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<br />I <br /> <br />83.;;;;.. ()O 5061 <br /> <br />the sums seeuredby tM Deed of Trust shall continue unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, tbis'Deed of <br />Trust and tlte obligations "",ured hereby shall remain in full force .nd effect as if no acceleration had occurred. <br />20. ~ of'Rtafs; A~of R~IYer, Leader in~. As additional security bereunder, Borrower <br />hereby assigns to Leader the rent. of the Property. providedt""t Borrower sball. prior to acceleration under 'paragraph IS <br />hereof or abandonment of the Property, have the rigbt to collect and such rents as they become due and payable. <br />Upon aecelel'ation under paragrapb 18 hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender; in person. by agent,,, by <br />judicially appointed receiiler,sball beentitJed to enter upon. take possession of and managethePropeny and 10 collect the <br />rent, of tbeProperty including those past due. All rent.scollectedby Lender .or the receiver shall he applied lim to payment <br />of the co.t, of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not limited. to. receiver's fees, premiums <br />on receiver', bondl and re..onable attorney's feel. and then to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender and the <br />receiver shall be liable to account only for those ","IS actually received. <br />11. Future A........,... Upon request of Borrower. Lender. at Lenders option. prior to full reconveyance at the Property <br />by Trustee to Borrower. may make Future Advances 10 Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon; shall he <br />secured by this Deed of Trust when evidenced by promissory notes staling that said notes are secured hereby. At no time shall <br />the-principal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust, not including sums advanced-in accordance herewith <br />to prOloct the security ot this Deed of Trust, ex=d the original amount of tbe Note plus US $. ".4J:" ".. <br />zz. R_v_. Upon payment of all sums secured by this oeed of Trust. Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey <br />the Property and sball surrender this Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured, by this Deed of Trust <br />to Trustee-. Trustee shaU reconvey the Property without wllrranty and without charge to the person or pe-rsons. legally <br />entitled thereto. Such person or persons shall pay all costs of recordation. if any, <br />23. Sultrsdtute Trustee. Lender, at lender's optlon, may from time to time remOve Trustee and appoint a successor <br />trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Deed of Tn1s1 is rec:orded_ <br />Without conv-eyancc of the Property, the successor trustee shalt succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />the TfU$.ee herein and by applicable law, <br />14. Request fOf' Nodca.. Borrower requests that copies of the ootlce of default and notice of sale be sent to Borrower's <br />address whi<:his the Property Add..... <br /> <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Borrower has executed t~?ed.~ 7' <br /> <br /> <br />"(Rh~oCkli~~" n <br /> <br /> <br />-Borrower <br /> <br />1 _ -:./. . <br />'1" ,~'- J/" L,;L /: &?ci:,/.;. J d:."-" <br />. ,~~~, :St;;hh,ius'eri . , .~ . . . , , : . , <br /> <br />-Borrower <br /> <br />STATE Of NEBRASKA" '" .C;t!Yl! \10&i', . ,County sso <br />On Ihis '..,' L3.t,l1, , .day of. . .Sept""",be,r . 19 1<3, before me. the undersIgned. a Notary Pubhc <br />duly commissioned and qualified for ,aid county. perron.lI, came, Robert F. .S~,?~khausen an~ <br />, ,.l\lI,bnli. p..., ,~~Qc\<!l",u,s.e.t1, .l)\l!,ba.nd ,"'ld .':"tfe. , q 10 me known to be the <br />idemical person ( sl whose name ( s) are subscribed to the foregomg instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be. ,. . , . ~l:l!,~,r ,voluntary act and deed. <br />Witnus my hand and notarial seal at, , Clev~lan.d <br />date aforesaid. <br /> <br />~~vtl-4.e;("," . <br />J v <br /> <br />. . . in said county I the <br /> <br />My Commission expires: <br /> <br />\.\ <br />l.c <br />.,f,r,~-:-<. <br />// ' <br /> <br />5:/~~ <br />.....',.... ..'..,.... \,......... <br />Nol.ry PUblte <br /> <br />\q REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />To TRlJSTfiE; <br /> <br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by .his Deed of TrUSI. Said note or notes. together <br />with all other indebtedness secured by this Deed Df Trust. have been paid in full, You are hereby directed to cancel <br />said nOle Dt notts and this Deed of Trust. which are delivered hereby, and to, reconvey. without warranty. all the <br />eslllte now held by you under this Deed of Trust to the per..,n or perrons legally entitled therelo. <br /> <br />Dale:....""..,....".,..,.,.. . <br /> <br />(~. 8~ Tnis. lin>t RnerY-e:O for Lena.t I)nd Fbt<:ot-det) <br /> <br />.. <br />