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<br />r <br /> <br />R~.::,005061 <br /> <br />I will make my monthly payments at <br /> <br />2120 South 72nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68124 <br /> <br />or at a differenl place if required by the Note Holder. <br />(8) Amount (If Mcmfbly Payments 206,77 <br />My monthly payment will be in the amount of U.S. $ .. .. . The Note Holder will change my <br />monthly payment as required by Section 4(C) below on Ihe 6th Interest Change Date and on that day every 36th month <br />tbereafter. Each of these dates is called a "Payment Change Date." The Note Holder will also change my monthly payment <br />on any Interest Change Date if Section 5(8) below requires me to pay the Full Monthly Amount. <br />(C) Calculation of Monthly Payment Changes <br />Before each Payment Change Date. the Note Holder will calculate a new monthly payment sufficient to repay the unpaid <br />principal balance on my loan in full on the maturity date at the Payment Rate in substantially equal payments. The "Payment <br />Rate" is the sum of the Index figures on the five Interest Change Dates preceedin~a Payment Change <br />Date plus the Current Index. divided by the number 6. plus .4.,.522.". percentage points (4.', .2?... %1. rounded to <br />the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point (O.125%).Except that the maximum interest rate changed <br />shall not el<eeed 16.000%. <br />I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment until the next !'ayment Change Date unless Section 5(8) below <br />requires me to pay the Full Monthly Amount. <br />(D) ElI'ective Date of Payment Changes <br />Until my monthly payment is again changed. I will pay the amount of my new monthly payment each month beginning <br />on the first monthly payment date after the Payment Change Date, or Interest Change Date if I am required to pay !he Full <br />Monthly Amount, <br />5. UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE <br />(A) Changes in My Unpaid Principal Balance <br />My monthly payment could he less than the amount of the interest ponion of lhe first Full Momhly Amount I owe or <br />less than the interest ponion of my tirst Full Monlhly Amount after an Interest Change Date. If so. the Note Holder will <br />subtrdi:t the amount of my monthly payment from the amount of interest I owe and will add the difference to my unpaid <br />principaJ balance: each month until tht~ next Interest Change Date. The Note Holder will also add interest on the amount of <br />this difference In my unpaId principal halance each month. lintil the next Interest Change Date when the Note Holder <br />determines my new rate of tnlerest on my then unpaid pnncipal balance, the rare of interest on the interest added to principal <br />wIll be the rate delemnned in Section ~ aht}vt.~ <br />My monthly paymem \"ouk! be more than the amount of the Full Monthly Amount. If so. the Note Holder will subtract <br />the difference from the unpaid print:lpal halancc ot my loan each month until the next Interest Change Date as if I had made <br />a partial prepayment under S-ei..:tlOn 7 heIo\\ <br />IB) Limit on Unpaid Principal Balance; Required Full Monthly Amount <br />My unpaid principal b(llam,,'t.' ran n~\-'t"r t.':\rced a maximum amount equal to one hundred twentYAfive percent (J25~,') of <br />the principal amount I originally tKTlTow~d, If my paymg the ;lmuun[ of my monthly payment after any Interest Change Date <br />would cause the unpaid prim.'lpaJ hahmt:-e h) exceed that nlaxnnum amount at any time, I must pay instead the Full Monthly <br />Amount a~ my monthly payment until th{~ fie\.l Payment Change Dale" <br />6. NOTICE OF CHANGES <br />The- Note Holde_f Will mail or lkli\-cr to Ilk" a o.Hit.:t: of an} '...'hartgr\ in the Full Momhiy Amount and my monthly <br />paymt:'IU before (he d1'echve dat~ 1)1 any l,:hangc The- notICe will mdudc inlonnaUon requircd hy law 10 be given me and <br />also the tltie and telephone number of it pcc'\on Vo'ho \\'iIl an~wer any qu~sl1on I may have rt'garding the notk'c, ,. <br /> <br /> <br />B. CHARGES; HENS <br /> <br />Uniform Covenant ~ Dr the Se,,:--ufit) In~tfUm!.:nt I" JJlh:ndtd to f-cad as foBow~: <br /> <br />4. Charges; Liens. BOfwwer .;,hall pay all la..