<br />83~l}o5063
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<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amouot of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manocr provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, witb interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tenns of payment, such
<br />amounts shall he payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbur.sement at the rate payahle from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment. of
<br />interest at such rate would he contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shan bear interest at ~thehipest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law, Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />8. fliSpttdJon. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and -inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender_shalf give Borrower notice prior to any !HICh inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lenders
<br />intere.. in the Property.
<br />9~ CondemDllflon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or conKequential. in connection- with' any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thewof. Of for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender,
<br />In the event of . total taking of the Property. the proceeds ,hall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower, in the event of a. partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and - Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage slIch proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal 10 that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date- of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Pr0perty immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notke hy Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or sctde d claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />m.ailed. Lendc-r i~ authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's. option. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the sum~ :secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless. Lender ;md Borrower otherwise agree in writit1~. allV stlch application of proceeds 10 principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred to- in para~raphs 1 ~lIld 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />..uch installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Re-Ie-asect Exten~ion of the, rime fN pa\'ment or modification of amortization of the sums sccured
<br />by this Mongage granted by Lent-ter to any suct:e~sor in interesf t)f RMfower shall not operate to rdease. in any manner.
<br />the liability of the t...riginaI Borrower :lnd Borrowt"r's wcccssors in interest. Lender shan not be required to commence
<br />proceedings. again"t such 'SUCCC$S('lf or refuse to extend time for payment l\r Gtherwi.sc modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage by reason of :my demand made hv the original HOIT(lwer and B0rrower's successors. in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance by I...endt'l' Not a WaheT. Any forbearance hv f cnder in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise afforded h!' applkabte law. ~han n0t be il waiver ot (\f preclude the exerci.se of any such right Of remedy,
<br />The procurement of imt.lrancc Oi the payment of (;J\e"i. or 0ther lien", or charge~ hy Lender ~haH not ht, a waiver of Lender's
<br />ri~hl to ac.cdc-nuc the maturity flf the mdehtcdnc'i.s "cclIred bv th," Mort\!:\"2e.
<br />- 11. Retncelift ('WDUIath-t'. An remedicfo prnvl-dcd in thi~ Mortgag~ ;rc distinct and ctlmulative to any other right or
<br />remedy \mdcr- thi$- Mortgage or aff(1rded hv law or cquitv. ;lnd n1<lV tw c\crciscu c';)llcurrcmly. independently or successively,
<br />13. Su<<e:I5On.and A.,,8.'- Bound.: Joint anti Se"t"nd Liability: Captions. The co\'enants and agreements herein
<br />contained shaH hind. and the rights hereunder 'ihall inllre tI'1, the r\:'~pectivC' SHCCt'!liS(;rs: and as.'iign~ (lr Lender and Borrower.
<br />~-ubjeci to the provj!\;wo..\ of paragraph 1 j hereof !\It cnvemmB, and agreements of Borrower ...hall be joint and -severaL
<br />1'he .(aptiot't~ and heading,\i of the paragrnph., n-f t;,i~ MOH~ag.c are for CO!1Vemcncc only ami ~re not to he wied to
<br />interpret Qr define the pmvisions hereof.
<br />14. Notict-... Excepl f{lr any nmice rc(!t1in:d under ;J.ppIiGtr.!e bw hI be given in another manner, (al any notice to
<br />Borrower p.f(},,'idtd for in this Mortgage shall be gIven hy 111aiiing ~llch nO{K'1.' by (Cfllficd mail Jddre_s<;,ed 10 BNrower at
<br />the PropertY Addr~s Of .at ~vch nther addre...., <t'il BOH('l\lief may dC'iagnalc oy notiCt~ !fl l.-end(~r as provided herein. and
<br />(h) any notice to Lender s.hall he given bv r..'~r{tfied /Had, n:lUrn n:..~\.'!pl requested. to 1 -ender',; addrcs,1l\ stated herein or to
<br />,ui;-h other address a.~ Lendt'f may <k.;:ignatc nv Ilf'!tice t,i BOri(~wer U'i provided herein Any notice provided for in thi;<i
<br />Mort-ga-ge-l!thall he deemed to have b<<n gr\<-en to Fh1fif'f\vt( i1f Lender \-\'hl~n gw-en in !he manner designated herein.
<br />15, Unifontl ~16rtt:aar~ Go\'~m1R1I.,.aw: M\'t!fabilit),. 'T11i~ f'o'rrn <'.If m\lr1g~tgc ""0Il1bines uniform coyenant... for national
<br />use and non~uniform \:r\Venant~ with iimitt.'d VMI;:ltion.. by jUrl-ljdidion to cons.tltutc a uniform security instrument covering
<br />real propeny. This. M0ftgage sh~til he go-..-crned hy rhe I:J\~ ('!f the jnnsdi~tion in which tlH~ Property is h)Cated. In lhe
<br />event that any J:frovl:oi:J<;H1 or {,:h:u~ of thb ~-f<.'rtg<l.~C {'f the Ni.).te \.'-l.\f1tlicn, with applicable law, ',-Hch contlict sh;tll not affect
<br />(lthee pr<.wlsions of th!"') Mortgage or !he Nflt\." ,>><'h:ch \.'JB be !J.iven dlect without t.he conflicting provj\ion, und to this
<br />end the provisions d' the:: Mortgage and [h~ i':l.')lc are dt~t:bn:d ~ll he ~t'\'er4bie.
