'o'C- any pnkt"eJmg~ begUl\ hy Lenda to t:'nt\.m,:e- HH$ DeeJ t\t Tnl5t thscontH1ued ill <br />imf ~frrtC" Pf_tOf ,to the- ear~~r (u oc{.'ut ~Jf (,) the flfth dOl,}' bcf?4c Iht: ,ate. of the .Property r-un-u~uil ft.) (he power of sak ~omaincu <br />ftl tM,i- ~duf TrusHH' iu) t'ouy ~\[ a jtH!8f1'lCnt ~nf-o-n:mil- rh,... Deed of frwu 'if'. lit] Borro-wer pay'ii. Lc-mkr JH sum-" Whh,:h would <br />!- the-n due unckr thiS Ueed 0,1 Tr1J';,r~ the Note and f'lotn ~-curltlg Futon:: AJ'\'an~c~L ;f iJO\', had no a,~elenHJon \.'i.>;,'ul'ret:L <br />(bl Dorfl.1We1' curC;j, f!l,U MCaC~& l~( ,wy nlnel !.:o\"enanh o-t ",_,rcem-enb of Bnrn.:n.ver J;(~nll1inc\j fl1 th!~ Deed (~f Tru,>t: <br />h::) Btttf~~f, -P"l';:r", ill~ n:A,~'l('l;~tik- l::-\Jltm~;:;. HlCtlf,n:d h;Y Ll'~f\der_ ~nd TrwHce in. <,"I,folJ.:,mg t~e ,,'O'venarH!\o and agtl;Crhtnh .If <br />lk'ttft)~1 c\'m~..tMd In ft'U_~ IJc.e~ ~~f Tf~...t ami It} f:'f11oi".;m.g L.t:n(fu~'~. ",nil T::-us-h~;;::"_ rem{!dl6 aii pro-nJI.-d m para~raph I H <br />~rjWfl' fndu-d$nl~ ~(-not ld~uft:d w. ttlawnaNt aHUfnci~ h"'Ci, iJnd ~Jj- IklrnJWer t;Jh":\- >,u.::h adlt.'lfl a.. I cn,kl mar fi;;h.:;ll::tb!\, <br />!:'~vue' h,~ >>Wff; th-.t too 1~~ t~f thi\\ L,):!~-J (if fruq, t.f'ndel\ fO!C'fCM In the Pft)peft)' ,Mid Bt.[f()'f.H:r',; o-htigall1,)-f) h' P<l) <br />