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<br />I <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />7. <br /> <br />Determination of ?oundaries: <br />The Lessor shall have the right, on a reasonable basis, to <br />determine the boundaries between the Lessee and his neighbors <br />if the Lessee and his neighbors calli.ot agree to such boundary <br />line. The lake front boundary of the leased pre.'llises shall be <br />to the water line as the same may exist from. time to time with <br />changes in the water level of the lake, The boundary line of <br />the leased premises abutting the Lessor's common roads shall <br />be as reasonably determined by the Lessor. <br /> <br />83- 005029 <br /> <br /> <br />8. Peaoefulpossession: <br />As long as Lessee conforms with the requirements binding upon <br />him in this lease agreement, the Lessee shall enJoy peaceful <br />possession of the leased premises. <br /> <br />9. Improvements: <br />The Lessee shall keep the leased premises in a neat and clean <br />condition at all times and shall keep all improvements on the <br />leased premises in a good condition of repair. <br /> <br />10. Abandonment: <br />The Lessee agrees not to abandon the leased pre.~ises. <br /> <br />11. Acces-s for installina utility lines: <br />The Lessor reserves the right to come upon the leased premises <br />for installation of underground or above ground utility lines <br />and the making of necessary repairs or improvernents to or <br />abutting the leased premises. The Lessor agrees to restore <br />the premises to substantially the same condition as they were <br />before any such installation and at the Lessor's expense. <br /> <br />12. Rules and R~~ulations: <br />Tlle Lessee agrees to comply with the rules and regulations <br />as prepared and furnished by the Lessor to the Lessee, from <br />time to time. Such rules and regulations shall contain re- <br />strictions and lirr~tations, for the mutual benefit of all <br />lessees at Kues'cel" Lake, pertaining to the use by the several <br />lessees at Kuester Lake of the lake itself, co~~on roads, <br />and the leased premises. :t is unoerstood that the basic use <br />of the leased premises shall be for residential purposesJ but <br />the Lessor may perrrd.t, from ti:;:-io to timcJ corr.mercial activities <br />on the leased premises. Any such rules, regulations and permits <br />are subject to change by the Lessor, exceoting that the basic <br />p~rr:<:se ... of the I,eased a:s =esi~entia~ s:-lall r:.O-C =:9 <br />a~=~c;e~. _~~? c~a~;=~ ~~ ~~6 :~_~~ 2~~ :2q~~a~:C~5 ~~s~ De <br />approved by a majority of the leaseholders present and voting <br />at a meeting called for such purpose of which written notice <br />has been given to all leaseholders (one vote per lease) <br /> <br />13. Termination of lease bv default of Lessee: <br /> <br /> <br />If the Lessee fails, after ninety (90) days prior written notice <br />fr~~ the Lessor, to remedy any default in his or her complia~ce <br />with a."lY of the obligations binciing upon him or her under this <br />Lease A9r~"lt, or under t~e aules and Regulations furnished <br />him or her by the Lessor, the Lessor ~~y, at its option, terminate <br />this lease and retake possession of the leased premises but only <br />after the following procedure has been complied with: <br />(a) A special meeting of all stockholders of Lessor shall <br />be called by the Board of Directors of Lessor, and <br />written notice of such meeting and its purpose be given to <br />all such stockholders. Such meeting shall be called for <br />the purpose of de~ermining by majority vote of the stock <br />of Lessor, presen.t and voting, as to whether or not <br />termination of Lessee's lease should be made because of <br />a default by the Lessee. At least 10 days wr~tten notice <br />shal.l be given of any Buch meeting and the Lessee shall <br />be giv.... full opportunity to show why his or her lease <br />sho\lJ.d. not .!m.terminated. <br />