<br />r
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<br />83..JJ05001
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<br />
<br />I cndIJr's VtrHh..n agreement 01' apptiJ.::lble law. Hormwer ~haH pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums-.',in-'the
<br />manner providcl..f under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />,Any amounts d;.sbur:red by Lender- pursuant to this paragraph 7. with ,interest thereon. shan be-c_~m.e --~diti~al~~
<br />;fl(lcbtednc~" pf Borrower secured hy this Mortgage. l)nles,. Borrower and l..ender. agree to other term.~":-QLpa~~':_,s~~;:;;
<br />amounts shall be payable IIpQn notice from Lender t.o Borrower requesting payment thereof. ,and shaU _bear:'IntereS!)~'::~i
<br />date of tli<ibnr.'\ement at the raft: payable from_,time to lime on outstanding pri~cipal und~t ~~e -NoteC;;.un~~/l?~~t;
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event_such amounts shaU-bear:interest;,at~'__~~-_~~~_-
<br />permis..'iibJc under applicable law. NClthing conrained in this paragraph 7 shall requirel,ender (o-,incur-;any~'ex~,:,b~-;~~~'_;:
<br />any actiOD- hereunder. , _ _,
<br />8. l~tWo~,- J.-ender may make or cause to be-made rea,~~able entries: upon and-Jnspee't-lons-of-.the-:Prope':iy:("
<br />rh<:lt-Lender W01U give Borrcm'er notice prior to any such inspection specifyin"Teasonable::'caU"(Fthere!~rJeb~-~-t-tf)\-
<br />intcre<;.t in the_Property, _ _, _,' _ _ _~ ,.' _,::;',_
<br />9, - Condemnadon.- - The- pn~eed~ pf any aWi\rd or claim for damages. direct or ,('onsequenti~l. in_;_conn~um:,~i1ti':i1ri;i,1i'~
<br />,-'ondt.,~lJaIJnn or other -takrng of the Property. t\f p-art thereoLor -for ('-t.mvcyance in 'Heu.of c-ondemna:tion.--are:-'~~y::as$,~~~
<br />;\Otl ~haU be paid to l.ender. '-_ -,-,'.::'/-, -:: <;-,:-:-.:,<':':;:~;-',-:,/--_-
<br />Inth~ eyent of a 100al laking nf the Property< the proceeds ,h.1I he .ppli~dIO the ,u""'.ecuredbY'tIIi~<.l.filrtg~~';
<br />,\,tth the C'(C\~,~, if -<in)', raid h' B{}rf{'w~r. In the event ('If a pa.rtial taking ,n-f the Prope-ny~, unteAA-- 8orro-w,e-r .' .
<br />\)JhcrwJ-.c itgree in \\'fttint!, there shall he applied_ r-n -the <.:ums !fiCCllred by thj~ MQrtgage -such -:l'rowrtion'-::pfti,...,WP-'
<br />;15 i<;: eqtmJ tt) th;d rro-pt'rti-nn ....hkh tho(; amount of the ~U~S l>t:cured by- rhili: _Mort~ag,e immedinte~''',~in:t;;'-t~-:-~~~':",.-,-,_ ,__ ';,'
<br />laki"~ lJc;\r~ h"!- f'!lC fair markel '"aIne (If Ihe flt\)ptH\-' Hnmedlatd~ prwr to the date of, taki-ng';-with--the-_halanctt;.()f.-tbe'_~':~:'
<br />paid to Bnrrflwer. . _ __ _ '_'' _,- '-~_::_" '-:"":'':'/'::;:_'/
<br />1f Ihe PriJf1C-TtV I\ ;Jh.afl~(W('d hy Borrower. or rL after notice hv Lender to R(')rrower_ that thc",conde$-nof;:~_;':~a:'~~~
<br />;10 award (~r ~Uh.' :1 d:tim tor .;i&ma,~~, B(~rrower f<lii'i f;) r-e'lf'l:md to Lender within ~O'davs"affet t~,'date:c$ue_~!~'~_?lt#,:J$.
