<br />I
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />83-004675
<br />
<br />(I) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insuriUKt'; premium In order to provide .such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretaty of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />National Housing Act, as amended. and applicable RegulallOl1s thereunder: or
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />(In If.and '" long as said tlote of.ve" tlateand th!.<'iMlrumell\areheld by thfSecretary of Housing and
<br />Urban Developmerit. a monthly. charge I i,t lieu,,! a mot/gage .fmUra/lC<, premiuml whicl1'shall'1)e 'in 811'
<br />amoont equal to cme-rwelfthllil2;or ooe.haJf0/21 per c"ntum of the"av.r8geOUt!ltandingbaJance'
<br />due ()n the note comp-uti"d without taking into ~hxount de~inqlJende:; or prepayments;
<br />(ti) ~_:sUr.n equa!__to the, ground reu[s~ ifany,_l1c.x.! d~e, plus the prem1tuns Htar wUlne_xt-_be~;o.;nl:__,dl~)i_np-,p~j~~~J.)fI:
<br />l~"1lides- of fire and .otner hazard inSUrance eQv{;nng the mortga~ed propeny dll~s tli.~, ~n4 ~Jmints;-Q~~-.gua
<br />on the- mortgaged prOperty (all as €$fimated hy tht, JfongiJgei:! h;-~;s aft :;ums already paid therefor divided by the'
<br />number of months to elapse befmc one month pnor t~,l tht d;tb;: v,hen SUdl ground rents, premiums. taxes and
<br />~'ms wll!become dehnqU1Znl, ,ueh sums Ii- be held by Mortga!!"" inlfllSI t<'pay saidground'rents,cpre.
<br />nuums-., taxes .and, sp.re.iai ,.a3Se.s1nlen-ts; .and
<br />te) All .J13ymil'it.u rnentlO1led Ul ~ two preceding'subsections of thJ.:s'Fara~rapb ~nd'aH pay'ments.,to<be':f'nad.e under
<br />the note secwed hereby $.!~ail he adde--d {\'l'getP..-CL ;m-d tb~ .Jg,gl('-~ah.' i~rnr1Hlli thnc-~)f ~;haH be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each tfior.th m a :single p3:yrl1em tn DC applied bv trH.' M6'~g:t.g{~e- ;0 !1U:' (..,Howmg items in rhe order set forth:
<br />
<br />{Ii
<br />
<br />pr:tmium -ehuges under the. ,<-'VtltUct uf inStlrafi..T with !L"-.' St'(h:tary uf iluusing and lJrban. De\'~loP-Jllent~
<br />\n jl1(l.mhly chaIse (m lieu ~)( m.ortgugf.'-' im.urom:,!' premhun.i, ~h tfW Gt-SC m;.l)' be;
<br />(II) ",,>und rcnts. uxe,. .,,,,,,,,"!m,, flee "nd ",h<, 1m",,, ,w.",",,,e"f<llllums:
<br />{Un If)!Cles,t ~m the nol'\: se..:m-etl bereby: and
<br />(lV-} -JI.uortil.aUOJ1 of {he pnncipal 01 ,j.G1U HOll'
<br />Any deflClent:)' HI the Jf!Wum ;,,( .any S\h:h ~"feptc m(!:1~f\;\
<br />gagm prior t(. the du.e -\t..le d! rh{' n'_"! 'iu.(;h F;;,ymt',j~
<br />Mort~ ma'f -t~o!lcct a ~.hm; Ch.sf}.'\:''' !lot {If ;,?xct."ed
<br />than ftfteen {i ~q .b\'~ ~n :.trri:>i.W, t-o ;;;nVN the ex.!! J ~~\.i~'
<br />
<br />
<br />',H;1I1, unless. made- guod hy the.; Mort~
<br />tkL:wlt under thh. lTIortg~tge. 'ffie
<br />i;"i:ld'l ddhtr ($ I) of each payment more
