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<br />83-
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<br />004847
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<br />r
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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made arnJ entered into thiL~day of SePtember . 19--..llL
<br />Sharon A. Rasmussen now known as
<br />
<br />by and ~tween _ SharonA. Zadow and John Zad~rustor. and EiJ:s.. Al""d<,,,n '1'1"1", Tn.. ('" . Trustee,
<br />rife and husband
<br />
<br />and __ Security Pacif:l.c FJnance Copporat:l..Q!I____________ Beneficiary.
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these pr",ents grant, bargain and sell. convey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee lhe following descri~d Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now or
<br />
<br />hereafter erected or plaCed on the real estate, situated in __.!lal:.! ,_"_..._.______ County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Property known as:
<br />
<br />Lot 9 and 10 in Block 2 of First Addition to Cairo, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />r Jled for Record ..
<br />
<br />__ , ,____,___ at _.,____._."__ __.M,
<br />
<br />in Book.____ of
<br />
<br />Page
<br />
<br />and posses..~ion af ~ajd pffmi"-t';" no\\-' d\.'"h".iered uoln ~Hd fru,>lt:c,
<br />
<br />TO HA \'F .--\.i"': D TO HOL D !hl: .,.!IlH', \\, lfn all nghh. pin de!le~. J.nd appmtcnMH:e-:-. There-to bdongmg untO rhe Trustee,
<br />hi\ e:xe'i.'UlOrs, admUH''i.lfatofS, heih. .HH..l ~hqgn~ hHe\t~r And the Tru"li!! !!oeMv t\pre'islv wal\'es. releases, and i-elinquishes
<br />unto The Trustee a.U nght. title, d~Hm, mH~rcsL r.("nefn _. Jnd e\Uiir v.. hatc\'-;:.'!'. ,n and (\) the abon-'..a~s("ribed premises and each
<br />and every pan thereoL ~\hi..,:h ." giH'11 hy ,'r rC\Ulh r~-:_)m all by,,,- of ltH~ "-Lilt' \.It Nl,,"hfa\~a pertaining to the exemption of
<br />homestead. And th~ TrU<;'~<'1r ,',-)Yt'"oai'H\'.,I. nl~ tin' T'! l;\it:t' Ihal tlf wd! fOft'\er \r.arrarH anJ defend the- tirk to th~ same against the
<br />lawful dain\\ of aU ver-';un~ \' ll;.,m\i)<;\ cr
<br />
<br />IN TReST HOWE.VER. f;}.f th( ~()!l(w'dn~ dC'\(nb~d p\jfr;;,l:--~> \\'Hl-.RtA~. '(ht fn.l,\wr d.id on thi'i date t:xc:cute a
<br />
<br />Prom",ory N<He eVidcn<:ll1. a 10al1 1m Int' r""'"pal amnUll1 ,,, S 9629.35 and mleresl thereon
<br />accordmg to [he h.'Hn~ n1' ,.~ld P:o,nr,,~~.H';,- "...;ore: '-';lh.l l-'!nrnl"'''!~i\ .....;11('- ht"in~ pi.l:"<ahk' d\ flj{lf1thiY 1f1;,.wlilnt"nts ill. such place as
<br />the' Beneficlaf\- may de\lgn.a~,,' ..\nWl1!l tn,m '.me t;,? '!ftH,~ :\io[v"llh';!~lndm~ ..iny pru\l"i\ln ;:')!ltained herem or Hl sauj
<br />Proiubsory NOle to the ((muar). :i ,;-;.,r ,o<..'m;r paid. ~\lj '>I,UU-\ .1m' ,Hj(l .l....lli~ under !ht' term'. nf ,>-,ud PrOmis.sof\' NOle ~haU be
<br />
<br />paid on or before