<br />ffi::\ilc-d. 1 enlK:r I" authori:r..'d to (OHC('f and ;.ipply tht': proceeds, at Lendef'~ o-ptioo, eith-cr'~t(l-restoration:'''or ~-'t'f6f:-~"?~
<br />Propertv or to the t,nms'"e--cured hy Ihi~ M()n~a!tc. . _ ,_ '_ " _ __ ._-___.-__.
<br />Ullk'1i" Lender and Rorr-nwer nfhenn"c a~re~ m v.'filin~. ;.'tllV '<Hch arphc,HtOn of proceeds to principal.--,5halt:'-rmt'--el{t~;,";.
<br />0r r<""tpt,n-e :hc- due d.:alc pf tin.' moot'nh in~t:~ltmi.:'nts- n~(I~ncd 11) in paragrap.h" t l.m-d 2 hereof- Or cha_nge ttte,--~ri1o\'jnt/Qf--'
<br />"lh;.-h mtfaHment'i..
<br />l{). Botro"rt"r Nof Rrle-aW-d. F"'il~n;qnn ,-,f !he !;mi.~ ior r;~Ymcn! ('f m,'\d-ifh::ntion of amortrzatiofl of the StlrtlS--:Sec:Ured
<br />br rhl~ ~'fnrt~;i~~~ gmnlt'J b...- [, t:ndu In ~HW <.ti-t.:C(::'.",\'.f m in!;.,re"t of ilnrr0wer t;h<'lU Hot operate lO release.~ -in any manner;
<br />the !i:lolluy ,A ~he .:\ri.~1n.1j BOr!(;\k'er ;,,,d Born'l',.l.-(''[.<, qK"C~/..~H'" !n lnrerc-\L L~tlder ...hall not be f-cqulr-ed to. commence
<br />rHXC(;ljin~s. ;lg:.1in'\.t s-qt-h "W;::("I:""or <,'1' rdll"t' '" e,(!~f;d tim(' tor r,l\TnelH i~r nlherwi~ modify arnorttzatton of the sums-
<br />..C'Cun:d h\' thi" Mtlrt~3-11:e h- n'.(l..;('<n d ,j:1\- d;;-m;:md mad~ (,\ Ih...~ nri2"inal Born~wer an.:l Borrower's succeSSONii in _interest.
<br />n. "F'nrbt>aran<< h.\' Lrndn ,(\, ~i ",'ah--n, .\!1\ r.1r""~l:lf;W"::~' h. i end....( in ~\er-c.'l'iing ;un' ri-ght or remedy hereunder. or
<br />,Hhcf'wi\-t.' _df1.'fl,kd 1"-\( ..pp1ii..'3Nc hv. 'h.di 11;\1 h{; ;:j- W<il\i.'r ('1 "f rredt.h,it-~ the c,.crctSC of any such right, Of' remedy,
<br />Tn!.' prrx:Htt:'fH.:-n1 (i( tn51iriHlCC nr the ~,jyrn\'n! {,[ !';\r:... Of f'th.;of h\~l1'" i't' (-har:RC''; h' 1 ender "halt nor he a waiver t")f l..ender-'s
<br />ric-tlf tr< ~H:;.:-dt,'r,Jk 1M..' mat,;nt\" ,-'i ~hL' ,'\dchtcdf"~"''' 'c~ n;\'d rhi" \-fnrtllacc
<br />o 12_ Relftf'di~ Cumul.ati~, _\11 rcmt'd,e"i f1n,.",i...~d ,~J -'!orlp~~' :Hl' ,il\tin,;t ~H1d ..:,JmHhlti\l(~ tq any other right'or
<br />n:m-eJy onder thi~ ,"hH.t}.~a;:;... ~)f ;df,,~~kd h b"-,, i';' ;''-Hilt', ,lnd n1.J\' h' c\t'r~ht'd I.,lfh:wn:nrl\-_ ir\l.icpcndentty or successively,