<br />:J.'o~d;i-:-l}2 ,k!J\\quenl Payments,
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />fhllt if tot! tr}ui oi tlw ~n.'d'l1('>n("" m'.uh.. h;, !1H--' \ion::a;:nr l.H\dpr ~;,!r,i~mph.J prN'('{Hn~ ~h;iil eX(-t"'ed
<br />Uw :tftM)ttftl of paJmt:'ni..:- llnuaH~ f\'~iidt.' t}y th~' \ltor/.zagi'{'- f(.r L.:l't1tilHi t~'n1.":. Li\f>": ~md a~~~~.:".m('n(.:-i or in.:surann' pre-
<br />miumH. a.g ~h(> CL....P ma~ h~', <..urh c'-n..'''IS, d tft,:" lUll!; :"'- l..-un{,~lt. -\I dH "j}" ,'it ol thL' M()rt~agor. 'j.haH .be (,'redited:' by
<br />(h(~ '~~r-t-~agt't on ~ub...;,\'ql.Hmt yzt.!Tnf'tH"'- t.p tw m:Jtlf- b:,\ tht, 'loflj!:i!:pH, ,i, ll'hmti-t,tl td the ,llorlga;,;o-L if... htiWf.Yt'r. the
<br />~Oflthl~ pa!"mom.., mi.}.(k t.~. .ftc '~f'lf!i4,l~l..lf 111hk'r '.'! j',lr,1~'r~tph ,..kd! i\<,,\1 he ,,>uHi(<)Cnf to pay ground
<br />tent.. -i-A-'1t~~ al"'; ~"t'i'n-~QlMh nf to~.ltr;U'ltt~ pH'mllllnt'. "i~!JW t'a:---i ,'Il\t'n !h,- :-"am4' ",hail het:nm(' du(' and pa:\'~
<br />aW~, then lbt., \~~ .!"haH pu\-' to tht- \lnfi,:,'a.i!V{~ am' a-mnunf tH'\'~~"'''''\'t'Y lA~ h1a),.(< up dw dt~ffdfm{'~!. on or be-fort'
<br />int' dat~ \4noffll paym.f'f1t HI' -:"'>twh i!:mumt n~t-.<, ~~Xt'.., a'~""~"..~nH'j'II" in In.'''jJc.tfh'I' titf'mium~ ~h1.til ht-'. dut.__ If at un)!
<br />t.ilftt!:.dtto \Jt)ntt3.jtf.tf ~h<ilf f{l'OOi'>r 10) thi' \hH"tJ~:.lf:~t'P. '0 ..t'{,i,r-t!:WI"t' \, ii}, thf' pn.l\ i ~in1\:-. of (ht. ",ot(. .~N'ul't!-d hert-\b)'~
<br />rut' fJ3ymt:'tl-t .of ttw tlnt111-' uq:t!'hlNtnp~... !';~flH''''l'n.l~>d !h~'fi~h\, ttH-- "ltQrt.i!:l;.'{'{. :---hall, in comput.in-J( th{; amount of ~uch
<br />indern.t'tines!t. .\:red.tt to the J,,,:i.'i,llI-lH l,~f dK: .!\.h\-HJagl~t ,-.ll p;Jpnem1lo Hi..k.k I)UJ.N .dt<:- pr'"'uVlSIOUS of (1,,1 of paragraph 1.
<br />h~of wlw,:h (ht~ '-kutflaJt>-,.. h;i--., lb1t ht",~uQi.' i)bhg;;u-t~d w Iht) HJ 111-" ;-;.;'nVhtf\ ot HOU~1H~ ....Jui l.'rhW'l i)C'....cJopment
<br />and any h:d::UU':i" ff~majnm.;! 111 tfW !twit... ,,FqHnuL.tkd ufHio dw PltPd.':H,I(1'"' .-.1' Ill' par~i-~rar!h :! Iwn"oL If th(~t"
<br />~!uU{ ht< ~ -d..f,;.tUit t!fld~'f iW\ ..,j' ~iH' IH'U\ !"jfH)'" ..[ tin.... !n{}th;>'q:l' "fi"'-ll!tHll' i;a ,.1 1'(lhIH" "'Jh' Hi th", pr(>ml~-t"::i {'OH'rNi
<br />i!~~<, ~!f ~-P "nf't!!ft~t~ ;1Ct'!tl~N'''''- {hI? Uh~Vt'h, nttwP~l".' ;tiki IhAauii. 111,' \{r!n~a~~"t' -.;haf! llfJf-lfy_ at th.. timt~ l~f
<br />th.\~ e(tffun{.t\(.'t"1)l{>nt r,f "'-urn. prm:t.\.dJou:<o, ,If .it !hl> tIm" t!;i' lm:~p\'fi\ . ,;(!it"r';'l-p ,it.tltJin'd. tnt" oal,mt'\' thf'n remutn-
<br />~n;!: HI tfH" hiM:;: -itTUmUl-ilh.>-d Undt'f .If JLH'J~Llph pn:'n-",};n~, ,j,:' .> ~ j',Ai! I ;Wiltlbi 1-JH' ~Hllnunt of pnnnpal HWIl
<br />ft$:iiI1Hl~ UIlIUtu:! \.Hnhn ...,,,ttl nnH"< 'J(Ui ---full l:;rll~.H'~h ,.d!u....~ ,lfh p.l\rlwnl" ',1li,-i, -.h.lil ;';1\1' hn.n rnatit. Undl'f'
<br />Hf }1ar--~rap:h !
