<br />I
<br />
<br />83-004774
<br />USIFORM (\WF.N,-\N1S, B0rr(lwcr and l.ender .;ove-nant and agree ~t:5 follow'!:
<br />1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrnwer ~hllll p-romptly pay \o,:hcn duc thl.: princlp~ti of ,Hld interest 011 the
<br />indebtedne$i eVidenced QY the Note. prc.paymem ami I,He (:h3.rge." ;\S provided in the NolC. and th~ principal of and interest
<br />on any Future ;\dvancc-s "-Ccured hy thi."- M(lr!gagc
<br />2.. Funck for Tans and: InmntltCe. Subject w applk:.ablc law or In il wriHen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall _pay
<br />to Lender fm. the day monthly in:-taHmcms of prhu:ipal and inferesl an: payable under the Note, until the NOlI: is paid- In full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") l,,~qu<tl to Dne-rwelfth of lhe ve.arty faxes ,Hld as"!\cssmc.nB which may attain priority "oVer .this
<br />Mortgage. and ground rents on the Property, if ::my. pIll>:': 0ne-.I\t.'e-Ifth of yearly premium instnUments fOf' hazard insurance,
<br />plus ()ne.~lwdfth nf yeady premium installments for mOrTgage Insurance, If any, all as reasonably estimated initially and {;om
<br />lime to time bv L.ender on the hasis. of ~~~~~mcnls ~~nJ hilh ~nd rCil\Ollilb!c estimates thereo!.
<br />The Funds s.-.hal! he held in ;m institution (he dC-pHS1h ~!r dCCDunls Qt which arc Insured or guaranteed hy a Federal or
<br />y.tate ~.Igency f induding Lender it Lender l~ "u..:h :H\ lr1SlilUUon). t endcr ~hall apply lhe Funds: to pay 'Said taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance premiums and ground fern,;;, Lt':oder m;tV !lot ,-,hargc lpi '>'-' !widing and applying the Fl1ndlii. analyzing said account.
<br />or \'ftnfYfflg and -compihng 53fd a~~mellls <Inti bills. unless l.ender p:lY-i Born'\wer interest ('l-t1 the Funds and applicable-law
<br />permits l...e-nder to make ,-,>-uch ~1 (hMl!t'C-. ll..'!'"WWt.'f .wd Lender f1WY ~grcc; in wdt:ng at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that imerc,it ,'n the Funds. .,hali ~ p.Hd ft, B~)rrower. ~nd unlcs'" :iuch agreement is made o-r applicable law
<br />r~uires such mterest t,) t;e paio, Lender "h~d! 11.:)1 (1(: rcqtlired tn p~~~ Borro\\'cr :.111\ interest Of eammgs on the Funds. Lender
<br />"halt gtliC to 8orrowec w!lhout (.har~e. :Hl ;Jnrnl;l! <I\.'c01mlfng A lh~ hmd.,. ..h(\wlOt! credit!' and de-bits to th~ Funds. and the
<br />purpt.'!-:,;e t.1f ...dud, each de-nil U ~he" hHHh. \.~'d_' made rh~ ~ tun.!... ;'j,C ~llt.>--dgl'_-d J~ "additional security for the sums secured
<br />hy this Mortgage
<br />if the J.l.rnU-url! (,1 the Fwuh- held hy- Lend.;:r, (\.~gcthL'r wIlh (he iUnJH' UlOlllhI)' HlstaUmenlS oi Funds payable ,prior -to.
<br />tbe due d;ues of iaxe.., ~;\..~"S<omem~, Hlwr;a/h:C prf'mmm-;; ;JnJ j;!h)t.llld r.:nIs, .;.hall cXl,:ced the -J;ffiOUIlI requirc-d to pay said taxes~
<br /><!S-.~nt1<> lnStmmce rr'('mtmn~ Af!.d gr'.)tiHd l.;"nt<,. ;n. th.:y Llil dLl~, cuch 1.",,'1::::';8 :o.hall he. .\! Horrm~,'cr's (}ption. either
<br />pr-ompdv renaid to Borro~\u {~r ~:r.;:dnt;d I"~ H,'rnw.-er ',~,n !Hmllhh' In''-Ii.illtucl1t:i. ~\f Funds-, If the ;~motlnt -of the Funds
<br />hdd by -Lender "hat! tiot be 'S1JIfi,u:~.Ul to) pay !J.\C", .;....~::..'ime-rHs. ';I"I1!im.:c premHlm-.; and gro!tnd rcnts a3" -they faH- due.
