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<br />I <br />83....L) 0 4812 <br /> <br />HUD-Acquired Property Case No, 321-088104-203 <br /> <br />JOIln" SURVIVORSHIP DEED - NEBRASKA <br /> <br />lQiOIi. ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> <br />THAT SAMUEL R. PIERCE, JR. , Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, <br />of Whbinaton, O. C., Grantor, in conaideratiooof the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and <br />other valuable considerations in hand paid, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey <br />unto RAYMOND F. STRIDfl,E ~~ DOROTHY C, STREHLE, Husband and Wife <br /> <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska , Grantees, <br />as joint tenants, and not as tenants in common, the following described real property <br />situate io the County of nall , State of Nebraska, to ",it: <br /> <br />The West half of Lot 7. the west (, feet of the~Nbrth 19.75 feet of <br />the east half of l.ot I, Block 8, original town of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />S1fiTEMEi''JT ATTACHED <br /> <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY. <br />STAMP TAX <br /> <br />~; F? :J 1983 <br />~ ~ /JJ5 <br />fl~-.~eY l~___ <br />r ~ ~ <br /> <br />BEING the aame property acquired by tht' {;rantor pursuant :'0 tltt-' pruvisions oi the <br />National Housing Act, as a_nded (12 use liOl d 5(>'1. \ and the Department lOf!, and <br />Urban Development Act (79 Stat. ~h7i. <br /> <br />'f<X;ETIlER WITH sU ten_nta, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belongin!/., <br />and all the estate, right, title. lnterest, clalm or d""",nd ",hatsoever of the said <br />Grantor. of. In, or to the .a_. or any part thereof. <br /> <br />IT BEIN:; the intention of .U parties hereto that in the event of the d""th of <br />either of .aid Grant_, the entt're fee simple title to the real estete described herein <br />"luIll vut in tll.. surviving Grentee. <br /> <br />TO KAVE AND TO HOLD the sbove described premises. with tr,e appurtenances. "nto the <br />said Grant... as tctnants.. and not as tenants in l..'OUltlOO, i!:Ind to thE:' i r ass iP;ON, ,)r <br />to the heir. and .a.ips of the survivor of them, forever, and rhe "aid "ecrerary of <br />Housina and Urban Development, snd for his successors and assigns, does covenant ",ith <br />tbe Grnt_ herein n-.l.. end vith their aasigns and with the heirs, and assigns of the <br />survivor of tn.., that the .sid Grantor is lawfully seized of ssid premises: that they <br />are free f~ illClJlllbrance; tlult the said Grantor has good right and lawful lluthorlt\' <br />to .ell the ._, and that the "aid Secretary of Housing and Urbsn Development, ",ill, <br />and ilia .11eCUaOl'1l end a..i8M, shall, WAIUI.ANT and DEFEND the 8ame unto the named ,; ranteea <br />aBd unco tbeir a.aigna snd the heirs and a.signs of the survivor of them, forever. a~ainst <br />tUe Lawful clat. sndd_cia of all ""nons clatminl; tw, [hrOUllh or under .he'''. and <br />a..1u1: no other dat. or demand.. <br /> <br />SU8J-ECT' too all CO'\l.ullta, r..tri.ct-1ons.t res(':rvslion8., \.~itS-t.~IIH-"\{ ". ,'lH1dtt ionN i1nd <br />rl8bt:.. .ppe.r-l-ng of recQrd-; .ad SUBJECt to any stat<< L~J' fa<.:"ts ;111 I~{'{'l;f"a[~" ~'\JrV~\' '.iIHlttl <br />1In-. <br />