<br />
<br />Sepcember 14, 1988
<br />
<br />it I:' agrt'ed by imJ h<l\\t'-t:'n We raf[H..-'" fi!.<n::hJ t11dt 'd!!:! I din;? or :'-.nt:-.:e ,'f n(;(~HlII, lhc rru~lOi ..hali: (I) pa~' all pre-sent
<br />and future {,\l_:'-~ and d-":>,e~,-"m~nt~, ~eH('r,Jj .lnJ '>iX""':iai, J.gaiH"! '-'-~HJ ;'l~\i)\,'tl\ bcliHt. !h,: ^,..;!He hc-(nrnl,'~ ddin~u(nt or a,t;t1\.-lnabJe~
<br />{2} keep aU impfOVt'llh.~fli" (,H~...'h-:-d on thr Lwd nl~lHt"T..i ,\\ ma'\ l?e H..4y\J:f~<,J !rpm \lme I\.1 ilrne by betl-:fi...-lary against 10\\ h~ fire
<br />and {)ther hal,J.hh. (a:-'L;dlt~t.., ,wi..! ...')tlllllt:('ll,-lt.'''. :1': \,;..b ;lm\J\HH~ __J:h.l 1m -"-..1..:0 j)t.'fh..h,h a., ~lft rc-a:'.-noabic and may be f~quiJ'e-d
<br />b~' hen~fl(liif) \ .Htd h, le..-p ;dl p~)h..:it'\ ",...:h ;ih,il,l1h:e Hl \\}L..'(' \Jr '.."11-('.:1 '.If\nn the: profXny herein de~l:nhed constantly
<br />a~~lg.n~ and ddi\--t:n:J ;-;..' D~Bf.:'t'I...:"H\_ \ lj pcl} "wJ \-,-'Illph \\Hh ,ill the (t:ll11.... ,;itlJ ,_-onJII!OIh of an) lien, daim or
<br />indebfC\Jne~~ that may t>~ _'t'I1I'H ;.H t.l~,-:: pll'..l.'dt.:;h.e \Ill", I ftt"t lJt't~d ,f'~ ..,nun a~ aln \\.h.:h payment on .'IUi..'h lien, ..:Iaim or
<br />indebt'rttn~s "hall Ve(I.l!llt' du\.~, ,tno Up'l.Hl 1.;dtH'(,';.)! r rt~,,!dl 10 j...t'~l' Mil, ...aHJ agrn<nH:"ril". b-t'lH:th:lary may pay su.:h w~. pay for
<br />such: ins.urarn:c or paj off qH,:h !te-H, or daHn~ or mddHl"dne\" J'\ ihe ~~i~i.' ma\o be. ~l!ld [he !Honey ~() expended wgether, thereon
<br />a-s. provided by the !cnn-s. ~~f the aft1fe-menHdoeJ ProIHl""~H~ NtHc \hall bt' ..-c~urt:-d hy [ht) Tfu~t Dee-d, and lhe Trustor agree~
<br />to repay the same UptHl demand. and Up\lH f<illuft' 10 .];\.,1 ~n th...~ balan(l,.' nllhe alt~h.ht'J f\\)le ..hat! be~ome immedl.i.uely due and
<br />payable at the option of the b-ef\t~ft":laty; r..tl "~"'-Irh.'atb. (tmf.:-r upun ihr r ru\tt.'e Ib~... p-t}"Cf v! :-ale a~ prt)vidcd in Nebras.ka ta\\';
<br />(5) f~ain pos~('~sjon of th-e ph~mi~c:-, and ,-,_,Ht'-(l 1111;' ~C'nh dlW H"H.'HUe"- dh:fefrnm
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />Up-.on pa)'Ol'Cnt of aU. the ...wn~ "'':,.:uft:'-d hY lhi., Tru..,l. [keiL the lkneiKiafY "h,aU rCQut'sl !h~ TrU:-,iCf: 10 rt"t,;on~;:y lhe
<br />propeny and ...hal! ~uffendt'f tf1l'\ Tn:,>! Deed ~Hlli .ti: null:'" t:qdt'!h,H:~ indebtl'Jnt_s7'! :\Cl:ured b~ tht~ [ru:.{ Dt'eo w the fn!,rof.
<br />Trustee \haU ft'\:'l1H'''q ttl( pr~lp\."rt! 'AHhou\ ;'1.. d. 1 f,1lH\ :,> the pt.'r".;m Q; p(,'r...tJlh kg~U~ I,.'flwkd the-fClO; hut if dc!ti:!ull be made in
<br />the payment of' s.ajJ Ih_tt. .)l .lny p.ut Iht.'h.'df ~H <_H~~ 01 \11-..: InterC)l thtf~tHl .... heli JUt \.H m ltlc- fUllhtul pl'[IUrfllarh.'~ of aOj 01
<br />euhfl of saW agtCi:metH\. <<> J.fr\f<,\;ud. !i\en the \-\,-hi.\k of \Uld nutt' ..hall be\.-ornc Jut and be p;ud a,I;, ht:'!t.":tHafter pro,,-idcd. and
