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<br />r <br /> <br />2120 South 72nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska <br />I will make my monlhly payments at <br /> <br />83-005022 <br /> <br />68124 <br /> <br />.,'''' <br /> <br />or at a different place if required by the Note Holder. <br />(B) Amount of MontbIy Payments 502.16 <br />My montllly payment will be in the amount of U.S. $ . . . . . . . The Note Holder will cbange my <br />montllly payment as required by Section 4(C) below on tile 6t1llnterest Change Date and On thlit day every 36th month <br />thereafter. Each of these dates is called a "Payment Change Date. "The Note Holder will also change my monthly payment <br />00 any Internst Change Date if Section 5(B) below requirns me to pay the Full Monthly Amount. <br />(C) Calcblation or Monthly Payment Changes <br />Befs>>e each Payment Change Date. the Note Holder will calculate a new monthly payment sufficient 10 repay the unpaid <br />principal balance on my loan in full on the maturity date at the Payment Rate in substantially equal payments. The. "PaYlJ1Cllt <br />Rate" is the sum of the Index figures on the five Interest Change Dates preceedin~ a Payment Change <br />Date plus the Current Index. divided by the number 6, plus :3...502..... ~rcentage points e'.5. 2. . . . . %), rounded 10 <br />the neare.S1 one"". ighth of one noorcenrage point (O.125%'F.XceJt that maximum. rate.. .Cban.8.ed <br />,. ahal . not exceed 13.990%, <br />( will pay the amount of my new monthly payment untl the next Payment Change Date unless Section 5(B) below <br />requires me to pay the Full Monthly Amount. <br />(D) Elfee!lve Date or Payment Changes <br />Until mymonthJy payment i. again changed. ( will pay the amount of my new monthly payment each month beginning <br />on the first monthly payment date after the Payment Change Date, or Interest Change Date if I am required to pay the Full <br />Monthly Amount. <br />S. UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE <br />(A) Changes in My Unpaid Princlpal Balance <br />My monthly payment could be Ies, than the amoum of the interest portion of the first Full Monthly Amount I owe or <br />less than the interest portion of my first Full Monthly Amoun! after an Interest Change Date. If so. the Note Holder will <br />.ubtract the amount of my monthly paymem trom the amount of interest I owe and will add the difference to my unpaid <br />prindpal balance each month until the next Interest Change Date. The Note Holder will also add interest on the amount of <br />this difference to my unpaid principal balance each month. lintil the next Interest Change Date when the Note Holder <br />determines my new rate of interest 011 my then unJ'liid principal balanee. the rate of interest on the interest added to principal <br />will be the rate determined in ~-.:tion 2 above <br />My monthly payment muld he 010"" than the amount of the Full Monthly Amount. If so. the Note Holder will subtract <br />tbe difference fmm the unpaid pnnnpal balance of my loan each ",onth lIntilthe next Interest Change Date lIS if I had made <br />a partial prepayment under Secuon 7 helow <br />(Bl LImit 00 Unpaid Principal BaltU1ff; Requm.d .'011 Monthly Amount <br />M)' unpaid prinCIpal balance can never etceed a nraximum amount equal to one hundred twenty'five percent (125%) of <br />the principal amount I originally bomlwed, If my paying the amount of my monlhly payment after any Interest Change Date <br />would cause the unpaid prinCIpal balanee 10 exeeed thai maxImum amount at any time. I mUSt pay instead the Full Monthly <br />Amount as my month!