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<br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />83- 004975 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />4. All ,payments under this contract, either principal <br />or interest, shall be paid to the Seller at 2605 Cottonwood Road} <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68801, or in such other fashion or at such <br />other place as Seller may designate in writing. <br /> <br />II. <br /> <br />Taxes and Possession <br /> <br />A. Seller agrees to pay the general taxes on the real <br />estate for the year 1982 and all prior years, and Buyer agree's to <br />pay the general taxes on the real estate beginning with the taxes <br />due for the year 1984 and all subsequent years. The real estate <br />taxes for the year 1983 shall be prorated between the SE;lller and <br />the Buyer to date of closing. The Seller shall pay all assess- <br />ments that have been levied as of the date of possession, and the <br />Buyer shall pay all assessments levied from and after said date. <br />The Buyer shall provide the Seller on an annual basis with a <br />receipt for the payment of all said taxes and assessme.nts to be <br />paid by the Buyer as evidence that such taxes and assessments are <br />paid in full. <br /> <br />B. Seller agrees to place Buyer <br />subject property on <br /> <br />in possession of the <br />, 1983. <br /> <br />C. Buyer agrees that if he shall fail to pay before they <br />become delinquent, anY taxes against. t:he real estate for the year <br />1984 or any subsequent year, Seller may pay said taxes and the <br />amount so paid shall become due and payable forthwith by the <br />Buyer to the Seller without notice or demand and shall become a <br />part of the principal due under this contract. <br /> <br />HI. <br /> <br />Title <br /> <br />A. Seller agrees to furnish Buyer with an abstract of <br />title showing merchantable title to tl';e real estate within ten <br />(101 days after the execution of this agreement. In case the' <br />Buyer's attorney makes Objection to the title of Seller as shown <br />by such abstract of title, the Seller shall have a reasonable <br />time in which to correct any valid defect of title. If Seller <br />fails or refuses to correct any meritorious defects in his title, <br />Buyer shall be entitled to rescind this contract and receive back <br />from Seller all payments made hereunder or Buyer may make said <br />corrections and deduct the reasonable costs and expenses thereof <br />from the balance due hereunder to Seller. <br /> <br />B. The parties aCknowledge that title to the real estate <br />is subject to a first mortgage in favor of H. William Desch, Jr., <br />as the Mortgagee. Seller agrees to continue to make the monthly <br />mortgage payments thereunder until the mortgage is paid in full <br />and to secure a release of said mortgage upon the maturity of <br />this contract. In the event that Seller fails to make any of <br /> <br />-,- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />,ic <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />..-1 <br />