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<br />I <br /> <br />83,;,;;;.. OC/4992 <br /> <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows; <br />1. Payment of Prlaelpld ...... Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment arod late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />:z. FluIds for T_ .IId 1_. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full; <br />a. sum (herein "Funds") equal to one~twelfth of the yearly laxe_1\- and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents On the Property. if any. plus (me-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. jf any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and t-ills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency (including Lender if Lender I!I such an institution), Lender shall apply the Funds to pay !iaid taxes. assessments. <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may nm charge for 50 holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and hilts. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Jaw <br />pennits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at lhe time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that intere.c;t on the Funds shall be paid ro Borrower. :md unless such ugreemenl is made or applicable law <br /> such interest to be paid, Lender shall nOf be required to pay Borrower an~' imerest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />5haIl give to Borrower. without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds wa'l made. The Funds are piedgcd a:t additional security for the sums sedJrcd <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds. held by Lender. togcrher wuh the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />[he due dates ot taxes. assessments, Insurance premiums. and ground rents, shall c.xceed the amount required to pay said taxes. <br />assessment... insurance premiums and ground rents as. they ,~!l due. ~llch C'"\ces-s shall be. at Borrower's option, eilher <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />h.eld by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay l~tX-es. as...'iessments. insurance premIUms and ground rents as they fall due~ <br />Borrower s-baU pay to Lender any amount nccessa_TV tn make tip the t.ldi(.'iency wlthm 30 days 1rom the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment Ihereor <br />Upon payment in full of all sums sc-curcd by {his Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by .Lender. It under paragraph I S hereof the Property IS ~t)ld Of the- Property I~ mherwisc acqUired by Lender. Lender <br />shall apply. no- later than unmediatdy prior h' Ihe o;alc (If the Propeny or jt~ :.IcqulsulOn by Lender. any Funds held by <br />Lender at the tun~ 01 application as a credit ilgamst the .sum., ~cltrcd by {hiS !vfortgagc, <br />3. Apptiadoa of Pay-masts. Unless apphcable la\,,' provlJes nthl~rwi\-C'. all payments received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraph,s 1 and 2 hereof s.haH be applied by Lemler fin;t m pitVmCnl of amounts pay.tbic to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to mtcrt:'~t payable on the !\it)-te, then It I the prinCipal of the NOle. and [hen (0 interest and <br />prindpal on any Future Advan{..