}' payment until tbe next Payment Change Dare. <br />6, NOTICE 0.' CHANGES <br />The Note- Holder wiu mail or deli,'cr to me a n()tk~c of any -changes in the FuB Monthly Amount and my monthly <br />payment before the effcct.i\,-e date nf an)' ;,:hange. The nOlkt' wiil indude infonnation required by Jaw to be given me and <br />also tbe title and teteptl(lfl(.' nu.mber t.;.f a persoo who "'ill answer any question I may have regarding. the notice. .. <br /> <br /> <br />B. CHARGES: LIENS <br />Uniform CO'\'ettam 4 of the St..xunty instrument h iuncnde-d to read J.~ fnUov.'-s; <br /> <br />4.. Charps; I..1ens-. Burrower ,shaH pd)' aU ta:~C's, ~_~s.smen1s. and other ,:harge-s. fines aod impositions attributable to the <br />Property which may attain a poority mer th" s.,,,,"ilY Instrument, and leaJlChold payments or ground rents. if any. in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. II not paid to such manner, by Borrower making payment. when due, directly <br />to the ~ thereof. Bormwer shall pmmptly' fumi>h to Lender aU notices of amounts due under thi. paragraph, and in the <br />event. Borrower sha.U make payment dllectly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing sucb payments, <br />Borrow"r .haIl promprly d,,,,'haq:e any lien whrch has priority ovcr this Securily Instrument; provided. that B()ffilWer shall <br />not be required to dischaq:e any sucb. lien S<.' long as Borrower: (al .hall agree to writing to the payment of the obligation <br />seclJl1ld hy sw::h lien in a lnanneI acceptable to Lender. ,b) shall in good faith contest such lien by. or defend against <br />enfOfCement of such lien in. legal proceeding. which in the opinion of Lender opemte to prevent the enforcement of the <br />lien or forfeiture of tne Property Of any pan thereof; or (\.:,} shall SL'X'ure from the holder of such lien an agreement in a fonn <br />satisfl\c'1.ory to Lender subordinating .uch Ji"n to thi., s.x'urity Instrument. <br /> <br />If l~ dttermines thll1 all or any part of the Properly is SubJecl to a lien which may attain a priority over this Security <br />11lSIlUtIleIll. Lender shall send Bom>wcr nOiKe tdentilYlIlg such lien. Borrower shall s.ausfy such lien or take o~ lIr more <br />of tito;.jlCtioos set forth above Wtthin len day. of. the giving of notic". <br /> <br />c. NOnCE <br />Uni{Off;tS Co~nant j 4 of the Se~-urity in.stnnnem IS amended to read as fol1ow-et~ <br /> <br />14. ~. EJrQCptfor llflY notice required under applicable law !<, be given in an..ther lllllOner, (al any notice 10 Borrower <br />providiod for in this Security lnsttument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing II by firM class mail addressed to <br />Bom>w~ at !be Prope{ly Addre~ or '" such other addre.~s as Borrower may designate by notiee tn tender as provided herein, <br />llIld {IHany l1<>tic... It) Lender shalt be given h} first class mllil", Lender's address stated herein or to sucb other address a. <br />~tmllY ~ by notICe 10 B_ower a. provided herein. A:ly llUIl"" provided for in thi. Secunty Instrument .hall <br />~ dc>emed tolt.t~ been given to Borrower or Lender when !livN' in the fl'Illllner designated herein. <br /> <br />1>, lJNlrUJlMfdOIR'GA~IGOVEItNlNG LAW; SEVEltABlLl'rV <br />~~ JSoftbr:~ty I~[ i. lIl1l<ll1ded to "" lollows; <br /> <br />IS, ...l.llIIlarIa ~;.~ Law;. Sev~ Thi. form of &<curity Illlitntmenl ,,,,mbinc. uniform covenants fm <br />~. ** llIId ~_ C(.,,_ Wilh lilOll~ Variation. by jurWlielloll to ,'oo.rilUle a unil'>nn se.curity in"rtlll\ell! <br />oo~ ~ ~. TlUss..:.uril;' i1Ulrtlm<ltl <hall be glNmlcd by f<d.lllll i;tw all<.! the law of the Juti><liclion in whieh <br />1lW. ~ tslOl.lOt<ld. h, me evehl that any pruvision or clauoe of Ih.. S<<urity h'''''rmen\ or the Note n>nil..,,,, w,lli <br />~iIble law,,:\tkb {1l;.filftkt ~batl not alf<<t pIo-lj1:~'~ fif tbi-" S<<'U-tl:t'y In~ttumeni (,il -the Note wtllcn I,~n be Jl.I,,'-en <br />