<br />13. Su("en'!<ion and ;\."itn"- Jtound~ J(lin1 and ~\t:-rnJ l.i~biljt~,: Caption--... The ((i';:cn~tI1t.s ;uuJ J.grcements: here_in
<br />~lHH;'(lfit"d "hall b:nd .U\-d Jh(' 'li'h., h.!r~'u,')Jet "f),in ;nHn: \,', th1.,' '!~'ipr:-t!!\C :.n';t:e\\,'r" OlIUi ;l",~ign"\ iA LJ;nJ-e-r and Borrowef~
<br />...nb;-e{.'{ {.l !hl' pfI"yj"H)f!1l. ,1{ f1:.H;I.:.':Ltph ;.~ h\:H:(!! \11 (nV(~n.i1H'; ;md 1'( Bornw,:er ;;hall he joint and !OcveraL
<br />I'he (apll(Hh \..Ind he::u.hnt'> ','! i~t' p:"tn~r-Jpfh ",t t~i" \h~rtl-'iI~~C "prH'cnH;'nt:e ,mho .u'n:i llre n{"lt to be- u<>ed to
<br />;nt-rqH'/;'( nr de-fine- d~t~ pr,)\ i'l-i;'ri'> i:.:te.-,j
<br />14. Sotice. r:'\,'epl i,'r an' !\l};h.T ''..~,; '1 Td ,ndc."' ,~;yh\.',d'k 1.)'.', 1,' he !H Ufwtht'f mal1ner. i.a) :wv not.ice to
<br />HurrH\-\er prl~'V!lk"d h.'I :n i',i.. \t'l~t!,!:):;:t" "!1,1l! 1-;, n,'\:,:~' ,-~'ildkd 1r'l.:i1 ;-.1ddl'c:so;t-.d to- Borrower at
<br />the Pror)l:rt'.: Addrc.,.. ,'1 ,l( Vh,'h \":hu ,ddr.', m'lj,,:~. 11-' I '~nder ;\$ t1[Ctvidcu herdn. imd
<br />(hi ;In\' nuIH:..- i'-' l-l<!\~kf "h..!; h: 1 ~(;q11>:~!l~d_ ~l; t !7f1.kr\ ;:J.d,jn~;~ tltate-d herein (''If'to
<br />,,-u..:-h \,Hhcf addu...".... .!\ i '.'~tk~ ck~H,1:;;.t~. i' :l- .I~ l"r"\'l(!<.:_d hd"{~ln "'I,fl'\, fh'ii..'c provided for in thi~
<br />'\i{lrtg;lg(< >;h&;l he -;J'l;"-crn.:d 1," h_J"t' f,~~~-r, B('tf(!\"t~f ." i "'r;{t.:l' ",~h!,'"n 1':,,-cn iI": !ht~ mam,cr tte"ignated herein,
<br />IS. l~Jlift)nn Mo-nt:ll#": (;(1\tmjni: La!\.: ","t'H"'rabiUl~-_ !h", '.1 m"r!~,\t:t: -..,'rnhw<'1 UndiJnn c<wcnanto; for national
<br />;tSC and thHl'ltnil\~rm ,.:*,....t',':!~,~.. ",j~h iHHH.:,l '- j~';~!h'n~ 1" ~;,'n"ll! Ht" ,t t.,f11h\rm ~<;,-;..'\~ntv instrunlcnt t:ovenng
<br />f~a; rrvpcrtv 1'hl'> \1.~n~:"I~v .,'r~,1i; f">{.' ~'_';,,~:'1~".j !"t'" L~;." ,-.t q. ;n-\,k'h.\f1 lil ,\hidl th'C Pri~retty j<; h\cate-d, tn the
<br />;;-vcnl thai iH1\ p1"\'!..,,~n ,)1' i.:bH'-;. "~" \-t.~n.:.!~C ,'-- ;10< " fit"', "tH.:t; i,:onllin 5'haH nol affeCI
<br />(lther pf\'\I'o1I:.>n, lA !h\, \-fl\ng:.l~l,;' l.t '-;"'L: 1!)'l' ~llnfk:!in_!l rp1\'i~iOIL ~lnd If; Ihis
<br />\:.~!H.i the rr.)\-i:'.i,_~n" ,:'I :nl,' It,f.'n)-(;qt~ .!~h! !h~' "",1<.' ,'~\.