<br />4.. {h~,l (t1~' \tdn!;..;..J~\)f '.'. <~l:1' ""..\"','-rn~:nh .C !kr ,~Iid ,,!tH;"! .!;~'\efnrnent~tJ i.f munH:lpal
<br />~'h.l.rS'(',. tone' ..Ji' m1p-l.;....lli,.-1I1~ 1',,-,e,; !li,~.jt' !h..'lt'mtYli' Hl IId..it:!t !ne!t'oi lht' .\h}n~agc(,' ma;-
<br />v~l\' the ....!:m~ mu Ht~~t ~h' 11;(' ,1th':'j",J '!" lb" \t(ltl~;t~(.t'
<br /><; 'lh~: :.t(.n!tl\~~j.f ,...Ii; fw.. L,\(~\ ~ d~!e1'nt H\ ",}H.i r;:,d c\I~le ,wi..! Improve--
<br />menl'"<, .t!1li: \\-hh.:h moil /">(' k~h:'J l.lp~!fl IT\I' 1 ,,'j(~;t~t:' .'f ,,;\1\ 11' HIt" t:\jt:-flllh..it ..Ih.:h j~ lit)1 rrnhihlt.
<br />..:d h\, t"", iFh} ,\-0/\ i\' :hl- c- ,1(tI, {h,H '-d,-1~ "., Ii :1-,1\ {~,;~;>t' U--'l'- ll~lil h'U~ (. :'~!! t: \;_j(\lhn~ .iH\ 1l1.("lnJ( 1;.1\. SLt!t' vr F-eUt"f:!i.
<br />~mro~-cJ \-'0 '11)flt.iiJ~e... ,Hh.J v..}li nk 'hi:' "th" Ld 1~'..:("'IP! "fh\\\..lnr ....tl'- h r,l\ m~'j'l( \-~ lit; lh-: :\ldn~;i~ec- !.~ pOfl \oWhltHl11 tlf fhl'l under-
<br />Lakillit. ','1 If the Ml'n~ai!\'l ." I'~\"!'ilhh..;j h\ ~'dn i~",\ H>;'V, ,'f hl:"I(",djl'~ t' \l'lIlf1J;: Jr,)Hi fl.l)!OJ! the \\ho!c- or ,'ill\' r~N'l1nn pf the- ;thlrc,
<br />,~uu t;,.\\",.' \'-1 up..m tft(: rl"n(knn~ {Ii ,Ul\ ,--,-'utt u-t'Ut'(' 1':t'til!1um~ !he- P,l\- m-t'nJ. M\ fh" \h'rt~;l,J.:Hr t!f .Ill\- ..u;.:h 1<:1\(...., llr if 'r!lch 1,1\\
<br />,,~! de(l~e rh.HI:tt-e... f!~..~t ao\ Anhl\,lnI "'''''J'.HJ \-'. lh.:: \-l~~ll~up\t "hsH ht' ~ln!;lcd li~l' '--lH'rl~!lllZl.' JthL the .\-tnrt~agec ",kill hi.i\'t'
<br />t~ n~hf hj ~I\',. '<weh l...!..l\ ~ .",itk'11 !hllli.T lh(' \j\lo !)-<<., ,-i {ht: m,"r:~~~l:t;'t! r('qutnn~ th~~ l~,t\ 1J1('nl (If the fH.)f1g;;\~(
<br />~khL If ,u~h nHH",~e ht' ~l\-r(j. {he ->;dhi .Je-h~ )h::~n t-c;.:~,;m( JU;? l~~ni.lbk :ijl;.,! ,(I !ht" t':"-pHtitJtJn t.1 \il/l..l ttlncty day...
