<br />'\,;""--.
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<br />83-004673
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<br />9. CoadnI....... The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnatiOn or other taking of the Property, or pan tbereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender,
<br />In the ewnt of a tolaltaking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by tbis Deed of Trust,
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a panial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise asree in writing, there shall be applied to tbe sums secured by this Deed of Trust sucb proportion of !be proceeds
<br />as is equal to !bat proponion which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to !be date of
<br />tal:ingbears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, wi!b tbe balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if, aner notice by Lender to Borrower Ihat the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fail. 10 respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collecl and apply tbe proceeds, al Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property of 10 tbe sums secured by !bit Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />~.:-cLf=":elSdue date of the monthly installmenl. referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amounl of
<br />
<br />10~ Borrower Not ReIeMecL Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by l.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shan not operate to release. in any rnanner,
<br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in !merest. Lender shall not be required to commence
<br />proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deed of Tf'Uit by reason of any demand made hy the original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11... ForI:tearaDce by LetMler Not. Waiver~ Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shaH not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy,
<br />The procurement of insurance or the paymenl of taxes (')of other liens or charges by Lender sh.all not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />righl to accelerate the maturity oC the indebtedn... secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />11. Ret:nedies ClIlD1III'tift. An remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may be exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />.ucceosively .
<br />1J. Stt<.-n _ ;\.... .....nd; Joint .nd Sennd UabIHty: Captio.... The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contained shall bind. and the rights ~reunder !>hall inure to, lhe respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. AIi ("_oven.lots .lnd agreements of Borrower shall he joint and several.
<br />The captioos and headinp ~f the paragraphs of thi~ Deed of Trust Me for convenience only and are not 10 be used to
<br />interpret or define the provwons hereof.
<br />14. Notkc. Except for any notice rc-qmfcd under applicable jaw 1(1 he given In another manner. (a) any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shaU be gwen hy miulmg such notice hy certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />{,he Property Address or at !loch other addfe!l' a-s Borrower may designate by notice to Lender as prOVided herein. and
<br />(b) any notice to Lender shall ~ given hy c.enified mail. return receipt requested, to Lender"s address stated herein or to
<br />5uch other addreu ili l..t4der may dOlgnalc hy notlcc W Borrower a'$ prOVided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust s.baH be deemed to have heen given 11..1 Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designated herein,
<br />15. Uniform DM4 olTrar:: C.oYfl'!Ii-c taw. Slt't'rnhlHtJ. Inls form of deed of trust combines unifonn covenants for
<br />natlonal use and n(\n.unuorm covcna..nu wnh hmncJ VarIatIOns hy lurisdtClil"O to c,onstitute a uniform -.ecurity instrument
<br />coverina real pruperty_ Thu, Deed or TrU1t "hall he governed hv lh~ law ,-,I the jurisdiction in which the Property,,,,, located.
<br />In (he event Ihat any prOVIsion or c-taUie of lhls IJecd oJ Trus.t M the !'otc Lontlicts with :tpphcable Jaw. s.uch conflict shall
<br />not affect other pro-visions of thi:s lJeed of Tr,U$t l"lr the Note whu:h cao ~ ~iven dIee! without the C(\ot1icting: provision.
<br />;tnd to this end lhe provgiona 101 the Deed of rrw.l .1t-_n-tl Ihe ~ote arc i.kdared W he severable.
<br />l6. Borrower'. Cop). Borrower $ban be furntshed 4-1 ..onformcd .:opy t'( tht~ Note and of this Deco of Tru!\t at the rime
<br />of CllecUtiOll or afler recotdation hereof,