<br />to" Bonow~-r'J> COP~" BN1,';;.'rr '.~un \'C ",r!i".Jj('~f :\ ..,'nh"llH:d ,npv ~H 1::1.' ;"';('-1(' and ~lf Ih1\ Mortgage at th~ time
<br />"f ~'--e..'tHion (If riffer Ji.'-;';(Hthh~H1 h~lt'j'L
<br />11. Tf1Im:fcr of Uw Property: A,wmpHon. fl ;!;\ '-'r '-t.)'. f)'\;-' :h;~ P"IP:::fl\- Oi ;-nt{~reM therein is_ ),(lld or tran${crre-d
<br />t'ty Borrower ~itht"llt i clIder'... pflPf \\'nHtti' ,-:r'-t-n! -: H '~t;Jiq~ ',j' ) ~~:: ;. !'.:~!1_;.-rn u! 1 h'n .\f C1h,'umnr-df""e' suoordin1:tte tp
<br />this. M('rtgagc-. !:-;.; !he \;rt~IH'n d Pl,'l;,-'~ "';ttfl''\l hH h"'ljr..dh1lJ {\ppli:tn~:l:'i, (.;) ;1 lran"fer hy deVise.
<br />d(',-j;,;':e-nt ,'r hy ~'fXt atHln ~)l 1;3;.\ np<>n ~k'-l{h \~! );'Y; ll.:tl;Ul} '_'1 ,- n"" !:('< t - f --:;,' 1 ' h 'iI ~ 'F1'j)U 11111 ~(thnu -' UT' Rf liff1:
<br />ttU . l'l" 'p'y I. IF ,(.III ,- ~ r ~ i ,,."nJ-..:r l~l;n ! ~'!\d':l-~ \:-~'t\,'n_ lk...'!;,l"<.' ;\H the- ~\jni" v,,.~:un~'d hy \hj~ Mortgttge to be
<br />rmmeduHciy due .7/fX! pay.lvh:-, I..:-nd\.'" ..,""ill }~.J'~: ",-;;,~J to; a.:;;del,!k 11. rrinr ill Ihf:~ ~.il!~ Cir tlansfcr. I enJer
<br />and the peT~,-ln !n wj-wrn lh-c Pfnrefiv r, :,l h,: .,\~hi ;,.If r-~..,v.:b ;!~n,"f.:mefi:l tr1 ... ftting thai th-c ",redit of ,>u,:h perG\)[l
<br />t",satisfactof} to l_e-oller ,'1110 !hiit (hl;" mien,."! {'il\;.>i"k l'In lht: ~ilm, v__'.:w~~tl h l~lh \1nr!~:ii~~ "h~1i1 t.t, at ~-\h.:h rate .,<, LemJer
<br />!\-h1tH r-c-,...J:1,K'~l. If t e-n..icr has w;1j>"ed !he '\1,,!l1.~fl. <.;,.~d\Of:!f...' l~r"v~lh:-d Ihi" f\.lr"~rap-h ! 7 and rt Bc.rnw.-cr'" ~iKt:e-..c<;.or in
<br />mte.re<Jit ha\- e\c..c~lt-cJ ij \VnHC'H ,H,;':Hmpt:Oft '~f.:rct'mc,,~ ~c..:('p:,:J hnf!;\~ f 1.'l'hkr I l'rhkf ...h,tH fele;~\L' R('no\\,('r from ali
<br />.\)bhg"-Hon~ !Jn4cr thl'\. Mortgage a.nd th.... N{'lt.":
<br />If LendeT exer..:i",-C's ..ui:h ...-'ptiOn I;) ,'h...(l.;kr,~k_, l.~~fid(.'f ...1-\,,111 T'U!! B,\rn,\"''-1.''l "oh:t; \~f ;\\,..<.:ek!1HH~t1 in ~!(c~lrdltnL'c With
<br />pa.ragrap-n i4 ht~rot1L Such :h)-l~t-e ..ht1,H FIi,p.-.dt: ~j ~>r !1Y ].."'-- lh,m ,~(; ..1;1\., tH'ftl lhe dale lht' n',,1tit't:.' i", mailed within
<br />WhKh Borrower fn:a.j' pay the- ..unh t.kd<-t!'('J do~ B,'I!I-''''(~r ;j;(-;., ',' PA1- ~u~h \\tln'i pnpr If' lhe 1:.''\pir<H~on "f '>,u;;:h ~nod,
<br />Le-ndef m4i)', v..itht:'NJt furtht:'f n~Hl\,~..: "t ..k'mand Hllfnw.{:( :,''',~b: tenit:dic:, fl:1fl);ilell ~'V PJf;tgr<tph l.'i hcn:o(.