~ <br />4. Cbaraa: Borrower ",hall pay ,'Ill t,t\C"-. .i.,,~'S."mcnt-\ ;:-m-d lllher (har~cs, nnes and jmpo..iti~,ns attributable to <br />the Property which may attain a pnority over {bl"i Mortgage, amI leasehold rayments or ground rents, if any, in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. If not pal1.i lH ~uch fl\iH1nt:T c h\. Bt1HOwcr makmg payment. when due, directly 10 the <br />payee thereof. Borrower shaH promptly furm:<.h 10 Leader aU notlt.':e~ ~.Jf amounts. due under thrs paragraph. and in the event <br />Borrower shaH make pa}me-nt directly. BOfrnwc-r "hail promplly turmsh to Lt.-noer receipts I.:\'iden~lfig such payments. <br />Borrower shaH prompdy disch<ngc any hen v,-'hlch ha!> pnonfV ~~\'\.~r IhlS Mon!!:age: proVIded, that Horrower ~hall nOl be <br />required to discna.rlc an}' sllch hen M.J long ,L"S BOfft,t\.\cr ..h>lIi ,lgrce in \-Hltmg to the payment of {he obligatiun secured by <br />sw;-h Hen in a manner acceptable: lO Lender. or ..hat! ill g"-Hll..1 !~Hlh ....)llIt'-"t \tH.:h lien by. t)f detenJ enforcement of -slIch Hen in, <br />legal proceedmgs whlcb operate to prevent the cnllHt.:cmcot oj tht; lll.:n ~n INhOl'-urc of {he Property or any part [hcreoL <br />S. Hazard J~. Borro'A-er 'i.h~H keep lilt': IHlprm-t.'_.mCflh 1F\\.>, nJ:-ung or hcrc{JHer C[...-.:ted on the Pro~rty in~urcd <br />agaiMt ios--s by fire, hazanj$ induded wlltun the term -'<:'\Icndcd (,lVCfJgt:", ,wo !i.lh.:h other haz.ard;i. a:'. Lender may rC4uire <br />and in such amouol$ and tor ~u(-h perhxh il" Lcnder m;.tY !"t.'4UJft:-: pr;PddcJ, In-at ..hall not rcqlllrc that the amount of <br />such cov-e.rage ex.ceed that atnount o! (:(l\:l.'ragc f"4Wft'd It' pol)" lht~ ..l<m~ 'i-(':<,,:tlfl::d hv thl~ Mortgage. <br />1'11e insurance eartH:r providing the Jfi!l.UrUfh..'e sh~,iI he lht.':'lell ~,~, Borrov.-cr 'jUOJt-cT to approval hy tender; proVided, <br />thai such a:ppro,,-aj ~haU not be unrea5()[uibl)" withheld All prcllHum;. LlO insurance- POliCit.';S ..hall be- paid m lhe manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 here~' or, It not plod HI '\.uch malH1CL by BOft'l.i\o\"d p.l.yme-nt, when due, ..hrcctly to the <br />in~urance carner. <br />All inJ,uraru.:c poiK:ie'i and rcoe\\-ah_ therc~;f ~haH be ill form .h,:..:epiilbk 10 Lcnde:r ant! shall include" :-.I<inu.trd mortgage <br />clause to {av\.lr of and In form a;;cep(<ihJc H' Lender. Lcndl':r ..h.lH ha'o-'c the right hl hold lhe pl.)li\,.ies and renewal~ thereof. <br />and Borrower shaH prumptly furnj~h to Lender all rCHcwiJI notlcc~ ..l1Jd <ill receIpts. of paid premilll1h, In tbe ~vent of los-s. <br />Borrower shaH Stve pnmlpl notKc 1,--' tht~ lmur ,.\lh.e ;::Uflt'r ~nd Lcn-Jer. l.enJcf ma) makC' pro,-)l of loss If not made promptl)' <br />bv 8orn.--.wer, <br />. UnlC;S$ Lender and Born._lwcf olhef'A.'I~ ..grt"!: In \\-fltHl.g, jn_..uraIH.~~ pnx.:c\."d, ~hall be applied 10 rcswration or repair uf <br />the Property damaged, pnwideJ su..~h r-c;<;toration or i-t:p;;Uf t~ ct.:on0n\I~..dly feasible <tnu thl..' ~c(;urity of this Mortgage I!-. <br />not thereby impaw~d" If S-lJi.~h re~lor.Hl\:m or r!i:'p(ljf 1:\ H\ft -t.'