\c~, ;t...~......~Hn;llb, .-mu other chl.ugt:s, lint:>. and impositions auributablc to the <br />Pmpt:rty whkh m~y attain a prionty ~lV\.'l (hi... SI..',\.:Ufliy In.:,,trulll\.'tlL ;mJ kasehold payments or ground renb, jf an), in the <br />manner pro\'kh..~ under paragraph 2 her~tlt' or. if not pi.uJ In ,'!'lh.:h nimmer, by Borrower making payment, when Juc, dirc\,.>tly <br />10 lhe payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish Iv L.~nJa all notices of amuunh due under thiS paragraph, anti in the <br />event Borruwcr shall ml.tkc paym~nt dm,'-(tJy. BOfw\\-cr :-.halJ prumpII) funm.h (0 Lender r'.."'\:cipL'\ cvidcndng :;uch paymt:'nb, <br />Borrower shall prumpti)c discharge any lll:'n \.\ht\:h has priorit} oV'e.r this SCf..:Unl)' Instrument; provided. that Bon-ower shall <br />not be required In dis~:hargt: any su.;:h lien so long as Borrower: shall agree in writing to the payment of lhe obligation <br />-Se\,;ured by :-\w;:h hen in ;..t manner 3f.'ccptab-k to Lender; ib) shall in good faith ~omeS[ such lien by, or defend against <br />cnfOfCcnlC-f'tt of su.('h lien in, kgal pro~;~cdtng:) \l,-hich in the opinion of Lender o~rate to prevent the enforcement of the <br />lieu or forfeiture of the Pn""'F<rty or any paJ1 [hcn:oL or (-c J shaH sc\."un: fnml tlK: holder of such Iit.'n an agreement in a foml <br />satisfactory (0 Lender subordinating s.U\:h hen to this S4;:'~L1riry lnstrum~nL <br /> <br />If Lender determinc~ that aU Of any part uf the Propt~rty t~ ~ubjc(,l to a lien which may attain a priorny v\-"cf thi~ S~curit)' <br />Instrument. Lender shall send Borrower nutil.:c identifying such hen. Borrower shalt satisfy such hen or take olle or more <br />of the action..'i ~t ftlrth above 'A'lthin ten day!:> of the gIving of notice" <br /> <br />C. NOTICE <br />Unif(lfID J4 of the Sei..'u.rH} Instrurntm is amended (0 read as foll(Jws; <br /> <br />14;0 Notice. Except for any oolk-e required under applk:able- law m be gt\'en in a.n,other manner, ~a) any notJCe to Borrower <br />provided fur in this Security InstIlJJl'.lCOl shall be giytn by delIvering it_ or by mailing it by tirst c!<ih~ mail addressed t\) <br />Borrower at the Property Addres.s or at sw:h other address u) Burrower may dc~ignate hy uotkt.:'_ to Lender as provided herein. <br />and (b) lUly notice to Lender shaH he given by HrM \Jass mail to Lender'~ address Slaled hcr~'in Uf tl) .,uch other uddre:..~ as <br />U:nder may designate by notice- to Borrower as provided herein_ Any notkl.' provided for in thiS SC'curity In~lrumelH shall <br />he deemed to have been gtven ttJ Bonnwer Of Lender when given in the manner desig.nated herrin, <br /> <br />O. liNUUItM MOkrGAGt;; (;O\'t;RNING LAW; St;VERABILITY <br />U",{onu C(J\'''lWlt 15 "r lhe Securlly In.trument " amended to read ., follo"s: <br /> <br />155 l1atfQl"Dl~; ('I'O"~~ Law; Se-verabUit).... llI)~ hum of Sc-~urlt)' IU;\i,trumcJu comhmc/) uJllfonn \,'(l\'cnants f{'lf <br />tw,tit.-mal U-~ aAf.1 tK:m~unif()rm c\}VefWlL'S '.~dth limited variJjtintH~ by jurtsdictjOll to C'ous!it.ute a untt'om1 ~t>;:unt'r ,-flstfumt:'n1 <br />t.:.'*,J'icriOj re.lll property. 1'hi* X1..:uri-ty In..~t1Ullu::-n4 \haH ~ g{J.v\~rncd ~~ federal ia\\- .and the !aVo of [hf~ Jurisdh:tion m which <br />rhe Pnlf''''n)" t-'!!. hxate4. It! fhe t'\'(:'"u\ that an)' pro\'!~JI,1n ,11 ctausc \)1 tho. S<:,',,-unt> lnstrum~nt 'Of lh\~ ~(~C ~.imjhLh t+!th <br />.JpplK:.t>k- Jaw, loitkb (imn~t 'fJ'blH fWI .<<tJC-t.:l {~thcl pr{)'f1~iom\ -uf Hu'!< St"{,.uritJ In...tnH'!1-enl j'f the- ~niC \\ hl\..-h ~ d.H bo~' rT,<cn <br />