<br />
<br />
<br />NQ!oO.tJ1'i4FOftM CO\ll:~>\~r...., Hr!-r.rnwer <~,nd l_-e-Hd~r it/fih-c-( '-\'\"'i1~~jl\ .:!hl.j~re{~ .;'. j,.,Hn....:'>
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />-IL A<<eluatiuu;. Rflllflti6. Ettepi a.'ii pr-o\,idflj in pal~r-uph J7 btncvf. upon n()r-w~"cr'\ breach of uny ""(lVeDlUlt (u
<br />-.......~ of Bo.ttDWH 1ft tlUs l\tot1Jelllt', iftdueling lhe t'l}\('nitnb (n pa)' ah~n du(' ilU) ..ums M'-t:llr~d bl th~ l\!Or!Jtlllf...
<br />I....... pri&f'. fK-nknl'km $ha11 mail lWtke 10 fJonu"er .." punidt'd in ptlrRJtntph 14 h~feuf !o~~'if}in2; 0) the nrt'fldH
<br />f1)".aetima required to ('~ Ji.tH':h brK('h; (J} a date,. not ~ than .l-O dit)-s front the d"te the notice i\ ..uailed to B()rr()~'er.
<br />try ~,,*,h ~a. IUIIit be cured; and f-'l tb..' faih:lf'e ((J CUrt .,neh beeadl on or before- tht date specifi4!d in fb~ notU.'t'
<br />-..y ...-ub .._*-~ tJt lhe .!t11"" ~urt1f by Ihi~ ~fo_rtg:~e. fQr<<'lo~u-nt b,- judkiaJ proH.'i~di~ and !roJ~ uf the PMJWt1y,
<br />Tile ~ .... ......ttn btfonn hrruwet f~( rhe ria-h' (0 tt'ta.taie after a-('(-eler.doo and tht right to b-~" in the ((}r<<IWfur~
<br />f:t~'" the_ ~,"",.Jk~ of 11 de..vll t)t 4n,' olher di."fe~ u-f" -Bo-r-fU\H!f to 1k't'e'eratiun 'And fort"dusur~. If the breach
<br />Ii ftGIl ttiftd OIl: ~ Won- tu ~ _'lP'f-dti.ed_ in Iht jlQik.., f.-t'ndf'f af l..efidt','s H-ptio-Jt nUI)-- dt"'dare aU of the- Mmb !!Jet'ur-ed b,'
<br /><<tdl MOf1caev to bC' _~)- d__ -it,awj P-4,}'aWe- ~Uh-out furOwl" dt-mand and mJ,f, ftin:df;~ b,- jUIHdal pro,.Hdin.~ I,t't'td-rr
<br />~ __ ~tttW ttt .(~mlrt:t in ~Ut'-b l"1K'~ntt ...U ~~~t~_, or fo-r~"Jo_wn-. I.nc1nd~, btu rlol limited to. t'o~h Hf -dO'tumt'ntlltr}'
<br />~,......o. _"""...wI 11110 "l'<'fb<,
<br />I'. .OItS1~' ._.... to Rrilt'bt~dt_ >''':'!1\\'lth9-o''ftU~ng l,~;\:;-d~~f -\ "!;:,--(~kl,t{;~ln
<br />lkotto\\-tf' !"ffitH h-~1i'(.: ~he dgJ'I-t td ha",; <'-'~y ~'H:;;"'1~~~i.hn~r' b~';~'Jn h. l.-i,.;fi{k, I,.
<br />
<br />1h>.:' ..-'m,,- "i>~.lll(d h\ lhi.. \t,!ft~;J~r
<br />l~"~ \l,'Hf;igl..' di~'.__j,'BI"h\\;'d .,' .HH !>m~
<br />