~'onp.nlt":i.IHy ICilslhle or ii lhe ~>.:-urny of Ihls Mortgage would <br />be impaired. the insurance procee<h. ~haU be applied ft) the sum~ sccm~J by thiS Mortgage, Vdlh the ~x\.'e"s. if any. paid <br />to Bot-rower. it" the Prope-rry is aball-(h..n<<.1 b: B.;)rr\}wc:. ,J[ Jt BorrDwer lad" to rl-"1\.pond tn l.ender wlthlll 30 days from the <br />date: notice i:s mailOO by und(f to Borrower that the ins.Ufalll..:e "C<trncr oIlers tn !-.~ltlc <\ dam} tor t1tsurance henefits. LcnJer <br />is, &utbOI-ized to CQH~t and app-iy the lU~uran...~e prtlCeeds. ill Lenoer"!', option caher to rc~loral!on or r~palr of the Propcrtj- <br />or to t.M SWJ1S N:i.:ured by this. Mortpse. <br />Unie$..'\ Lender and Borrower o~herwls-e agree In wntmg. ~\nY ~Ul.:h application of pn..)C\:ed.s 10 pnnclpal shall not c.xteno <br />or po&lpone the due date of the monthly u\sl.aHmems retcrrcd tt..~ m paragraphs I and 1 hereof (If change the amount of <br />such installmenb. If under paragraph 18 he.reof the Pro-pert) h <1Cl.jtllfcJ by Lender. .ill right, title and intefest I..\f Rorrowcl <br />;1'1 and to au)' i.nsuran~~ po-Hcie$ and in ii:od to the PHXL--eO-S thereoi ;:csuhlllg trom (bmag:~ !O th~ Properlj pti~)f to the \aJc <br />or ~qw-:ution shaH pa~ to Lender tn- the c"\.tcnt ..A the ';ium~ :-,cJ.:ureD hy thi;o. Mor!gage lllllnedialdy pnllr lO ",oell ~all~ 01 <br />a~uWtion. <br />6.. ~atiaa aa4 ~'j.t:ellal!ltt of Propert}. Le-.ebukls. Condominiums; Planned Unit l)ndopmcl1f~ Borrower <br />~t keep the Pr~rty in goc>d repair and shall not commit "'aSle 1)f permn Hllpalrmcnt or deterioration of the Property <br />and matt comply with the provision. L,( ~ny kMe If tht5. Mungag(; 1\ on J. leaio-chuld. It thiS- ~hmgage ii; on it unit in J. <br />condomlnium or a planned umt devdopmcfH, B-ocHn\'Cr ~haH perfmrti -'tll oj! BOfW""el-~ \.~bilg-aUOfi& under the declarauon <br />Of CQVCJlallt5 c-n:a.hna or guyer-ning the clmdornu'Hun~ \)t pJanne:d Unit devdupmcnt. the by~laws and rc-gu!atiolh d the <br />-coodcminium -or ptanned urnt (h:~-...eiopment~ i.i;nd conMHtrerH documenb. Jt a ('ondommium Of pL-mned WIlt Jcvekl-pmCfll <br />rides is. a~ by Borrower i\ma te.tonlcd logether wnh trll~ Mungage, the ....:O...C1HWl'i- and agrecnwob f~t -"-Heh nJt:1 <br />,hall be. ~tp(lfata1 in10 and shaH a.mtmd and ~uPvleJ:tlent the co\-en~nh ~lnd agrt.:-em~nLS iJt tlw~ Mort~ag.c ;\!" it th~ rider <br />we", " part hueof. <br />,. ~ of l-Aadv'j; Security. If BcrnJwct falti to perform t~ cov~nant~ ami agreements ~'~lnt.amed In OHj\, <br />~.. at if- at'l). .iK:"tioo Of pnxCfiiini 1'10 ;;,otnm-tmc-ed ~tli;,;h materially affects Lenuer\. nMeres.i in the Prnpct-ty, <br />kK:~..._ but 1\(" ttm-uod to., tm-ine-nt -4omain. in\t1Ivenc), ,ode c-nh,1fCCm1:nt. '!H i\..fl.ingem~nt"il- Of pfocee-ding.) mvoh'jng I) <br />~P' or ~t;. tMfi Lender.jt t-tm.\ktr'a optinf\. UJX'f-U ;Hltk~ t.:) Borrowcl, mill) make M..1\..':h -appearam:c...,. dh.buf'S-~ !otlch <br />'JUI"i:>> .ltnd lake tucb- KtWn '}'i l$ nKe~); In pr~"t Lender'$, mfer~t, induding, rout aN hfmtcu to, ,_In.burs'(:Hlcm (If <br />~~ lttoftley'1< fMlii ~ tti-tt)' U-P(lU th( t'l>ropcu)'- t(.l make !~pa:H~i. It Lender fC'~uircd -m-m"!gage in"'!Jf;in\::< a\ ;1 <br />.;;:uttdniM (If ~fJ)' llk w.n ~W'\1,.J by thi! MvnJoitjc, Bo-now\';":f ,thJH ray l!'h; prcmU,Hn~- fl'qlHfc-d tp malOt.iW :'>u..;h <br />i~~ in~.i UJltu l-lfoCn time "'~ 1t)(: rt!t.Jv-i,re1'l'M-1H fm' ~~h tn-~U(a..occ tenfimatc5 ,l1 ih..-\,'-ort!.arli..c With n~-'H,-'wc-r\, ;and <br />