<br />Borrower '!i:uiill t-'i.o1iY In L..:-MC.f f!ny twwunt ne..:-e--'".n\ t<:' H1.JJ.c ur the ddkh::IK\" wnhm ~O Jar:'$. [H'/m the d~,te notice is. mailed
<br />hy Lender h1- fk1ffl"W-C:-- rcq-uc'l-tmg ~~m<:,ni lhcl<>"
<br />Upon p,,;.:merH' <11 fuB ,,-,1" J.H ~t:mj. "~Lurcd ('" \t,1ft}::,;gl'_ ! ,:iHl,.:r '>haU ;'f('mrth f\.'ftlnd hI HOHower <-Iny Funds
<br />hetd. [1)' I \In<Jcr- I, mde.r'- Jra~f.;lpn I" . "t ,hl; 1... -"_'11..1 :ih_' Pr,~p~'n\- '... dht.'f\\.'hC i.h:qwn:d by Lender. Lender
<br />~haii ',~~r!;, HjJLH~; Hl~n ';;n~l;"e~~,~l-c-t'..- /)~~;:~ ;':~;'~~l' 'f tho: Pl-""f\i:rn ,.'r ,i;,.'4lll~i;ltlP-;1 h\ l.-:ndcr, ~lllY Funds held by
<br />Lender ;,1 tht tmi~~ c'l ..ppth.'OiH-Ofl .h " ',l'..'dlt ~i->..':ain"! 1;-";(.' "'Jilt... ~,:\.'~trc\,l h\ ~~)j\ \ll'rq.::i1g~~
<br />J. Applkat.ioo uf Pay'mt'l'l-b. I l;irv, ;i'i'P~;~,it'dc !,l';-\ i'fP'<ldc,> "I~h.'f\Id'>-1.' p,n-rm,:nt!; f...'..-CI\-,N1 bv I i.'ndcr tinder the
<br />:-~(i{C .1nd r~rapra;.~h\ i .HW 1. hCf'n~f ..h:'Jij f->I.' ,ij:~r!,~J hv Ll'th..k:f ,ir~i "'~ l",~,nH'nl "~I am"unts p,I\';~bk to Ltm.icr by Borrower
<br />under pal'ap.raph -: h<:,r~l'L :h-::-n u!!.~:n:'d ,',;n~hk ,-" '\';(' :h;:p ~,' 1!h: ptUh.-q1;'\.i L'! ('-Ie ,,"ntt:. .IOtl thC'n to inte-rc~t ';:tnd
<br />!'flfH;lpa! ,_\fl .tOY F'\;l:wr~ \0\ Oln..:I.--"
<br />J. ("h.arcft~ (.Mm. B''',,:'.~n!1 !',n
<br />iRe- Prnpe'n...- '-,,'hkh milY ~,U~Hll .< pf:, ntl
<br />rn.wtdc~~ under p~H-a~faph ..:, )!C,t'p! d
<br />payee lherCi..,j rk~{n"l-'AC-J ...h;-1i; pr'--1fllr!j~
<br />Horrl,>wer ..h.:;d! ma.~l.' 1'.;..1.\ tlttHl ,1;,1,'_"< i:',
<br />U-..,rn.""H::r ,,-haH pr--,--\fnpdy J;lxhM~i.' dOl' ;-U,
<br />te-qUJ.H.-,J k' d....:h..{\ i:.< ;,n~ ~tid' ;",';2
<br />"uch hen In <.l. In-anner ,.h':~"'f'~",~;" (
<br />k~al pt-\){'cv\.hn~~ ...hl-di '-'~",,-"l"lL
<br />~. ~ btMKan<t:'. h"{i",~'-..,,,:;! ~,)-i-J:i; j.
