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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE LOAN RIDER <br />83-- 00497'9 <br /> <br /> <br />NOTICE: TIIESECURITYINSTRUMENT SECURES A NOTEwmCHCON'l'AlNS <br />A PROVISION. ALLOWING FOR ..CHANGESIN THE INTERESTRATE;lN~ <br />ClUlASESIN TltEIN'J:'E'RE$'J" RATE WILLRE.SULTIN HIGHER PA:V~NTS;' <br />OEdnEASESINTHE.~~TE WILL RESULT INt.owERJ>AYMENTs~ <br />Tbia Rider is made this ..,....16tb........ day of.............~..,.,......, 19B3....,jmd ;siI1corporatel:l <br />into andsball be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Oeed ofTiust,or])eedtosecuniD~bt <br />(the "SeCtttitylnstrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the ''Borrower'')>tosecure'I3(Jr" <br />~:~~:~:~::~~:~~~E:~ii~::~?~~::~~~?~~~~=~~~::~~:::~~~~:?:~?:;::~:::~~!!~~:~:;iii~~:::~:?~~!?:ii~t~i= <br />(the "Lender") of the ~a~\etn!fe "~to;:~t and covering the~~:~tfetl>~~t~o?tI'u.. <br />meat and located at ~,..........................,....,..............,...............,.................................,.....!....,.........................h....m..m <br />Property Address <br /> <br />l\tODIFICATION3. In addition to the covelUl!lts and agreements made in the Security Instrument;Bor- <br />rower and Lerider.further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br /> <br />A; INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note has an "Initial Interest Rate" oL,m..l.~.:.2.2g.., % <br />Interest rate changes mav occur. on the 1st day of ,.,...'..m.............,......l.\1.~'?..........., 19,..8.:i. and on the <br />1st day of .m..........,.................~~.?~':~.~,~, 19..~~.. and on theIst day of '.n...'....'.............Qgj;,\Wllm.L.19...a.s, <br />and on the 1st day of ......,........m..............!'.l.".~~l1......m' 19.n~~. and on those dates of those months in every <br />year thereafter. Each date on which the rate of interest may change will be called a "Rate Change Date". <br />Changes in principal and interest payments to adjllBt amortization of the loan to correspond with <br />interest rat&cl1an~ shell be made on the 1st day of '"..m.'".......'....'"......'"J1~X~n...n...'"." 19..6,6... and on,that <br />date every .._::::.....::::.... year(s) thereafter. Each date on which the principal and interest payment may <br />change will be called a "Payment Change Date". <br />Changes in the interest rate are governed by changes in an interest rate index called the "Index". <br />Check box(es) tc indicate Index. <br />(1) 0 "Contract Interest Rate. Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes, National Average for all <br />Major Types of Lendenl" published by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. <br /> <br />$eC<lri t tJi) a~us~~~~.~t~o~~~.:.o~a:t:~~o.t~,~uim~~~r.fft:r.!tN:iie'?:'~':?r:h!r.~'~;~~;in'R~'''~';'''''''''''ard. <br />..,~..._..'_...._".....'_,.'".._.._.'"'"..u._..uu_.._............'...,'..... .......h.....P......................:L"..................,..h.._...,!L..Jtlt.)}.Q. <br />Check. box(es) to indicate limits. <br />(1)0 If this bolt is checked. there will be no maximum limit onchange& in the interest rate up or <br />down. The PJeliminary Rate referred to in the Note. will be the new interest rate. <br />(2) a If this box is checked. the interest rate that I pay shall not increase more than .....,............. <br />percentege points on !lny Rate Change Date. <br />(s) aU this. boll is checked. the intenli>t rate thst. I pay eha1I not decrease more than .nuu,,,,,,,,,,',, <br />percentage points on any Rate Change Date. <br />(4) i!l If this box is checked, the interefltrate that I pay eha1Inevel' be mOre than ...l.l,,~5.o..... % <br />dlUin&thij~ I have my loan. <br />(5)BIf this boll ischec:ked, the interest rate that I pay shall never be less than,..9.,,~5iL..,"% <br />dlUin& the periO(i I have my loan. <br />(&) n If this box. is checked. the pril;tcipal and interest payment that I pay shell not increase more <br />t.blln ........un...u... percent on any Payment Change Date. <br />(7)mO I.fl;b,js:~,is c!Hlcked. .the ~cipal and .interest payment that I pay shall not decrease more <br />than' ............,........percentOD any. Pa.ymel1t Change Date. <br />The ~thly,,~tamounts will also change on Payment Change DateBal!l provided in the Note. <br />;~~=~::~~c::~s~j~~= <br />~mJlll~ CllI!&, lIn{iaid. interest. isaddlldto the principal balance of the Note and it>Jelf will accrue <br />~t tOOreafter. <br />-.... <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />..J <br /> <br />L <br />