<br />11. TI"8ftIf..- of the Proputy; A............ If;lll "l' an~ part ':J.f Ih~ Property l'f an interest therein is- soJd or tnnsf~rred
<br />by Bor-rowff without Lendcc'j prier written C-IJllxnt, cxdmhng j J.' (he ...'reation of a lien or encumhrance subordinate h)
<br />
<br />:~~..(~'~:~~~L~ ~~l:~~ ?~"lJ:~~. ~~.~.e!~~,c..~~r.~~~ }~~e:~:l !~_~~\~~~~il~_:~r~~~~~:..{~: ~:ii t:~~~s!~:.-~:~ ~:v::~:
<br />__......~ ..... _.~ u..-~.,.......... ~.~ ._.. _rn. _~_ ..._u. v. _ .~....~ .~.._.H "'. . ~~ ".... !io...... ,., ....J '.....~u...,.~ ..h.........~. v. H.._.... ~...__~ ~" ._~~
<br />not contalnto,an optu:m 10 purchuc, l_cnJcr m:i~. ~t l_ender\ npl.tOll. dc..-:lnrc ..tII the ~url1s secured by this f)..~ed l~f Trust to he
<br />Hnme:diatcly due and payable, Le.nder !ha.H oa'l4:' walyed such vptlon io a.c\."eicnue if. pnor 10 the sale or transfer, Lender
<br />.!nd the peocP [0 wOOm (he Prt){)eH)' u 10 be ~l)id .;'r It'an>.lene-d rea<:h ;lgrcement !n \\-THing that the credit of such pcrsOIl
<br />IS ~atiHa-ctory to Lender and that the- iotCTOI pJt)'abtt \)fl the HHHl'> ~~\,.;ur(d hy thl~ Deed t:'if Trusl shall PC at 5lh.:h rate as
<br />Lender -1haH reqUC3t, If Lender has WilJ\-'et,i tbe op-w:>n Ii" a-l;',,;:der.ue pro\'tded lfl (his paragraph 17, and if Borrower's ~ucc;:essor
<br />In IOk-fe$( hti t)'<<UI~ a wnHc-11 dMUmptit.'U agre<<:'f1lcm ;Si:1.:Cpted In wrltlng hv Lend-cr, I.coder 'ihaU release ijorrower from
<br />aU obfiption:s under tiN! lJ.oc>j of T~t ~ad ,he N<ne
<br />It Lc-ndtr ~~erci~ such opt...,," h) a.;";,,kra.tc, L('o..'Cf .,h.lli mad Bornw,'ct 110h~( tJ.f ~H.:\:elcfatlOn in uccordaoce I.\-'ilh
<br />plngraph J4 he:reuL Such I\OOce &haU provide" pt:H.l,JU of not h.''\~ (h{m )0 ~ja~s- froUl the date (he notice JS mailed within
<br />wtut;h BanOW4:'f may pa) the- ~un~ d<<latN due, If lklrTt.lWer {,lIh ll.l pit; \ticn ~uO\~ prIOr to the ex.piralion of such period.
<br />Lender may, wlthout tunMl Ih_)-hce Of demand (1n Ht'HhW.i~l', Iflh't"C ;HlY remcdt~;, permitted hy paragraph 18 herrof.
<br />NON~UNWOk~ CO\'f.N~"ifS 80rwwcr and Lt-nder lunher l'O\'C'nafH ",~d agree a.. follows:
<br />II, A(",~ Rt'~ .:.e..... ti. ~o....d In p.....-.ph 17 heRof. upon BOffOWer!i; bftMCh of any fo\'enanl or
<br />a:&fffRWaI of Borrolt<<r in tbbi 11H4 of 1'n.tM.. iltdudiat: 1M CO\thMA15 10 pa)' .....ht-n due an) sums ~ured by this Bred
<br />of l'f1I5l. LftMkr priot' to K~r.do.ft Wt.aJt mail nutK~ '0 BorWWt'f .'" pnt-"wed in pa....F1lpb 14 hereof s~dfy'nR: (l) the
<br />breach: (21 tM _ .--- I.. <..... 'u<h _h; (31 . d..... not I.... lha. 311 da)'. from lhe dale Ih. nollce i, malled to
<br />Bonu_er. by wllk-h MK-b bnkh rmt.iI hi: ('-Ultd~ .-nd (4-) that fai'w-e io nlte :\u('h breac-h o-n or before .he d:tte spet'ified
<br />in the IMlIitt ma) fUuh in M.~c-deration of 'he wnm. '\el'urt4 h) Ih~ nt'fii of -!'rust and q}e of tM Pn~r1Y, The noti{'t.'
<br />!daaII f.rIht,. infOl1ft Borrower of dN' ri&ht to ft'.ftSt..~ .tte-r at'ce-kr.tion and the rig.hl too bring It ('ourt action 10 U$.~ert
<br />the- ~__-O(r of .. delauk Of .all) oahu defraw of Borf1.nH~r to- 8C1...ek....tioa and Mde. If the breach is flul cured
<br />on Of bt'-f8ft! tile dale spKWed ift lhe ftOIke~ tInder aC 1~tK.kf'o!i oplioP m.) .t<<.ta.... .ll;U of the 'um'S Sft'yrrd h,- this I~~-d
<br />of TI'lIid to he i~y due aad pa,-ahk without 'tilth<< .mend .and 1Ila)' In'\'C)k~ Ihe power of sllik and .0,. other rthlwi~
<br />pe~ Dt ~~ b~~ ~..dn.-.lJ ~ "flItit~ ..~ 4'~_'-' ~l r-f~~f: {'Q.;;ts ~mI fxpenws '!'!-{'(und tn ~u..~m~, fhe
<br />,.......... .....Wecll.. I.... _..... HI. iDclud...., but """ limited 10. .._...able un.."",)'. f.... ,-
<br />If .tIe: "~.ff of !>ale 6; ia,,"ed. l'rw.tft ihaU record ll1i noli<< of ddauh in eu-..'h (:Gunt" in ~bjc..'h Ihe ProPf'N)' or 'iQme
<br />part tINftef 10 *_ _ .ha11 _ <<>pi<> ..f _I> _I<< i. the m.......' 1"""'';_ by .pplkable Ia", I" IIonvlt'<r .nd ,,, the
<br />""'"' ......... ~ ., appli<aIoIe Iatt. After 1M ~ of su<h lime '" ...., be ffijuin;d by appll<-.bIe I8lt, 'rru.teo .hall
<br />dve paWk ROlin of .... to 'M pb'SOIIS iUMI i-n U... 1'UalUMf' pthCf'ibtd b)' applic-able- 1.",_ Ttus*e-e, witbout demand on
<br />aor-u, ohaII oeD 1M Proport) at pulJtie """Iio.. to the hiEheot bidclo, a' the ti_ .nd pla<. and u.cIo, lbe I",n.. designal.d
<br />In thellClCi<e of _In _... __ parcels """ in weh ..rder ... Tru>teo ma) dOI...nin.. Tru>tee may pool....... .... ot' .11
<br />..- 8lI1 pII<<d 01 floe I'nIperly by pt1bIk -..re_... at lhe ti_ .nd p1Ik'O 01 .n) ",..1_) ",heduled .""', I...dor nr
<br />............. ........ ""'1 .......hMc the Propony at oy sale.