<br />.iga-!U$t k~;;.:O l~'r fit'\!. thi.l.:.t:0~ ;;, imko.,j: ... i~h;n '1:-;::
<br />.n~~j ~n ~t,l.;-h "rl1""\Hil.:!- .:n~; :'"
<br />
<br />
<br />:1.... ~"h<,. . i).la:~o" h,w', .In.! IlllPd"lht1T1" aUf/Durahle 10
<br />
<br />:1d ("~:'~C!il~,~,(;-;,::,:J:,~l'~~~li: t;~~ ~{.;~I:~~~H~~f~:~e~< ~~: ~::r:~~l;'.~~;
<br />
<br />;,,,l;>,X'1- ;'! ,itllp,nw, ..lu<: ~;ndc. jhj<.; p:ar.tgr.tph. imd in the event
<br />, ,n\[',~! 1 ~ ndt'f "__';.'t,':j."1to" ~", ldl.:ll~lltg ,>lH:h p:tymcots.
<br />"I" \l.,n,;:-:..!.t:c :'fon,ktl_ l\',li Hu! rnwer ...hall not he
<br />;" :ll<.' ;',o:.mu.l ,'I lhe 'lbltj{:tltnn .,t:~llf"CJ hy
<br />'__,,-h 11\._") hy, ,,; lldcnd t,nh'r(.t.'mc~lt \<1 "!!ll\.:h iien In,
<br />:1Jrrt;'ihn~' 01 ,ite Frppt:IlY '1( ,~H,~ {',Hi i:-'~r~,-'lt.
<br />. '-',:l<:,jlIO ~i"''':!<;U ~'n Iht' P!i.'PCflY lO..tlre,J
<br />. ,~h utht:i h;\IOlfth 4'> I ....Il~k! I1Hi~ f:::-41l1fC
<br />'~,~l I ;,lHh:i ~!!;jtf 1',>1 ff.'qulr(' thaI llit: alHt1tHlll,\t
<br />;',~U \h,j !l~,ilo;t'
<br />,'t~;I.~'l ' , ,1~1P~\"<11 ny I t;HLkr: pn)'...!de-d,
<br />;1:..-_:[.; l~.; f'~,jl..iC' ,hail h~' i'iwi iil the manner
<br />;'" H"~;,'''-Cl m~"';Il!" fu~mcm. when dllt'. dlre>:!Jy to [he
<br />
<br />,'\u-.::h -.-U\t'Iilg.c ~:\.,,-t:'~-:->J !h.l; ,f;!i,',;I~t , :
<br />
<br />fiud ~~~ ~:~:'::.~ ~:.~:t:;:,.~~r~;)~_:~j:~~::~'[k~'l\ -'l1!~!idd ~~,
<br />
<br />priwided u~r pid;1~r<1p-h .: >--..:-:! >..,-'
<br />Hl'Wfant;( (:,unCf
<br />-\U Ut~uriln...'.: I\~)jl"',~,,-, '-In.! ~":-f1~_'--~,.:"
<br />I.:iau~ H\ ta\'llf ,'~ ~nJ '" i..'ffn .,,-,,.;:pur'k (,' : ,.~,j<:l
<br />:.inti &rrll"'~r ...h.t{; pr<.1mpf!\ 1 "rnn.h ~.,.. i ;:-(1,1-..:1 ""
<br />80H~\\;.1C1 ..,b;dl g.\l' l~h~nlp-t ~h'~'I.( k !N.:
<br />b-~- }k1!f1,\I.ttC,L
<br />Ul1ttld.- I cndct <ind a..lt:d\\':, ,.ttl(',1.,,-,,: ,...;In ..... :'(,..,x~:d\ :,i1;-t1; h-.: !,J rc-..h)I,!liUJI \lr re-p.ur (Jf
<br />the I)r-,,'l-pe:uy J;,un.~'\,""l. Pf\T;l\J",:,1 -.,....h :<'''k{~l~i'-'it ;:"t"HHllh,;.dh ',',Jidhk .'l;id "'~:':LUJI: I.lt 111l~ ~h'lrtgJ.g~ l'
<br />not rhercb~ Hnpiil~, h ..u..h n:.;.-I~,lL~b-."i ~~r i~'p.!il" ,~ <.,...,t',,,m~'<....Hi\ li.'J:<.,frlc ,<; ,1 !be <,('-\uf1l\, ,Ji (n;" \tt1rtg<tgc would
<br />be 1mpaue-tt f~ ,lbunUk:e P-hX'i.."C\-h ...haJj t1\" ..-!prlH.:'~l t," in..: '1-mn" ~<;'.:UICU 1:\ ;/1l'., "ldlg->1g~_ '.'-ft!l the ~\\.:t;~~. jf <,ny. paid