<br />~ Th.a-t ...h..~\lt\j h--l;' f;n! h; ;:>,1\ un\' "urn (If ~("q"! ,'lq\. "\'f~;, .il,! Pf\V, IdelJ (, \f In r'll" \-l.~'ng"ig.e. lnen Hit." "'fl\I'If.a.~et'. ,tl ItS op-
<br />t<<.UL mu~' -r-i.i\ df p-t"ff1..'fm Hit;' ...,'\uU'. cinJ dill e\pe~hhhlt.:.. 'I. jn.~de ...,hail r:c cH!J-!;'d h' !hc ~lfHKipa! \um ('WlH~ oJn Ih~ :ltHJ\l;': note,
<br />",h:ii:H ~ 'H."-..;m,,;:'d ht'r~th. :i!1\1 s'h;tH ~df J\'1ten.....l elf the r;-ih'.,d h,nh In :rOe ...,Ut.l nntc untlt paid
<br />"', la-i.t. be.ooeb;Y "",s..$\P~~ tf",!:n~.<<$ll;i'K! Y.:!$ ;;n,(1'. hHbe MO-t!g--~, t-t).~ ,ipp!i>rd hi\\ ard the r.rvment tlf the J.wtt' iHld ::ill
<br />..~ ~tin:4 /l(o!,~V jn \:;~..~ .~~ ~l ,kf~uit U1 the N.ri\~maU\~ (A ~~l,. 01 lhc [en'!)!> '-l.lhl "'-\.'HtJitmn~ of (hi;:;' ,\.ton~(. \.).~. tht: ....~il.d.
<br />note: <i!1 fhe ft~nt~._ rc\('nire.. ,mll ifk:'1.1me h, h4: d-eri....ed f!(}~n ;h... ITldrtg.ii1?ea rreml"(,\ d\irin~ "lid, time as the ml.)rtj.!.a~c- indrt'\red~
<br />flIe$....\ -s.Itd.rt'm..am u~w; and the- Mong~re "h;,if! h;}n~ ~\\~....t:r In ~~r-ru-Htf MH' a~>;..n( 1,lf "-i~CIH\ It m_l~' dC'liH~ ft''If the purpllse of
<br />f~.~ld- ~mt~ atui o-f refl~ the $~me a-nd cnikum~ r~e u."nh, rn.>.:~ml"'~.. ,ind !n..:tHl1t:, ~,nd it may pOJ) {1U! of f!.nid in--
<br />('0Mr.!t an t''lr.e~ o.t f'eJ'mtnn, j..:u4 M~ml~1) and. n-e-cessar') C-('mnH~SttUh ;:H1--oJ ex.pt"ft\e-s In-,,:urr-ed in n..ntin~ and t11tm3.gi~ the
<br />....- -.tld;..t.lt {'oft<<-ttntt f~n""'b thcnrl'1mn; tM ~.ai.a~e-' ft.matntn1t, if ;,tnv_ !p nt' llppltt,f tnwaro the dis-c,,"hargt of ~Md m~)ttgage
<br />-~~,
<br />~,: fbat'.M.-\\1!t"kee-p lhe 1mPf\"l';i-t:-A'lt"nt,,", GO"i -t'"~t-'ff. (l-f ht-rcaf!er !;"ri'("~t~{i on ~ht' <;H~n~ajled property. miureu ~~ mny be
<br />n:.q'uMed fro~ Hmt' tH time toy tht- ~hlnjp'g{'t dgai-OS$ f;..'''';'' h hie ,~ih,1 Nhfr h:t/--JHh, \:..l'>;tw!tie... :rtnti ';:\lnlln~-enl:tt" HI ,tlch
<br />i-i~.:.lnd fftf.~tK'Ii'ptrf~ a, ma) N requfrr--d by thto M~lrtg:'l~et' ..Hl{i ",nH r-l~ pll1mp!!\,. \),hen Jue-. :HI\ prt'[,!Hum~ on \ul.:h
<br />t~""Pf(W~.f-ur'J"3ymcmL{lfVr'hfeh h.~ n<:a .been mad( heft"Hltlefor~. AU m..ur;:tft\.>e shull he >:arul:-J w (~'mpaf1le'\ ap-
<br />p..r(}\-e-d ~y ine M('lfi.s'~c .inJ tM f'{)IU.:k!l dmi le~.ah Ihf:H'\.l! ~h~lll {-x< h-eld t'l. ihe \iiln~.l~e,(:' MH.. h,n:!t. .1thlChcd thereto h.I\>;.