<br />l""" r.,...,!pl of PUl- 01 tbe prIc.- bid. T........ .- dtli... to ,I.. pur~_r Trust.... deed "K".yiult the I'n..,.rt~
<br />MId. Tllt .- '- tbt T......'. dted lihaII be pr!_ f..d" ",id_" of the truth of ,he 't.I""...... made lhereio. r........
<br />.. ~ -the ~ tal I. ... in tilt' follo..-iDt& order: (a) tu .U ~labif: c~ and t'XpellICli uf the ~. int:'juding~ but
<br />_ ~ to" Tf\I!ik!e~1 rMAl or DOt fIIGft'- tbaA h of ~ of the ~ WIk prit.-'t:-, fl,~ Iltlurlle) ',; r~ and COtd~ uf title tlkktM:t';
<br />,It) 10"'___., IWt LlNcI of 1'-'; _tclIheU<t'M, 11...,,10 lbe per><tt' or ptnott., leaally ...ullecl then.....
<br />.... ~....._ to...........~ Not\\llth'\tat~dm-* Lende:r's a~ceicrolliol' of the Ilutn, ~..:un.."(j hy !hi>.; Dt~e\f (It TI'H\i.
<br />BontWf.'Cf' iht.U n.ve the, l't-,bt ~-t'I hi"'.: any P10(ffUJn#,- h<-.:Jun 11)' L~ndef I(l t':'ntnrct thl\ De-cd (It Tm..r dl~\':or.-t'nIJ('-,J ai
<br />~..y l1l'UC:- ptlar !o d~ e-ar.~! 10 llJ.'Cltf (t! (q t~ tifth d.a:y helotC'- l~ li,,A,k of the Pt{tperl)' puo>uant f(i. fhe ~)-'We( ('f "de l,;tlnli:tll1('d
<br />ifubU ~Q{ 'f~t ~ bi}t:mrr (~a ~odlnUitn,t .enfon:tng th",. I>eed of Tm~t ff, ~a) 8tnn1....'C( pay!\. L.~ndt~r ;-ill "-urn..,; wlw.:h "",\ttld
<br />!1ethcn_-~_uudc!f,'ha.-[__d oJ lrv~t..the N()t~ and noles ~-ectinng FtHlJfC A:d\'j;S>>t,;t"" If HIlV, had no ~Kr.:el'Cf.)tIH.'tn i~;(!~!r\"d
<br />{b~ ~".(t\l-"Gf t;-"~ aU ~(;tw., vt ilU11 (tther t:{f;\lCn~nt" or a.ttrite~nt~ (j~ n()t~",('-1 t:oouuned tn lhl'" Deed d 1 Hbt
<br />tt;:}.Jlan'QW~ -pa)'l aU ft/llti()i'wU1e eX,~-b HK'Ufn:i.i tty tcndc:t and ltl!....f<< fJ) ~n-tofl,;H\g the l,:-l.,~\ie_nant"l and ...gn:cJHCOlS \~t
<br />llorfmll-#f (;Mt~itwd in lht~ ()ftU of "tu~ ~nd Hl' tnft)-H::iug Le~r'\ ;iit\ti Tru,\<el."", n~llk'die~ ~1'" pr(l~u.Rd In p-auS:.aph !.~
<br />~. -i~ftt.-_ hUt rwt_tf.IndM_ ~o. f~m4bh~ "!t~Mm:.,\ t€'e~: and fJl ~t(t~f' t;lk-l'~ ,\ti\.:h acUO-f'l a~ t _e-nde-r t1.1av le~~i>n"bh
<br />t~~,H"" u)- ~ut,. l,.... -liw u.n {..f dtf5 t>tred oJ . fud. l,endcr'o{ tftte-,.(,~t rf! Iht" Prnpert\-' and HOT!o""('(-<, -1.~hlt,tq.tI.'n t,; ,hi\-
<br />
<br />.--=--~
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