<br />to &)n-~'Cf H ~hc ?r-ojXn". ~".,\t~-3IHk,nN h B~\H\'V.-et ,'r t~ B-tHH"-'4-t."I 1,Hh :.' l-(';lpi.1HW 1\) I t.'nJ..::r Wllhw ~O day~ H.}01 lhe
<br />d.tt!~ t'U.)lk:t ,_, ItlalJcd by Lefidtr ~L' B.Hr1;..,.-",'t.:r ,h,d lh.. ;<lSU141kt.: ,':lUh;f dkr'l \.-' -<\lie ,; ,.-i,llm ["[ tU"'lHOIurc bcncrll'S, l.ender
<br />1:\ oiUlhonZC\i to ,:,,-~~~ .;mJ 4ppi\' ~he lil-'.ur.ln.:~' fl,.'-,---:eeu)- ,j.: 1 t.'<'rJer ,'ph:'" L-ifh.:, 10 !C::;WfJHOn \'f fo;."pair ,_,t tht' Property
<br />0f lo f.bc .un~ ,-,~-urN hj fOtllo )'lo;-lg:li-i~
<br />Vnies.\ LJ::f\\kt ~nd 8o-tru\\'C~ ,-\th-e!v.~",-\.~ ;il-P<~~ ,;1 v.j;:Jl}~_ HI' "'h..d ,1;T,;,...,\;i~I:" .;; t'ri-1;,.;'~cu", h~ f:Hl~jr;tl ~h~\IlIH)t l,'.\lcnd
<br />i.)! pll:titpotl(l the:. durr; da-te;. ,;)$ The r::'I-i.->--lHr.i~ m~i;.tJhnc<-lh ,'~.....tr{;d {,-, F;:if"'!4t~lphl, "nJ.2 ht::f~of i.-han~c the ;tl1\l.HllU ;.1f
<br />:luc.him.taUmenu. Ii uru;1er paragrilph i~ lkh~{.l! ~h~ Pl'npcrn '~,l.u<1~m..;J b\ LcnJ..-:r ,di fisht, uk and iHh;h~~H '-\1 Borrower
<br />tn.;lIed to au) HUWiUKC puh~ -OluJ in olnJ lt~ ih~ pr..l-\.a--J.s :hJ:n,"I.,j !Ou~uns- if.,~H\ ,LH'11,.gc iLl the ProP\'rlY p-rH)f to [he lI.iic
<br />Of ~qwfoJwn .)m..it pau to Leude. w the ;;!-,l~m: d ~hc ..um.., '-C'<:\.H-C\.l t;) lhh .\J,:"ngagt: :rnrucJ-!OiHd:- p-n,u 1;:1 .,.uch sale or
<br />~-,
<br />L ~ aad. )4MakIlalK"1' of Prupt'I't}; L('-w;.enolds'; ('Hooumiutum1\; }1al1llCd l;nU l)e,,-elopmt'Ats. Horrvwct
<br />~ keep tbt; .Property in ~ re-pan ;u\d ~haH not ..Om-OOH ~\'.nk \'f r~ro\ft gnp-aH'{n~m or Jc{e-ril.\finioi) of the Property
<br />..00 ~f ~t..~ witb the p-tO-H5.f-Olll- J.Ji JUlY le~ ,~ lJH~ Mong4ij,l: t'\ ,l;O a ka:')~hoh.L l! !tWo ;\h1ngi\;~-C 1.\ u-n ,111m! in d
<br />c~imu.m t~ .:i ptanncd unH JeV-Cktpfik:'Hl. Bi)rfU~Ci ...haH pt"th1fri.J <$H Q-l lh)noVt~(~ .:,hhg~tl~~n\\. under the. ,kda.talHl(\
<br />oX ":~5- ;;:f"~llUUl_ or gtJ!fern-Hl. the ..\m~Hl}JUium 0;' pianfu.:u ttmt dC'n.'Jop-fne~"t. !h~ h-~ "ial;l,;\, !lnd reguiaUt1US t~t rhe
<br />t..~um-~){ ~ unu (w"lie:io~'nM!{\\, 4_nd ~\3i.s:Htut:m ~h\(;Umcnh, {j -d ....,mu;)lHtniufll t\r pkui-ncd (It"l, \ilwdl'pmtmt
<br />.f.-,it--~--b)i _BoI~ and r~"li*u lose-thee ',.\otth ttns Mongagc~ the ';t,""cuaUlio\ ~n.j agreement.. \'-i ';.w;h rjd~r
<br />mall bt-,~~ itilO and. ~U lt4ieOO ..1lt->J $Uf~pieftk::nl dw: ,,:-\..1\(.t\4nl:$. ""ul) agf<<.m'CIlU '1~,i ttU"\i M.nrtgasc ,~:\ d the ridt:f
<br />_ a plitt """-f.