<br />\hlfi. deed. shag remain In ti.)fi;e; rn<- f"ru"tt:'c I..lr tH~ .:HhHnt."~ ma) pfu....'(.-..:d ;0 "eI! tOt: priJr-er~~ Hl 1\\ elHil't'f}- or in pdh,;eh. dt the;:
<br />option of the Tru~t<< hcrembetore d~:':flb(;'-J <U flubh4:: aUdion, W the hlghc'-'t huJder. !(l! l'a'"fL thn\e"t'f. the pl.h.\-d nf ,.:-de
<br />her-e-in conJt:rrcd UJXUl lh~ I'ru:-i-tJ:c _"hall not Dr: t:_\t'hT:..t'd unfll t i I lhl." rra~h.'( ':o-hall hr...t (iit' h'i[ ft"(ord. m the OftKe- of ihe
<br />r~gj."tt"t' nr de<d..... ,-jf t"ii-,"h ..'O!1tH~ i,\:hr'l-"ln ;b~' !li\,r ;-"fq:'wn~ ,n ',nfHr' ;~:H; ,'if ['J'HI'I,1 Ih.~H'1l1 i\ ,II ii..!('d , ;. q<ifh-" .11 dj.~'.~"lt
<br />identlrYU1i rhe Tru.st~\" by \HHm~ the nam('~ n! ihc I fU:-:;l..'!' .;tod niHTl~~ th>:rcHl ~wJ ~!lving lhe boo~ and page \\-hefe {he ::.amc: i..,
<br />retOfdtd, ,a di:~-np:th\n vf the ~ru~t proflt"Hy, and ~t.m!a~n:ng il \lalcHh.'IH th~1t .1 brcU.:fl o! .HI \!bhg3lHlf! for 'Ahit:h the tru:'>(
<br />-propttty WIU- conveyed a-:!i ~C\.'ur}{)-' has u\:t....uHtd+ df1-d ,<t"ltH\g f(loh th~ nalu!t. I-,Jl 't\h:h l;1fJ~'.\..:h and nl t.l!-... Ch~i.:tll)fl (\) "ell or (~Hi"C
<br />tQ l>e -s-4>kI such propcuy to \-4.ui..t~ the ohh}:aOon; ~Hli,j 11J aftt"f tht' l..llht uf ntH k~:> Ihat} ~mt' rnulith, the rn.1\~Ct' .;;h;tlJ gl\C
<br />nahet of ~k il~ pto\'idc:'d b}' Nebr41\ka la-.\ Arter lhHh:<,' l)f default dad Lip;,.\" ul fH.lt k...." inolO ()fIt.' I1HHHh. the r !'U~tCt" ,h.lH ~p\'c
<br />WflUt'n OOth::'(- of the tin)C and -pJal.,'(' of \;-ti~ parhi. uiarl) de~>"':flhm~ tlit." ph.ipC'rt) t;J bt' :->Hld b) pijbh"':3tH.H~ I;! ">u""h nmil."e. ,H h:u",t
<br />flY<< llOlfl, (~C.it \\'ee-k fOt flv(" ~(Hl~\2tHlli(" we\"k__~, the ia~! publk,atiun Ii) he at Ica:>i 10 Jay ~ hut nut rrHlft" thall 30 Jay" pthH {i,}
<br />the ~k~ ~-f\ ~()tnc- nc-'t\'1ipape-r h3-v'inl a ~t.'rH:Hd ~ln:uhlllun 0'1; c-a,h ~oumJ If) wtudl th" ptl.)tX"fty t~. b.c '".ill. ~q '>llme p.j;, lh('ft,:~ol.
<br />i$._~,tttta{("d_" U~.,).n ~!.i,Jl ~Jt" the TrtJ~It"~ :-,haU ~,\.c\,tHr itnJ drHvcf a deed \)! l..'~)n"I;).Hl;,-e ,:If tht:- P~'}Xl ':' "diJ !d ilw p~H ~ h;h--t<j <"
<br />pU-rdlli-'f'15 ttu:r<<~f af~d I.Ul): '!oiat<:tnt'JH (H re,dia~ tIt' fac{ m -,,-w..h J;~ecl m rdatlOn h} the' e-"<;;I\"'-'.' "j' !hl;' P,).\'\t:f ~.'J ;,ak .-wd ~,tk ~\1
<br />tbt: propeny ~".,;-nbc,d tn--e-f<t'i-fL "t\\.:lw:hnf; n:'-nH1_h >:\'ml;..etlHlt~ a!1): maihng. Pt:'I',;...Hl,~i ,:JejiH,."n .md put)!!l.:",HI,-~l\ pi nw ,n
<br />dt'f~,ulI~ any m.d:~tinJ .1.nd 1-b--f p-ub-h"''':-aht'tH -and J~hIliig I)f OU1h':1.' \d;k~, .ind ~ik c;Prt\!w._( .Ind '<,t.<h H..',,'i\..!i \haf: ,_,-"n\i;i;;('
<br />J1f'-H,ta fa.ne <-~"jd~n(-~ flf ~\;'Ch ((n-nph~h..:.t .'tnJ' j,:n:J'l,hB.iv~T .;;'j;;h,'Tlr,:t' there,of iH .1~" ,'f
<br />nt Y$tv~ ~-p;~ 'Wdi(H.H r:H)iK:C. fht; rnt!;~t":l;.~ ~lITd,'-lh;i~i ,tpt;-a.h" iu ;.'00\-(;",' f" f'r-::il' ",h
<br />
<br />
<br />-nlJl!!}':,-.
<br />
<br />ORiGINAl,
<br />