<br />I
<br />
<br />"t~.
<br />
<br />
<br />. 83....JJ04 795
<br />
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<br />
<br />
<br />This form is used in conneCttOn
<br />with mortgeges insured under lhe
<br />~ to four.fernilo; prOVilionf of
<br />the NatioNl -Housing Act.
<br />
<br />1lfIS M()RTGAGE~ nwleand ex<<uted this 31 day of AUGUS T
<br />1983- .I!ylllllibetweell RICHARllR. HilES AND NOlA N. MilES, IillS8AND AND WifE,
<br />
<br />,A.D.
<br />
<br />
<br />ofdieC~U(
<br />die MottPlOf. and
<br />
<br />HALL
<br />
<br />. and State of N<!braska. party ofthe first part. hereinaftet-caIled
<br />
<br />acorpomion organiud and ..i"ing underthe laws of THE STATE Of NEBRASKA
<br />pan}' of the 5<<0""1"'". heeln.fl'" ",,1I.d the Mortgagee.
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor. for and inconsideration of the sum of
<br />THIRTY ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NO/lOO-------------------Dolla" ($ 31,700.00---------). paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee. lhe r.,'Cipl of whi<h i, he~by acknowledged. has Granled and Sold and by ,hese presenls does Grant. Bar,
<br />pin. Sell. Convey and Conlirm unlO lhe Mortgagee. its succeSSOrS and assigns. forever, lhe following-descrihed
<br />real estale. silualed in lhe County of HALL . andSt.te
<br />of Nt'br3ska~ to \\>it:
<br />
<br />NE1!RASKA.
<br />
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian. con.ainin, in all
<br />tlICll' survey:
<br />
<br />TO >>AVE .i\NO TO HOLD lhe prem",,, .b~'., ".s.nbed. "lIh alllh. appurt.nanc.s .hereunlo belongiI1g and including
<br />all heating. plumbtnca.nd be.hting fhaurc" and equipment ooow or ntrcahcr attached h) or u~ed 10 connection wilh said real estate
<br />unto thto Mortpaee_ and to its H!CCcuors and- a\:stgn,~ (()J(ver The Mortgagor repre5ent~ to, and ~ovenants with. the Mortga-
<br />a<<-... that the Monpeor has' good fJght to S(!i{ and conw~ '!U!t1 p'rtmi~ts: rh:u they are iree irom encumbrance; and that the
<br />Moc~ willwal'laftland "d.nd lhe..me ap,"" the lawful cla'ms of all pe"ons whom.""",,; and Ihe said Mortgagor here,
<br />by rcunquisbc$ aU righh: O'f tmml'sle;td~ ~nd at! mut-iai ng:bh~ either In la~ or in equity, and all other t:onlingent ime:re1tS of the
<br />MOf't8a&Or in and fo lhr above....i-t-~fibed pr-eml'lt'\. the inlcntk'\fi betnf,: w convey ntfcby an absolute title. in fee 'S,Jmple. includ-
<br />i.,. all rishls of h<>mei'.ad. Jnd olher lIghts and ml...,ls ..s afOI.,.ld.
<br />
<br />less th;H1 three
<br />
<br />acre~ accord in. to Govern.
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />PROVIDED ALWA YS. and lhC'~e rrc~c:nt' ant c:\t:l.'uied and deh\'eretJ u.p<)O the foUo'Wlng con\iitions. to \I..-it:
<br />
<br />The Hort9&Qor .9(". to P.Y to the Hortq_q<<ot or order, the principal sum of
<br />THiRTY ONE It<QtISAND SHEN HliIlOR(O AN(i NO!lOO-----------~l1ara ($ 31,700.00-----------_______1, with
<br />iat:ar_t frea date at tbe rate of ilN AN THREE ;(NTIiS per centum (10.300 ,) per anm...
