<br />
<br />This form- is used of" eon:riectiOri
<br />wi'" m<>r19'l9"1In..._ unclei' ,he
<br />one- to- fou,.;.famUv' PrO.Yft:iOM.'of
<br />the N.,iO"'" HcliI'JngACt;.
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />..- 005026
<br />
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. madund e"CIlted Ihis 21 st day of September.A.ri:
<br />19 83.bYandbefWeen Thomas C. Stuthman and Dannette M, Stuthman, Husband and ,Wife'
<br />
<br />a corpotlllion OTfIllltlzedand exi<ting under lhe law. of
<br />party of lhe second parI. hereinaflercalled the Morlgagee.
<br />
<br />WITNesSETH: ThaI the said Mortgagor. for and in ('onsider.tion of lhe sum of Twenty Seven Thousand Five
<br />Hundred and No/ 100ths -------------------------- Dollars ($ 27,500,00 ). paid by IheMort-
<br />gagee. lhe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. bas Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant. Bar-
<br />gain. Sell. Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee. its successors and a..ign.. forever. the following.:describc!d
<br />real estate. sitllBted in the County of Ha 11 . and State
<br />of Nebraska. 10 wit:
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />of'the County of
<br />the'Milrtgaaor. aild
<br />
<br />HanS i M .' and State of Nebraska. party of Ibe ftrst part. hereinafter caned ,
<br />uper or ortgage, Tne, .... ...
<br />
<br />Lot Sixteen (16) Sass Second Subdivision, a
<br />part of Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven
<br />(11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian. containing in all acres according to Govern.
<br />_nt survey:
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premins alm'.t described. with all the apporlenances thereunlo belonging and including
<br />all heati",. plumbiDlland.liptiDll fixlure. and equipment now or hereafter allached to or used in connection with .aid real eslale
<br />unlo the Morlaa&ee. and to its successors and assigns. forev<<. The Mortgagor represents 10. and covenants with, the Mortga.
<br />gee. thaI the Mort_ has good ript to sell and convey said ",emises; thatlhey are free from encumbrance; and that the
<br />Mortpgorwill warrant and defend lhe same againsllhe lawful claims of all persons whomsoever: and Ihe said Mortgagor here.
<br />by relillq1Jishes all riplS of hOllleSlead. and all martial rights. eilher in law or in equily. and all other contingent inlerests of Ih.
<br />Morlgaaor in and to Iheabove.:deKribed premises. the intention being 10 convey hereby an absolute title. in fee simple. includ.
<br />'Rlall ri&llts of homestead. andotltet righls and interests as aforesaid,
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. and lhe.. P'....OI. areu<<uted and delivered upon the following conditions. to wit;
<br />
<br />Tl>e Ma~tg"9<>r ""'1'_. to p.y to th.MortqAg...., or order. the principal sum of Twenty Seven
<br />Thousand Five Hundred and No/10Oths ----- DoLlAn ($ 27,500.00 ), with
<br />inte",.." bdl date at the rate of Ten & 1'hr.ee~l'enths per centum I 10.3 \) per annum
<br />on t:he unpaid b.1anoe until 10/ 1!86 . and thereafter at the rate of Ten & Three-Quarters
<br />P'U'. cen\:!ll!l ( 10.75 'I per annUlI on the unpaid belanee until paid. The said principel and
<br />inter..t. .hall be PAy.bl.. at the office of Superior Mortgage, Inc. in
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska . or at such other place aa the holder of the note may
<br />a.J.\lMte inwz:J.tin9, in _thly in.tAU...... of Two Hundred Forty Seven and 45!100ths
<br />-~---- DoUan 1$ 247.45 1. c_cinCJ on th.. firat day ot November ,
<br />l'll3 . and on t:he fint cay of ...eh IIOnth th.reatt..r until Sept. 1,1986.. and Tw Hundred
<br />Fifty SiJt and 33!100ths ---- DoU.n ($ 256,33 ) c-.>eing on the firat day of
<br />OctOber, 1986 ... and on t:he fir.t d.y of each month thereafter until the principal
<br />and. in_.t .... tully PAid, nc.pt thet t:he fin.l paytMn.t of principal and int.re.t. if
<br />D9l>.0<l!I8J; pai4, ahall. be due and payable on th.. first day of October, 2013
<br />aJ.l acc;o=ing to tbe tax.a of a certain prCllll.l.sory note of even date. herewith executed by
<br />tbaM1d Mortgagor.
<br />
<br />Tho ~I)finord\>f _ fuUy to protect tbe.securityof this Mortgage, agree"
<br />
<br />L That he will PlIY lhe indebted~... as hereinbefore provided, Privilege is rcserved to pay lhe debt in whole, or in an
<br />lIIllG\lllt,CQU8lIO oDe or lIIOlulIOlltbly paYJl!CAls on tbe principaltbal are nut due on Ihe nore. on Ihe fin! day of any month
<br />pr..1O ma1llrlty; Provided. however. That wriuetlnotke of an intention to e .erdse su<h privilege is given al least thirty (30)
<br />....Y$ prior 10 pr&jla)'lIWll.
<br />
<br />2,Thal,~...ilb.andin a4ditioo .10, tbemontl)lypayOlC'llu of principal alld interesl payable undertbelermsof the
<br />~~~'I~ Mprfiql)f wiU pay to lhe Morlaa&ee. on lite lirst day of each month unlillhe saill nole is fuUy paid. lhe
<br />
<br />
<br /><ai Allll)glllwf~11O provide. the ho!<:ierltetcoofwith funds to pay Ibe ne~t. mortgage insurance premium if this
<br />~.. u4tlle oote tll.;l!red hereby areinsured,or amontbly cllarF (in lil!U of a mO,I'l1fc inJUl'(/Itcc pre-
<br />~j{ ~. ate Itck,i, b)'theSet.relaty of HO\I$in&and Urban. Developmenl. as follows;
<br />
<br />0),
<br />
<br />If lIlI\..1Q lMa.,auald nottlO:f~.date and Ihis illllrumenl are inwed or are leinNred under lhe pro-
<br />..... at tIi4 Nl~ Hotlsitli. Ai:t. at! amorllll wffKienllo K<:ulllulaU.in th.. hand! of Ibe holder one
<br />
<br />. ItIo.t"""~~. t~._~t;e...,,""t)
<br />D"'lIIlllllblo.t_ u.. U..t ","p,l>t ~r"l
<br />1\iN! 1._ _lJ:\1
<br />
<br />~ '~21<Qflf. - """ lilt ~ \JJ><j. 1Iw<rlY,. !i._.!O<!
<br />
<br />nATe OF NIli8ASlU<
<br />HUl:'1I11.1M IIP91
<br />!14 CFA 200.1&>1
<br />