<br />16. ~s CO-Pl. Borrower '>fmH t'te fllfll1,;hcd a ".'pnlormed copy of the NNC -"nd o( Ihi\; Mortgage at the time
<br />0(- CKecutlQn f.r aner recordation h(;fCOf.
<br />17. Traalfet of the Property: Assumption, If :Ill {.ij any P:trt nt IhC" Property t'f an interes.t therein j~ sold or transferred
<br />by Boffo-we-r wjthout LCfidcr'~ prior written I.:OH5CUt. excluding- fal the (reatmn of fl lien nr encumbra.nce subordinate to
<br />this Mortgage, (hJ the: creation d a rllfCh~\s~ IHf'fle}' ~e-curitl"-- mtcrcs:t fN how:.ehnld applil.\nc~, (c) l1 transfer hy dcvi-se.
<br />de..~nt -l'\.r by operalion of law uJXm the death (,f ;}, j.\iI'lt tc-mml er (ill the grant (1f any leasehold interest (If three years or less
<br />not containing an option h.1 pun:-hase~ Lender m;;iy. at I t:'nder\ ...)plH:m, dcdar-e all the sum$ 'Secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />immediately due and payable. Lt:'nde-r shall have w;:uycd s-uch option tic'! 'lc(:der~te if. prior to the "ale or transfer, Lender
<br />~nd the-penon to whom the Property is lO be s-old or transferred r(!a.:h agre~mem in wnting thut the credit of such person
<br />is. utisfa.clor')" t-o I_cnder and thaI {he interest p~tyable t"'n the "tu'n'i wcurcd by this Mortgage shall be a[ such rate :\'> L~nder
<br />shall req\teit. If Le-nder has waiv-ed the option h~ ac\---dc-ratc provided in thi~ p."1rag.raph 17. and if Borrower's successor in
<br />interest -hal executed a written assumption agf'Cement a~cepted In ....,riting by I_ClH.ler, LenJer shall release Borrower from all
<br />obliga'ion. under Ihi. Mortgage and the Note,
<br />If lender t'-'(erct5e-s, such Qt}lkm to ac-edennc. Lender ..hall mail Borrower notic~ of aCfe!erRtion in <I~c(lrdaoce with
<br />paragraph 14 hereof. Such nOfke s-han pn)'l,'jde a period of not h,~5l:; than 30 day~ from !he date the: notice h [nailed within
<br />which Bot.r-ow-er may pay the sum!1 ded:.ucd due. If Burrower faib. 10 pay '5,uch <:;\lms: prior [t' the cxpiralion of <;u,h period,
<br />Lender m3Y. Wllhout further notk-e or demand 0-0 B-orrow('r, tnvoke any remedies. permitted by p.uragraph H~, hcr'tof.
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<br />No..~...uNl-rokM Co-~.NAKr~~L iWf11,:l\\!cr and Lender fnnher (o';'emmt and agree a~ f.)lklV,',L
<br />18. ~~, EI:ce:pt: as pro'V~ in pat'1Iaoph t 7 her~f~ Upoll Bmrowe-r's bl'U(-h of aDY to\'rna-nt or
<br />......- of JIoirow... 1ft lhi! M.......~. if1C!udioIIl... <"..n""" to plOY' ..hen d.... any sums secured by thi! Morllt_,
<br />1"'*'"",,,, ~ oIullI....u~ to Ilormw~f '" prosi<kd in p_h 14 h..._f 'p<<I'ylng:,lltbe bre""h:
<br />(Zl_.................. ____ Itreachl t3)" dale. ....1 .... Ih.... 30 d.y. from II... dal~ the no,k~ is mailed ti> IIorro......
<br />.".~ -"......k _lie....... ami ,4~ _ lian..r. '" cure w.h breach ".. Of bolnno lhe dat~ "l"'dfled In tbe ..oik~
<br />..lftlIklro~..f .Iw_ oecured by ,hi< M....."lle, fur-....e by judi<lal.prO<'eemng.ud...t.. of tbel'toperty.
<br />.....~....ffIItlOer W_Jklm>...,r'" "",r..1II '0 reias_ "ftor ..c~kratlon "nd the nght to ......... iu 'he lo_\osore
<br />............._*- of .......... Of.~ uIher ""I~_ 01 B......".... 10 acc.....ration ami f.><<<I....."'. U lhe breach
<br />1oMi!('lIRIjI...",,""'-1he .....~ In the~. l...udef at bud..', ..ptioo may d~..1om all '" Ih.. ...... _ured by
<br />_.......... Ile ~, dVaIld ""f1lble ..it....... r_r ~ _may r.__ by judkiat proct!1\ding. ".......r
<br />...""............~ .. ~ "w.......- ~._ '" f__. ;"e1ud1ng. but ..." IimlIM '0. c..... of due_....ry
<br />................... ............-,
<br />l~- _~_ ,__-te, .......... Ntltwftb'ltandmg Lender\ -a.,-e-ck-rauoo \~f the- '!>\lm~ ~,-,,-'-ured by th;r, Mnng.ago;;.
<br />a.~-~-~ the: titltt tt.o ba~ any P<<J\;:ee4fng$' beg-Uti -by Lende! in CnfOf.:ie thi~- }';-fo.ttgage -dh,t.:-ontnmed ilt any tnUe
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