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<br /> <br />83:"" 004870 <br /> <br />faith contest such lien by, or defend against enforcement of such lien in. legal proceedings which in the opinion of <br />Lender operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property .1r any part thereof; or ( c) sllall <br />secure from the holder of such lien an agreement in a form satisfactory to Lender subordinating such lien to this <br />Security ImtlUment. <br /> <br />If Lender delCrmines that all or any part of tbe Property is subject to a lien which may attain a priority over this <br />Security InstrUment, Lender shall give. Borrower a notice identifying such lien. Borrower shall satisfy such lien or take <br />one or more of the actiom setlarth above within ten days of the giving of the notice. <br /> <br /> <br />C. NOTICE <br /> <br />Uniform Covenant 14 of the Secunty Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br /> <br />14. Notice. Except for any !IOUce reqUIred under applicable law to he given in ar.ot!rer manner, (a) any noticcto <br />Borrower pnw.ded for In thi$ Securuy Instrument shall be gi~'Cn by delivering it or by mailing it by first c11l$S mail to <br />Borrower at tile Property Add",,,-, or ,11 'lICh other address as Borrower may designate by notice to. Lender as provided <br />herem, and t b) any nonce 1<> Lender shall be g!\'Cn by first class mad to Lender's address stated herein or to sUCIT <br />other ;tddreu as Lender may de"gnare by nOlice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided. for in this <br />Secumy In>trumenlsball he deemed to haye been gIven to Borrower or Lender wncn given in the manner designated <br />herelll <br /> <br />n. UNIFORM SHTRITY INs,'TRLMF_....T: GOVERNING L-\\'''; SKVERABILlTY <br /> <br />Umform CovenJ!nt IS uf the :S<<:UfUY IfI.!l.fumem l~ amended to ft"ud as follows; <br /> <br />IS, \ 'nlfonn Sewnty \""t"'...ent: Go.erniftll L.w; SMerabilil,. Th;, form "I' Security Instcument combines uniform <br />c.(wenanti. for n.:arnmai UK and t'liJn-umfi:!:tm n:n.:("na-fil\ wan lHl1lted variauons by Juru.diction to constilute- a uniform <br />,ecumy ",'U'Umen! O]venng ft"ll'rtlpe'w 11", Se,-unry Inslrument shall nc governed by Federal law and the law of <br />(he JUli.dl"lOtl III "hlch ,he I'm",,"y "l<",~led In (he evenl lh.. any prov"ion or dause of this Secunty Instrument <br /><1f :he NOle con:uclS "un ..pphc.ilk law. ""n wnihC! ,hall not affect olner rro.."on., of this Secunty lostrument or <br />lhe Note whKi'> can be gln'n effect without Ihe n>nll.ctlng pro""'on. and 10 lhl' end the provisions of Ihis Security <br />Instrument and the Note- -MC- dce,bred to he :'-c\'-cri!h!t:' <br /> <br />F_ TRANSFER OF HIE PROI'UT\ OR J, BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER <br /> <br />l~miorm (':o\'cnant ; -; (~f the ~,un!'y lfl!.trutncnt ;~ amended to fe3d it\ foUoVt'l: <br /> <br />1"1. TraMfer <>f lhe ~rly .... . B_fid.llnter....t ill If all ,)( allY pan of Ihe Propeny ,lr an inlerest <br />thC:Te"!n b wid t~')r tf..n$tc-~d ! .;If If J. "! HH~fItM_ )f1 80rnlwer is .wid or transferred and Borrower is not a natural <br />pcnn-n) \A-'u.l,")'ut L-ende-r-\ i.1fKH wnUct! ~,)..Hbcnt, Lender mAY. at Lcnde-r\ opuon, dedare- 3U the !Sums scL"Urw by this <br />Seeunr, 11lS1rum<:1l1 10 be ,mlm'<Jwdy Ju< ,nd ra~ahk H.}wever. th.. optlQn shall llVt be exercI.ed by Lender if <br />e.'(C:fC1K tS not .uithonud h)' Ft"'licraJ Ll~' <br /> <br />It Lender e-lcn:t'K\ ~U(_h \}p-uun h"1 J.O;("f("fiU<. Lc-nd~f ~haH HHUl Bt)rrow-er notice of acceleration m i.lcwrdance with <br />P:3tll.uph 14 hcft"Qt. Suo:h ~hH-H:;e ~h~iJ rHW~JH.h: ~ pcnoJ i.,f nut ks.s 30 days from the dale the notice is mailed <br />....d\ln whK:h Borrower may pay I~ !o>utn:t Jcd.are-d. lJuc ff lk)ftt,H~'t:r f~uh 10 pa)' !.uch sums prior lO the expiration of <br />~U:(:h ~fl(x.L Lender m.y. o\-Hhout fur!tt~f now;_'c- or Jen14nd 0-0 8orn)-w(:,r. invuke any rrmedies permitted by <br />paragraph I S h<:r~>f. <br /> <br />NorwUJut..JlUbnc J .s.-lk ..:r fran~ler, 8tHflJ'II\'Cf will l.unHnuc- to he- nf:Jhgau:d und~r the Note and _hts Security <br />In,,rumenl unlcs> l<:!liler ha. rde...." florto"'<:r :n wnlmg <br /> <br />f. LOAI... CHARGES <br /> <br />If tbe- loan SC(:Uf'ed by t~ 5<<uruy InSlIumen{ 15. subJ('a to a J~w .~:tll,h sets ma:umum loan charles. and that law l~ <br />no..tJ1y .nl-("r~_-so. that the uUetC'-s\ or (.to('l to-an chaft:C\ ,'vlie<:te-c l.)( if! be collected 1n connection wuh the loan <br />e.l<<\ld p<:rmlued limItS. .h"n; ( II any ,ucl> loan charge ,hail be reduced by the amount neceS>ary 10 reduce Ihe <br />cllaqe lO the permmed lunll: and <. Z I .nJ 'um, already wUeeted from Ilvrrower wtHeh exceeded permiued liml"> wtll <br />be ",funded wBorrow,,,. LC'llder may (h<X>M: !c' mai." II!!s ",fund hy reduClnglhe prmCll'al "....ed under the Note <'r <br />by ma.ktn, a d.!'ffl paYlMl\.! tv /lor","'"r. If a relund redu,,,,, pnnopal, the reduction W!1l be ["'.Ied a. a parnal <br />ptepayn>enl under the Note . <br /> <br />I!C Wn_ WmuOJ. ~ h.. U"Cllles! this AdjllSl."W Rat" Rider. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />r. ... tI ,. <br />:'~ Cu..I1.l(l.;j TVlVV\1"../ <br />i;'2:'2~;.>~;,H6i",\;<. ....... . <br /> <br />~KJ'iil <br /> <br />..(Sui) <br />-a_ <br /> <br />;,ind.t1 <br /> <br />HaMn <br /> <br />..(Seal) <br />-80fto.., <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />.Boff_ <br />! t)Jgn Or(fbutl O.dVJ <br />