<br />on """ unpa1d bal......e until AUGUs.n.i:l,J986 and thereafter at the ra.e of HN A.NO THREE-FOURTHS
<br />pel: "...t_ ( 10.750 'I per ann~ tbe unpaid balance until paid. Tlte said principal and
<br />inU....t _11 be payable at the ofU.,. of C~EAT[tE F lNAllCING, INe. in
<br />OMAHA. NtBRASAA- , or at such other place aa the holder of the note may
<br />..ei"",t. in ""itin9, in MOnthly !naUll_ta of TW{) HUNDRED E IGfllY-F I VE AND 24/100--------------
<br />-------------80U..,. ($ lllS.l4-------,------ I, ~"1n9 on the fint aay of OCT08ER ,
<br />19 il3, ..... Oft the Hut day of each _th thereatt.. until Augustt'l&1., 1986' and TWQ HUNDRED
<br />~NIIIETY.-f I.VE AltO 481100----------______OO11aU. .($ 295.48-..-------1. C~i. n9 on the Urst day of
<br />ptember, 1986 ... - on the fiut day of each IIlOnth thereafter until the principal
<br />\ ....lll~.;C:..t. ";c"._ fully paid,. *-J<<;ep~ that t:he finAl poyaaent. of p:rin-cipal and intereBt., if
<br />DOt .......er paid, shaU be due and pay.oble on the fint day of SEPTf.HllER , 20J3 I
<br />_11 aooocdin9 to tba terwe of 4 certain pr~a.ory note of even date herewith executed by
<br />the aai,d_t.,..9Ot:.
<br />
<br />n.. ~ ill order more ("ify ro prutecl the ""'/if.I)' Ollhl, M",~. aife..:
<br />
<br />I. 1'1taIbe will pay the indet>tcdQCss. as her.illbe/ure provided. Prhilege ;, re>e,ved 10 pay .h. d.b, in whole. 'II in an
<br />~equa! too... or mono _nlbly paYll>enU on !he pr;n.:ipal rlt:tt ~.. nut due on the MI... 'In Ihcl\rsl d.) 'II ,ny mQnth
<br />~ to maturity: Provided, howc"..-ct~ That w-riUC"ft ootk:e or an IOlentlt)o 10 excrcbe ..udt priV11e~c is gtvc-n at lealict thut)' t]O)
<br />day. {/riM 10 prepay_to
<br />
<br />Z.1'1taI.lOplllcr "",It. and in ""11"'01'1.10. .he monlhly paym.nlS ~f ,,';nc.p~l and i'll.,esl pay_Ok under lhe lerro, of ,he
<br />!OIlU ~hcnby, the MQI1ll'IllUf 1"111 pay u, the Mottg;ri<>c. on Ihe firsl day of .ach monlh Ulllllthe saill nOI. i, f"lIy "ald. lhe
<br />full<oWlnc ill",:
<br />
<br />f~) ~l1t mf~lt., l'lll~ the huloor he,eof ",uh (lind, \(, pay lh. n.>.' "'ollpsc iniU'3IlC. p"'Tuum ,I' th'$
<br />~t <lIlll11te n<>t"le<;ul.d !te,.!:>y al. iniured. tll . ",ontllly char&" (m 1i~1t "j_ ""mg<l/{<' tnturon<< pr,~
<br />/'IWImj lethe)' aT" beId It)' lite S<crll'.r)' uf 1I01l$Wll all\l U,b~" ~IOPII",,,I, .. follows:
<br />
<br />(/) If ~1l4.lfj l<lll&.' .loai4"",~ "f _d~w .1Id Ihls lmllun"'ntare ittiU/.<d or are telIlSU~ u"der Ibe pt<).
<br />'.~, <If tlte N&lWwtl.I\Qu~ ,Ac!,,", .IIIOOM wfi/Cltn' to a,cumulate ;n,he bamb of the hold.r on.
<br />
<br />. i'~_ __,~.,.,-f,.__ f~, ~:4:.~. _.t'ft!4I;!}
<br />.. tJ,_ ,~". h.. ~ t"-i.t.., P4fhltt' W\.!:;,-lt}
<br />(t~, .,M..",. -_~ti:"
<br />
<br />jrJJ-~..;.,. -f'-HA~l't&.}M; iNJ'-m~ MilT 1k \'.~ ~,}-~{'f &".(lf~,~"" ,.-, 'f: ""'_~"'\<~~~
<br />
<br />UlI H OFo;f.""I1''''
<br />'''\)[)- -J';>' 4 ", '.~ --:;. .,~l.
<br />