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<br />I <br /> <br /> <br />/3- ()o?i9tf"L <br /> <br />prior to enlry of a jud~t enforcing Ihis Mortgage if: la) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be Ihen due under <br />this Mortgage, lhe Note and notes securing FUlure Advances. if any, had no acceleration occurred; (b) Borrower cures all <br />breaches of any other COVenant. or agreemenl' of Borrower contain.d in Ihis Mortgall1'; (c) Borrower pays aU rearonable <br />ex.Penses incurred by Lender in enforcing the covenants and -agreements of Borrower contained 'in this Mortgage - and- in <br />enforcing Lender', remedies as provided in paragraph I R hereof, including, bUI nollimitedto. reasonable attorney', tees; and <br />(dYBotI'ow.... takossuch aclion as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of this Mongag., Lender', interest <br />in WPropenyand BOtrower's obligation In pay the sum, ,ecured hy Ihis Mortgag. shall continue unimpaired. Upon such <br />paymenr.and cure by Borrower. this Mortgage and the obligation. secured hereby shall remain in full force and eflect as it <br />no acceleration bad oerorred, <br />:ZO. A.......lItof Rt'Dts; AppomtmeJlf of R......r; Lendor In P_; A. additional security hereunder, Borrower <br /> asaigm .to Lendor the rents of the Property, provided Ihat Borrower .han. prior to acceleration under paragraph Ig <br />hereof or abandonment of the Property. have the right to collect and retain such Tents as they become due and payable; <br />Upon ae<:ck!ration under paragraph III bereof or abandonment of lhe Property. Lender. in person, by agent or by <br />judicially appoint<<! receiver. shall he entitled 10 enter upon, take po"',.<sion of and manage the Property and tn collect the <br />rents of the Property. including those past duc. All rellts collecied by Lender or Ihe receiver .hall be applied first 10 payment <br />of the COSts of management of the Property and collection of rents. including. bur not limited to. receiver's fees. premiums on <br />receiver's bonds and rea.\Onnble attorney's fees.. and then to the s.ums secured by thi_s Mortgage. lender and the receivet <br />shall be liable to a-ccount only for those rents actually received, <br />21_ F.atllft' Ad...... Upon request of Borrower. Lender. at Lender's opllon prior to relea.~ of this Mortgage,_may <br />make Future Advances to '8orrower. Such Future Advances, wi!h interest thereon, shall be secured by- this- Mortgage when <br />evidenced by promissory note~ stating [hat said notes <lie secured hereby. At no lime shaH the principal-amou"nt--of-the <br />indebtedness secured by this: Mong-age. not including Scum:> advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />MOrlglll", exceed the ooginal amollnt of the Note pIllS USS, <br />12. ReleMo, Upon payment of all sums secllred by this Morlgage. Lender ,hall di,eha'1!e this Mortgage without <br />.charge to Borro~r, Borrower ~haU pay all C(l~ts. of fl'cordation. if an~, <br /> <br />IN WtTNES.~ WHEREOF. Borrower bas exeeuled lhij Mortgage. <br /> <br /> <br />...V~..c.~J(~......."......" <br />Van C. Wrenn, Jr~ \ -Borrower <br />-../ /l () <br />L~r~;,~!;~z:~.",~:2 ....A~~~~..~: <br /> <br />STATE OF Np:sJlASlCA.. <br /> <br />. .f.lall <br /> <br />., .Countyss: <br /> <br />On Ibis..,. .. .day of.. Sep.te.rober.. .. .. 19.83.. before me, lhe undetlligned, a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned alld IIlllliitd for said county. personally came. .Vall. C~. 'wr.enll.. Jr,.. .and. Lora,yne .0, . . , <br />WN{lll.. Husb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., to me known to be the <br />identical pc ) are ,uhscrin"d 10 the f"'<going instrument and acknowledged Ihe execution <br />thereof to un/ary act and tked. <br />Wi at. .Grand.Is land... . said county, the <br />date alo <br /> <br /> <br />,1.lil.::~r!-.'.~.Lt :~??7. .'. .~{~~'?;~:?l.-/......, <br /> <br />! NotIif't Public <br />/ <br /> <br /> <br />~_ a.kwt- TM Llfle ~ For ~ .and Ftecotdef"J <br />