<br />~Yi,1b--it d",a.~", Ui f~Hl.f \,\( ,~oo..in.tillm "'''''c.plahk.JU' the Mt)ng..i~J;:.e. in ;(,",;'D1 vr JVi_'- .\1Vrl~~l~\Jr 'r'dil p.....t' Immediate I1Hlkt" by
<br />~ ht'M--M:()rf~:c:, \'i..'~) nus\,e ffii.l-ke rr-{!tJf .vf 1t1'i;"i ~f no:>! tn,ule momptly h' \~(lf't~<ltz-tH :llltJ 1.".'1\.'h m"ur;ln~e comptlH~' ',:,1.f1-
<br />..:Wttd.is :bctnthr'.imtht~iZed and -dJTt-tt<'1J hI m~.k.t' rif)o Inent hH ~;jeh h,"!i!I;'l\ rllf"t!-\:ttV h' tr..t Mn:rtga~t" In'tfead of to the M()tt~r
<br />~.~ ~f-otl~~e4: r.t\Uldy, ,md H\('. iOWf.~"~(,rHl~€e:a~~.\.)( .(ilL) ,\.-~tt t~tn::{d. md}' hi: .~tillJheJ OJ the M~Jns~~-e ~t( it\ (>pttun t'uhe-r
<br />kt._fi!"8if"~Ut ~..tnfJth-tt'-d'U""!.""'fk-.r~h~) ~ttiu'(d ~.)f (,flln--c- f'(:'>tWfiHwn tl,r rCf!..Hf {if fhe rn'l"-ctty diifflifgcU. fn t'i,:enl nf (\\tt,~dv.
<br />'l:lWIt n!t.. ~<<'9tlttf tn.Mtttt{!f lRk ~o.thc l'Jlottga.red rr~~~\.' :H J;:~hO).ftd~hmem ,}f the HKit-f1tt'-I..iflC~'" ...-t~ur-e-d h-erehy.
<br />1l'U H\Utf. !t~k ;;j;f1d mtt'tt.:;l,-,f n( tht Mnrtl-i-~~~Jr 11\ i.il\i h) .;u~y w\.l;-.t1'aH,":t: tl-,Atfj('" !h~~~ H, f"u.<.' ~h4n ih~'1'" h\ ih. pHt,,-haS~f nr ~Lmtet'
<br />~ rh.~jC~{' ~dttl>.MU} .;t:ih.1 t,<,,4ta.trrlt.4 '~'i,:UJll~ (VI' th~ JHn.m<<fH ,-~f th~' CHOl(" l.k...,;.:u:<t.'d, 'l!lt1 <.Ill "um", w t'l{'\:Pf'H;;' dut" lHlde-r thl~
<br />nxw~. ~~ M~'i~'t-t~~-t;-'-,r bn-ttt" ~t"'1!t"n's In f-hf Mt'tt1~~ if!! r-f.,-,t'~t:\, h)\";tjH~", !'\.j,!nh ~;;tJ t't'-nt.'-fi-l' ~~(tfUH1g to Ilh!
<br />M~)t oJrw..-kct <tri\' ~fx1 ,if; ~1JJ f't7W J;,l'!-. ~C.H'('", nn '.--d.id ~!(!n-lt'"--t".$ """'lth lh\':' {J-' n',,-'f'i\-(' it!'l-d ft:TC"trt far tn-t 'l<<\me 'itnd appfv
<br />t~ h'~ 1Ili:li'4 ~~~f,ttt'dt!,(,),.io ~,~ wt'n t.\<€hnt>- M ~hu dd~'Hit h), trJi "OHUt-tI\Jf)" n1 r:~'Y~~4t.}:.." Ill" \fort,,~~~ m~v IkmlinJ. M.tf
<br />fHf ,;~~ n-,~):~"iCf 'Sk<:'~} ~'j;$~dlJ('.nH *;-k;t. dul' .rno P"l~bk:o tnit ~h~J~ nHt-i."! ,r' q~ill't:,-j , -- h' n~r~ ~v~'l~tlmt'flt J\;, 1n t~"tritlatt'
<br />i!;fl,;J bir...~.~~ ~t I,,';~ Mpi<'rU Hi#~tj~ .".f fho mnfl_"
<br />
<br />Ht..-,(~,~')14-JJy! t9--J,n
<br />