<br />1~_ ~_,~ ,(~_ s.cv.rily~ If _BotrH\~f:r f;ub ~(i peliorm the- .,:-oV1::o.:tnts iWJ ;l~re-_emenb. ;:oulame-d in tht\.
<br />""-tl*Jt:" .()'( if -AtfY at'~ 0-1' pt<<:<<dinR t\ i:o-mrnsrrn.'\tJ- \<"hlt:h meu,;'daH~. .:.lih:t.'-{'1\ I aHk~r\ mterC'~1 in lhe Prt~11\".
<br />~ but. ntll: Jtmfted to. ~.nUNm: ~irt, irn.t)l~'t-w)', ;:'-titk ctH.orl.~~urlent. 'tl .\l:tt\'f.o-l'MlCllts ...r rnx:(!edtnv-~ involvinR ~
<br />~.. Qt J~".ft-t~ fbc-n Lender.at t_;(lWef" t}ptH,a!<, ~lpt_lfl tlcQ~~4;~ l-~~ ~}rf~,\\-,,~J, rn-lj' rn-akc "u\;'h .'tP-PC.i_f"U;':':-Cf.-, Jlshurlj~ _~tF,.'h
<br />~,...... f.. ..~ -=~ " L" ~'iWU-y l~'t pt'4,lh~;~ L~t~f~ ,m~r~, i,j~;ji.Jd-1-nl!t,. t>ut It->-:-ft htm-tc"t li.{., \.il",bUf$Cnu,nt {t-t
<br />t~ ......~~)':~ {<<wi I4d _i::-ntf)' Vf"'_Ml dle._ '.r(~fKny In ~H,}t;,t J:~p-;,.t,-f~, h Lcn&t n.::quHg~i m\~n~d-"l~ iniu.nU)t't: ;l'i ,l
<br />(~~ _~yJ- ~l,_t~,,~ :~'U('::'t.t _ht thH~-_M-!';'r~lill'$;\ l~~rhj-*';f -:',;~Tli[ p<!)' the PH'n:num'i n:--'iwtx:-J h' fllamtblw ;;u\:h
<br />,~~,~ in t.~ \ifllij ~lclt h~ ..." ~_he' N:\}U:it~~_~l! fi't ~,\'{jl !lUman-~'_~_ h"'-(mm:;ih:')! H1 ~:l::l..";-f-d..nv,;;- "'Hth lh:\f\"('v.<e('" .:tnd
<br />
<br />\,.-1' ,:,.i,;!1\:t
<br />
<br />
<br />;:~:... ',I i ,'<-;\.": ~1;d "Lolli dl\:l\lik d ",l.\nd;if\.l mOli;:~igc
<br />i';!.' in;!\' il"hi ~fn' lh.h,;'!;,.'\ ..lId l\~nt'wi.lh !herc~\f.
<br /><I: i',',-I..'q'~, ;'; l:,tJd ;),,,-'fllHflll" In ihe L','ent lI{ k1"'~,
<br />';;i'.:L-, ')l~\\ Hhlkc ph,.-i d h.).~ 11 Ihli moll.it: PH\IHPII}
<br />